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The Y board lifting thread

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--- Quote from: BroadStreetBruiser on April 22, 2009, 10:22:57 AM ---Run 2-4 miles a day depending on time
ab rollers
pull ups
every day
that's it.

--- End quote ---
it shows ;D

wed= back shoulders

thur= legs calfs abs

friday- chest bis tris   


--- Quote from: dan18 on April 22, 2009, 10:26:31 AM ---wed= back shoulders

thur= legs calfs abs

friday- chest bis tris   

--- End quote ---

How long does your Friday workout take?

I land on top of Dan18's head using a chopper and then rappel down his forehead - the descent takes 32 hours (excluding breaks)

I do this once every 2 weeks

mass 04:
right now

M-shoulders, bis, abs
T-quads, hams, cardio
W-abs, calves, cardio
Tr-chest, tris
F-Back, traps, forearms, cardio

off sat and sun.


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