Author Topic: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'  (Read 12745 times)


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #50 on: March 19, 2013, 02:36:59 PM »
Unwanted sexual advances, whether they are made by someone of the same sex or the opposite sex are wrong and should not be tolerated by anyone. If and when you have children, I hope you teach them the tools to ward off unwanted sexual advances. This is important stuff for children to know, unfortunately. There are a lot of creepy folks, like pedophiles, in the world who would do harm to an innocent child. The best defense is always a good offense.

i seen a creepy white guy taking photos outside my local primary school

never felt so much rage grabbed a pole from my car and beat him to an inch of his life

by standers were shocked and were holding me back when i told them what had happened

they all joined in and stomped him.

cops came to my house and i thought im fukd im going to prison but they thanked me

because he was just released for pedophelia and was going to offend again.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #51 on: March 19, 2013, 02:38:19 PM »
i seen a creepy white guy taking photos outside my local primary school

never felt so much rage grabbed a pole from my car and beat him to an inch of his life

by standers were shocked and were holding me back when i told them what had happened

they all joined in and stomped him.

cops came to my house and i thought im fukd im going to prison but they thanked me

because he was just released for pedophelia and was going to offend again.

Cool story bro

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #52 on: March 19, 2013, 02:39:46 PM »
^^^If it's ever proven that homosexuality is a learnt behavior at a very young age, wouldn't the Hierarchy's ultra progressive(dare I say)gay media just suppress that knowledge^^^


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #53 on: March 19, 2013, 02:40:32 PM »
I agree with Russians.

Homosexuals make a small fraction of the general population but if you watch TV, go online & buy into the human resource bullshit that large employers have'd think that homosexuality is everywhere.

I don't like having that shit shoved down my throat (no pun).

I'm not homophobic  ....whatever consenting adults do behind closed doors if fair game.

you seem to have a supersensitive gaydar
"gays under the bed" level it seems


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2013, 05:27:09 PM »
Russia got it right IMO. Homos outside stores with their marriage rights petitions are annoying and antagonize those who won't support their agenda, trying to influence kids it's ok to be gay, etc Russia smart in halting this deviant propaganda.

i agree


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #55 on: March 19, 2013, 07:50:28 PM »
What is normal or abnormal is subjective. You are entitled to your opinion. You should know though that more people have homosexual experiences than you probably think. For some, it is fleeting or a matter of opportunity and timing. Anyone who has ever had a willing sexual experience with someone of the same sex has some homosexual desires, regardless of how much they choose to deny it later on.
LMFAO what a liberal brainwashed answer.

The abnormality of homosexuality certainly is not subjective. The vast majority of humans are heterosexual as nature intends it to be. There are very few genetic and behavioral instances where homosexuality arises. The normal sexual orientation of a species that requires 2 opposing sexes to mate in reproduction IS HETEROSEXUAL!!!!

Again anything that tries to pass homosexuality off as normal and something that should be viewed as a normal everyday part of life is GAY PROPAGANDA!!!

Homosexuality is not normal, PERIOD....

King Shizzo

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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #56 on: March 19, 2013, 08:48:58 PM »
Lots of long winded, meltdowns by Primemuscle.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #57 on: March 19, 2013, 08:51:44 PM »
LMFAO what a liberal brainwashed answer.

The abnormality of homosexuality certainly is not subjective. The vast majority of humans are heterosexual as nature intends it to be. There are very few genetic and behavioral instances where homosexuality arises. The normal sexual orientation of a species that requires 2 opposing sexes to mate in reproduction IS HETEROSEXUAL!!!!

Again anything that tries to pass homosexuality off as normal and something that should be viewed as a normal everyday part of life is GAY PROPAGANDA!!!

Homosexuality is not normal, PERIOD....
Agreed. Time to go back to the good ole days where gays get their asses beaten for thinking of turd jousting. What a disgusting lifestyle.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #58 on: March 19, 2013, 10:16:06 PM »
Oh, so you would rather have this:
A 21 year old Portuguese male model Renato Seabra cut off lover’s testicles and wore them on his wrists, his lawyer says.

According to nydailynews

Renato Seabra, a Portuguese male model, said he was so tortured by his May-December romance with Carlos Castro that he beat him to death, castrated him with a corkscrew, then wore the dead man’s manhood on his arms to harness what he believed was its healing powers, his defense lawyer said at Friday’s opening of the murder trial.

His Lawyer said:

“He wandered the streets of Manhattan, touching people, because he had the power to cure people from AIDS, because he had the power to cure them.” When apprehended, Seabra willingly told police that he had killed Castro, because “he thought what he had done was right.”

