Author Topic: Rep. Anthony Weiner - Resigning Office per NYT  (Read 145727 times)


  • Getbig V
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He is so done now.   ha ha ha ha.   Good riddance to this loud mouth.   

I hope his in lws parents see all those photos he sent to that 21 y/o after they most likely paid for that wedding.  SUCKERS! 

Time to go jihadi on his ass.   ha ha ha ha ha   

if we go by your record of how many times your right he has a long career ahead of him  :D :D

Option D

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if we go by your record of how many times your right he has a long career ahead of him  :D :D


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Lee resigned, craig resigned, etc.  

Did you see my link?    He sent a ton more photos, naked ones, to the 21 y/o, and ill bet men too.  

This one is sweet to see this asshole melt down.  

i'll bet him and McGreevy are buddies too.  

Craig didn't resign.

He said he was going to resign, then changed his mind and stayed in office.

Vitter stayed in office too.

What gives?  Hella double standard.  Either Weiner and these dirtbags should leave office, or they shouldn't.  But it's cool for Vitter and larry craig to keep their jobs?  WTF?

Soul Crusher

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I'm probably at least at 95% overall.  

stim Bill - FAIL
economy - FAIL
obamacare - FAIL
cap & trade - FAIL
card check - FAIL
foreign policy - FAIL


Option D

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I'm probably at least at 95% overall.  

stim Bill - FAIL
economy - FAIL
obamacare - FAIL
cap & trade - FAIL
card check - FAIL
foreign policy - FAIL   

you forgot to add Tying his shoe while the economy tanks


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Soul Crusher

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More pics are appearing

Mal, blacken, chad, TA, straw, Bay, 240, benny, are sprinting to the nearest private spot.   


  • Getbig IV
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Mal, blacken, chad, TA, straw, Bay, 240, benny, are sprinting to the nearest private spot.   

He only works his chest..Everything else is non existant...Haha

An 80 year old man mad a post on twitter saying."He bared his naked chest, now he must resign". ;D

Soul Crusher

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i'm sure his muslim wifes' inlaws who probably paid for the wedding are very proud of their jewish son in law. 

ha ha ha ha ha.     


  • Getbig V
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Mal, blacken, chad, TA, straw, Bay, 240, benny, are sprinting to the nearest private spot.   

by the looks of it you seem to be the one obsessed with his junk  :D

Option D

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I was gonna post a pic of myself and this is what it said

"An Error Has Occurred!
Your file is too large. The maximum attachment size allowed is 500 KB.

damn thats wild

Soul Crusher

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I was gonna post a pic of myself and this is what it said

"An Error Has Occurred!
Your file is too large. The maximum attachment size allowed is 500 KB.

damn thats wild

Are you trying to hook up with blacken at the group home? 

Jadeveon Clowney

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idiots who marry al qaeda operatives do not deserve to be in Congress.

Dos Equis

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  • Getbig V
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Are you trying to hook up with blacken at the group home? 

he wanted to move next door to you but the crack dealer wouldn't sell, and the meth house didn't want to relocate  :D :D

Soul Crusher

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Weiner could get into more hot water following new photos (The Weiner gets tagged)
NY Post ^ | 6/6/2011 | stff

Apparently, he's done this before -- and this time Rep. Anthony Weiner could get into some serious trouble.

A week after fending off accusations that he'd sent a lewd crotch-shot photo via his Twitter account, a series of new, creepy pictures were made public today showing Weiner in some comprising positions.

Weiner has adamantly denied sending the tweet, but when asked last week whether the crotch seen round the world was his, he responded that he could not say with "certitude" it was not.

But, a website run by conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart, has new pics that could get Weiner into hot water.

The site revealed that a woman had come forward with "what she claims are intimate photographs, chats, and emails that she allegedly exchanged with" Weiner.

The photographs were allegedly sent to the woman from Weiner's AOL email account via his BlackBerry on May 4, the site reported.

In one photo, a man said to be Weiner (D-Brooklyn-Queens) can be seen sitting on a sofa with his two cats under the subject line, “Me and the pussys."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Soul Crusher

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Cuzz needs to get on the weights

He is a heeb.   what do you expect?  They are book smart - not brawny.     

