Author Topic: Arizona huh?  (Read 11822 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #50 on: April 19, 2022, 12:18:47 PM »
Why are you posting this nonsense again

Do you have Alzheimer's?

Long covid also include the possibility of brain damage and your brain was already damaged at birth so you're probably even more susceptible

He has to grasp onto something to justify the whining he does on here.  Doesn't matter to Qoach if it is true or not.

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #51 on: April 19, 2022, 03:21:38 PM »

BoB  how was pasta primavera ............... ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #52 on: April 19, 2022, 04:53:17 PM »
It's more appropriate for a jealous pussy ass Nazi wannabe.  Like you.


Teutonic Knight

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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #53 on: April 19, 2022, 05:55:47 PM »

BoB, yours 'opinion' is priceless !.

Straw Man

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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #54 on: April 19, 2022, 06:37:53 PM »

Unlike you that is how most people feel when they see dead bodies lying in the street in Ukraine


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #55 on: April 19, 2022, 07:18:33 PM »
Anyone who is undermining our Democracy impacts everyone in this country...assuming they actually care about Democracy

It obvious why you might be confused since we know that Trumptards don't actually care about Democracy

Also, I hate liars and grifters and I feel sympathy for my fellow Americans such as yourself who are too stupid to be able to defend themselves from getting sucked into believing lying liars
You hate liars, yet you voted for and support a lying career politician that has 50 years of racist lies to choose from? You're too dumb to realize how stupid you sound. You don't care about democracy, you and your ilk only care about control.

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #56 on: April 19, 2022, 07:27:43 PM »

Unlike you that is how most people feel when they see dead bodies lying in the street in Ukraine

Hey BoB , why don't you COPYRIGHT those images , you took them didn't  YOU BoB !.

Oh BoB, that Easter Bunny @ the White House was 'REAL' too  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #57 on: February 22, 2023, 05:25:28 PM »
Well, well... what have we here?

And the board retards kept whining about "Arizona... Arizona....".    ::)

Looks like they were wrong.  Again.  To the surprise of no one.

Former Arizona AG sat on records refuting election fraud.

Arizona's former attorney general suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud, according to documents released Wednesday by his successor.

Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes, who took office last month, said the records show the 2020 election “was conducted fairly and accurately by election officials.”

Previous Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, never released a March 2022 summary of investigative findings, which ruled out most of the fraud claims spread by allies and supporters of former President Donald Trump. Yet a month later, he released an “interim report" that claimed his investigation “revealed serious vulnerabilities that must be addressed and raises questions about the 2020 election in Arizona."

He released his April report despite pushback from his investigators who said some of its claims were refuted by their probe. Brnovich was at the time in the midst of a Republican Party primary for U.S. Senate and facing fierce criticism from Trump, who claimed he wasn't doing enough to prosecute election fraud.

Brnovich, whose primary bid was unsuccessful, also did not release a September memo that systematically refuted a bevy of election conspiracies that have taken root on the right, including allegations of dead or duplicate voters, pre-marked ballots flown in from Asia, election servers connected to the internet and even manipulation by satellites controlled by the Italian military.

“In each instance and in each matter, the aforementioned parties did not provide any evidence to support their allegations,” the September memo read. “The information that was provided was speculative in many instances and when investigated by our agents and support staff, was found to be inaccurate.”

The September memo, which was among the documents released Wednesday, describes an all-encompassing probe that became the top priority for the attorney general's investigators, who spent more than 10,000 hours looking into 638 complaints. They opened 430 investigations and referred 22 cases for prosecution. President Joe Biden won Arizona by a little over 10,000 votes.

Mayes said the fraud claims were a waste.

“The ten thousand plus hours spent diligently investigating every conspiracy theory under the sun distracted this office from its core mission of protecting the people of Arizona from real crime and fraud," Mayes said in a statement.

Brnovich's “interim report” claimed that election officials worked too quickly in verifying voter signatures and pointed to a drop in the number of ballots with rejected signatures between 2016 and 2018 and again in 2020. He also claimed that Maricopa County was slow in responding to requests for information.

He made those claims even after investigators who reviewed a draft pushed back, publishing his report largely unchanged following their feedback.

