Author Topic: Sweet Chin Music  (Read 59877 times)


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #25 on: June 01, 2009, 04:11:11 AM »
Whens Shawn coming back already?

From what I have read on PDI he is comming back at Summerslam. His knees are shot and he needs major rest.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2009, 04:50:20 PM »
This is another story doing the rounds:


The UK Sun reports that WWE is scrapping the promotions for the "DX Invasion" tour of Europe planned for later this year. This might indicate that WWE doesn't expect Shawn Michaels back before the fall, and would back up some rumors that HBK won't be returning until WrestleMania next year.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2009, 04:15:28 AM »
Look forward to his return. Can you post a link to this PDI?
Google up pro wrestling insider (PDI) and you will see it as one of the headlines. It's a pretty good site and 90% accurate.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2009, 12:38:35 PM »
Michaels iswas a great entertainer but his time is done. Bad knees and he's also 44 years old. He was at his best prior to his back injury in 1998. The one or two matches he had since his comeback have been good but not great. I was actually watching the casket match he had with the undertaker at Royal Rumble when he landed on the edge of the casket. That looked real painful. It's safe to say he is done. 


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2009, 05:53:02 PM »
Why isn't Shawn going to the ring with HHH and Mayweather tonight?

I don't think Floyd wants that wonky eye distacting him.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2009, 04:32:01 AM »
Why isn't Shawn going to the ring with HHH and Mayweather tonight?
HHH along with Cena are the biggest representitives and performers WWE has right now. So it only seems right.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2009, 10:04:45 AM »
After seeing Shawn on Raw last night. I have finally accepted the fact that his days are number. I was blinded by emotion. The Boy Toy should hang it up.
HBK is becoming more and more painfull to watch. He should retire after this years WM.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2009, 12:39:15 PM »
This week did it for me. Apologies for wasting everyones time with my non-sense. It's the final curtain for the Showstoppa. He had possibly the best career ever. Retire and take your well deserved place in the HOF. Hopefully Bret inducts him and then Shawn kicks him in the face just one last time.

Lol...that would be interesting. Although I give Hart the thumbs up when it comes to street fighting. If he had no problem knocking out Vince in 1997, then i'm sure he'd eat Michael's for breakfest. No appoligies necessary there Chef. You are just a die hard fan like the rest of us.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2010, 07:47:37 PM »

I just watched it. The Hitman will never get over what happened to him in Montreal. No chance. But I don't care what anyone says. No doubt Bret was gonna take the Federation title to WCW and promote himself with it in some way. The plan back fired and HBK did what had to be done. Don't care what he got from VKM to return. Money. His Daddy and Owen inducted into the HOF. The guy is always gonna have Summerslam on his mind because that was the night the Excellence of Execution was absolutely destroyed. No one has ever been owned like that in the history of the show. He's never gonna be able to bury the hatchet on that one. If I was watching that live I would have been going ape sh1t screaming for Shawn to hit Bret with Sweet Chin Music. When he was leaving the ring and he turned around to hug Bret. I wish he kicked him! Bret screwed Bret.   

I hope Undertaker finishes that pathetic old man Micheals for good at this WM.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2010, 05:33:35 AM »

I hope Undertaker finishes that pathetic old man Micheals for good at this WM.
X2 if it happens. They teased the match but I think something different will happen. I can't see them having a rematch of that caliber and one upping that match again. Royal Rumble is expected to have many surprises.

FYI to everyone. Bret didn't screw Bret and Michaels didn't screw Bret. VKM screwed Bret. He is the boss. He owns the company and he controls the talant and tells them what to do.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2010, 05:46:24 AM »

I just watched it. The Hitman will never get over what happened to him in Montreal. No chance. But I don't care what anyone says. No doubt Bret was gonna take the Federation title to WCW and promote himself with it in some way. The plan back fired and HBK did what had to be done. Don't care what he got from VKM to return. Money. His Daddy and Owen inducted into the HOF. The guy is always gonna have Summerslam on his mind because that was the night the Excellence of Execution was absolutely destroyed. No one has ever been owned like that in the history of the show. He's never gonna be able to bury the hatchet on that one. If I was watching that live I would have been going ape sh1t screaming for Shawn to hit Bret with Sweet Chin Music. When he was leaving the ring and he turned around to hug Bret. I wish he kicked him! Bret screwed Bret.   
::) The infamous PPV was Survivor Series 1997, not Summerslam.

