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Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by robcguns on Today at 09:47:44 AM »
Tense times on the forum these days.

Bands, lists, international conflicts.

Hopefully the good weather will ease tensions.

Getbig is serious business Grape.
They were complete pussies. This guy tells a funny story from the 80s @53:00, how a footballer called Lyle Alzado knocked them out both in a split second with one single flat hand slap at the Golds Gym parking lot in front of everyone after an argument in the gym (those were supposedly the days when you felt like you were at a Gorilla zoo @Golds).

Does this look like a fucking German language site?  Dummkoft.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Why do some folks think
« Last post by Tapeworm on Today at 09:45:41 AM »
Did you hear the latest contract the UPS drivers got. After five years it's 170K.  Might be a good idea. Could you handle the pressure of dealing with assholes day in and day out?  Then again most of the cops in NJ and California make over 150K.

Sure. There's no competition and they have a union. Like any government entity, they're a monopoly by law.

Everyone knows a government restaurant would be a disaster, especially if you had no other way to eat. But when it comes to other big important things we're supposed to trust they'll deliver efficiency and value in an environment without competition and with guaranteed funding regardless of performance.

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Robcguns
« Last post by MajorDomo on Today at 09:42:26 AM »
Rob C is one of the coolest guys on Getbig.

38 returns- not so much
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Ashley Biden & her Pedo dad ??
« Last post by deadz on Today at 09:41:57 AM »
Nothing is wrong with me. Are you aware that a diary is legally considered hearsay?
Pedo sympathizer and likely a pedo. You are an asshole!
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump Derangement Syndrome
« Last post by deadz on Today at 09:40:17 AM »
WATCH – MSNBC hack Lawrence O’Donnell defends Michael Cohen stealing $30k from Trump
S C U M !
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2024 Charlotte Cup April 7th
« Last post by webstar on Today at 09:39:52 AM »
I notice Brian has stopped posting pictures /videos of his weight.

Must be out of TRT and down to his natural weight of 175lbs
Porch monkeys..downfall of society.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Trump’s company loses $4 one week.
« Last post by OAK on Today at 09:24:58 AM »
It's funny when you realize all people have to do to understand inflation is replace that word with "record breaking corporate profits".

When an increase in the cost of goods rise in the economy with the cost of materials, raw sources, etc ... are due to a decrease in the power of money.  That is inflation.

When an increase in the cost of goods rise in the economy are due to corporations deliberately increasing their profit margins, that is greed.

They teach this in high schools.   ::)

When a decrease

Great point!

The AVERAGE Trump supporter is a COMPLETE moron and has ZERO understanding of how an economy works and lack BASIC math skills.

This is why they continue to support him and invest in his "companies".

Gossip & Opinions / Re: MK677 on a Keto diet?
« Last post by Rambone on Today at 09:23:02 AM »
Choose the Heath’s routine

Will do Hammer Strength chest presses tomorrow. Thanks
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