Author Topic: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community  (Read 26673 times)


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2021, 12:05:00 PM »
Why not look into the training program that Phil Hernon used to advocate.  I use it at times.  It is great for taking a break, but still getting good workouts in.

Why not? Because I'd much rather advice from regular, non-hormonized people that have tried and tested experience on the natural side. Phil Hernon was a walking pharmaceutical experiment, as far detached from reality as his former kidney (all due respect).

Whereas you and the others here are closer to my reality.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2021, 12:08:32 PM »
5-days a week full-body?

That doesn't make sense.

3-days a week full-body makes sense.

If you want to train 5-days a week do a split.

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2021, 12:15:53 PM »
Going  through this thread, one thing I would add is I’m in your same age group, maybe a little younger, is that a somewhat higher rep range seems to work better for me. When I get down to that 5 or 6 range I start to feel it in my lower back and knees doing squats and overhead presses. These days I don’t go lower than 10 reps.

I happen to be a lifelong boxing aficionado myself. While I wouldn’t do any sparring anymore either, you could still do some bag workouts, footwork drills and shadowboxing. It’s better than nothing. Same with BJJ. Rolling regularly is going to get you hurt continually but you could still do some drills shrimping, sit outs etc.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2021, 04:17:28 PM »
Going  through this thread, one thing I would add is I’m in your same age group, maybe a little younger, is that a somewhat higher rep range seems to work better for me. When I get down to that 5 or 6 range I start to feel it in my lower back doing squats and overhead presses. These days I don’t go lower than 10 reps.

I happen to be a lifelong boxing aficionado myself. While I wouldn’t do any sparring anymore either, you could still do some bag workouts, footwork drills and shadowboxing. It’s better than nothing. Same with BJJ. Rolling regularly is going to get you hurt continually but you could still do some drills shrimping, sit outs etc.

I concur.

Once you hit 40-50+ there is zero reason to lift heavy. 8-15 rep range is where it's at.

If i lift heavy for a couple weeks, my joints start to ache. Considering you are trying to stay healthy for the long-term. Keep it heavy and intense, but controlled. Don't train to failure, but maybe a rep or two away from it. You need to preserve your CNS.

Maybe do a workout in the 4-6 reps range in a cycle once or twice a month, just to get that heavy weight. But there is no reason to train in that range. My biggest mistake in 26 years of lifting was training too heavy, too low rep range for long periods. It has it's place for short periods.

I took Muay Thai for a long time when i was young. Still do footwork and bag drills a few times a month. Just don't hit the bag too hard because i like my joints the way they are.

How often you train depends a lot on your diet and recovery time. Everyone recovers at a different rate. If you are training heavy you need a lot of rest. I think 4 days a week is plenty.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2021, 04:37:19 PM »
I hesitate to give advices.  One thing for sure is the ownership principle. You have to do what you enjoy and what works for you.  I still train till I'm blue in the face trying to get one more rep making a moderate weight heavy through slower reps and a full range of motion. I think many a time am I really doing too much at my age. My wife keeps telling me I'm going to have a heart attack.  ;D

 Sometimes I think volume guys are right on target. If you use 4 to 6 sets a body part only the last should be to failure. The other sets are building muscular endurance. I still train with low sets but sometimes I wonder if in my sixties it's time to let it go and enjoy training more. Danny Padilla said he use to train with low sets and heavy weights. It made him dread training. He said he got better results doing 5 sets per exercise. Pearl also bought this up. He said in effect if you make your training so hellish you will soon dread working out and missed workouts will happen. Getting back to the ownership principle.  I learned this from Clarence Bass. My brother in law is in amazing shape. Looks like a real athlete with his shirt off. He runs five mile four times a week and does bodyweight exercises. It's his ownership path and it works for him.

Like you I don't box anymore not that a guy in his sixties should be getting into the ring. I had my time and I got out while I was still pretty. All I got is a crooked nose.  I also rolled on the mats not at a high level like you did but I quickly learned I don't enjoy rolling on the ground with smelly guys.  Don't get me wrong. I admire guys dedicated to that martial art.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2021, 08:48:42 PM »
I don't know a fucking thing but that never stops me from offering advice like I know what I'm talking about. ::)

Without delving into the minutiae, I'm doing a 4 day rotation:

1. Classic compound lifts, 6-8 range, 2 working sets

2. Jits movements, abs, glutes, calves, neck

3. Calisthenics and gymnastic holds, single leg work

4. Takedowns, sandbag dynamics and slams

Exertion-wise, it's heavy, light, medium, light. Days off as dictated by feel or demands of life.