Seabra was a sugar baby to Castro, flying him to Manhattan and providing him with financial support and modeling gigs, but dumped him after he discovered that Seabra was out partying with women.

Financially Seabra was at a bad place after the break up, tensions came to a head when Seabra and Castro got into a fight over the older man’s plans to send his lover home, thus signalling the end of their whirlwind romance.

Seabra admits to hitting Mr Castro on the head with a computer monitor, stamping on his face while wearing shoes, choking, stabbing him with a corkscrew in his face and groin.

This is horrifying for so many reasons. Can you imagine being on the street and this guy comes up to you and touches you, trying to heal you? And then you notice he’s wearing a bracelet of body parts? This sounds like a horror movie.

Many years ago a friend took me to see an Asian "art" film. The trust of the story was that this married man's female lover cut off her lover's genitals after he committed suicide and paraded them in public. It was a film that did not include anything even remotely homosexual in nature.

I just attempted to look up this film on the Internet for reference. I could not find a link to it, however I found a multitude of links to stories about heterosexual experiences, which included not only removing a man's genitalia, but in one recent case where the man removed his own junk and cooked it, like it was a culinary delicacy, which clearly it must be, although I hope I never resort to these supposedly tasty morsels.

Did someone suggest homosexuals were weird or abnormal?


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #59 on: March 19, 2013, 10:50:45 PM »
Unfortunately a lot crazy and weird propaganda by homophobics in here.....why meltdown over it?....also there are homosexual acts in nature among other species as well.....just food for thought ::)


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #60 on: March 19, 2013, 11:25:50 PM »
Unfortunately a lot crazy and weird propaganda by homophobics in here.....why meltdown over it?....also there are homosexual acts in nature among other species as well.....just food for thought ::)

Exactly! Throughout the animal kingdom there seems to be no issues with homosexual behavior. Even our closest genetic species, other primates, suggest that there is no such thing as homosexuality, because to our counterparts, whatever feels good sexually is okay to indulge in. So, one wonders why we humans have such a problem accepting what is a natural instinct related to sexual gratification?

I suggest that this negativity regarding human's natural sexuality is the construct of modern religions. Regardless of the Victorian influences, particularly in the U.S. which likely evolved from religious doctrines, homosexuality thrives. Does this suggest that it is only our current culture which has for the most part, determined that homosexual behavior is abnormal?

Regardless that I will get a lot of flax for posting this opinion, but I firmly believe that many, if not most people are in denial when it comes to their sexual experiences. Statistics suggest that more folks than not have at one time or another explored other aspects of their sexuality then the more conventional heterosexual side. This being the case, why is it that so many folks are so adamant in their exclamations that homosexuality is somehow deviant behavior?


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #61 on: March 21, 2013, 11:25:26 PM »
Exactly! Throughout the animal kingdom there seems to be no issues with homosexual behavior. Even our closest genetic species, other primates, suggest that there is no such thing as homosexuality, because to our counterparts, whatever feels good sexually is okay to indulge in. So, one wonders why we humans have such a problem accepting what is a natural instinct related to sexual gratification?

I suggest that this negativity regarding human's natural sexuality is the construct of modern religions. Regardless of the Victorian influences, particularly in the U.S. which likely evolved from religious doctrines, homosexuality thrives. Does this suggest that it is only our current culture which has for the most part, determined that homosexual behavior is abnormal?

Regardless that I will get a lot of flax for posting this opinion, but I firmly believe that many, if not most people are in denial when it comes to their sexual experiences. Statistics suggest that more folks than not have at one time or another explored other aspects of their sexuality then the more conventional heterosexual side. This being the case, why is it that so many folks are so adamant in their exclamations that homosexuality is somehow deviant behavior?

Good post...makes a lot of sense


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #62 on: March 22, 2013, 06:33:13 AM »
Here is an old film of Primemuscle picking up Ralph the Homosexual. :D
Just kiddin Primemuscle.

This is the type of film which should be shown in theatres and on tv today.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #63 on: March 22, 2013, 07:03:01 AM »
The gay propaganda is annoying - it only gives fuel to new conflicts.
Do what you want to do but do not expect me to like or endorse it because I won't.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #64 on: March 22, 2013, 01:26:25 PM »
Here is an old film of Primemuscle picking up Ralph the Homosexual. :D
Just kiddin Primemuscle.

