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I wasn’t making a joke. I was stating a fact.
Well I can't say I am surprised. He always struck me as a guy who felt that holding a real job was beneath him.
Insufferable. Now, you  know why they’re propping up Joey.
Banged out many sets for 3 x 315 and deads 3x 495 for reps after reps.   And then sleds , incline presses , and pushups.   Destroyed it unlike the resident fairy w zero hamstrings.
After 60 years in america he is still faking the accent
jokes on you because I hate arnold. ;D stupid austrian queerbag sellout

I wasn’t making a joke. I was stating a fact.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Last post by NarcissisticDeity on Today at 01:00:38 PM »
Arnold literally fucked the promoter of the 1980 Olympia, Paul Graham. Arnold was awarded 1st place after engaging in anal sex with Graham.
jokes on you because I hate arnold. ;D stupid austrian queerbag sellout
Paul Graham: “Arnold geez you got a big anus. Arnold geez you got a big anus”.

Arnold: “Why did you say that twice?”

Paul Graham: “I didn’t.”

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Getbigger nearly dies in paragliding accident
« Last post by Fortress on Today at 12:59:56 PM »
Good stuff.
Arnold literally fucked the promoter of the 1980 Olympia, Paul Graham. Arnold was awarded 1st place after engaging in anal sex with Graham.
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