Author Topic: Big Show Big News  (Read 3300 times)


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Big Show Big News
« on: February 24, 2021, 09:59:23 AM »

GIGANTIC news in pro wrestling -- the man known as "Big Show" has officially signed a long-term contract with AEW ... ending his 22-year run with WWE.

Big Show -- real name Paul Wight -- will have an "extensive role" with AEW as a wrestler and a commentator on AEW’s newest show, "AEW Dark: Elevation."


  • Getbig III
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Re: Big Show Big News
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2021, 08:17:26 AM »
Shocked that he did it. But poor guy was getting seriously disrespected by the fans. Chanting "please retire" just wasn't nice. This guy contributed so much for so many years. When you look back on his WWE career and ask who he put over? The answer is everybody. If he's not the greatest Big Man ever who is? Hope he's making the big bucks in AEW because he deserves it.


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Re: Big Show Big News
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2021, 04:33:50 AM »
Shocked that he did it. But poor guy was getting seriously disrespected by the fans. Chanting "please retire" just wasn't nice. This guy contributed so much for so many years. When you look back on his WWE career and ask who he put over? The answer is everybody. If he's not the greatest Big Man ever who is? Hope he's making the big bucks in AEW because he deserves it.
What kills me is in the last couple of years, Show got himself in serious shape sporting Ab muscles too and WWE under used him and jobbed him out. I don't blame him joing AEW. Tony Khan is paying big bucks and guaranteed money to his guys (within reason).


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Re: Big Show Big News
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2021, 08:01:35 AM »
What kills me is in the last couple of years, Show got himself in serious shape sporting Ab muscles too and WWE under used him and jobbed him out. I don't blame him joing AEW. Tony Khan is paying big bucks and guaranteed money to his guys (within reason).

But look a the guys to whom Big Show was jobbing: Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman. They aren't exactly shrimp, you know.

Big Show was doing the part-time thing anyway. So, when it was time for him to go home, they had Lesnar or Strowman "injure" him.

Remember when Strowman used the cage door and beat the crap out of "The World's Largest Athlete"? Or when Lesnar went medieval on him with a steel chair?