Author Topic: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats  (Read 38613 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #125 on: July 01, 2022, 05:51:26 AM »
San Francisco named second-worst-run city in US by WalletHub. City officials are livid.
sfgate ^ | June 29, 2022 | Amy Graff
Posted on 6/30/2022, 7:03:37 PM

*** Two Bay Area cities ranked poorly in a recent study by WalletHub that examined the operating efficiency of 150 U.S. cities and identified which are run well and which are not. The personal finance website looked at metrics related to a city's operating budget and the quality of the services it provides — everything from public school to transit — to quantify who's at the top of the list and who's at the bottom.

San Francisco came in at No. 149, making it the second-worst-run city in the country, according to WalletHub's metrics. Only our nation's capital, Washington, D.C., was worse.

"San Francisco ranked particularly poorly when it comes to long-term debt outstanding per capita, where it was second to last," WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez wrote in an email to SFGATE. "It also has the lowest quality of roads in the country — 18 times worse than No. 1 Jacksonville. The city did, however, rank better when it comes to its health and education numbers."

The study scored each city by measuring the per-capita operating budget against the quality of 38 services spread across six categories: financial stability, education, health, safety, economy and infrastructure and pollution. The city's credit rating by Moody's and the outstanding long-term debt per capita were considered under financial stability. Public school ratings and the high school graduation rate fell under education, and infant mortality rate, average life expectancy and quality of the public hospital system were among several factors weighed in the health category.

The violent and property crime rates, as well as motor vehicle fatalities per capita, were among those factors considered in safety, and under the economy category there was a long list of metrics including unemployment rate, median household income and share of population living in poverty. ***MORE

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #126 on: August 19, 2022, 04:51:56 PM »
Very well-done musically!


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #127 on: August 19, 2022, 05:15:15 PM »
San Francisco named second-worst-run city in US by WalletHub. City officials are livid.
sfgate ^ | June 29, 2022 | Amy Graff
Posted on 6/30/2022, 7:03:37 PM

*** Two Bay Area cities ranked poorly in a recent study by WalletHub that examined the operating efficiency of 150 U.S. cities and identified which are run well and which are not. The personal finance website looked at metrics related to a city's operating budget and the quality of the services it provides — everything from public school to transit — to quantify who's at the top of the list and who's at the bottom.

San Francisco came in at No. 149, making it the second-worst-run city in the country, according to WalletHub's metrics. Only our nation's capital, Washington, D.C., was worse.

"San Francisco ranked particularly poorly when it comes to long-term debt outstanding per capita, where it was second to last," WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez wrote in an email to SFGATE. "It also has the lowest quality of roads in the country — 18 times worse than No. 1 Jacksonville. The city did, however, rank better when it comes to its health and education numbers."

The study scored each city by measuring the per-capita operating budget against the quality of 38 services spread across six categories: financial stability, education, health, safety, economy and infrastructure and pollution. The city's credit rating by Moody's and the outstanding long-term debt per capita were considered under financial stability. Public school ratings and the high school graduation rate fell under education, and infant mortality rate, average life expectancy and quality of the public hospital system were among several factors weighed in the health category.

The violent and property crime rates, as well as motor vehicle fatalities per capita, were among those factors considered in safety, and under the economy category there was a long list of metrics including unemployment rate, median household income and share of population living in poverty. ***MORE

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

This does not surprise me. It may be better now but last time I was in DC, there were what appeared to be homeless people and beggars everywhere. In some parts of DC, it is dangerous to walk at night dangerous. One person in our group, has MS and uses a motorized chair. Many of the sidewalks were in disrepair and there was no such thing as handicap accessibility either at intersections or in buildings. To enter a building whether government and private you practically go through a strip search.

There was one good aspect to DC which was the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. Getting around town using public transit was cheap and easily navigated. My two best memories of that last visit were having lunch in the Senate dining room and some of the restaurants around Dupont Circle.

It has been eons since I was in San Francisco. Even back when, it wasn't a city I would choose to live in. It's noisy and all those hills. Well, you would probably like running up them since it would be a killer exercise.