This is new. Just got my mats down a couple weeks ago so still finding my way. Definitely believe in bodyweight work tho, and the mats are a nice luxury. (Aint nobody wanna fail out of a planche onto concrete.) Weights alone will not give you a body that controls itself well under gravity, and I'd rather do that well than be good at moving a heavy bar 18". Power/explosiveness work also seems like something that shouldn't be neglected, although in Weights World (non-oly, obviously) grinding through with pounds-on-bar seems to be the only consideration. Maybe I'm not all about that because I suck at pounds-on-bar and my lifts are a joke, but whenever I've concentrated exclusively on barbell and dumbbell work, I've felt stronger but slow and unathletic, and I didn't like it.

I'll change this, I imagine. The mission is to kick my ass into performance shape and return to no gi jits as a 0 stripe white belt at the age of 48 when the weather cools off. Will I ask myself wtf I was thinking when some spaz overcranks a heel hook and I can't pay my mortgage anymore? Yeah. Guess I'm hoping for small, can-still-drywall type injuries because it's not like there aren't going to be any.

It's nice having a mission tho. And I'm still getting that Iron Cross before age 50. When I do, I'll post up the What A Beast photo.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2021, 03:49:18 AM »

Are you some kind of fucking tard, lol?  Oh wait, never mind- you already answered that question.
well if it´s so mind blowing your workouts and gains then show us  :-*

Grape Ape

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2021, 10:18:28 AM »
I concur.

Once you hit 40-50+ there is zero reason to lift heavy. 8-15 rep range is where it's at.

If i lift heavy for a couple weeks, my joints start to ache. Considering you are trying to stay healthy for the long-term. Keep it heavy and intense, but controlled. Don't train to failure, but maybe a rep or two away from it. You need to preserve your CNS.

Maybe do a workout in the 4-6 reps range in a cycle once or twice a month, just to get that heavy weight. But there is no reason to train in that range. My biggest mistake in 26 years of lifting was training too heavy, too low rep range for long periods. It has it's place for short periods.

I took Muay Thai for a long time when i was young. Still do footwork and bag drills a few times a month. Just don't hit the bag too hard because i like my joints the way they are.

How often you train depends a lot on your diet and recovery time. Everyone recovers at a different rate. If you are training heavy you need a lot of rest. I think 4 days a week is plenty.

Disagree with the bolded.  Plenty of reasons to cycle low rep strength training no matter what the age.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2021, 10:45:03 AM »
Disagree with the bolded.  Plenty of reasons to cycle low rep strength training no matter what the age.

I would say low rep work can be safe and sometimes safer than high rep work. It depends on the exercise and the execution. High rep work for high volumes means potentially more damage through more cumulative stress as well.

As an example, here's a  Swedish elite 50-year old natural, or at least clean, powerlifter doing low rep deads. Look at the precise, low impact execution.

(Ah shit, his profile is private)

Now someone else might do rack deads with much less weight for 15 reps and it could be be more damaging. Or say for example low load Crossfit movements which can do a lot of damage.

Lots of people equate "heavy" and "low rep" with ballistic, cheating movements but it doesn't have to be. First thing for older lifters with bad joints is choosing exercises which aren't damaging by default, like many barbell movements can be. Choosing more mechanically smart movements, for example:

Grape Ape

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2021, 10:47:02 AM »
I would say low rep work can be safe and sometimes safer than high rep work. It depends on the exercise and the execution. High rep work for high volumes means potentially more damage through more cumulative stress as well.

As an example, here's a  Swedish elite 50-year old natural, or at least clean, powerlifter doing low rep deads. Look at the precise, low impact execution.

Now someone else might do rack deads with much less weight for 15 reps and it could be be more damaging. Or say for example low load Crossfit movements which can do a lot of damage.

Lots of people equate "heavy" and "low rep" with ballistic, cheating movements but it doesn't have to be. First thing for older lifters with bad joints is choosing exercises which aren't damaging by default, like many barbell movements. Choosing more mechanically smart movements, for example:

I follow some 50/60+ lifters on twitter.  Done properly, strength can be gained, regardless of age.

It has so many practical applications as well.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2021, 10:49:48 AM »
well if it´s so mind blowing your workouts and gains then show us  :-*

OMG - you take the cake for troll of the year, lol. Go back to posting old vids of dead bodybuilders and educate us joon.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2021, 02:07:02 PM »
Disagree with the bolded.  Plenty of reasons to cycle low rep strength training no matter what the age.

OMR said he's plagued with injuries and just wants to be in good shape.

For people who aren't interested in power lifting there is really no reason to lift heavy.

Other than hitting a new PR for your age. There is no value in it.