The investigative staff concluded that the county recorder's office “followed its policy/procedures as they relate to signature verification; we did not uncover any criminality or fraud having been committed in this area during the 2020 general election," investigators wrote. They also said they found the county “was cooperative and responsive to our requests.”

Arizona became the epicenter of efforts by Trump allies to cast doubt on Biden's victory. Republican leaders of the state Senate subpoenaed election records and equipment and hired a Florida firm led by a Trump supporter, Cyber Ninjas Inc., to conduct an unprecedented review of the election in Maricopa County.

The Cyber Ninjas review gave Biden more votes than the official count but claimed that their work raised serious questions about the conduct of the election in Maricopa County, home to metro Phoenix and the majority of Arizona's voters. The investigation by the attorney general's office found the allegations did not stand up to scrutiny.

“Our comprehensive review of CNI’s audit showed they did not provide any evidence to support their allegations of widespread fraud or ballot manipulation,” Brnovich's investigators wrote.

Thursday's release is the latest confirmation that there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election and that Biden won the presidency legitimately. Trump continues to repeat his lie that the election was stolen from him as he mounts his third bid for the White House, despite reviews and audits saying otherwise in the battleground states he contested and his own administration officials debunking his claims.

Officials in Maricopa County, where nearly all the officials overseeing elections are Republicans, say they endured death threats and verbal abuse due to the suggestions of malfeasance in the Cyber Ninjas review and Brnovich's “interim report."

“This was a gross misuse of his elected office and an appalling waste of taxpayer dollars, as well as a waste of the time and effort of professional investigators,” Clint Hickman, the Republican chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors said in a statement.

Brnovich's investigators did conclude that Maricopa County officials did not uniformly follow state election procedures when filling out forms to document the pickup and transport of mail ballots. But they said the errors were procedural and that “investigators did not find anything that would (have) compromised the integrity of the ballots or the final ballot count.”

Investigators interviewed two Republican state lawmakers who publicly claimed they knew of fraud in the election, but wrote that neither Rep. Mark Finchem nor Sen. Sonny Borrelli repeated their claims to investigators — when they could have been subject to criminal charges for false reporting to law enforcement. The investigators said a third lawmaker, Republican state Sen. Wendy Rogers, declined to speak with them.

hahahahaha.   Everyone wants to talk and flap their gums, but just not under oath. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2023, 05:44:50 PM »
I assume it's about how Russia is intimidated by Biden and pulling out of Ukraine?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #59 on: February 22, 2023, 05:46:12 PM »
Wouldn't be the first time you assumed wrong. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #60 on: February 25, 2023, 05:54:55 AM »
*crickets* from the election deniers.  hahahaha


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #61 on: February 25, 2023, 09:23:53 AM »
Not peep on here either.   :D

These retards need to be held accountable for the money wasted on this bullshit.

No stolen election. And no apologies from Wendy Rogers and the conspiracy squad.

The truth is out and we now know that Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s year-long investigation turned up no evidence of a stolen election in Arizona in 2020.

I can only imagine the relief felt by some of the state’s leading election deniers.

The politicians and self-proclaimed “experts,” people who have spent well over two years howling at the moon about a stolen election and the need to restore “election integrity.”

Legislative leaders who have spent millions in public funds hoping to uncover fraud – Republicans who are now working on dozens of bills to “reform” our elections and boost the voter confidence that they worked daily to undermine.

The secret is out. The Attorney General’s Office spent more than 10,000 hours investigating hundreds upon hundreds of complaints and the result?

“No evidence of election fraud, manipulation of the election process, or any instances of organized/coordinated fraud,”
according to a September report from the AG’s chief investigator – the second of two reports kept hidden from the public until this week.

Well, I’m sure you can imagine the reaction of all those who have spent the last two-plus years slandering state and county elections workers and trying to invalidate Arizona’s vote.

Let’s hear from a few of them.

We’ll start with the queen of election denial.

Sen. Wendy Rogers spent two years calling for decertification of the 2020 election and “perp walks” of the (supposed) criminals who denied Donald Trump his due. She quickly became a rock star on the right, raising millions in campaign donations and scoring the chairmanship of this year’s Senate Elections Committee.