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #128 on: August 22, 2022, 04:54:06 PM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #129 on: September 01, 2022, 08:13:17 AM »


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #130 on: September 01, 2022, 06:28:06 PM »

LOL - good luck w the EV morons.
Didn't read your article, but this country as a whole is completely and totally unprepared for a switch to electric vehicles. The genius government should get their shit together and prepare for a mass transfer of energy consumption BEFORE they force people to get fucked.

Soul Crusher

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #131 on: September 06, 2022, 07:37:45 AM »
Parent Lawsuit Gaining Steam Against LA Public Health Dept. Over Indoor Mask Mandate
California Globe ^ | September 6, 2022 | Katy Grimes
Posted on 9/6/2022, 10:36:39 AM by artichokegrower

A new lawsuit filed in Los Angeles on behalf of a group of parents seeks to immediately halt any plans to bring back an indoor mask mandate on school children, claiming that the Los Angeles Department of Public Health “is using erroneous hospitalization metrics,” the Globe reported in July.

“On behalf of @LACountyParents, I filed a petition for writ of mandate and complaint against @lapublichealth, Ferrer and Davis. We cannot live like this anymore. If she proceeds with the new mask mandate on Friday, we will immediately seek a TRO,” attorney Julie Hamill announced on Twitter.

Hamill’s lawsuit names defendants:

“COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH; MUNTU DAVIS, in his official capacity as Health Officer for the County of Los Angeles; BARBARA FERRER, in her official capacity as Director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #132 on: September 07, 2022, 07:52:32 AM »
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Another Round Of Rolling Blackouts In California
Manhattan Contrarian ^ | 6 Sep, 2022 | Francis Menton
Posted on 9/7/2022, 8:22:47 AM by MtnClimber

This summer has seen repeated warnings in California that another round of rolling blackouts could be coming. (The last such round was in August 2020.). Somehow, before today, several close calls have been averted. But today, California’s luck seems to have run out. Even as I’m writing this post, California’s main utility PG&E has put some 525,000 customers on notice that rolling blackouts could be imposed this evening as the sun sets and power from solar arrays konks out.

Temperatures in California, particularly in the Bay Area, are indeed running unusually hot, although in most cases not all-time records. You won’t be surprised to learn that one mainstream press source after another attributes the power shortage and resulting blackouts to “climate change:” But the funny thing is, as hot as the temperatures are, they are no hotter than temperatures experienced this year — and indeed every year — in other states like Arizona and Texas. And yet those states are not having rolling blackouts caused by inadequate electricity on the grid. Nor have those states had rolling blackouts in other years when their all-time record temperatures have been set.

In other words, these blackouts have essentially nothing to do with “climate change,” and everything to do with criminally incompetent government policy supposedly responding to “climate change.”

Bloomberg has the latest with a piece from this afternoon headlined “California Says Brace for Blackouts as Heat Wave Drives Record Power Use.” It seems that the current heat wave is being accompanied by all-time-high power demand:

Electricity use reached 50.6 gigawatts at 3:15 p.m. local time, according to the state’s grid operator, surpassing the previous record set in 2006. The surge in demand comes amid a punishing and lengthy heat wave that has sent temperatures soaring past 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 Celsius), prompting officials to plead for conservation and warn rolling outages may be necessary to prevent the system from overloading.

The state’s largest power company, PG&E Corp., said in a statement that it had notified about 525,000 homes and businesses that they could lose power for up to two hours. . . . For a second consecutive day, the state’s grid operator issued a level-2 energy emergency alert. Officials expect to ratchet that emergency up to level 3 at 5:30 p.m. local time -- which would mean blackouts are imminent.

Now, it can’t possibly have come as a surprise that usage of electricity in California is increasing to all-time highs. After all, California has been doing everything it can to induce consumers to switch all energy usage to electricity, and particularly to switch from internal combustion to electric cars. The automotive sector uses about as much energy in total as everything currently powered by electricity. Considering just the automobile sector, if everybody switched to electric cars, demand for electricity would close to double.

