Author Topic: Attention: Bodybuilding Event Organisers! Share Your Insights 🏋️‍♂️  (Read 1932 times)


  • Getbig I
  • *
  • Posts: 2
  • Getbig!
Greetings to all bodybuilding enthusiasts,

I'm Melvyn Phillips, and I'm currently doing a research project aimed at understanding how bodybuilding competitions are promoted.

If you are involved in organising bodybuilding competitions or events, your expertise is invaluable!

I'm currently conducting research to gain a deeper understanding of the strategies, tactics, and channels that prove most effective in generating excitement and engagement for bodybuilding competitions. Whether you're a seasoned promoter or just starting out, your experiences will offer vital insights.

Below I've created a brief survey to capture your thoughts:

Competition Promotion Survey

Alternatively, if surveys aren't your thing, please feel free to share your thoughts directly in this thread. Your contributions will help us all learn from one another.

Looking forward to hearing from each of you. :)

Warm regards,

Melvyn Phillips