Are you sure about that there, buddy? Last time I checked it was VKM that got knocked unconcious after that event. It was Michaels who put his tail between his legs, lied through his teeth when confronted and said "I don't have any fucking idea!? My hands are clean on this one." When Bret retuned to Raw the ratings were through the roof and the ovation he got was incredible. The fans booed the shit out of Micheals and started chastisising him. Lastly it was Bret & Shawn buried the hatched a while back. They obviously had to have or Bret wouldn't have returned to Raw. Bret returned because he wanted to not because he had to. Common sense there. Bret owns Vince and Shawn easily. 


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2010, 06:05:36 AM »
FYI to everyone. Bret didn't screw Bret...

I'm sure that at one point Bret did screw Bret.

But that all changed once he got into wrestling and met all kinds of girls.



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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2010, 08:07:22 AM »

I'm sure that at one point Bret did screw Bret.

But that all changed once he got into wrestling and met all kinds of girls.


Lol...He had women all over europe. Especially in Germany. His stories in his book are amazing.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2010, 10:01:15 AM »
I've never modified anyone's posts, but dammit - if you don't start using paragraphs. . .



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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2010, 05:11:15 AM »
Summerslam or Survivor series? We all know what Chef Timmy is talking about. Now here we go with all this locker room talk again. Who cares about that. Can I see the locker room sitting on my couch while I'm watching Wrestling? Can I see the locker room when I go to a live event? Duh no to both. Because thats not the stage and it doesn't matter what goes on back there. I could care less if the locker room is in turmoil and everyone hates each other. I am the fan watching the show. Now Bret owning VKM and HBK? Really? No one has ever been owned in the history of the show like Bret. The guy is absolutely heart broken and bitter about that until the day he dies. Bret will always be rembered for the screwjob and not the amazing career he had. It's sad but true. He was completely humiliated that night and the Excellence of Execution was gone forever after that. Who cares if he punched VKM in the face. Bret went on and failed with WCW. While VKM used the screwjob storyline to promote the Federation into a billion dollar company. Bret owns VKM? Are you for real? Now HBK? Who gives a $hit if he's a lying snake in the grass. He's no friend or relative of mine. The guys not dating my sister. I like the guy in the ring thats been entertaining me for the past 20 years. I could seriously care less what he's like in his personnal life. In the Wrestling World HBK has no doubt surpassed Bret Harts accomplishments and is arguably the greatest wrestler ever. No one has buried any hatchets here. Brets seriously damaged for life and VKM/HBK never gave a $hit to begin with. This is business Playboy. I just would have loved to see Bischoffs face when it happened because he had such big plans with our beloved Federation Title. Bret screwed Bret.
This is a stupid post that entail information misinformation misenterpretation.

Bret Hart = 3.5 million for 3 years with WCW. That's not failing my friend. That's called success. He knocked out Vince leaving him on his billion dollar ass after that event and he made Michaels cry like a two year old after that event. You don't want to hear it but 90% of the entire WWE roster was behind Bret and what he did including the fans. Why do you think they cheered him large when he came out for the first time last week? Shows how much you know. He has another DVD coming out entailing his and his family's entire wrestling career. Bret has the respect over every single person in the wrestling industry. So how did he get owned??? Big deal...they rung the bell and ended it. All the fans knew it was bullshit. Other wrestlers knew it was bullshit. He owns Vince and HBK x10.  ;)

Michaels = cry baby, pathological liar, fears Bret bigtime, finds God, find his smile, refuse to put other wrestlers over, hated by the locker room,  :'( :'( :'( :'( : Bret beat the shit out of him in the past. Undertaker has threatened him backstage. Other wrestlers boycotted Raw the next night in protest to Vince's scrutiny from the Survivor Series. So what does Michaels have? He wrestles once a week (RAW) because his very frail body can't do shit anymore. The only thing he has going for him right now is his hot wife. He's a gimp. Clean the s**t stains off your nose because its buried pretty high up Michaels rear.  :-X


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2010, 06:47:37 AM »
Timmy loves you Playboy but we sadly missed this gem of a post. I'll get back to it.

