All the more reason to have more domestic drilling...
At what cost? Have you seen a cost benefit analysis for increased domestic drilling?
And I'm referring to GDP, not any political capital it may spin off.
...doesnt seem to understand is that if the oil is produced mainly in the US the effects of the dollars depreciation will not be as felt as much as there is less loss in buying power.
That does you no good when you run into scarcity of supply when growing economies in India & China with stronger currencies which equate to MORE purchasing power buy up any increased domestic supply, leaving none to supply domestic needs. Whether or not an increase in drilling results is a greater supply is reasonably debateable, because it doesn't matter how much oil you have if you lack refinery capacity, ...and we all know what Katrina did to the refineries.
...obamas moratorium in the gulf and his anti oil platform is going to have a negative effect on the price of gas at the pump.
Again, I suggest that a thorough and accurate cost benefit analysis is required. Domestic drilling is a short term myopic patch job that only kicks the can down the road, but does nothing to solve the problem. It is unsustainable, and it's purported benefits do not even come close to outweighing it's costs. Mind you I did not say
risks but rather
costs. Cheap energy at what cost? Because it is more than financial. Understand, cost & price can be too different things. Some may make the argument that there is nothing wrong with kicking the can down the road, ...and in certain instances, I may agree, ...however, the real question one has to ask when contemplating kicking the can down the road is 'How long is your road?' Eventually, the piper MUST be paid. And it's a steep price with a very high cost.
Did you know that all that oil that spilled out for months during the BP explosion, was only enough to power the world's energy demands for
TWELVE HOURS?At the Precious Metals Conference in Madrid, I heard a fabulous lecture that took all the disparate pieces of information we all have, and put it together in a rather cohesive way empowering us to really comprehend the predicament we are ALL in.
If you knew without a doubt, that you were going to be knocked off the ledge of a building, ...wouldn't you want a huge safety net below to catch you when you fell? And if you had the opportunity to build that safety net in advance... Would you?
We've been on an inevitable collission course of unsustainable economic, energy, and environmental policies that are quickly catching up to us. The best we can do is to manage the outcome and go forward from there.
His energy policy is sound, ...unfortunately, in the meantime, he's dealing with the blowback from Fed monetary policy. He's doing a high-wire balancing act, in the eye of a tornado, ...and Americans are again fooled & distracted, looking in the wrong direction focusing on high fuel prices (the result of Fed monetary policy & previous administrations) and not even realizing the incredible balancing act he's doing. WAKE UP FROM THE TRANCE!

I say the result of previous administrations because Obama printed soooooo much money sooooo fast, much of which is still in the banks, that it hasn't had the chance to come into the system yet, ...but when it does...
LOOK OUT!!! the poop will really hit the fan then.
Don't scream about the upcoming storm, ...learn how to dance in the rain.