Here’s what Rogers had to say after Wednesday’s release of the AG’s findings:


Meanwhile on Thursday, Rogers was hosting an all-day joint meeting of the House and Senate election committees to explore various schemes to gain control after our supposedly stolen elections, including the nutty notion that the Legislature can overturn a presidential vote.

Or, as I like to call it, Conspiracy Fest 2023.
Mark Finchem says investigators are lying

Let us turn now to former Rep. Mark Finchem, one of the state’s earliest and loudest of the Stop the Steal shriekers.

Finchem leveraged his outrage to land the GOP nomination for the state’s No. 2 job in 2022 – in part by publicly claiming to have evidence of 30,000 fraudulent votes in Pima County.

Yet in a meeting with the AG’s investigators, “Finchem did not repeat those allegations, specifically stating he did not have any evidence of fraud and he did not wish to take up our time.”

Finchem actually tried to decertify the 2020 election, so I can only imagine how chastened he must now feel.

Finchem’s only response was to claim he did so hand over evidence.

“I am disgusted by the claim,” Finchem told The Arizona Republic. “When the AG has the evidence, but claims they don’t, it is impossible for me to disprove the claim. Original documentation is in the AG’s hands.”

Investigators acknowledged in their report that Finchem did, indeed, provide some information.

“He did provide 4 ballots that he said was evidence of a flawed process for mailing and counting ballots,” the report notes. “The ballots had been mailed to prior residents of the address on file, the residents had moved, and the ballots cannot be forwarded by the postal service.”

Agents concluded the four ballots were unopened and were not counted.
Karen Fann ignores the September report

Former Senate President Karen Fann in September 2021 asked Brnovich to investigate after receiving the results of her Cyber Ninjas audit, noting, among her concerns, statements that Maricopa County hid data from her auditors.

The AG’s investigation turned up no evidence of that, though they left the finding in their initial March 2022 report as “undetermined” pending a review of archived records.

Fann’s response on Wednesday was to retweet a post that jumped on that initial finding, ignoring the investigators’ later September 2022 report. The one that provided a scathing analysis of the Cyber Ninja audit, saying “in each instance, the information provided by CNI (Cyber Ninjas Inc.) was inaccurate and false.”
Kari Lake still thinks there's conspiracy afoot

Kari Lake built an entire political campaign around her belief that the election was stolen. Her “war room” campaign's Twitter account glommed onto several instances in which investigators, in that earlier March 2022 report, noted no findings pending a review of archived records.

Naturally, Lake thinks there’s a conspiracy afoot, courtesy of Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes, to hide the fraud.

“As @JenWEsq points out this 'debunking' of election fraud @krismayes put out is incomplete Why? Because Maricopa County refused to cooperate with ANY investigation They are celebrating being ‘vindicated’ because they successfully ran out the clock on @GeneralBrnovich’s tenure,” Kari Lake War Room tweeted.
Sonny Borrelli clings to dead voter claim

Sen. Sonny Borrelli was quick to claim a coverup in 2020 and in 2021 and in 2022. Just last week, he was pushing a bill to cancel everybody’s voter registration, noting the legion of dead voters who cast ballots in our state.

But when it came time to offer up proof?

“Senator Borrelli provided the name of a deceased voter whom he said he personally checked and the information was valid,” the AG investigators noted. “When we looked further into that particular voter, it was learned Mr. Borrelli was incorrect.”

Borrelli said his own investigation of 30 ballots turned up 17 dead voters. The AG's Office is just trying to distract people from the Senate's ongoing investigation into the election.
Warren Petersen says not a word

Senate President Warren Petersen was a driving force behind the scenes in pushing for the Cyber Ninjas audit.

He appointed Wendy Rogers as the Republicans’ point person on election bills this year and proceeded to contract with Gina Swoboda to assist her.

Swoboda, who is big in election denial circles and has ties to both the Trump and Lake campaigns, is being paid $15,000 a month to act as a senior policy adviser to Rogers’ Elections Committee, according to records unearthed by reporter Dillon Rosenblatt on his Fourth Estate 48 Substack.

Petersen’s response to the AG’s findings?

Would an apology be too much to ask?

How about a few of our fake electors, state Sens. Jake Hoffman and Anthony Kern and former state GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward – extremists who blatantly schemed up a plan to rob us of our vote?