Awesome promo with HBK and Undertaker on Raw. Taker clearly said HBK was arguably the best ever. Shawns crook eye end everything. He truly looked like he wanted to dance around. During this promo I personally saw a light in Showstoppas eyes! AGAIN SHAWN MICHAELS WILL SET THE STANDARD AT WRESTLE MANIA

It was a gem, wasn't it? Lol...

Michaels and Undertaker will definately set the standard at WM. Personally, i'm really looking forward to it as now they both have no choice but to out do the last show they put on or they'll both look stupid. No count outs or dq's so will see what happens.  :)


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2010, 05:24:20 PM »
It's be awesome if, after the best match of the night, after Taker pins Shawn again, the lights go out, and when they come back on Taker's gone, leaving Shawn defeated in the ring.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2010, 05:34:52 PM »
This is probably WWE's first match in a long time that will make fans truly mark out.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #43 on: March 11, 2010, 05:08:03 AM »
I can definately see some sort of outside interference in this match. I truely can't see Michaels losing in a clean finish two years in a row especially given his past history of flat out refusing to job to other wrestlers. Mind you this is the Undertaker we're taking about and he takes crap from no one backstage and has 100% backing from Vince McMahon himself. It will definately keep me glued to the TV set.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #44 on: March 12, 2010, 01:41:53 PM »
I don't think we're going to see a clean, clear-cut finish to this match.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #45 on: March 12, 2010, 02:47:51 PM »
Thats what will make this match killer and keep people glued tot he set while its on. The fact that it could really go either way. Can you guys see the Undertaker losing his streak? Can you see Michaels getting pinned and losing his career? They are both said to be taking time off again until summerslam so I can see something happening along the likes of both of them getting pummeled by other wrestlers or some kind of hardcore outside interference and thus Michaels keeps his carrer and Undertaker keeps his streak. I'm really looking forward to this match.  :)

On a side note, I just grabbed my Raw tickets for May 17th here in Toronto  :D


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #46 on: March 12, 2010, 05:45:16 PM »
It’s going to be a hell of a match regardless of the finish.
Presuming it does end in some kind of schmoz where a couple of guys interfere & beat the piss out of Taker & HBK costing them both the match…

Taker & Shawn could both take time off through the end of summer, and then return and form a tag team to exact revenge on their WM attackers, who – at least by this time – are a dominant pairing in the tag ranks.

The buildup to that match could give a much-needed boost to the tag scene.
And being a team themselves would literally reduce Taker & Shawn’s ring work by half – a real benefit to both men.
Then, if they’re both ready, they could retire together after settling the heated score.
While losing both of those guys simultaneously would be devastating to the company, a Taker/HBK tag team & dual fairwell program would draw HUGE numbers.

Of course, I could be (and probably am) WAY off on any or all of these speculations.
They’re just guesses, but I can honestly see at least one or two of them materializing.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #47 on: March 13, 2010, 04:19:37 PM »
I still reckon they should have an awesome match and both disappear, like I said before, it goes dark and Taker's gone, leaving Shawn alone in the ring, beaten.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #48 on: March 15, 2010, 05:14:20 AM »
My wrestling buddies and I have really had some talks about this match and none of us can figure out whats gonna happen? No count out/DQ. Somebody is gonna get pinned here. Will Taker give the streak to  Shawn? We all know Shawns not gonna retire. The only thing I figure thats gonna be different then last year is? This one is gonna get bloody and they're gonna push each other to their limits. I love HBK but I really hope he doesn't take the streak.
I am really having a hard time calling this one too. Not sure what'll happen here. I still think there will be major outside interference keeping both the career and the streak in tact. Maybe it'll lead to a buried alive match or something at Summerslam when they both return. Undertaker and Michaels click real well together in the ring so we can all expect a phenomenal match at WM.


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Re: Sweet Chin Music
« Reply #49 on: March 15, 2010, 07:15:35 PM »
Agreed with the two above, I can't call it.  One thing though, is that any outside interference, or anything which results in both the streak and the career staying intact, would be an insult to the fans.  We've all watched both of them for years, we watched them go at it last year, and now the stakes are set so high, it just wouldn't be fair.