Author Topic: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq  (Read 5717 times)


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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2006, 07:53:46 AM »
Thanks.  I honestly didn't believe you.   :)  Sounds like his stock has dramatically increased and he is donating it all to charity.  Big deal. 

That said, he ought to sever his ties completely, because there is an appearance problem.  Does that equal conspiracy, etc.?  No. 

No it isn't a conspiracy but it is a massive unethical conflict of interest and insinuates a previous motivation to recieve benefits from a Iraqi invasion.

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2006, 10:30:40 AM »

No it isn't a conspiracy but it is a massive unethical conflict of interest and insinuates a previous motivation to recieve benefits from a Iraqi invasion.

Not really.  It's an appearance of impropriety, not an actual conflict of interest.  I don't think he personally gave Halliburton the contract and he has no authority within Halliburton.

It does give people room to argue that our government had ulterior motives when going into Iraq, but when you try and line up the dominoes it doesn't work.  The guy was loaded before the invasion.  He would have had more money than he could spend with or without the invasion.  It just doesn't make sense that Cheney advised Bush to start a war so Cheney could possibly increase the value of his Halliburton stock, so Cheney could in turn donate the increase to charity.  It makes for good message board fodder, but doesn't make a lot of sense in the real world.

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2006, 11:51:29 AM »
This is not a political issue (repub or dem).  Any member of either party who holds stock and hooks a company up like that is a bag o shit.  And there are laws against these conflicts of interest. I know the local and state laws - but I do not know the federal. Anyone?

Not really.  It's an appearance of impropriety, not an actual conflict of interest.  I don't think he personally gave Halliburton the contract and he has no authority within Halliburton.

You don't think he *personally* gave haliburton the no-bids?  And you don't see any conflict of interest?  Maybe, if he had allowed bids, our country would have saved a hell of a lot of money. 

It does give people room to argue that our government had ulterior motives when going into Iraq, but when you try and line up the dominoes it doesn't work.  The guy was loaded before the invasion.  He would have had more money than he could spend with or without the invasion.  It just doesn't make sense that Cheney advised Bush to start a war so Cheney could possibly increase the value of his Halliburton stock, so Cheney could in turn donate the increase to charity.  It makes for good message board fodder, but doesn't make a lot of sense in the real world.

Holy shit dude... he was loaded before the invastion so therefore he has no motive to try to make more money?  Um, the rich enjoy being very rich.  And he only donated the cash to charity AFTER he was called out on Meet the Press about it. 

How doesn't it make sense in the real world?  He ran a company for 5+ years.  He became VP and kept stock options.  he gave them a lot of business with no-bid deals.  No other companies were allowed to vie for those contracts, and hall named their own price.  And, Cheneny made millions off it.  Then, when caught, he decided to donate the money.

Ya don't see anything shady there?  Holy shit, man.  I wish you were my boss.  You sound like you'd run an awesome workplace!

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2006, 12:28:09 PM »
I already said it looks bad.  What doesn't make any sense in the real world is that Cheney advised Bush to start a war so Halliburton could get a no-bid contract.  That's just plain silly. 

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2006, 12:55:02 PM »
I already said it looks bad.  What doesn't make any sense in the real world is that Cheney advised Bush to start a war so Halliburton could get a no-bid contract.  That's just plain silly. 

In Spring of 01, the US tried to convince the Taliban to let us put in an oil pipeline across afghanistan.  They declined.  We offered them a "carpet of gold, or a carpet of bombs".  They refused.

The afghan war plans were solidified in July 2001, same time Silverstein bought the towers.

Six weeks later, 9/11 happened.

3 weeks after that, the bombs started falling on Afghan.

8 weeks after that we controlled the country.

250 weeks later, we're still there, fighting now and then to pass the time and justify our presence before the govt will suddenly face a crisis and *beg* us to put in that pipeline to save their economy.  Halliburton will get that contract, I'd wager ;)

Oh, I'll bet you already knew that puppet leader Karzai that we put up in Afghan - he's an old Bush oil associate. 

Is this starting to make sense to you?


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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2006, 12:57:50 PM »
Is this starting to make sense to you?

it has made sense to us for a long time that you just pull things out of your ass at will. quite an amazing talent really.

