Here comes the intrigue. After a nerd choir sings him to the ring, it's Seth "Freakin" Rollins vs his mystery opponent.....Lights out!! Pyro, a red, white, and blue skull. And here comes "The American Nightmare" Cody Rhodes.
Well, the last time he was in Texas at WrestleMania 32 was in that IC ladder match. And just to dot the exclamation point, after he does an arm-drag on Rollins, Rhodes does a somersault and does the "Stardust" face thing.
I think that outside suplex was a botch, with both guys tumbling to the outside and landing awkwardly.
Rhodes went for a cross body block off the top ropes only to get drop-kicked in the ribs. The fans are into the match, welcoming Rhodes back. Rollins pulls a Lesnar, "Welcome back to the big leagues, b---h!!" and keeps pounding the ribs and back.
Bowing for Rollins, after a clothesline over the top, Rhodes dived into the Revolutionary who tumbles over the Raw announce table. And a diving flip into Rollins almost gets a three-count.
OUCH!!! Rhodes got power bombed into the barricade, after a missed Franken-Steiner. A flying knee, a super kick and a Falcon's arrow but no three count. He goes for the stomp, NOPE, Cross-Rhodes attempt by the American Nightmare, Nope, another stomp, Not quite, Cross-Rhodes attempt #2, Roll-up instead by Rollins, Kickout, WHAM!!! Cross-Rhodes connects!!!
But no three count and crowd is shocked!!
Rhodes goes for a moonsault but gets kicked off and lands on his crotch. Rollins tries a move but after getting elbows three times (why is Rhodes saying, "Boom" after each elbow), Rollins falls but leaps right back up, hits a flippy suplex, rolls into a Boston-crab-like move, then hits the Falcon's arrow against.....BUT NO THREE COUNT!!!
After two pedigree attempts, Rollins gets caught and power bombed. Rhodes runs to the opposite buckles, jumps backward, hits a stunner/RKO move, and STILL can't get the three count. Rollins finally hits the pedigree, when Rhodes goes for the kill, but NOPE!!!
Now comes the "BOO"/"YAY" punch exchange!! Rollins hits the forearm and goes for the stomp but gets caught. Two Cross-Rhodes, a flurry of punches and a bionic elbow, a THIRD Cross-Rhodes and FINALLY!!! the THREE COUNT!!!