It is obvious that you are kidding. Although I am old, I'm not that old. In fact, back in those days I looked, dressed and wore my hair something like the kid that the pedophile picks up. One time when I was hitchhiking, an old fart gave me a ride and started acting really strange. When he didn't stop to let me out of the car when we got to where I had said I wanted a ride to, I got a little worried. Fortunately, at the next signal which was red, I was able to jump out of his car. I cussed him out pretty good as I escaped. There were a few times back in those days that I got rides from folks who were up to no good and they weren't always men.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #65 on: March 22, 2013, 01:35:32 PM »


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2013, 08:29:40 PM »


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #67 on: March 24, 2013, 08:46:59 PM »
 Personally I am not the least it homophobic... Could care less.. But I do have issues with the " In your face" propaganda in shows, commercials ect.. It does seem to be a agenda that is getting very pervasive here..and all it does is drive those " on the fence" to be more rigid against gays.. Stop throwing it in the faces of movie goers and tv and the newer generation will be much more tolerant.. It reminds me of the Disney " campaign " that seems to only show back and white couples.. I could care less who you marry but every time my kids watch Disney there seems to be a agenda in that regard and its very obvious.. It's insulting... I get it.. Don't need to have he agenda shoved down my throat..


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #68 on: March 24, 2013, 08:54:39 PM »
Personally I am not the least it homophobic... Could care less.. But I do have issues with the " In your face" propaganda in shows, commercials ect.. It does seem to be a agenda that is getting very pervasive here..and all it does is drive those " on the fence" to be more rigid against gays.. Stop throwing it in the faces of movie goers and tv and the newer generation will be much more tolerant.. It reminds me of the Disney " campaign " that seems to only show back and white couples.. I could care less who you marry but every time my kids watch Disney there seems to be a agenda in that regard and its very obvious.. It's insulting... I get it.. Don't need to have he agenda shoved down my throat..

Well maybe you should just accept homos for who they are. And if homosexuals want to ogle you like a sexual object, feel up your chest or your glutes then you should be totally fine with taht otherwise you are just another homophobe.

You are not an insecure homophobe, are you?
all drugs - TPPIIP


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #69 on: March 24, 2013, 09:04:40 PM »
Personally I am not the least it homophobic... Could care less.. But I do have issues with the " In your face" propaganda in shows, commercials ect.. It does seem to be a agenda that is getting very pervasive here..and all it does is drive those " on the fence" to be more rigid against gays.. Stop throwing it in the faces of movie goers and tv and the newer generation will be much more tolerant.. It reminds me of the Disney " campaign " that seems to only show back and white couples.. I could care less who you marry but every time my kids watch Disney there seems to be a agenda in that regard and its very obvious.. It's insulting... I get it.. Don't need to have he agenda shoved down my throat..

x2 on everything, it gets very old very quickly. Ever noticed how in every TV show, the black guy is shown as the cool as fuck, witty, well dressed and always knows what to say, whereas the white friend is almost always nerdy, stumbles over his own words, sucks with women, etc etc.

Now, like you said, it's the over the top gay agenda, hell they even have a show called "the new normal" about a gay couple with a kid. I mean, wtf?


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #70 on: March 24, 2013, 09:23:56 PM »
What about the cool gays like Bay, OMR, Ron Avidan, etc.?
follow the arrows

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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #71 on: March 24, 2013, 09:29:54 PM »
What about the cool gays like Bay, OMR, Ron Avidan, etc.?

Bay isn't cool


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #72 on: March 24, 2013, 09:34:03 PM »
Personally I am not the least it homophobic... Could care less.. But I do have issues with the " In your face" propaganda in shows, commercials ect.. It does seem to be a agenda that is getting very pervasive here..and all it does is drive those " on the fence" to be more rigid against gays.. Stop throwing it in the faces of movie goers and tv and the newer generation will be much more tolerant.. It reminds me of the Disney " campaign " that seems to only show back and white couples.. I could care less who you marry but every time my kids watch Disney there seems to be a agenda in that regard and its very obvious.. It's insulting... I get it.. Don't need to have he agenda shoved down my throat..

People who are repressed, like many homosexuals, often go on the offense. Something about the best defense is a good offense. When homophobes stop attacking gay folks, they will undoubtedly cease needing to advocate for themselves.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #73 on: March 24, 2013, 09:36:40 PM »
Cool story bro

Pedophilia has nothing to do with being homosexual. In fact, most pedophiles are heterosexual.


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Re: Russia bans 'gay propaganda'
« Reply #74 on: March 24, 2013, 09:42:18 PM »
^^^If it's ever proven that homosexuality is a learnt behavior at a very young age, wouldn't the Hierarchy's ultra progressive(dare I say)gay media just suppress that knowledge^^^

If it is ever proven that homophobes who post on Getbig, universally have an exceptionally poor command of the English language, your post will be a shining example of this. BTW, there is no such word and learnt. For future reference, the word you failed to find is learned.