Your joints only last so long, sure there are some guys who lift heavy with little problems, but that is not the norm.

If that is an older person's goal to be strong, sure go ahead and hit some low reps.

"Strong" is very relative too, some people consider a 400 pound deadlift strong. Some don't.

Grape Ape

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2021, 02:21:05 PM »
OMR said he's plagued with injuries and just wants to be in good shape.

For people who aren't interested in power lifting there is really no reason to lift heavy.

Other than hitting a new PR for your age. There is no value in it.

Your joints only last so long, sure there are some guys who lift heavy with little problems, but that is not the norm.

If that is an older person's goal to be strong, sure go ahead and hit some low reps.

"Strong" is very relative too, some people consider a 400 pound deadlift strong. Some don't.

Strong is totally relative for sure.

I disagreed more with the wording than the premise - obviously we have to be careful as we age.

But the no reason part is bunk the drive to perform doesn't diminish.....we still want to run faster, hit the ball further, throw the kids around, plenty of reasons to train to be strong.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #38 on: March 23, 2021, 03:31:37 PM »
I still train 2 on 1 off.  2 sets per exercise.  I try not to go below 8 reps for any sets.  I never go below 6 reps.  Half hour on the treadmill after training.  Walk the dog for 45 minutes every day.

Grape Ape

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #39 on: March 23, 2021, 03:36:56 PM »
I still train 2 on 1 off.  2 sets per exercise.  I try not to go below 8 reps for any sets.  I never go below 6 reps.  Half hour on the treadmill after training.  Walk the dog for 45 minutes every day.

Nothing wrong with that at all.

I will still do my low reps / speed training to maintain my rule of the suburban parent circuits.

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #40 on: March 23, 2021, 03:49:02 PM »
Strong is totally relative for sure.

I disagreed more with the wording than the premise - obviously we have to be careful as we age.

But the no reason part is bunk the drive to perform doesn't diminish.....we still want to run faster, hit the ball further, throw the kids around, plenty of reasons to train to be strong.

The problem is that as you get older it becomes easier to get injured and the recovery time is longer. So in my opinion chasing marginal gains is just not worth it. Better to do one rep too few than too many.


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #41 on: March 23, 2021, 04:12:51 PM »
5-days a week full-body?

That doesn't make sense.

3-days a week full-body makes sense.

If you want to train 5-days a week do a split.

5-days a week is what I have been doing, but am starting to lean towards lighter circuit training at 75% of my max weights.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #42 on: March 23, 2021, 04:16:22 PM »
Going  through this thread, one thing I would add is I’m in your same age group, maybe a little younger, is that a somewhat higher rep range seems to work better for me. When I get down to that 5 or 6 range I start to feel it in my lower back and knees doing squats and overhead presses. These days I don’t go lower than 10 reps.

I happen to be a lifelong boxing aficionado myself. While I wouldn’t do any sparring anymore either, you could still do some bag workouts, footwork drills and shadowboxing. It’s better than nothing. Same with BJJ. Rolling regularly is going to get you hurt continually but you could still do some drills shrimping, sit outs etc.

Out of the two (boxing + BJJ), I've always loved boxing, never loved BJJ but was very intrigued by the "game of chess" that we indulge in while rolling. BJJ is truly a wonderful art and neutralizes the difference in strength between opponents. That said, I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you ask me what is the one style of fighting that gets the job done, it's boxing. The sweet science takes the cake. The combination of both boxing and BJJ for me made the most sense as it made me prepared to handle myself while standing or on the ground. But now that I am much older, I don't care about that shit as much. I just want to stay healthy and look good physically.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #43 on: March 23, 2021, 04:18:27 PM »

If i lift heavy for a couple weeks, my joints start to ache. Considering you are trying to stay healthy for the long-term. Keep it heavy and intense, but controlled. Don't train to failure, but maybe a rep or two away from it. You need to preserve your CNS.

Changed things around a bit and today I did full body workout on the machines, but instead of using full rack on each, I did 75% of maximum weight. Afforded me additional reps in each set and allowed for practically perfect form.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #44 on: March 23, 2021, 04:23:28 PM »
I hesitate to give advices.  One thing for sure is the ownership principle. You have to do what you enjoy and what works for you

Like you I don't box anymore not that a guy in his sixties should be getting into the ring. I had my time and I got out while I was still pretty. All I got is a crooked nose.  I also rolled on the mats not at a high level like you did but I quickly learned I don't enjoy rolling on the ground with smelly guys.  Don't get me wrong. I admire guys dedicated to that martial art.