In response to increasing government regulations and jawboning, not to mention voluntary virtue signaling, electric vehicle sales in California have been soaring. Wikipedia here has a chart of sales of electric vehicles in California since 2010. From a base of around zero (actually 300 cars) in 2010, sales of all-electric cars have risen to some 176,357 in 2021, representing a 9.5% market share of all vehicles sold. Another 61,261 plug-in hybrids were also sold in California in 2021, constituting an additional 3.3% of the market, bringing the total market share for cars drawing electricity from the grid to 12.8%. Of course use of electricity is increasing.

And use of electricity for cars is set to increase far more, and soon. Just two weeks ago the California Air Resources Board put in place a new regulation requiring a rapid transition to a situation where only electric vehicles will be allowed in California by 2035, with interim mandates for percentage of electric vehicle sales going up every year starting with 2026. From CARB’s release:

The new regulation accelerates requirements that automakers deliver an increasing number of zero-emission light-duty vehicles each year beginning in model year 2026. Sales of new ZEVs and PHEVs will start with 35% that year, build to 68% in 2030, and reach 100% in 2035.

Note that the 35% mandated market share of electric vehicles in 2026 represents about a trebling of the 12.8% market share for those vehicles in 2021. With one point of market share representing about 18,000 vehicles, electric vehicle sales would appear set to increase immediately by some 70,000 per year or so, if CARB gets its way. Here is CARB’s chart of the coming post-2026 electric vehicle market share mandates:

Meanwhile, over in the market for production of electricity, here is what Bloomberg reports:

California has aggressively closed natural-gas power plants in recent years. . . .

California also shut one of its two large nuclear plants, San Onofre, in 2013, and until recently was planning to shut its last nuclear plant, Diablo Canyon, in 2025 (although it may be reconsidering that decision). And what is the replacement for these reliable power sources?

[T]he state [is] increasingly dependent on solar farms that go dark late in the day just as electricity demand peaks. . . .

Nobody seems to have figured out that you can cover the state with solar panels, and you will still get zero electricity from them after the sun goes down at night. Could they really be this stupid? Yes.

Read a few mainstream media sources about this week’s power crunch in California, and you will find that the official explanation is “climate change.” For example, from PBS today:

California is facing its highest chance of blackouts this year as a brutal heat wave continues to blanket the state with triple-digit temperatures. . . . Scientists say climate change has made the West warmer and drier over the last three decades and will continue to make weather more extreme. . . .

From NBC News, also today:

California will face its highest chance of blackouts this year as a brutal heat wave continues to blanket the state with triple-digit heat, officials warned Monday. . . . Scientists say climate change has made the West warmer and drier over the last three decades and will continue to make weather more extreme. . . .

Do they all just copy those talking points word for word from each other?

And yet somehow the major cities of Arizona and Texas have week after week of 100+ degree temperatures, year after year, without any need for rolling blackouts. According to Weather Underground here, Phoenix got over 100 degrees F every day this year from July 1 to July 23, with many of those days over 110 and some over 115, but no threats of blackouts. Hey, you just need enough fossil fuel power plants (including several burn

Princess L

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #133 on: September 07, 2022, 08:38:01 AM »

Nobody seems to have figured out that you can cover the state with solar panels, and you will still get zero electricity from them after the sun goes down at night. Could they really be this stupid? Yes.

Foolish rhetorical question silly wabbit.


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #134 on: September 07, 2022, 03:28:31 PM »
Didn't read your article, but this country as a whole is completely and totally unprepared for a switch to electric vehicles. The genius government should get their shit together and prepare for a mass transfer of energy consumption BEFORE they force people to get fucked.

Not me. I'm ready to switch to a Lucid Air. At a cost of $80 G's to $180 G's everyone can make the switch. Think of all the money I'll save on gas and maintenance. LOL!