Nope, nothing.

Finally, let’s cut to U.S. Reps. Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs and Debbie Lesko, who actually voted on Jan. 6, 2021, to reject Arizona’s presidential election results.

Alas, they, too, are silent.

Curiously, outrageously silent about the AG’s investigation that debunked the bunk they have been force-feeding us for far, far too long. Astonishing silent about the frightening fact that they staged an assault on democracy.

Oh, I know. It would be too much to ask for perp walks.

But how about a few apologies?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #62 on: February 25, 2023, 09:27:27 AM »
But how about a few apologies?
We're sorry Trump hurt you so badly that he lives rent free in that blue haired head of yours. Have you sought therapy yet or do you self medicate with lattes and internet whining?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #63 on: February 25, 2023, 09:33:56 AM »
We're sorry Trump hurt you so badly that he lives rent free in that blue haired head of yours. Have you sought therapy yet or do you self medicate with lattes and internet whining?

We're sorry Trumpy influenced you so badly that you live rent free with your head up his orange ass.  Have you sought therapy yet or do you self medicate with edema meds and internet TDfS?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #64 on: February 25, 2023, 09:37:28 AM »
If it were not for the constant defense, distraction, and off topic TDfS posts from chaos, Titty Knot, and Qoach, this thread would not have made it to a second page.

We on page 3 and not a single one can address the thread topic.   :D

To the surprise of no one.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2023, 10:16:01 AM »
We're sorry Trump hurt you so badly that he lives rent free in that blue haired head of yours. Have you sought therapy yet or do you self medicate with lattes and internet whining?

The maggot has no life, get big is his pathetic life...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #66 on: February 25, 2023, 11:55:06 AM »
The maggot has no life, get big is his pathetic life...

And yet a better life than a gay muslim foreign cunt.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #67 on: February 25, 2023, 12:21:23 PM »

We on page 3 and not a single one can address the thread topic.   :D

To the surprise of no one.
One guy does an investigation, shows “serious vulnerabilities” and another guy makes a tweet on the internet and you believe the guy making the tweet over the guy that did the investigation. Sounds on par for someone with your low IQ.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #68 on: February 25, 2023, 12:54:10 PM »
No, I believe the year long investigation. 

"The truth is out and we now know that Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s year-long investigation turned up no evidence of a stolen election in Arizona in 2020."

The fact that you thought otherwise might be something to consider the next time you talk about someone's IQ.  That extra cranium of yours sure doesn't hold any extra brainium apparently.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #69 on: February 25, 2023, 01:03:26 PM »
No, I believe the year long investigation. 

"The truth is out and we now know that Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s year-long investigation turned up no evidence of a stolen election in Arizona in 2020."

The fact that you thought otherwise might be something to consider the next time you talk about someone's IQ.  That extra cranium of yours sure doesn't hold any extra brainium apparently.
Why did you make that quote up? Another leftist lie? For a guy that claims to not be low IQ, you can't even post a link to the real, unbiased, uncensored article.  ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #70 on: February 25, 2023, 01:07:56 PM »
Why did you make that quote up? Another leftist lie? For a guy that claims to not be low IQ, you can't even post a link to the real, unbiased, uncensored article.  ::)


Not peep on here either.   :D

These retards need to be held accountable for the money wasted on this bullshit.

No stolen election. And no apologies from Wendy Rogers and the conspiracy squad.

The truth is out and we now know that Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s year-long investigation turned up no evidence of a stolen election in Arizona in 2020.

I can only imagine the relief felt by some of the state’s leading election deniers.

The politicians and self-proclaimed “experts,” people who have spent well over two years howling at the moon about a stolen election and the need to restore “election integrity.”

Legislative leaders who have spent millions in public funds hoping to uncover fraud – Republicans who are now working on dozens of bills to “reform” our elections and boost the voter confidence that they worked daily to undermine.

The secret is out. The Attorney General’s Office spent more than 10,000 hours investigating hundreds upon hundreds of complaints and the result?

“No evidence of election fraud, manipulation of the election process, or any instances of organized/coordinated fraud,”
according to a September report from the AG’s chief investigator – the second of two reports kept hidden from the public until this week.

