Author Topic: Finding Bigfoot?  (Read 55542 times)

Hugo Chavez

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Finding Bigfoot?
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:02:43 AM »
Anybody watching this show?  LOL watching this Bobo guy fall through the trees and say, "It's squatchy in here" every 2 minutes.


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 10:09:46 AM »
No, but i am going hiking in the Olympia Forest this summer so i will post my BIG foot pics and vids when i get back.   :)

I thought BF was proven a fake years ago.  Wasn't there someone who came forward and admitted to making BF impressions in the forests as he traveled working at different logging camps?

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 11:08:22 AM »
No, but i am going hiking in the Olympia Forest this summer so i will post my BIG foot pics and vids when i get back.   :)

I thought BF was proven a fake years ago.  Wasn't there someone who came forward and admitted to making BF impressions in the forests as he traveled working at different logging camps?
i don't think bigfoot has been proven fake, I think there are fakes that have been admitted or revealed as fake.  People love faking shit but that doesn't mean it's not real.  I think it's possible Bigfoot is real.


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2012, 11:35:25 AM »
i don't think bigfoot has been proven fake, I think there are fakes that have been admitted or revealed as fake.  People love faking shit but that doesn't mean it's not real.  I think it's possible Bigfoot is real.

I think its possible too.  But just like with UFO's i wish we could get some better evidence. 


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2012, 03:25:28 PM »
there's a butterbean joke in here somewhere

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2012, 01:56:44 AM »
If this is a fake, he sure went all out.  making it female with breasts.... extending the arm length beyond human proportion...  making the gate incompatible with human movement.  Patterson was a fucking genius if this was a hoax.


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2012, 11:30:19 AM »
I would think in order for it not be found all these years, BF would have to be intelligently reclusive. 

Still hard to imagine that nothing at the level of this film hasn't been obtained in 40+ years.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 10:20:47 PM »
I would think in order for it not be found all these years, BF would have to be intelligently reclusive. 

Still hard to imagine that nothing at the level of this film hasn't been obtained in 40+ years.
There is other good evidence.  About 6 years ago I watched a program where they had taken some foot prints with dermal ridges to an expert on primates and the person confirmed that they were primate but not from any known primate.  I tried to find that program online but couldn't.  Anyway, there is info out disputing this by showing that the castings can cause dermal ridge like effects.  But, there is this from way earlier that is an eye witness account of the dermal ridge prints before casting which is from a fairly credible source. 

Sasquatch Footprints: Can Dermal Ridges be Faked?

This essay was originally published in the journal Northwest Science, Vol. 62, No. 3, 1988 pages 129 and 130. A PDF version of the article is found here:

I’ve taken the liberty to re-post it here, to put into HTML. The original illustration is not included here. A short discussion of mine follows Bodley’s essay.

Sasquatch Footprints: Can Dermal Ridges be Faked?

John H. Bodley, Department of Anthropology

Washington State University Pullman Washington 99164-4910


In May 1987 six very fresh giant human-like footprints (approximately 45 x 15 cm) were discovered in the

Blue Mountains of southeastern

Washington State by myself and a student. These

tracks resembled those that have been reported

throughout the Pacific Northwest and which

some attribute to the Sasquatch, or Bigfoot, a

legendary, bipedal, human-like creature (Green

1978). With the exception of a single scuff mark,

and one print over a bent shrub, each footprint

was a complete, very clear impression, approximately one centimeter deep in the firm damp

soil of the trail, or somewhat deeper in the softer

soil beside the trail. These particular tracks were

of special interest because they were extremely

fresh and because upon close inspection they

were found to contain distinct impressions of dermal ridges. Dermal ridges are the tiny swirls or

concentric ridges on palms and digits of hands and feet that leave “finger prints” or “toe prints.”

Such friction skin is found only in primates.