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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #135 on: September 07, 2022, 05:34:24 PM »
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Another Round Of Rolling Blackouts In California
Manhattan Contrarian ^ | 6 Sep, 2022 | Francis Menton
Posted on 9/7/2022, 8:22:47 AM by MtnClimber

This summer has seen repeated warnings in California that another round of rolling blackouts could be coming. (The last such round was in August 2020.). Somehow, before today, several close calls have been averted. But today, California’s luck seems to have run out. Even as I’m writing this post, California’s main utility PG&E has put some 525,000 customers on notice that rolling blackouts could be imposed this evening as the sun sets and power from solar arrays konks out.

Temperatures in California, particularly in the Bay Area, are indeed running unusually hot, although in most cases not all-time records. You won’t be surprised to learn that one mainstream press source after another attributes the power shortage and resulting blackouts to “climate change:” But the funny thing is, as hot as the temperatures are, they are no hotter than temperatures experienced this year — and indeed every year — in other states like Arizona and Texas. And yet those states are not having rolling blackouts caused by inadequate electricity on the grid. Nor have those states had rolling blackouts in other years when their all-time record temperatures have been set.

In other words, these blackouts have essentially nothing to do with “climate change,” and everything to do with criminally incompetent government policy supposedly responding to “climate change.”

Bloomberg has the latest with a piece from this afternoon headlined “California Says Brace for Blackouts as Heat Wave Drives Record Power Use.” It seems that the current heat wave is being accompanied by all-time-high power demand:

Electricity use reached 50.6 gigawatts at 3:15 p.m. local time, according to the state’s grid operator, surpassing the previous record set in 2006. The surge in demand comes amid a punishing and lengthy heat wave that has sent temperatures soaring past 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 Celsius), prompting officials to plead for conservation and warn rolling outages may be necessary to prevent the system from overloading.

The state’s largest power company, PG&E Corp., said in a statement that it had notified about 525,000 homes and businesses that they could lose power for up to two hours. . . . For a second consecutive day, the state’s grid operator issued a level-2 energy emergency alert. Officials expect to ratchet that emergency up to level 3 at 5:30 p.m. local time -- which would mean blackouts are imminent.

Now, it can’t possibly have come as a surprise that usage of electricity in California is increasing to all-time highs. After all, California has been doing everything it can to induce consumers to switch all energy usage to electricity, and particularly to switch from internal combustion to electric cars. The automotive sector uses about as much energy in total as everything currently powered by electricity. Considering just the automobile sector, if everybody switched to electric cars, demand for electricity would close to double.

In response to increasing government regulations and jawboning, not to mention voluntary virtue signaling, electric vehicle sales in California have been soaring. Wikipedia here has a chart of sales of electric vehicles in California since 2010. From a base of around zero (actually 300 cars) in 2010, sales of all-electric cars have risen to some 176,357 in 2021, representing a 9.5% market share of all vehicles sold. Another 61,261 plug-in hybrids were also sold in California in 2021, constituting an additional 3.3% of the market, bringing the total market share for cars drawing electricity from the grid to 12.8%. Of course use of electricity is increasing.

And use of electricity for cars is set to increase far more, and soon. Just two weeks ago the California Air Resources Board put in place a new regulation requiring a rapid transition to a situation where only electric vehicles will be allowed in California by 2035, with interim mandates for percentage of electric vehicle sales going up every year starting with 2026. From CARB’s release:

The new regulation accelerates requirements that automakers deliver an increasing number of zero-emission light-duty vehicles each year beginning in model year 2026. Sales of new ZEVs and PHEVs will start with 35% that year, build to 68% in 2030, and reach 100% in 2035.

Note that the 35% mandated market share of electric vehicles in 2026 represents about a trebling of the 12.8% market share for those vehicles in 2021. With one point of market share representing about 18,000 vehicles, electric vehicle sales would appear set to increase immediately by some 70,000 per year or so, if CARB gets its way. Here is CARB’s chart of the coming post-2026 electric vehicle market share mandates:

Meanwhile, over in the market for production of electricity, here is what Bloomberg reports:

California has aggressively closed natural-gas power plants in recent years. . . .

California also shut one of its two large nuclear plants, San Onofre, in 2013, and until recently was planning to shut its last nuclear plant, Diablo Canyon, in 2025 (although it may be reconsidering that decision). And what is the replacement for these reliable power sources?