Well, I’m sure you can imagine the reaction of all those who have spent the last two-plus years slandering state and county elections workers and trying to invalidate Arizona’s vote.

Let’s hear from a few of them.

We’ll start with the queen of election denial.

Sen. Wendy Rogers spent two years calling for decertification of the 2020 election and “perp walks” of the (supposed) criminals who denied Donald Trump his due. She quickly became a rock star on the right, raising millions in campaign donations and scoring the chairmanship of this year’s Senate Elections Committee.

Here’s what Rogers had to say after Wednesday’s release of the AG’s findings:


Meanwhile on Thursday, Rogers was hosting an all-day joint meeting of the House and Senate election committees to explore various schemes to gain control after our supposedly stolen elections, including the nutty notion that the Legislature can overturn a presidential vote.

Or, as I like to call it, Conspiracy Fest 2023.
Mark Finchem says investigators are lying

Let us turn now to former Rep. Mark Finchem, one of the state’s earliest and loudest of the Stop the Steal shriekers.

Finchem leveraged his outrage to land the GOP nomination for the state’s No. 2 job in 2022 – in part by publicly claiming to have evidence of 30,000 fraudulent votes in Pima County.

Yet in a meeting with the AG’s investigators, “Finchem did not repeat those allegations, specifically stating he did not have any evidence of fraud and he did not wish to take up our time.”

Finchem actually tried to decertify the 2020 election, so I can only imagine how chastened he must now feel.

Finchem’s only response was to claim he did so hand over evidence.

“I am disgusted by the claim,” Finchem told The Arizona Republic. “When the AG has the evidence, but claims they don’t, it is impossible for me to disprove the claim. Original documentation is in the AG’s hands.”

Investigators acknowledged in their report that Finchem did, indeed, provide some information.

“He did provide 4 ballots that he said was evidence of a flawed process for mailing and counting ballots,” the report notes. “The ballots had been mailed to prior residents of the address on file, the residents had moved, and the ballots cannot be forwarded by the postal service.”

Agents concluded the four ballots were unopened and were not counted.
Karen Fann ignores the September report

Former Senate President Karen Fann in September 2021 asked Brnovich to investigate after receiving the results of her Cyber Ninjas audit, noting, among her concerns, statements that Maricopa County hid data from her auditors.

The AG’s investigation turned up no evidence of that, though they left the finding in their initial March 2022 report as “undetermined” pending a review of archived records.

Fann’s response on Wednesday was to retweet a post that jumped on that initial finding, ignoring the investigators’ later September 2022 report. The one that provided a scathing analysis of the Cyber Ninja audit, saying “in each instance, the information provided by CNI (Cyber Ninjas Inc.) was inaccurate and false.”
Kari Lake still thinks there's conspiracy afoot

Kari Lake built an entire political campaign around her belief that the election was stolen. Her “war room” campaign's Twitter account glommed onto several instances in which investigators, in that earlier March 2022 report, noted no findings pending a review of archived records.

Naturally, Lake thinks there’s a conspiracy afoot, courtesy of Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes, to hide the fraud.

“As @JenWEsq points out this 'debunking' of election fraud @krismayes put out is incomplete Why? Because Maricopa County refused to cooperate with ANY investigation They are celebrating being ‘vindicated’ because they successfully ran out the clock on @GeneralBrnovich’s tenure,” Kari Lake War Room tweeted.
Sonny Borrelli clings to dead voter claim

Sen. Sonny Borrelli was quick to claim a coverup in 2020 and in 2021 and in 2022. Just last week, he was pushing a bill to cancel everybody’s voter registration, noting the legion of dead voters who cast ballots in our state.

But when it came time to offer up proof?

“Senator Borrelli provided the name of a deceased voter whom he said he personally checked and the information was valid,” the AG investigators noted. “When we looked further into that particular voter, it was learned Mr. Borrelli was incorrect.”

Borrelli said his own investigation of 30 ballots turned up 17 dead voters. The AG's Office is just trying to distract people from the Senate's ongoing investigation into the election.
Warren Petersen says not a word

Senate President Warren Petersen was a driving force behind the scenes in pushing for the Cyber Ninjas audit.

He appointed Wendy Rogers as the Republicans’ point person on election bills this year and proceeded to contract with Gina Swoboda to assist her.

