Author Topic: Israel is very much so involved in the NSA spy ring of US citizen your 'friend'  (Read 4346 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • loco like a fox
Why is Islam so anti-Semite?


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Nasser
Why is Islam so anti-Semite?

It's not because we are thought to protect the jews and christians, you're just ignorant and hate islam. The only time peace ever existed between the three faiths in the holy land was under muslim rule, not christian rule and definetely not secular jewish rule (zionists). That is why orthodox jews like these openly cite and support muslims and islam as the historical truth of the pats 100+ years that in fact Jews were protected under Muslims and lived peacefully unlike under zionist rule where they are oppressed too.

Zionists are the true anti-semites, they oppress orthodox jews, zionists and their founders were secularists and atheists who hate God and who hate the torah and who hate religion

Jesus (pbuh) certainly wouldn't support secularist atheistic nationalists who denounce and hate God and religion Loco.


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Nasser


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Nasser
JULY 16, 1947

Taken from the United Nations Trusteeship Library

1 The ancient right of the People of Israel to the land of Israel.

In approaching what is commonly called the Palestine problem and in trying to find a just and suitable solution it is imperative that the history of the Holy Land and its correlation with the Jewish people be viewed in their proper perspective.

Indeed from the day onwards on which the L-rd said to Abraham: "Arise, walk through the Land, in the length of it and in the breadth, for I will give it unto thee" (Genesis, 13, 17), this country was predestined to be the land of domicile for the People of Israel. However, this predestination, this divine promise, has its basis but in religion, for only loyalty to HIS laws and teachings and fundamental application of that Law in Israel's public and private life will entitle them to the name "People of Israel" and only then can the term "Land of Israel" apply to this land as it is aid: "And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Exodus 19, 6) and further: "For thou art a holy people under the L-rd, thy G-d." (Deuteronomy 7, 6). The interrelation between the land of Israel and the people of Israel rise and falls with the degree and intensity with which they fulfill the Holy Law. Past experience proves that Israel fell easy prey to their enemies whenever they deviated from the path prescribed in the Holy Bible, a fact to which the chapters of the Bible bear eloquent evidence.

2 Unbroken settlement by Jews throughout the ages.

Hence, even after the dispersion, when Israel were scattered to the four corners of the world to atone for their sins and prepare themselves for the great task of being a holy nation and of being fit once again to live in the land of their promise, Jews loyal to the tradition of their forefathers have not severed the connection with the land even for short intervals. Though unable to fulfill all the commandments while residing abroad, particularly those relating to the soil of this land, they have constantly directed and arranged their prayers with their faces towards the Holy Land in accordance with I King 8, 48: "And pray unto thee towards their land."

Some Jews endeavoured to visit the Holy Land at least once in their lives and at later periods, when transport and traffic connections became easier, these loyal Jews began to return to the Holy Land to live permanently therein in holiness and purity and literally applied the verse (Psalms 102, 14): "For thy servants take pleasure in her stones and favour the dust thereof."

The relation between the people of Israel and the land of Israel being an ancient and permanent religious tie, Providence has seen to it that throughout the long history of this land, Jews were never to abandon it entirely. . . .

3 Good neighbourly relations with other sections of the population.

During no period of the immigration of such orthodox European Jews was any opposition offered by the Arab population. On the contrary, these Jews were welcomed on account of economic benefits and general progress that accrued to the local inhabitants who had no fear whatsoever of being subjugated. It was common knowledge that these Jews came but for the purpose of fulfilling certain religious requirements and they had no difficulty in establishing a mutual trust, and real friendship developed with all sections of the community. That was the time when good neighborly relations existed between Jews and Arabs and in particular Rabbis and eminent scholars who then lead the Jewish Community were greatly esteemed and honoured by all inhabitants.

4 Palestine under the Mandate.

With the occupation of Palestine by His Britannic Majesty's Forces and after the confirmation of the Mandate over Palestine by the League of Nations, which incorporated the Balfour Declaration of 1917 a new era opened in the history of the Holy Land. We Orthodox Jews whose forefathers promoted the development of the Jewish Yishuv throughout the generations, who for many centuries constituted the most important element of the Yishuv in the Holy Land, were always on the very best of terms with all sections of the Community. We had hoped that the real purpose of the Mandate would be the promotion of a "Home" to which Jews who lived in the Diaspora might be able to return as their Home Land in order to live here in accordance with the Commandments of the Almighty. It was upon the first appearance of the Zionist organization as a political entity, created in and by the spirit of reform, a spirit to which Orthodox Jewry is so utterly opposed that the idea of the foundation of a Jewish state in the Holy Land was first advanced.

