Author Topic: Samson, months have gone bye, time to own up to the lies....  (Read 13137 times)


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Samson, months have gone bye, time to own up to the lies....
« on: January 30, 2011, 09:37:19 PM »
I posted this letter before about Albert Pike and his [prophecy about how the world would come to be in the 20th and 21st century. Given all of the wars, turmoil, overthrows and mayhem at work now it seems what he prophesied in the 1800s has and is truly coming to pass. Right now there is hardly a spot on earth not reeling form wars, insurrection, natural catastrophes and strange behaviors...Is this all orchestrated to get to a common end or is there some real events brought on by all of the unrest of the masses due to the financial and political upheavals occurring as I write? In either case this letter Pike wrote is astounding in its accuracy of the world and events to come. Have a look at a portion of his prophecy below...


Very few outsiders know about the intimate plans of Albert Pike and the architects of the New World Order.   In the 19th Century Albert Pike established a framework for bringing about the One World Order.  Based on a vision revealed to him, Albert Pike wrote a blueprint of events that would play themselves out in the 20th century, with even more of these events yet to come.  It is this blueprint which we believe unseen leaders are following today, knowingly or not, to engineer the planned Third and Final World War.

    "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." 2

Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War.

    "The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm." 3

After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.  

(Readers who argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871 should remember that the Illuminati invented both these movements.  In addition, Communism as an ideology, and as a coined phrase, originates in France during the Revolution.  In 1785, Restif coined the phrase four years before revolution broke out.  Restif and Babeuf, in turn, were influenced by Rousseau - as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam Weishaupt.)

    "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 09:57:13 PM »


This is from Albert Pikes Book MORALS AND DOGMA. I posted the FREE book on this site a couple of months ago

Read Book Here


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2011, 10:00:45 PM »
This trash belongs on the CT board.

Roger Bacon

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2011, 10:30:02 PM »
This is from Albert Pikes Book MORALS AND DOGMA. I posted the FREE book on this site a couple of months ago

Read Book Here


I've got a copy right here in front of me, can't find this information?


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2011, 11:22:19 PM »

I've got a copy right here in front of me, can't find this information?

The REAL COPY of Morals and Dogma is VERY EXPENSIVE and considered a RARITY to find or have, so more than likely your version is an incomplete version/knock off. The communication between Giusseppe Mazzini and Albert Pike was in a letter Albert had written to him outlining this "prophecy". Your book, if it is complete, should have a section on this communication between Mazzini and Pike, if not it is incomplete. You can find information on this letter on line between the two men by typing into your search engine the subject line of this post. Here is some more indepth info on Mazzini and Pike that eludes to the mindset of the necessity of wars to achieve their end as well as the quote about the three world wars

Albert Pike (1809-1891)

Albert Pike

Albert Pike also of Newbury Port moved to Arkansas where he became a prominent member of the secessionist movement. He was chosen by Mazzini to head the Illuminati operations in America and moved to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1852. During the war he was made a brigadier general and placed in charge of raising an army of Indians. Pike's reign of terror was so despicable that foreign governments intervened to put an end to his savagery. Mazzini was not only the head of the Illuminati, he was the leading revolutionist in Europe. He was determined to establish a New World Order on the rubble of the old order and created a plan to accomplish his goal. He detailed his plan for world domination in a letter to Pike on January 22, 1870: "We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown. Lady Queensborough, Occult Theocracy, pp. 208-209.

Albert Pike Mason

This secret rite is called "The New and Reformed Palladian Rite." It has headquarters in Charleston, S.C., Rome Italy, and Berlin Germany. Pike headed this rite in the Western Hemisphere while Mazzini headed it in the East. Pike wrote about his beliefs and goals in 1871 in "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry." In this massive volume he explained that the "blind Force of the people is a Force that must be economized, and also managed. . . it must be regulated by intellect. "To attack the citadels (Institutions) built up on all sides against the human race by superstitions (religion), despotisms, and prejudices, the force must have a brain and a law (the Illuminati's). Then its (Force) deeds of daring produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. . . When all forces combined, and guided by the Intellect (Illuminati), and regulated by the Rule of Right, and Justice, and of combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared for the ages will begin to march. . . It is because Force is ill regulated that revolutions prove failures" Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1-2 (Rev. Ed. 1950).

Even though Pike was a confederate general who committed the most heinous atrocities of the war his tomb is located just 13 blocks from the Capitol Building. He was a high ranking member of the Illuminati who is still revered by the New World Order Gang. The god of the Illuminati and the New World Order Gang is Lucifer. "The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. . . Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jesus) is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. . ."The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Jesus); but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil." A.C. De La Rive, La Femme et l'enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle, p. 588; Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy pp. 220-221.

Guiseppe Mazzini

Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order.

Albert Pike's plan for the Illuminati was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions. The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During World War Two International Communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did put this policy into effect?

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning person deny that the intrigue now going on in the Near, Middle, and Far East is designed to accomplish this devilish purpose?