Swoboda, who is big in election denial circles and has ties to both the Trump and Lake campaigns, is being paid $15,000 a month to act as a senior policy adviser to Rogers’ Elections Committee, according to records unearthed by reporter Dillon Rosenblatt on his Fourth Estate 48 Substack.

Petersen’s response to the AG’s findings?

Would an apology be too much to ask?

How about a few of our fake electors, state Sens. Jake Hoffman and Anthony Kern and former state GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward – extremists who blatantly schemed up a plan to rob us of our vote?

Nope, nothing.

Finally, let’s cut to U.S. Reps. Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs and Debbie Lesko, who actually voted on Jan. 6, 2021, to reject Arizona’s presidential election results.

Alas, they, too, are silent.

Curiously, outrageously silent about the AG’s investigation that debunked the bunk they have been force-feeding us for far, far too long. Astonishing silent about the frightening fact that they staged an assault on democracy.

Oh, I know. It would be too much to ask for perp walks.

But how about a few apologies?

Again.... all cranium, no brainium.  No comprehensive reading skills either.  I mean, literally... it was the THIRD SENTENCE in the article.  TDfS + ADHD must be a total bitch to live with.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #71 on: February 25, 2023, 01:32:20 PM »

We on page 3 and not a single one can address the thread topic.   :D

Since you're now quoting a different post, why not post the link to that completely unbiased, trustworthy and neutral news source?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #72 on: February 25, 2023, 01:39:50 PM »
::)  yet another loss handed to Trumpy and Qoach

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich's election fraud investigation turns up bupkis.

Brnovich had his investigators conduct their own investigation of what is probably the most investigated election … anywhere … ever.

And in a report handed over to Arizona Senate President Karen Fann – who orchestrated the ongoing Cyber Ninjas audit disaster – Brnovich reports that his investigation revealed “serious vulnerabilities.”

Actually, what it seems to have revealed is serious political BS on the part of Brnovich.

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer (a Republican who gained office in that 2020 election) responded with a quick Twitter answer to Brnovich’s claims.

Richer and the county’s Republican-controlled board of supervisors have responded, and responded, and responded to claims of fraud

Never finding a serious problem after multiple independent reviews.
County recorder speaks truth about Brnovich's probe

But, as Richer points out in his tweet thread concerning Brnovich’s probe:

“I remember spending many, many hours working with investigators on our entire tech stack. Looking at questions like internet connectivity and data deletion. I guess the answers to those don’t fit the narrative … .”

Richer goes on to explain or debunk what Brnovich’s minions came up with and ends his Twitter thread response with the most important point.

Richer says of Brnovich’s report, “But most importantly, it, rightfully, doesn’t say anything about a stolen election or unlawful acts by election workers … .”

And, he adds, “All of this seems appropriate as it’s coming from the man who (rightfully) laughed off notions of a stolen election on Fox News that people simply split their ticket (which is how we still have a Republican legislature).”


So now what?  A "lol"?  Or "oh boy..."?  Or "you just don't get it"?    hahahahahhaaha

Well, well... what have we here?

And the board retards kept whining about "Arizona... Arizona....".    ::)

Looks like they were wrong.  Again.  To the surprise of no one.

Former Arizona AG sat on records refuting election fraud.

Arizona's former attorney general suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud, according to documents released Wednesday by his successor.

Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes, who took office last month, said the records show the 2020 election “was conducted fairly and accurately by election officials.”

Previous Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, never released a March 2022 summary of investigative findings, which ruled out most of the fraud claims spread by allies and supporters of former President Donald Trump. Yet a month later, he released an “interim report" that claimed his investigation “revealed serious vulnerabilities that must be addressed and raises questions about the 2020 election in Arizona."

He released his April report despite pushback from his investigators who said some of its claims were refuted by their probe. Brnovich was at the time in the midst of a Republican Party primary for U.S. Senate and facing fierce criticism from Trump, who claimed he wasn't doing enough to prosecute election fraud.

Brnovich, whose primary bid was unsuccessful, also did not release a September memo that systematically refuted a bevy of election conspiracies that have taken root on the right, including allegations of dead or duplicate voters, pre-marked ballots flown in from Asia, election servers connected to the internet and even manipulation by satellites controlled by the Italian military.