Given the presence of the ridges, the general

crispness of the footprints, and the fact that it

had been raining lightly during the afternoon the

prints were found, it seemed likely that the prints

were perhaps only a half-hour old when first

found. Unfortunately, the ridges did not transfer

to plaster of Paris castings that were made the

following day. These casts were made by Paul

Freeman who, unlike us, had the necessary

materials with him.

However, several years earlier, in June of

1982, plaster casts made by Paul Freeman, then

a U.S. Forest Service patrolman, from similar

tracks in the same general region did yield

distinct dermal ridge impressions.

Casts of these

earlier tracks were analyzed by several dermatoglyphic experts (including Douglas M. Monsoor, a Colorado

criminologist; Robert D. Olsen,

with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, and Edward Palma and Benny Kling, with Wyoming law

enforcement offices) who all concluded that

it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible,

for someone wishing to make fraudulent

“Sasquatch” tracks to also produce such fine detail

as these ridges (Krantz l983). They all found the

pattern consistent with foot arrangements, and not

patched together from several hand impressions.

Even though Krantz’s analysis of the 1982 casts

led him to discount the possibility of deliberate

faking in that case, the circumstances of the 1987

tracks led me to test the feasibility of artificially

producing prints of dermal ridges. I was especially puzzled by the remarkable perfection of the

tracks and their distribution along the trail.

Although the tracks were randomly distributed

along a quarter-mile stretch of trail over basically

uniform ground, only a single pair of sequential

left-right prints were found. The other associated

print was a single scuff mark found 10 meters

up the trail from a print very deeply pressed in-

to the center of the trail. It was difficult to ex-

plain why so few tracks were found on so much

available soft soil. The possibility that they had

been artificially planted could not be ruled out,

but it was necessary

to account for the presence

of the detailed dermal ridge impressions.

Krantz (1983:72) reported that some critics

had speculated that dermal ridges could be produced using rubber castings. He also observed

that the wind-blown loess topsoil of southeastern

Washington was fine enough to hold the imprint

of dermal ridges and demonstrated

with his own

thumbprint that ridges could be transferred from

skin-to-soil and then to a plaster cast. I was interested to see if entire footprints could be produced, complete

with such ridges. The purpose

of this experiment was to determine if dermal ridges could in fact be produced in a deliberately faked footprint.


In order to produce dermal ridges, a mold of a

44 cm Sasquatch-like footprint was shaped from

modeling clay. I then carefully rolled my bare

big toe in the soft clay to leave clear dermal ridge


I rolled my heel across the heel of

the mold, and imprinted my forehead on the

center of the clay footprint. Additionally, impressions of hand and feet skin were made with

Elmer’s glue and dried pieces of glue pressed

into the clay. Plaster of Paris was then poured

into the mold and allowed to harden. Upon removal, impressions of dermal ridges were clearly

visible in the resulting cast. An outline of the

track was then traced on the damp ground, the

soil beneath was loosened with a screw-driver,

and the plaster cast was pressed firmly into this

prepared soil, In order to make a good impression, it was necessary to stamp on the cast. (The

cast was broken in the process, but this seemed

not to affect the impression). Fresh plaster was

then poured into the impression in the soil, and

the second cast was examined. It also faithfully

reproduced the dermal ridges that were imprinted into the original clay mold.


Under the right soil conditions, impressions of dermal ridges can easily be transferred from skin-

to-clay, from clay-to-plaster, from plaster-to-soil

and finally from soil back into plaster. Even more

remarkable was the transfer from first skin-to-

glue and then into the same transfer sequence:

clay to plaster to soil and into plaster again,

although the resulting cast in this case was a

“negative” print.

Krantz (personal communication) readily

recognized that the resulting cast I produced was

a clumsy fake because of the crudely-shaped toes,

and seven dermatoglyphic experts (certified latent

print examiners in Washington, Oregon, and

California, and another visitor from Scotland

Yard) readily determined that the ridges were not

correctly situated.

