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Gossip & Opinions / Re: Flex Lewis - Full Tendon Tear off the Bone
« Last post by Randomum on Today at 04:12:12 AM »
Many have partial tears but I had a full bicep rupture off the bone. The bicep rolled up in a ball by my delt. I had an MRI but the doc said I don't need an image to tell what happened. The injury effected the strength in my entire arm. They had to sew it back with metal anchors in my forearm. Took almost 6 months to get the strength back in my arm. 4 weeks after the operation I was lifting 2.5 lbs plates to start with that arm.

How does it look? Were they able to make it look like before? Does your muscle change shape somewhat? Are you able to regain full strength or just close to it?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Roelly's grandmother is bulking hard
« Last post by Randomum on Today at 04:09:46 AM »
You guys think Roelly hit it so she would train him?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Is marrying a woman your age a huge mistake?
« Last post by Randomum on Today at 04:08:20 AM »
First off lets talk about age. I have always dated women close to my age maybe 2-3 years younger no more and let me explain why. You want someone with the same cultural references and perspective on life. You want someone who watched the same shows and listened to the same bands growing up. You want someone who has the same years and perspective on life. When I see a man with a younger women I think loser who can't get a quality woman his age and wants to have power in the relationship trying to dominate with more income job or life experience. Have any of you ever actually tried to have a conversation with a women 20 years younger than you? Fuck that there are lots of hot women your age but you need to be a quality guy to get one. Any idiot can pick up a younger women for a little but finding a quality woman your age to keep that is the key to happiness. 

Now as far as marriage. I love my wife I could not be happier. Not sure why you guys want to be old and lonely. Wife, kids, family vacations that is what makes life worth living that is real wealth. Of course, an occasional grown-up trip is nice but also nice to have someone to take that trip with you, to plan it with you, and to talk about it with you the next 20 years. I mean for fuck sake who is going to take care of you when you get old and sick? Who is going to laugh at your jokes? Who is going to make sure you get up everyday and live your best life? Who wants to see some ancient ruins with you? Who is still going to want you when you are 70? Your wife that is who.

I agree with Bhanks 100% on this. Age matters and not the way you think. You prob married a low quality lady with similar age. Going too young or too old will lead to a lack of compatibility. If I were you I would just divorce and find a well kept woman your age that is compatible and you enjoy. Getting some young chick who you can’t relate to is prob not going to workout in the long term. If it’s cock you lust well just do that, I can’t offer advice in that bruh.
Gossip & Opinions / Dave Hawk
« Last post by Donny on Today at 03:55:48 AM »
who remembers this guy.. another great interview from John.


Gossip & Opinions / Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Last post by Donny on Today at 03:27:34 AM »
If Russia wanted him dead they would have done it, subtly or not. When they want someone gone they're not shy about it.
He´s a corrupt little shit, Russia will wait for the right time.
I always laugh at him in his Olive green T-shirts like he´s a combat Vet..just a fucking bellend
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Bitcoins - about to hit $5,000 per coin today!
« Last post by Flexacon on Today at 03:06:33 AM »
He's a simple thesis/narritive for the next 6 months.

Bidens administration FUDs crypto (including BTC in cold wallets) CHECK

Trump has gone pro crypto and will probably lead the presidential polls going into the election. CHECKish

Crypto markets front runs election and Trumps good polling. Market peaks around election time (actual result doesn't matter, only that Trump leading polling)
Yeah he is looking pretty healthy and impressive (for him)

What might have happened was he told the wife he wanted to get back on the juice and she gave him an ultimate. "Juice and we're over". She went through all his health issues and probably helped nurse him back to health so I would  kinda understand her point of not wanting to enable him and go through that stuff again.

It's a possibility. In the end he doesn't need her and we are all dead men walking.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Last post by Super Nattie on Today at 03:00:22 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Is marrying a woman your age a huge mistake?
« Last post by Flexacon on Today at 02:55:10 AM »
Dave is a good guy. He is currently juicing up to greatness again. Sitting at 205 shredded and climbing.

Yeah he is looking pretty healthy and impressive (for him)

What might have happened was he told the wife he wanted to get back on the juice and she gave him an ultimate. "Juice and we're over". She went through all his health issues and probably helped nurse him back to health so I would  kinda understand her point of not wanting to enable him and go through that stuff again.
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