What you said in the beginning is becoming very important to me. You have to do what you enjoy and what works for you. For years, working out became routine and mandatory for strength and body composition maintenance. Now, I want to not over-stress my joints and have good flexibility.

Regarding combat sports, I admire those that are passionate about all styles of martial arts, but I believe there's a time for that, specifically while we are younger. Boxing drills can still be used effectively, but getting into a ring to spar with guys half your age that have ridiculous speed, amazing technique and knockout power is just asking for concussions. Likewise, JiuJitsu is beautiful and can be done well into old age, but too many young guys roll as if their lives depend on it. I've had (over the years) suffered from a fractured humerus and torn shoulder labrum due to BJJ. Now, I like the way my bones and joints are.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #45 on: March 23, 2021, 04:25:34 PM »
Definitely believe in bodyweight work tho, and the mats are a nice luxury. (Aint nobody wanna fail out of a planche onto concrete.) Weights alone will not give you a body that controls itself well under gravity, and I'd rather do that well than be good at moving a heavy bar 18".

I'm glad you mentioned this as just the other day I got the most brutal ab workout of my life and it was all bodyweight work, no machines or weights.

Sometimes we neglect what's right in front of us due to it not being as popular as what others are doing.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #46 on: March 23, 2021, 04:28:21 PM »
I would say low rep work can be safe and sometimes safer than high rep work. It depends on the exercise and the execution. High rep work for high volumes means potentially more damage through more cumulative stress as well.

First thing for older lifters with bad joints is choosing exercises which aren't damaging by default, like many barbell movements can be. Choosing more mechanically smart movements

I think as you get older, FORM is so damn important as it can truly mean the difference between utilizing your time wisely and getting the most out of it. Shit form can lead to years wasted in a gym with little to show. Perfect form can transform your body.

I also agree with how often we chose exercises which are damaging by default, mechanically smart movements are what makes the most sense for everyone.



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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #47 on: March 23, 2021, 04:30:12 PM »
The problem is that as you get older it becomes easier to get injured and the recovery time is longer.




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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2021, 04:32:57 PM »

Now that I am older and more prone to injuries, I have changed the way in which I work out. During my youth (20's-40's), I would do a 5 day split, where I would work 2 body parts per day with HIT, but even as heavy as the weights were, I would still get in high reps (albeit spaced out). During the past, I would also supplement my weightlifting with training in both boxing and JiuJitsu to get more flexibility, improved stamina and to give my muscles a different view for functionality purposes.

Today, I have stepped away from contact sports and with regards to training, I tend to workout 5 days of the week (Mon-Fri), do full body workouts, strictly use machines (with few exceptions of course) and tend to go full-rack on said machines during all 5 days. Granted, while machines are generally safer, I know that going full weight rack on all machines for 5 days straight can't be good. That said, it has been working like a charm and the results are very noticeable.

Here's my question:

I am thinking of continuing my 5-day workouts and continuing to do full-body circuit training while strictly using machines, but I would like to alternate and make it to where I do "Heavy" workout Mon-Wed-Fri (ie full weight rack exercises on all machines) thereby activating type 2 muscle fibers, while doing 65-75% weight capacity on Tuesday & Thursday in order to give my muscles & neurons a rest, while activating type 1 muscle fibers. I also wonder whether this will likely reduce likelihood of injury, while improving overall stamina + endurance. 

Do you believe this is a good approach? If not, what would you change? Remember, I'm in the Coach age-range and I do not use hormones of any type (just a daily baby aspirin).

Thank you all in advance for your feedback..


I believe it is a good idea to vary one's workout routine from time to time. My advice is to give this a try for a reasonable time period to see how well it works for you. Everyone is different and what is a successful routine for one person may be lousy for someone else.

Decades ago, probably when I was about your age, I switched almost exclusively to using machines and this has been great for me. My main issue is osteoarthritis, mainly in my hands, which compromises my grip. I feel much more secure using a machine where dropping the weight is unlikely. I also prefer a controlled range of motion. Having said this, I think free weights offer benefits that machines don't and vice versa.

My strength has diminished as I've become a senior. I can't relate to going truly heavy. It is possible that full body workout on an everyday basis has benefits. I've never tried it though. I try to keep my workout time to less than 1 hour and rest between sets short.

You know what they say; variety is the spice of life. LOL!. 


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Re: Workout/Routine advice from the GetBig community
« Reply #49 on: March 23, 2021, 04:38:31 PM »
5-days a week full-body?

That doesn't make sense.

3-days a week full-body makes sense.

If you want to train 5-days a week do a split.

I wondered about this too. With a routine like that when would your muscles recuperate? I guess if you kept the resistance light, it might work. Not sure.