Dermal ridges can be faked in footprints with

relative ease, at least under certain soil conditions. This experiment certainly does not prove

that the specific tracks examined in May 1987

were fakes, but it does suggest that any purported

sasquatch prints containing impressions of dermal ridges need to be carefully evaluated for the

possible presence of patching or other irregularities throughout the entire footprint.


The author was accompanied in the field by

Lonnie Somer, a graduate student anthropology at Washington State University.

Grover S. Krantz provided the contacts that made

this field investigation possible, and showed my

creation to the fingerprinters. My son, Brett

Bodley. prepared the glue skin impression.

Literature Cited

Green,John. 1978. Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us. Seattle:

Hancock House.

Krantz, Grover S. 1983. Anatomy and Dermatoglyphics of

Three Sasquatch Footprints. Cryptozoology 2:53-81.

Received 2 January 1988

Accepted. 15 February 1988



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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2012, 05:51:45 PM »
The only thing that gets me is...where are the bodies and what do they eat. Some places that have had sighting won't support a huge animal like them...not all but some. I prefer to believe and I love the show. My wife rolls her eyes but I make her watch it. I have a 3 foot stuffed sasquatch named Rufus who's been on every deployment with me. He's seen more combat then mons venus.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2012, 06:20:12 PM »
The only thing that gets me is...where are the bodies and what do they eat. Some places that have had sighting won't support a huge animal like them...not all but some. I prefer to believe and I love the show. My wife rolls her eyes but I make her watch it. I have a 3 foot stuffed sasquatch named Rufus who's been on every deployment with me. He's seen more combat then mons venus.
LOL, conspiracy board post of the year!!!!

I don't know if they are real or not but it's interesting as fuck.  Maybe they are intelligent enough that they bury their dead, maybe in the same place.  Some people have brought up the fact that you're not likely to ever find bear remains either and that's a good point.  In all the time I've wondered through the hills, it has been very rare that I ever come across remains of any animal and when I do it's always been one with a large population like antelope or deer.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2012, 06:22:28 PM »
LOL, conspiracy board post of the year!!!!

I don't know if they are real or not but it's interesting as fuck.  Maybe they are intelligent enough that they bury their dead, maybe in the same place.  Some people have brought up the fact that you're not likely to ever find bear remains either and that's a good point.  In all the time I've wondered through the hills, it has been very rare that I ever come across remains of any animal and when I do it's always been one with a large population like antelope or deer.

Come to the South Bronx and you never know what you will find.   


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2012, 06:55:52 PM »
LOL, conspiracy board post of the year!!!!

I don't know if they are real or not but it's interesting as fuck.  Maybe they are intelligent enough that they bury their dead, maybe in the same place.  Some people have brought up the fact that you're not likely to ever find bear remains either and that's a good point.  In all the time I've wondered through the hills, it has been very rare that I ever come across remains of any animal and when I do it's always been one with a large population like antelope or deer.

I'll buy that more then what do they eat. In BC or the Pacific North West I think they'd have plenty but the sightings elswhere in the US..Florida/midwest/Oklahoma etc.....I think it would be harder. The indians have delt with them for centuries and they all have myths so there has to be something to it. The show is great...most of the "team" are true believers and I love how they call em "squatch's"....thats the cool guy bigfoot hunter term.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2012, 07:28:53 PM »
I'll buy that more then what do they eat. In BC or the Pacific North West I think they'd have plenty but the sightings elswhere in the US..Florida/midwest/Oklahoma etc.....I think it would be harder. The indians have delt with them for centuries and they all have myths so there has to be something to it. The show is great...most of the "team" are true believers and I love how they call em "squatch's"....thats the cool guy bigfoot hunter term.
I'm not personally convinced bigfoot is real, but I get a hell of a kick out of this shit so I'm happy to play along and consider the possibility.  On what they eat, that's a good question.  If they are intelligent, which is likely since they are a primate, they would have had to adapt to their surroundings.  It's possible that they can consume and digest plant life that we can not just as gorillas do.  If they are intelligent, perhaps they also hunt for fish, rabbit, deer, elk, moose etc...  Some of the stories that go way back of people, women being taken captive and making it back give indications that they are intelligent and highly jealous lol or rather have feeling that get hurt and lash out...  we humans can ID with that lol...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2012, 07:37:33 PM »
Come to the South Bronx and you never know what you will find.   
LOL, you gotta be the most racist person here... but you pull it off well lol...