“In each instance and in each matter, the aforementioned parties did not provide any evidence to support their allegations,” the September memo read. “The information that was provided was speculative in many instances and when investigated by our agents and support staff, was found to be inaccurate.”

The September memo, which was among the documents released Wednesday, describes an all-encompassing probe that became the top priority for the attorney general's investigators, who spent more than 10,000 hours looking into 638 complaints. They opened 430 investigations and referred 22 cases for prosecution. President Joe Biden won Arizona by a little over 10,000 votes.

Mayes said the fraud claims were a waste.

“The ten thousand plus hours spent diligently investigating every conspiracy theory under the sun distracted this office from its core mission of protecting the people of Arizona from real crime and fraud," Mayes said in a statement.

Brnovich's “interim report” claimed that election officials worked too quickly in verifying voter signatures and pointed to a drop in the number of ballots with rejected signatures between 2016 and 2018 and again in 2020. He also claimed that Maricopa County was slow in responding to requests for information.

He made those claims even after investigators who reviewed a draft pushed back, publishing his report largely unchanged following their feedback.

The investigative staff concluded that the county recorder's office “followed its policy/procedures as they relate to signature verification; we did not uncover any criminality or fraud having been committed in this area during the 2020 general election," investigators wrote. They also said they found the county “was cooperative and responsive to our requests.”

Arizona became the epicenter of efforts by Trump allies to cast doubt on Biden's victory. Republican leaders of the state Senate subpoenaed election records and equipment and hired a Florida firm led by a Trump supporter, Cyber Ninjas Inc., to conduct an unprecedented review of the election in Maricopa County.

The Cyber Ninjas review gave Biden more votes than the official count but claimed that their work raised serious questions about the conduct of the election in Maricopa County, home to metro Phoenix and the majority of Arizona's voters. The investigation by the attorney general's office found the allegations did not stand up to scrutiny.

“Our comprehensive review of CNI’s audit showed they did not provide any evidence to support their allegations of widespread fraud or ballot manipulation,” Brnovich's investigators wrote.

Thursday's release is the latest confirmation that there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election and that Biden won the presidency legitimately. Trump continues to repeat his lie that the election was stolen from him as he mounts his third bid for the White House, despite reviews and audits saying otherwise in the battleground states he contested and his own administration officials debunking his claims.

Officials in Maricopa County, where nearly all the officials overseeing elections are Republicans, say they endured death threats and verbal abuse due to the suggestions of malfeasance in the Cyber Ninjas review and Brnovich's “interim report."

“This was a gross misuse of his elected office and an appalling waste of taxpayer dollars, as well as a waste of the time and effort of professional investigators,” Clint Hickman, the Republican chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors said in a statement.

Brnovich's investigators did conclude that Maricopa County officials did not uniformly follow state election procedures when filling out forms to document the pickup and transport of mail ballots. But they said the errors were procedural and that “investigators did not find anything that would (have) compromised the integrity of the ballots or the final ballot count.”

Investigators interviewed two Republican state lawmakers who publicly claimed they knew of fraud in the election, but wrote that neither Rep. Mark Finchem nor Sen. Sonny Borrelli repeated their claims to investigators — when they could have been subject to criminal charges for false reporting to law enforcement. The investigators said a third lawmaker, Republican state Sen. Wendy Rogers, declined to speak with them.

hahahahaha.   Everyone wants to talk and flap their gums, but just not under oath.

Both articles say the exact same thing.  NOTHING supported the stolen election claims.

Deductive reasoning obviously is not your forte.   

If you want links, have at it.  Take your pick.   ::)


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 57815
  • Ron "There is no freedom of speech here" Avidan
Re: Arizona huh?
« Reply #73 on: February 25, 2023, 03:12:23 PM »

Both articles say the exact same thing.  NOTHING supported the stolen election claims.

Deductive reasoning obviously is not your forte.   

If you want links, have at it.  Take your pick.   ::)
Where is the report? Maybe the Russians have it?
I've said it dozens of times since Trump whipped killary, IF there is any fraud going on, it's all digital and untraceable. No amount of investigating will find any widespread fraud for or against either side. Only way to combat this is to go back to paper ballots with mandatory ID.