Much trouble and endless bloodshed might have been avoided if the Mandate were to have been applied in the manner hoped for by Orthodox Jewry.

In addition the various Jewish Communities in the country had been organized along traditional lines of truly Jewish Law, by actively applying the Laws of Moses to the public affairs of the Holy Land, we are convinced that the country would have remained at peace and the dangers inherent in prevailing conditions might never have arisen. Moreover, the colossal massacre of millions of our brethren at the hands of Nazism during the second World War might have been averted to a very substantial degree for many of them might have been able to live peacefully in the Holy Land as there would have been not the slightest justification for the limitations of Jewish immigration as have in fact been enforced during the last decade.

However, it is a regrettable fact that a serious blunder was committed at the time by recognising first the leaders of Zionism and then the Jewish Agency as official representation of the Jewish population and by handing the keys of immigration to that body which consists of zionists and non-zionists who are united in the opposition to the application of religion to public life and they have succeeded in bringing to this country free-thinking people like themselves who blocked the way of immigration to myriads of Orthodox Jews. Only after prolonged and forceful representations supported by the Government of Palestine did they agree to issue small numbers of certificates for immigration also to Orthodox Jews. They have thus succeeded in strengthening their position by bringing in elements of the population who were faithful to their aims and ideals and have founded Jewish Communities throughout the country whose very spirit is contrary to the requirements of Jewish Law and have thereby furthered their hold in the country, by insisting on the creation of a Jewish state therein. This aroused the fear of our Arab neighbors in connection with further Jewish immigration and thus started the determined opposition on the part of the Arabs against Jewish immigration.

5 Palestine as a State.

From the time of King Solomon to our very days the Holy Land was either united with Trans-Jordan or attached to Syria or Turkey. Western Palestine was never a single and independent entity and certainly a part of that cannot possibly constitute an independent state, as envisaged in the various plans that are discussed from time to time.

However, the basic reason for our opposition to an Independent Jewish state as that in prevailing circumstances the officially recognised representation of the Jewish people does not consider the authority of the Holy Law as binding in the public affairs of the Jewish people. . . .

. . . .and it is contrary to the wishes of G-d to create a Jewish State. . .

6 Summary of Part I

Orthodox Jewry has not the slightest intention of subjugating any section of the population of the Holy Land. We merely demand that the gates of Palestine be opened to all those Jews who have no home and enable them to live here Jewish lives in accordance with the commandments of the L-rd. However in order to avoid the continuation of the untenable position as set out in the last paragraph of section 4 we suggest that the keys of Jewish immigration be placed into the hands of the Government of this country.

We furthermore wish to express our definite opposition to a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 19617
  • loco like a fox
The only time peace ever existed between the three faiths in the holy land was under muslim rule ironic.  "Peace", under Muslim tyranny, where Christians and Jews were second-class citizens who were forced to pay Muslims a special tax.     ::)


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 14174
  • Team Shizzo
You think what the NSA did was bad, imagine life under sharia law. Not even the pretense of freedom we have in the us.  Outright dictatorship.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5823
  • Team Nasser
You think what the NSA did was bad, imagine life under sharia law. Not even the pretense of freedom we have in the us.  Outright dictatorship.

Apparently the Jews of Spain dubbed the rule of muslims under shariah law as the golden age of judaism. Jews strived and many jewish historians who do not have their ego to scrub cite that without Muslims Jews would have perished as mere writings in the books of ancient history.

Trying to taint and lie about Islam to make the western way look better is a hilarious tactic.

The western armies are the ones waging bloodshed, wars and violence over the world.

Muslims are terrorists whenever they defend themselves, but American bombs are democracy.

You are so blinded by what your country is doing even if it's against you. You are blinded by the hatred that has been instilled of you over Islam and muslims.

In Islam spying on people individually is disallowed. So yes, one more thing that the west opposes Islam for. The west has embraced intrusion of privacy, spying and whatever else you want to call it. Your so called 'freedoms' are a delusion.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 19617
  • loco like a fox
Trying to taint and lie about Islam to make the western way look better is a hilarious tactic.

It is Muslims who lie and taint Islam.  And Islamic nations are 100-1,000 years behind Western nations.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5823
  • Team Nasser
It is Muslims who lie and taint Islam.

So far you've been lying while on a hate campaign of Islam.

Jews thrived under Muslim rule and survived thanks to Muslims not Christians. Historical facts you don't want to embrace.

Not only that, Christians persecuted even Christians in the holy land when they invaded causing mass bloodshed of not just Jews and Muslims but Christian Arabs. Why? Because they COEXISTED PEACEFULLY with one another and were deemed heretics for this.

And Islamic nations are 100-1,000 years behind Western nations.