After World War Three is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. We quote his own written words taken from the letter catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, England.

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time" (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xv-xvi).

This strategy is corroborated by Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy PhD. in The Power Elite's use of Wars and Crises. pike.htm


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2011, 12:11:27 PM »

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2011, 01:54:30 PM »
This is from Albert Pikes Book MORALS AND DOGMA. I posted the FREE book on this site a couple of months ago

Read Book Here
NO IT'S NOT YOU IDIOT... I've read Morals and Dogma.  I own one of the original copies.  none of that shit is in there.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2011, 02:00:58 PM »
OMG, Samson is so full of shit... I have one of the original copies and I read it over 10 years ago.  It does not have anything about world wars in it. ::)  I do have another original book that talks about world wars written in 1897 before there were any world wars but it was not a mason behind it. 


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2011, 02:15:25 PM »
NO IT'S NOT YOU IDIOT... I've read Morals and Dogma.  I own one of the original copies.  none of that shit is in there.

You LYING DOG SHIT SMELLING RETARD...You do NOT own an original copy of Morals and Dogma..that book is impossible to find or get. It is a collectors item to end all collectors items. You must be inhaling too much fucking Yellowstone gaseous air. I posted this clip of Jeff Rense and David Icke discussing this very "prophecy" of Albert Pike just to back up all the more of what I said to the equally retarded PIP who claimed to have read Morals and Dogma yet knew nothing of Pike. Few people know of Morals and Dogma and even fewer know of Albert Pike. If someone has any knowledge of him they would know of his heavy freemason tie ins, how the illuminati was heightened in america because of him, how he stated wars are the way to bring about the change desired by the elite. The communication between him and Guisseppe Mazzini has been discussed ad nauseum and the letters outlying the need for three world wars and the reasons for them has been discussed endlessly due to their prophetic outcomes.

So give me a fucking break on your  childish rants and tears on this board... you're still in your I HATE FARRAKHAN MODE... clear sign of retardedness.

BTW... What is the name of this "OTHER" book and author claiming to have discussed three world wars and their reason before Pike?

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2011, 02:26:22 PM »
You LYING DOG SHIT SMELLING RETARD...You do NOT own an original copy of Morals and Dogma..that book is impossible to find or get. It is a collectors item to end all collectors items. You must be inhaling too much fucking Yellowstone gaseous air. I posted this clip of Jeff Rense and David Icke discussing this very "prophecy" of Albert Pike just to back up all the more of what I said to the equally retarded PIP who claimed to have read Morals and Dogma yet knew nothing of Pike. Few people know of Morals and Dogma and even fewer know of Albert Pike. If someone has any knowledge of him they would know of his heavy freemason tie ins, how the illuminati was heightened in america because of him, how he stated wars are the way to bring about the change desired by the elite. The communication between him and Guisseppe Mazzini has been discussed ad nauseum and the letters outlying the need for three world wars and the reasons for them has been discussed endlessly due to their prophetic outcomes.

So give me a fucking break on your  childish rants and tears on this board... you're still in your I HATE FARRAKHAN MODE... clear sign of retardedness.

BTW... What is the name of this "OTHER" book and author claiming to have discussed three world wars and their reason before Pike?
Yes I own one of the original copies, it's in storage right now.  I come from a family that's had some pretty high up masons.  This has nothing to do with your love affair for Farrakhan.  These are just the facts.  The stuff you quoted is not in Morals and Dogma.  Infact you're so clueless you don't even know that the reference you're talking about is supposed to be from a letter to Giusseppe Mazzini from Albert Pike and was never originally attributed to Morals and Dogma in any way.  There is also no authentication of the letter.  It's not something that's been revealed from his writings in any way.  Enjoy being wrong again you ass.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2011, 02:34:47 PM »
Oh and I never claimed the other book I was talking about was before Albert Pike.  Morals and Dogma was written before 1897.  And I have openly said in the past I am not revealing that book.  I doubt you could get a copy anyway.  Very few were published, it's not on the net; it's without a doubt the rarest in my collection.  You can either take my word for it or believe me a liar which is fine by me.  The book does talk about the comming world wars and beyond that, what is suppose to happen after the ashes have fallen.  I really have read this book and it's real and no the author was not a mason.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2011, 02:46:54 PM »
Samson, if you don't believe me about the original copy of Morals and Dogma not having this, I just checked, the Library of Congress has an original copy.  You can go and check it out for yourself or have someone you know go and check it out.  The world war stuff is NOT in there.