Soul Crusher

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2012, 07:41:30 PM »
LOL, you gotta be the most racist person here... but you pull it off well lol...

It comes natural to me.   I live in the urban jungle and we have our own big foots to deal with.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2012, 05:42:40 PM »
Here's a good question.. What would you need as absolute proof of bigfoot's existence without actually seeing a real squatch for yourself?


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2012, 03:08:08 AM »
When you spent some time in the woods you always find animal bones and hair. Sometimes is from boars wolfs deer (or even human).
Why in all the usa has never been found a bigfoot skull or femur or whatever.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2012, 11:21:33 AM »
When you spent some time in the woods you always find animal bones and hair. Sometimes is from boars wolfs deer (or even human).
Why in all the usa has never been found a bigfoot skull or femur or whatever.
small population and maybe they bury their dead.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2012, 05:53:53 AM »
Anybody watch this last week's episode?  The callback was very impressive.


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2012, 06:07:20 PM »
I don't believe in Big foot and I don't believe the first time we will ever hear that a Bigfoot has been confirmed is on a taped TV show so I don't see the point of watching the show..

But.. here's a tip. Put a team of blood hounds on the foot print of a recent "bigfoot" and let the dogs track it down.... how hard is that?


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2012, 03:18:01 AM »
I never used to believe in the BigFoot premise, ...until one day I saw one of Shaquille O'Neal's running shoes.  :o


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #21 on: April 16, 2012, 04:02:33 AM »
I would think in order for it not be found all these years, BF would have to be intelligently reclusive. 

Still hard to imagine that nothing at the level of this film hasn't been obtained in 40+ years.
Not really, If a football field represented all the surface area of our planet the area of all the cities on earth would fit in a area less then 1 square foot, plenty of room to roam without making contact with humans, all it would take is superior senses to be elusive to humans, very probable


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #22 on: April 16, 2012, 10:59:44 AM »
I would think in order for it not be found all these years, BF would have to be intelligently reclusive. 

Still hard to imagine that nothing at the level of this film hasn't been obtained in 40+ years.

Been awhile, but I remember reading an article where this film was debunked, with the actual person who wore the suit coming clean. Didn't know it was still up in the air on authenticity


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #23 on: April 16, 2012, 11:22:52 AM »
Been awhile, but I remember reading an article where this film was debunked, with the actual person who wore the suit coming clean. Didn't know it was still up in the air on authenticity
There is a lot more to this story, cause later it was discovered that the guy that said he wore the suit got paid to say so (around 10 grand or so). And was a little pissed cause he never made anything off the video. So as weird as it sounds he could've been lying


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Re: Finding Bigfoot?
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2014, 03:50:10 AM »
I hate this show so much. It seems an attempt to make the sasquatch community looks like complete morons. How many times do you hear the term "squatch" or "squatchy" watching this? And the way they go about doing those overly dramatized sasquatch calls is completely ridiculous.

I saw something on one occasion that was sasquatch-like. I really don't want to label it as a sasquatch. Because I have no clue what it really was. Just that I've never seen anything like it before. And I've lived 32 years out in the sticks.

But I came across it back when I was around 22. I was doing some morning jogging and I came across a huge open field. I saw something slumped in the grass. I came to a stop, thinking it could maybe be a stray dog. Then it comes up on two feet and runs off into the woods. It only took it a few bounds to be in the woods and completely out of sight. It was around my height, I'm 5'11”, and head to toe in a thick black fur. It had two arms and two legs.

Never saw anything like it since. Been wanting to set up some night vision cameras. See if I catch anything.