If one looks at history, one can see progress in the Muslim world always slowed down when there was war. Whether it was crusades, colonialism or recent American/Israeli/Western imperialism. It's hard to progress when your houses and streets are bombed non-stop.

Otherwise the islamic civilization brought far more progress to the world than the west ever did and for a far longer period of time. The western modern empire now only about 300 years of m


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19617
  • loco like a fox

It is Muslims who lie and taint Islam.  And Islamic nations are 100-1,000 years behind Western nations.

So far you've been lying while on a hate campaign of Islam.

Jews thrived under Muslim rule and survived thanks to Muslims not Christians. Historical facts you don't want to embrace.

Not only that, Christians persecuted even Christians in the holy land when they invaded causing mass bloodshed of not just Jews and Muslims but Christian Arabs. Why? Because they COEXISTED PEACEFULLY with one another and were deemed heretics for this.

LOL...Thanks for confirming my post by justifying today's Muslim atrocities by comparing them to Christians 1,000 years ago.    ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5823
  • Team Nasser
So far you've been lying while on a hate campaign of Islam.

Jews thrived under Muslim rule and survived thanks to Muslims not Christians. Historical facts you don't want to embrace.

Not only that, Christians persecuted even Christians in the holy land when they invaded causing mass bloodshed of not just Jews and Muslims but Christian Arabs. Why? Because they COEXISTED PEACEFULLY with one another and were deemed heretics for this.

LOL...Thanks for confirming my post by justifying today's Muslim atrocities by comparing them to Christians 1,000 years ago.    ;D

I'm sorry but I am not comparing Muslims to Christians at all. Muslims are defending themselves in their own lands while Crusaders came to invade lands no different than the british/french colonialists nor any different to modern day western imperialism.

If anything what I'm confirming is the comparison between the crusades and modern day western imperialism.

Just like the pope of past crusades spread lies and tales about evil Mozzlems, today the same is being done by western governments and certain christian denominations such as yourself. And like the crusades all out merciless bloodhsed is used while lies are used to cover up the truths of these wars. Muslims are labeled as violent and violence loving, while in fact it was western armies that are violent and violence loving, spreading actual violence.

Greed, treachery, lies the same as the crusades, the same as modern day western imperialism of the west.

Deception is not only applied against Islam and Muslims, but all people. As in the case of the NSA/US/Israel spying on the world. Out of fear, out of desperation, out of deceit and treachery.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 19617
  • loco like a fox
Muslims are defending themselves in their own lands while Crusaders came to invade lands no different than the british/french colonialists nor any different to modern day western imperialism.

He was defending himself.    ::)


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Shizzo
And Muslims raped, pillaged and enslaved whole populations.   When will they answer for their crimes?  By your logic it is acceptable to defend yourself if you are under threat.  Do you think it is right if a man in England kills or deports a Muslim who wants to assert sharia law?  The Englishman would be defending his culture and values.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5823
  • Team Nasser
And Muslims raped, pillaged and enslaved whole populations.   When will they answer for their crimes?  By your logic it is acceptable to defend yourself if you are under threat.  Do you think it is right if a man in England kills or deports a Muslim who wants to assert sharia law?  The Englishman would be defending his culture and values.

Blatant lies.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 14174
  • Team Shizzo
Blatant lies.

Sure it is.  It's easier to deny it than accept responsibility.  Does the Englishman have the right to eradicate a Muslim who is threatening his culture?   He would defending himself according to your logic


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5823
  • Team Nasser
Israel your friend:


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 14174
  • Team Shizzo
Does he have the right?   


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2687
In Islam spying on people individually is disallowed. So yes, one more thing that the west opposes Islam for. The west has embraced intrusion of privacy, spying and whatever else you want to call it. Your so called 'freedoms' are a delusion.

Is there a contemporary state where Muslims rule that you can point to as an example for how government ought to be run? Where and how should this do you think this model should be implemented? What if the locals have no interest in its implementation?

Remember, I'm asking for a realistic, contemporary example, not a fantasy derived from rosy interpretations of medieval times.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4302
  • Vincit qui se vincit
Apparently the Jews of Spain dubbed the rule of muslims under shariah law as the golden age of judaism.

Muslims in Al Andalus DID NOT consider Jews and Christians equals. In fact, Jews and Christians were considered second class citizens and were relegated to the fringes of that society.

Kinda like South African blacks during apartheid.

The only reason they were not done away with (which is what the Christians did to the Jews and the Muslims once they got the power back) was because they were Abd al-Rahman's allies, and his enemies were OTHER Muslims.

Key word here is tolerated.

And the downfall of Al Andalus, which was an advanced civilization for its time, I'll concede to that, was precisely the introduction of stricter versions of Islam in every facet of life.