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Radar: We have hundreds of explicit Weiner messages; Update: Weiner’s Chris Lee moment?
Hot Air ^ | 6/6/11 | Ed Morrissey

It looks like Andrew Breitbart has some competition for page views today. The online gossip magazine Radar and its tabloid partner the Star claim to have more than 200 sexually explicit tweets from Anthony Weiner and another woman, predating the Memorial Day weekend scandal by months. Radar’s Dylan Howard says that Weiner was “sexting” with her in March, discussing his “ridiculous bulge” in a manner reminiscent of the picture that first came to light several days ago:

Another woman has come forward to and Star magazine and provided a sexting exchange with embattled New York Representative Anthony Weiner.

The woman says she has 200 sexually explicit messages from Weiner from a Facebook account the Democratic politician no longer uses. …

He told the woman he had a “ridiculous bulge” in his shorts and asked if she “wanna see” it — almost three months before a photo of an erect penis in tight fitting briefs appeared in the pol’s Twitter stream.

It’s a sensational twist to the scandal plaguing the embattled New York congressman. This new woman is middle-aged and from Nevada.

Apparently, Weiner lost his nerve despite sending several tweets describing his erection at the time, as the woman claims she never got the promised picture. She claims that the two have never met in person, but that the two of them conducted a 30-minute phone-sex session. The unnamed source claims Weiner called her from his Congressional office — which should be rather easy to check.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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I, Weiner
Human Events ^ | June 6, 2011 | John Hayward

The world continues to collapse upon Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY), and it’s landing on a sensitive part of his anatomy. No, not his crotch. His political viability...Today brings news that Weiner cannot hide from. It turns out there’s a non-profit group called that records the Twitter feeds of all congressional representatives in real time. They’ve confirmed that the crotch-shot photo came from Weiner’s TweetDeck application. Meanwhile, the chief executive officer of Yfrog, the photo service that hosted the Crotch of Doom image, shot down the notion that his Yfrog account had been hacked somehow.

With the Weiner lie that his account had been hacked shredded to bits, there was still some vague hope for the theory that he’d been “pranked” by a frisky member of his staff...Alas for Weiner, the “pranked” excuse is dissolving today, as Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website says another woman is coming forward with a tale of cybersex. She claims she and Weiner had a voluntary exchange of provocative digital photographs...And here’s a delightful little flirtation he sent her under the subject line “Me and the pussys.” ... The wit and wisdom of Anthony Weiner are subtle, and must be given time to blow through the windmills of a lesser mind....

These latest developments put Weiner in a great deal more jeopardy, although it still seems unlikely he’s done anything illegal. He was very carefully not to file a false report of cyber-crime with the FBI, after all, although one could make the case that any Congressman who even casually floats the idea that his highly sensitive private data has been breached has activated the national security apparatus. I can’t see the FBI computer-crime technicians just laughing it up and making armpit farts while watching Weiner claim he was hacked on national TV.

The problem is that Weiner could have survived as a laughingstock, but he might not survive making the entire liberal establishment look like fools.

That is what has happened here. A great deal of the liberal blogosphere has runny layers of egg splattered all over their faces. They’ve spent the past week trying to concoct elaborate explanations for how Weiner could somehow be innocent in all of this, or howling that everyone should stop laughing at Weiner and focus on hating Andrew Breitbart instead. Many rhetorical bullets have been fired at many digital messengers. There are lefty blogs which have done little else since the scandal erupted, other than try to shut down Weinergate by manufacturing excuses, and attacking the people who didn’t buy them.

A lot of rank-and-file liberal readers have eagerly announced their willingness to consume Weiner’s pap about how the scandal is a “distraction” designed to prevent him from “doing the work of the American people.” At the same time, the Democrat political establishment has been trying to close ranks around Weiner. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, in particular, has been tirelessly dispensing Weiner spin.

Those people all look like colossal fools today. Many a lefty blog will spend the rest of this week furiously deleting the angry posts they threw up in Weiner’s defense. The sheer magnitude of the damage to their credibility, and self-respect, might dissolve the last of Weiner’s political viability… and if his seat does go Republican, people like Wasserman-Schultz could be right behind him.

Someone did get “pranked” with those crotch photos, but it wasn’t Anthony Weiner. His future depends on how quickly the victims of the prank are willing to forget their shame, and forgive the man who made them look stupid.

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  • Getbig IV
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He titled the picture “package.JPG”:

Look at this picture..It's def him...

Soul Crusher

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240:  "no big deal - lets talk about Palin and Paul Revere"

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Coming clean now - holding back crying.



  • Getbig IV
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Coming clean now - holding back crying.


He's faking the crying... ;D ;D