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2006, 01:01:43 PM »
it has made sense to us for a long time that you just pull things out of your ass at will. quite an

Please take my quote below, and dispel each statement, one-by-one. Thank you.

In Spring of 01, the US tried to convince the Taliban to let us put in an oil pipeline across afghanistan.  They declined.  We offered them a "carpet of gold, or a carpet of bombs".  They refused.

The afghan war plans were solidified in July 2001, same time Silverstein bought the towers.

Six weeks later, 9/11 happened.

3 weeks after that, the bombs started falling on Afghan.

8 weeks after that we controlled the country.

250 weeks later, we're still there, fighting now and then to pass the time and justify our presence before the govt will suddenly face a crisis and *beg* us to put in that pipeline to save their economy.  Halliburton will get that contract, I'd wager ;)

Oh, I'll bet you already knew that puppet leader Karzai that we put up in Afghan - he's an old Bush oil associate. 

Is this starting to make sense to you?

Dos Equis

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #32 on: September 16, 2006, 01:12:56 PM »
In Spring of 01, the US tried to convince the Taliban to let us put in an oil pipeline across afghanistan.  They declined.  We offered them a "carpet of gold, or a carpet of bombs".  They refused.

The afghan war plans were solidified in July 2001, same time Silverstein bought the towers.

Six weeks later, 9/11 happened.

3 weeks after that, the bombs started falling on Afghan.

8 weeks after that we controlled the country.

250 weeks later, we're still there, fighting now and then to pass the time and justify our presence before the govt will suddenly face a crisis and *beg* us to put in that pipeline to save their economy.  Halliburton will get that contract, I'd wager ;)

Oh, I'll bet you already knew that puppet leader Karzai that we put up in Afghan - he's an old Bush oil associate. 

Is this starting to make sense to you?

No.  It makes no sense.  Six degrees of separation.  You cannot connect the dots.  Cheney did not advise Bush to start a war, and Bush did not order the invasion of Iraq so Cheney could increase the value of his Halliburton stock.  Absurd. 

Wait . . . I'm debating with someone who doesn't believe Timothy McVeigh was really executed and that Barbara Olsen was captured and secretly released somewhere overseas . . . .

*theme from Twilight Zone*

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2006, 01:15:32 PM »
Cheney did not advise Bush to start a war,

Are you serious here? 

You have the gall to insult me with twilight zone music, and you seriously have the audacity to state as fact:
Cheney did not advise Bush to start a war,


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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #34 on: September 16, 2006, 01:48:14 PM »
I already said it looks bad.  What doesn't make any sense in the real world is that Cheney advised Bush to start a war so Halliburton could get a no-bid contract.  That's just plain silly. 

Well, chances are they knew thre weren't any WMD's that were a significant threat.  They knew Al-Queda was a big force in iraq.  Haliburton isn't the only company that recieved no-bid contracts.  Cheney probably didn't by himslef engineer the iraq war, but it think it's safe to say that money was the real motivation and WMD's and the war on terror was the excuse.

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2006, 01:50:26 PM »
For sure, anyone that still doesn't believe Iraq was motivated by money it naive.  :P

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2006, 01:52:44 PM »
Are you serious here? 

You have the gall to insult me with twilight zone music, and you seriously have the audacity to state as fact:

Are you kidding?  Here is what I said:  "Cheney did not advise Bush to start a war, and Bush did not order the invasion of Iraq so Cheney could increase the value of his Halliburton stock.  Absurd."

*theme from Twilight Zone*

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2006, 01:54:16 PM »

Well, chances are they knew thre weren't any WMD's that were a significant threat.  They knew Al-Queda was a big force in iraq.  Haliburton isn't the only company that recieved no-bid contracts.  Cheney probably didn't by himslef engineer the iraq war, but it think it's safe to say that money was the real motivation and WMD's and the war on terror was the excuse.

It's not safe to say that at all.  It's a rather wild assumption.  In fact, we've actually lost money fighting this war. 


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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2006, 01:57:01 PM »
Guys, come on.

You're just not communicating! ;D

Dick Cheney advised Bush to start the war. I think there is few people doubting that. Most political experts, both left and right, acknowledges Cheney as the most powerful VP ever.

As to WHY he wanted to started the war... there could be several theories.

Personally, I doubt Cheney wanted to go to war to make himself rich.