Islam, as with all other religions, is crap. If you want to kill yourselves do us all a favor and find another reason.


  • Getbig V
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Is there a contemporary state where Muslims rule that you can point to as an example for how government ought to be run? Where and how should this do you think this model should be implemented? What if the locals have no interest in its implementation?

Remember, I'm asking for a realistic, contemporary example, not a fantasy derived from rosy interpretations of medieval times.


Is there a contemporary state where Christians, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Hindus, or Pagans, rule that YOU can point to as an example of how government ought to be run?


  • Getbig V
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  • Our forefathers would be shooting by now
Muslims are a scourge. They stopped developing around the mid 1500's and continue to live like animals. Their countries are all 3rd world shitholes....any advancement has been made at the hands of BP and Texaco. Oil is the only saving grace, when it runs out they'll go back to farming dirt. Please kill yourselves now and allow the West to get on with trying to make the world a better place to live


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5823
  • Team Nasser
Yeah the west is doing a great job of making the world a better place, causing millions of deaths in the middle-east and elsewhere, waging constant warfare, 17 trillion dollars in debt, end of freedom, end of privacy, poverty, unemployment, lies, decline in moral standards, corruption, greed, deception, the list goes on.

Great progress dat der.

Why is the middle-east and africa backwards? Try colonialism and imperialism of the last 300 years. It's hard to progress when you are bombed constantly, invaded and attacked constantly.

If Arabs closed oil taps, your whole economy and system would instantly crash to oblivion. You'd be screwed beyond screwed. You're already screwed as it is with 17 trillion dollars of debt.

All you know is how to wage war, lie and deceive.

You depend on that oil, that's one of the reasons you progressed. Just as the renaissance was the reason you intellectually progressed. You don't give credit where it's due, instead you try to boast of yourself and slander the hand that fed you without which you would be in fact in decline.

No oil, no energy, your system is screwed. That's why you've been messing with the middle-east for the past 100+ years. You need it and don't want the people to live freely in the middle-east, instead you imposed dictatorships that do your bidding. Now you're supporting instability to not allow the people to rule themselves either.

You don't want Islam to be glorious again, so you sow enmity and problems in the middle-east.

The French and British made a pact since the crusades to not allow progress in the Muslim world. They've done that and the US is doing that now. Why? Because Muslims outnumber the west in everything, wealth, resources, population, armed numbers, everything, hence divide and conquer was applied otherwise the west is nothing.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 24454
  • Gold Savings Account Rep +1 (310) 409-2244
Muslims are a scourge. They stopped developing around the mid 1500's and continue to live like animals. Their countries are all 3rd world shitholes....any advancement has been made at the hands of BP and Texaco. Oil is the only saving grace, when it runs out they'll go back to farming dirt. Please kill yourselves now and allow the West to get on with trying to make the world a better place to live

You might to divest yourself from this illusion sooner, rather than later.
Nothing hidden stays concealed forever, ...and when the truth is eventually revealed to you,
and reality sets in, ...the overwhelming sense of betrayal you will feel might be more than you can handle.

Wasn't Boston a big enough wake up call? Why not just be grateful to be alive, well, and home with your family?
Lord knows a lot of the "expendable meat shields" didn't make it back, ...intact or otherwise.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2687

Is there a contemporary state where Christians, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Hindus, or Pagans, rule that YOU can point to as an example of how government ought to be run?

1. How one says a state "ought" to be run will surely be a function of one's beliefs and interests, e.g., if I think adhering to Islamic principles of governance is desirable (installing Sharia law and the like), I will point to Afghanistan under the Taliban, or -- to a somewhat more limited extent -- Saudi Arabia as admirable models. As it happens, I don't think any state should be run on the basis of religious precepts, meaning ahmed and I are necessarily opposed.

2. To answer your question, spinning the globe at random reveals Christians doing a decent job of governance in Germany, Jews in Israel, and Buddhists in Japan -- all due to their more or less governing on the basis of secular principles, independent of whatever metaphysical hogwash they consider sacrosanct. All models on offer have significant room for improvement, though it seems to me that the models closest to well-being maximization we can ever hope to instantiate will be mere iterations of those currently on offer.

I'm extremely confident that all such models -- actual and hypothetical -- are superior to taking Islam seriously, and extremely confident that if you ever came out to this part of the world and saw Islam in action, you would be inclined to agree. Can we at least meet half way here and agree that the following properties of government would, in all likelihood, not maximize human well-being: virulent homophobia, giving women's testimony half the value in court, forcibly suppressing half the population's (women) career prospects and thus half a state's economic potential, banning alcohol (for shame!), banning eating in public during certain weeks due to ancient superstition, and legalizing wife beating?