[T]he state [is] increasingly dependent on solar farms that go dark late in the day just as electricity demand peaks. . . .

Nobody seems to have figured out that you can cover the state with solar panels, and you will still get zero electricity from them after the sun goes down at night. Could they really be this stupid? Yes.

Read a few mainstream media sources about this week’s power crunch in California, and you will find that the official explanation is “climate change.” For example, from PBS today:

California is facing its highest chance of blackouts this year as a brutal heat wave continues to blanket the state with triple-digit temperatures. . . . Scientists say climate change has made the West warmer and drier over the last three decades and will continue to make weather more extreme. . . .

From NBC News, also today:

California will face its highest chance of blackouts this year as a brutal heat wave continues to blanket the state with triple-digit heat, officials warned Monday. . . . Scientists say climate change has made the West warmer and drier over the last three decades and will continue to make weather more extreme. . . .

Do they all just copy those talking points word for word from each other?

And yet somehow the major cities of Arizona and Texas have week after week of 100+ degree temperatures, year after year, without any need for rolling blackouts. According to Weather Underground here, Phoenix got over 100 degrees F every day this year from July 1 to July 23, with many of those days over 110 and some over 115, but no threats of blackouts. Hey, you just need enough fossil fuel power plants (including several burn

We currently have 3,000 MW of battery storage.  To go "carbon free" we need 50,000 MW of storage - 17X more, and I don't know if the estimates account for the dozens of jurisdictions that force new residential and retail construction to connect only to electricity - no natural gas.


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #136 on: September 07, 2022, 06:36:51 PM »

 announced 2025 Tesla designs for California 👇

This surprising concept comes after California governor banned gas cars, and banned charging electric cars.


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #137 on: September 08, 2022, 05:55:32 PM »

All Eyes on Gov. Newsom as California Looks to Pass Nation’s First Law to Punish Doctors for COVID ‘Misinformation’
California Assembly Bill 2098, passed Aug. 29 by the California Senate and now awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature, would subject doctors and others to disciplinary action — including having their licenses to practice medicine in California suspended or revoked — for spreading COVID-19 “misinformation.”

California is poised to become the first state to take legal action against medical practitioners accused of spreading COVID-19 “misinformation or disinformation.”

California Assembly Bill 2098 (AB 2098), passed Aug. 29 by the California Senate and now awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature, would subject doctors and others to disciplinary action — including having their licenses to practice medicine in California suspended or revoked — for spreading “vaccine disinformation.”

The bill, which states that some of the most “dangerous propagators” of inaccurate information about COVID-19 vaccines are licensed healthcare professionals, declares it to be “unprofessional conduct” for a physician and surgeon to disseminate “misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

Gov. Newsom, who has until Sept. 19 to sign the bill, has not yet taken a public position on it, The New York Times reported.

The bill defines “misinformation” as any “false” information that is “contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.”


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #138 on: September 10, 2022, 05:05:44 PM »

Without Respect For Property Rights, It’s a Heartbreak Hotel

The Los Angeles City Council has voted unanimously to place on the March 2024 ballot a measure that would require hotels to accept the placement of homeless persons in vacant rooms. The measure would “require hotels to report the number of vacant rooms” to the city each afternoon for this purpose. In addition, it would impose a complicated permitting process on new hotel developments of more than 100 units, and require hotel developments of 15 or more rooms to include development of nearby affordable housing to replace any displaced by the project.

Members of the hotel‐​worker union UNITE HERE Local 11 drew up the proposal and collected the 126,000 signatures. It’s part of a pattern in which unions have drawn up far‐​reaching regulatory schemes aimed at employers which they have then presented to the L.A. city council for enactment by a signature process. Earlier, UNITE HERE had gotten the council to require hotels to adopt a variety of management practices favorable toward its interests, including providing daily room maintenance unless customers affirmatively opt out.


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #139 on: September 11, 2022, 08:10:50 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #141 on: September 12, 2022, 10:13:01 AM »
Gun Control LA Mayoral Candidate Has Guns Stolen
FrontPage Magazine ^ | September 11, 2022 | Daniel Greenfield
Posted on 9/12/2022, 10:27:54 AM

How much irony and hypocrisy can one single story contain?