But, and here's the kicker, while USA is in Iraq, there is evidence indicating that Cheney is seizing the opportunity to fill his own wallet.

Greed isn't a popular trait.

A president, or VP, shouldn't put them in such a position that his/her credibility is questioned due to personal interests.

The question as to why USA went to war, despite IAEA never finding any WMD's, and no known connections to Al Qaida...

It was a clear breach of international law, but since USA, much like France, Russia, UK and other big players in the UN are on the winning side, I'm sure there will never be any actions taken against the US in the UN.

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2006, 02:47:55 PM »
I don't believe Cheney "started the war to earn a few million from Hallib"
He did it because his bosses wanted it done.  You do the research. I don't go above govt level. 

In fact, we've actually lost money fighting this war. 

An estimated two trillion when you toss in the long term health costs of the wounded.  It is safe to say that SOME companies and individuals have made retirement coin from the war.

Here is what I said:  "Cheney did not advise Bush to start a war

Please find proof of this.  Please find any statement by anyone, from any party, to back up your statement.  Any website even. 


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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2006, 02:49:58 PM »
I don't believe Cheney "started the war to earn a few million from Hallib"
He did it because his bosses wanted it done.  You do the research. I don't go above govt level. 

you're funny.


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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2006, 04:56:07 PM »
It's not safe to say that at all.  It's a rather wild assumption.  In fact, we've actually lost money fighting this war. 

"We've"  have lost 330 billion in this war, the american people, money that could have gone to soo many more worthy places like schools.  Who has profited from the war?  Any of these companies who recieved no-bid contracts. 

IT isn't as black and white as you make sound regarding our motivations.  The mililitary defense industry has a great deal fo influence in foreign affairs.  Believe me they wanted this war.  Along with energy companies who saw this as a golden opportunity to make serious money.  Did Bush just decide on his own to go to war?  no, He was strongly encouraged by the Military defense indsutry and these energy companies including some oil companies.  They are making all the money here. 

Dos Equis

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2006, 05:31:55 PM »
I don't believe Cheney "started the war to earn a few million from Hallib"
He did it because his bosses wanted it done.  You do the research. I don't go above govt level. 

An estimated two trillion when you toss in the long term health costs of the wounded.  It is safe to say that SOME companies and individuals have made retirement coin from the war.

Please find proof of this.  Please find any statement by anyone, from any party, to back up your statement.  Any website even. 

Dude, what we have here is a failure to communicate.  What I said was Cheney didn't advise Bush to start a war so Cheney could increase the value of his stock.  I tried highlighting the text for you.  Now I've said it a third time.  Of course Cheney advised Bush we should invade Iraq, but he didn't give that advise so he could increase the value of his stock.  Now I've said it a fourth time . . . .

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2006, 05:34:41 PM »
"We've"  have lost 330 billion in this war, the american people, money that could have gone to soo many more worthy places like schools.  Who has profited from the war?  Any of these companies who recieved no-bid contracts. 

IT isn't as black and white as you make sound regarding our motivations.  The mililitary defense industry has a great deal fo influence in foreign affairs.  Believe me they wanted this war.  Along with energy companies who saw this as a golden opportunity to make serious money.  Did Bush just decide on his own to go to war?  no, He was strongly encouraged by the Military defense indsutry and these energy companies including some oil companies.  They are making all the money here. 

I am sure the defense industry profits from war and they likely secretly root for armed conflict, but there is no link between defense industry profits and Bush's order to invade Iraq.  Lots of speculation, but no direct link, no proof, no smoking gun.   

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2006, 06:09:49 PM »
What I said was Cheney didn't advise Bush to start a war so Cheney could increase the value of his stock. 

No. You didn't.

No.  It makes no sense.  Six degrees of separation.  You cannot connect the dots.  Cheney did not advise Bush to start a war, and Bush did not order the invasion of Iraq so Cheney could increase the value of his Halliburton stock.  Absurd. 

Wait . . . I'm debating with someone who doesn't believe Timothy McVeigh was really executed and that Barbara Olsen was captured and secretly released somewhere overseas . . . .

*theme from Twilight Zone*

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Re: Cheney has made millions off war in iraq
« Reply #45 on: September 16, 2006, 06:13:56 PM »