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2011, 05:44:16 PM »
Damn SAMSON, you just got your ass handed to you.  Better disappear for a while.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2011, 06:16:39 PM »
Damn SAMSON, you just got your ass handed to you.  Better disappear for a while.
he's searching his ass off to find some way to prove me wrong.  He probably already bailed on that search because I'm right.  He probably didn't figure that there might actually be someone here that had read morals and dogma.  I've read the original and I know pip has read some version of it also.  We talked about it more than a year before this thread even came about.  Yet, lol, Samson is telling us that we don't know anything about it haha...  I guess ol' Samson ASSumed a little to much  ;D

On a side note, I'll add that Morals and Dogma actually has some real good messages in it.  We always hear how evil this book is, but if you read it, you end up finding out it's not that sinister of a book and actually has some very good pointers for humanity and the way people view and deal with eachother in it.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2011, 06:19:31 PM »
You LYING DOG SHIT SMELLING RETARD...You do NOT own an original copy of Morals and Dogma..that book is impossible to find or get. It is a collectors item to end all collectors items. You must be inhaling too much fucking Yellowstone gaseous air. I posted this clip of Jeff Rense and David Icke discussing this very "prophecy" of Albert Pike just to back up all the more of what I said to the equally retarded PIP who claimed to have read Morals and Dogma yet knew nothing of Pike. Few people know of Morals and Dogma and even fewer know of Albert Pike. If someone has any knowledge of him they would know of his heavy freemason tie ins, how the illuminati was heightened in america because of him, how he stated wars are the way to bring about the change desired by the elite. The communication between him and Guisseppe Mazzini has been discussed ad nauseum and the letters outlying the need for three world wars and the reasons for them has been discussed endlessly due to their prophetic outcomes.

So give me a fucking break on your  childish rants and tears on this board... you're still in your I HATE FARRAKHAN MODE... clear sign of retardedness.

BTW... What is the name of this "OTHER" book and author claiming to have discussed three world wars and their reason before Pike?
You fucking asshole...  You got me thinking I had a priceless book.

Here's a first edition that just sold for 200 bucks ::)  Real impossible to obtain lol...  I think I'll hold on to my copy if that's all they bring in.

So much for "a collectors item to end all collector items" HAHAHAHA  Just one more little thing that shows how willing you are to pull shit out of your ass and present it as some truth.  Face it, your full of shit as usual.


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2011, 10:01:21 AM »
You fucking asshole...  You got me thinking I had a priceless book.

Here's a first edition that just sold for 200 bucks ::)  Real impossible to obtain lol...  I think I'll hold on to my copy if that's all they bring in.

So much for "a collectors item to end all collector items" HAHAHAHA  Just one more little thing that shows how willing you are to pull shit out of your ass and present it as some truth.  Face it, your full of shit as usual.

LMFAO.  She'll probably avoid this thread entirely or claim that there's actually a super secret 1st edition that only a couple of people know about.

If it's as good as you say, I'll have to give it a read some time.


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2011, 09:19:43 PM »
Samson, if you don't believe me about the original copy of Morals and Dogma not having this, I just checked, the Library of Congress has an original copy.  You can go and check it out for yourself or have someone you know go and check it out.  The world war stuff is NOT in there.
Are you saying that SATAN123 is making all this stuff up  :o ;D

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2011, 09:26:38 PM »

LMFAO.  She'll probably avoid this thread entirely or claim that there's actually a super secret 1st edition that only a couple of people know about.

If it's as good as you say, I'll have to give it a read some time.
It's not a fun read but it has some interesting stuff in it, sections of it are pretty boring... it just does't reveal the sinister doom people like samson say it does and actually has some good ideas about people in it. 

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2011, 04:54:57 PM »
You LYING DOG SHIT SMELLING RETARD...You do NOT own an original copy of Morals and Dogma..that book is impossible to find or get. It is a collectors item to end all collectors items. You must be inhaling too much fucking Yellowstone gaseous air. I posted this clip of Jeff Rense and David Icke discussing this very "prophecy" of Albert Pike just to back up all the more of what I said to the equally retarded PIP who claimed to have read Morals and Dogma yet knew nothing of Pike. Few people know of Morals and Dogma and even fewer know of Albert Pike. If someone has any knowledge of him they would know of his heavy freemason tie ins, how the illuminati was heightened in america because of him, how he stated wars are the way to bring about the change desired by the elite. The communication between him and Guisseppe Mazzini has been discussed ad nauseum and the letters outlying the need for three world wars and the reasons for them has been discussed endlessly due to their prophetic outcomes.

So give me a fucking break on your  childish rants and tears on this board... you're still in your I HATE FARRAKHAN MODE... clear sign of retardedness.

BTW... What is the name of this "OTHER" book and author claiming to have discussed three world wars and their reason before Pike?


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2011, 06:40:55 PM »

Don't hold your breath, you gave that little bitch a nasty owning.


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2011, 09:33:49 AM »
Bump for a certain pussy!


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2011, 11:08:27 AM »

SAMSON is a retard. Not that it wasn't obvious to everyone.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2011, 04:28:23 AM »
come on samson, admit what an ass you are and how much you just love to make shit up. ;D


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2011, 11:50:07 AM »


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Re: Albert Pike And The THREE WORLD WARS
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2011, 04:47:32 PM »