Karen Bass, the pro-crime and pro-gun control candidate for mayor in Los Angeles wants to find out.

A burglar or burglars broke into the home of Rep. Karen Bass on Friday evening and made off with two firearms, the Los Angeles mayoral candidate said in a statement released Saturday.

In the brief statement, Bass said she came home Friday to find signs of a break-in and that police were called. She said the thief or thieves stole two firearms, which had been “safely and securely stored,” but left behind cash, electronics and other valuables.

Bass communications director Sarah Leonard Sheahan confirmed to The Times that the guns belonged to the congresswoman and that they were secured in a lockbox. No one was home at the time of the break-in, Leonard Sheahan said.

Neither Leonard Sheahan nor Bass’ statement provided more details, such as what type of guns were stolen.

Bass, as congresswoman, was a militant gun control supporter. And she’s also running on a pro-crime platform of not enforcing laws and giving criminals a pass because of systemic injustice. Meanwhile she was keeping two guns in her home. Why? Because she believed in not shooting burglars? Or because she believed in shooting them, but doesn’t believe that anyone else has the right to defend their homes. Self-defense is a privilege for politicians. Not the people.

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #142 on: September 12, 2022, 12:04:02 PM »

All Eyes on Gov. Newsom as California Looks to Pass Nation’s First Law to Punish Doctors for COVID ‘Misinformation’
California Assembly Bill 2098, passed Aug. 29 by the California Senate and now awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature, would subject doctors and others to disciplinary action — including having their licenses to practice medicine in California suspended or revoked — for spreading COVID-19 “misinformation.”

California is poised to become the first state to take legal action against medical practitioners accused of spreading COVID-19 “misinformation or disinformation.”

California Assembly Bill 2098 (AB 2098), passed Aug. 29 by the California Senate and now awaiting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature, would subject doctors and others to disciplinary action — including having their licenses to practice medicine in California suspended or revoked — for spreading “vaccine disinformation.”

The bill, which states that some of the most “dangerous propagators” of inaccurate information about COVID-19 vaccines are licensed healthcare professionals, declares it to be “unprofessional conduct” for a physician and surgeon to disseminate “misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

Gov. Newsom, who has until Sept. 19 to sign the bill, has not yet taken a public position on it, The New York Times reported.

The bill defines “misinformation” as any “false” information that is “contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.”

Today's "misinformation" are just spoilers for tomorrow's truth with this shit.


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #143 on: September 12, 2022, 02:04:10 PM »
Wouldn't step foot in California. C unt State!

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #144 on: September 14, 2022, 09:01:03 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #146 on: September 15, 2022, 05:17:11 AM »
Teen fentanyl overdose deaths soaring in California
KTLA ^ | September 14, 2022 | Iman Palm
Posted on 9/15/2022, 12:17:37

The overdose death of a student at Bernstein High School in Hollywood Tuesday night added to an already troubling trend of increasing youth overdoses linked to Fentanyl.

At least two other students were hospitalized after police say they ingested pills they believed were Percocet.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #147 on: September 16, 2022, 07:45:18 AM »


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #148 on: September 16, 2022, 05:36:49 PM »
Newsom trying to attract people to move to CA by touting how abortion is still legal. How does that help the fact that the tax collections at this point in time are 11% lower than expected? Whining about most of the big companies leaving CA and most of the businesses that were hiring have stopped. Thanks democrats. ::)


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Re: California is totally F % & K E D under Democrats
« Reply #149 on: September 16, 2022, 06:05:31 PM »
Newsom trying to attract people to move to CA by touting how abortion is still legal. How does that help the fact that the tax collections at this point in time are 11% lower than expected? Whining about most of the big companies leaving CA and most of the businesses that were hiring have stopped. Thanks democrats. ::)

Idjit actually challenged DeSantis to a debate via twitter.  We've got a 30-month-old C-19 state of emergency, and he'll waste time harassing another governor.