Author Topic: From TRT&Pizza 2 HGH&Horsefood  (Read 466 times)


  • Getbig I
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  • Getbig!
From TRT&Pizza 2 HGH&Horsefood
« on: September 11, 2024, 02:56:30 AM »
Hey fellitas,

Let's do a simple bodybuilding log to keep track of my progress and satisfy my Bodybuilding(-OCD) I lately realized I do miss a lot.

Student atm./ Got fat and out of shape because of "life".
One day I did realize that I actually got fat - then the Idea was to loose that fat. Then I remembered I got a few IUs from lucky circumstances left in the fridge. The rest I'll talk about now.
Was on TRT 105/sust/week for the last yrs/months. No serious BB. Did some Martial Arts, some Gym, some Biking, etc. Sometimes pretty low amount of  sports for my personal liking overall.

Hormonitas&Peptides for Cut:

350eq (50 injected ed)
175 Sust (25ed)
1-2 iu HGH

(Never used GH – so quiet thrilled)

Will add anavar 20-30mg in the last weeks.
I'm now back on Track for circa 6-7 weeks, 4weeks on Hormonas.

“State of body-comp”

I lost ~7 KG total already (was at 90kg 20+ % bf) but was also a lot of water - but for sure also a few kg of fat. Looking like a day and night difference already.
(I'm using caliper methode 3skinfold thechnique)
As for two days ago - bf at ~15%

GOAL Cut/Recomp:
Goal ist to cut in 12-16 weeks total down to <8.5%.
Pictures here are the first 1-2 weeks, not less the 87-88KG. Before adding hormones besides the TRT 105.
Since I wasnt eating or training seriously, I realized that im recomping so I extended my cut a few weeks longer since I recognized that is the better approach to go forward.
My body needs to adapt to the seriousness of training & volume - and is responding extremly well to hormones and clean foods. Defenitely recomping and gaing back muscle while using fat slowly (since I had a few kgs. of muscles more back in the day).

In RL already a big difference is visible - despite only 4weeks of hormonas/6weeks of bb nutrition/deficit & one week of Italy holiday in between with a ton of pizza&pasta.

For "reference" - My best bf to date (6-7yr ago):       - gh15 times - too much hormones for my frame for sure - but still impressive being my first and only serious approach to reach sub 10%.

My cut is high protein, moder/low fat (alternating non training das/training days), rest carbs
kcal is planned to be dropping gradually over the next 10-12 weeks from 2400-2000 roundabout.

Basically. Summer is already in the latest stage here in Europe. I just want to use my knowledge I accumulated back in the day about BB – and my love for it. And avoid a lot of mistakes I did in retrospect – and see if I get get a really impressive physique over the span of the next 12months.
Bulk is planned to be 6 months on the day – starting in circa 10-12 weeks from a honest 8.5% or lower. I will use the same oils & peptides for the gaining phase. Moderate dosages all. I’ll let food and rest do the rest of the work.

Best regards trt15!