Author Topic: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?  (Read 974 times)

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Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« on: May 14, 2008, 11:49:04 PM »
Interesting rundown of potential candidates.  I think Webb and Hagel are the most intriguing. 

Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
May 9, 2008 11:47 AM

With the Democratic nomination now in its endgame, it's time to speculate on that question that makes politicos weak at the knees: who will be tapped to be vice president? Unlike the top job, there is no election here, and it's the first big choice that we get to see the candidate make about his cabinet.

So, who will Obama pick? Will he favor someone with experience like Joe Biden? A Western governor like Janet Napolitano? Or will he satisfy the media's desire for a dream team and try for the Obama/Clinton ticket?

We've identified 10 possible VP choices for Obama, as well as the general criteria that might guide his decision. Think we're missing someone? Let us know in the comments section. And be sure to register your favorite on HuffPost's Vice President poll.


Location, location, location: A VP who is popular at home can help land a win in a tossup state. It's one reason why someone like Sherrod Brown (OH) could be a good pick. Of course, location isn't everything; Cheney, after all, is from Wyoming.

Strong anti-war record: It's not a requirement that someone be against the war to run on an Obama ticket, but they will have to have a good track record explaining why they changed their mind. Otherwise, expect all those comments about Hillary Clinton to come up, as well as one word: "opportunist."

Post-partisan record: If you're running to overcome the divided state of politics, you probably won't inspire confidence by picking Sen. Russ Feingold as your running mate. Sen. Jim Webb (a former Republican) or Gov. Schweitzer (picked a Republican as his Lieutenant General) are good examples.

Complementing record: On the one hand, a VP can balance a candidate's weaknesses. On the other hand, they can magnify those shortcomings. Richardson and Biden, for example, have long resumes that let them go toe-to-toe with McCain, but it could remind voters of Obama's inexperience.


Jim Webb
Webb is the closest thing to a frontrunner for Obama's VP these days. A former Republican, he served as Secretary of the Navy for Ronald Reagan. Webb defeated George "Macaca" Allen to become a junior senator in Virginia.

Pro: Webb is a good foil for Obama's post-partisan message, and he's got the military credentials to match up with John McCain. He's good at playing the attack dog, which will let Obama take the high road. And he's from trending-blue Virginia, which would be a great pickup in November for Democrats. He's also pro-guns.

Con: Webb can be a little out-of-control as attack dogs go.


Hillary Clinton
This ticket is either a dream or a nightmare. Some see it as the only way to reunite the Democrats in time for November. Other see it as the fastest way to destroy the Obama brand.

Pro: Strong appeal with working class voters and women.

Con: See Iraq War vote, 3AM phone call, Bill Clinton in South Carolina, and the month of March.


Bill Richardson
You know him, you love him; he's the New Mexico governor with a heart of gold, a kickin' mustache, and -- thanks to James Carville -- a new nickname.

Pro: You've heard them all before. A foreign policy resume a mile long, executive experience, and a lock with Hispanic voters. And he picked Obama, despite his Clinton ties.

Con: Did you watch any of the debates?


Joe Biden
He is Mr. Foreign Policy. He also claims the best line of the primary season thus far. Too bad no one told Iowans he was running for President.

Pro: He trumps any foreign policy claims that McCain brings to the table. He can hit McCain hard.

Con: He tends to hit everyone hard. And he's a Washington figure, which could hurt a campaign running against Washington.


Brian Schwietzer
Never heard of him? You should. Schweitzer has been Montana's governor since 2005, and is currently one of the most popular governors in the country.

Pro: In addition to his executive experience, Schweitzer has spent a good amount of time around the world (including the Middle East) in his former life as an irrigation developer. His popularity and his pro-gun stance could help Obama in the Mountain West area. He also refused PAC and special interest money during his 2004 campaign. He's also criticized the economic consequences of the Iraq War, an approach that Obama has recently adopted.

Con: Despite his travels, he has no official foreign policy experience. He also doesn't bring in any delegates from his own state (though that could be offset if he helps in places like North Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado).


Janet Napolitano
Another popular Western governor, Napolitano has settled into a second term in McCain's very red home state. She also backed Obama early in the race.

Pros: She has proven her executive capacity in Republican territory, as well as the Southwest, which will help sway Obamicans. A female candidate could also help reunite the Democrats.

Con: Her stance on immigration could prove costly among Hispanic voters.


Sherrod Brown
Brown is a favorite among progressives for his economic populism and outspoken criticism of the war.

Pro: Could help deliver an important swing state.

Con: Doesn't really satisfy the idea of a unity ticket.


Chuck Hagel
A Republican senator who has fought with Bush tooth and nail over the Iraq war, Hagel is one of three Republicans who voted with the Democrats over a withdrawal plan. He also has served on the Banking, Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committees. Hagel has also said he's considering endorsing Sen. Obama.

Pro: Broad Senate experience. A living embodiment of Obama's commitment to work with like-minded Republicans. Also is a veteran with experience in Reagan's administration

Con: He is still a Republican (especially on abortion and health care), which would not sit well with a lot of Democrats.


Wesley Clark
Rhodes Scholar turned four-star general and once-presidential candidate. A star resource for Democrats on military affairs.

Pro: John McCain would have to salute him. And he has Southern appeal.

Con: Backed Clinton early and has been a very active surrogate. Not always the best politician on a national stage.


Kathleen Sebelius
Talk about reaching across the aisle. This Kansas governor convinced a Republican to leave his party, become a Democrat, and run as her lieutenant governor. Kansas is rife with stories of Republicans undergoing conversions, and Sebelius gets a good amount of credit for this.

Pro: Another Red-state governor with an excellent post-partisan record. Having a female VP could be a strong ticket.

Con: Sebelius didn't wow anyone with her response to the State of the Union, which raises questions about how she would do on the national stage. And her location in Kansas doesn't add much that Obama doesn't already get from Illinois.


Tom Daschle
The former South Dakota senator, Daschle has been a strong supporter of Obama's campaign; he's a national co-chair and is rumored to play a big part in the campaign strategy.

Pro: Can bring in votes from his home state.

Con: Weak campaigner: he lost his Senate seat while he was the sitting Majority Leader.


Mike Bloomberg
Sure, most voters have never heard of him. And sure, he's never been a national player. But the current mayor of New York has been a darling of the media, as they spent months seeing if he would get into the Presidential race. Coupled with some private conversations with Obama that caused a tizzy in the fall, a Bloomberg candidacy could cause some media attention that would rival that of even John McCain.

Pros: Excellent economic record. Interested in policy minutiae. Post-partisan (former Republican switched to Independent). Media darling.

Cons: Unheard of outside his home state. It's tough not to seem like an elitist when the world 'billionaire' applies to you.


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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 06:07:52 AM »

Can Bloomberg deliver NY and FL? 

Based on the characteristics you've presented, I see some solid candidates on the list. 

I disagree that Richardson provides a 'lock' with Latino voters, though.  He seems like a great, very lovable American, but while I don't want another arrogant, condescending prick like Cheney, I don't know that having Mr. Nice Guy in the #2 slot works either. 

I'm categorically opposed to Clinton - I want them done, away...kaput.  Put those old cows out to pasture already!


Beyond that, if Obama is to be the guy, then I think he and the DNC (that band of idiots!) have to seriously consider copying Hillary's 'big state strategy' that's served her so well during the primary season.  The Dems aren't going to win TX, but I'm going to say that FL, MI, and PA are must-haves if they hope to defeat McCain. 

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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 06:40:22 AM »
Bloomberg would be hard to beat.

Does he know the economy?  yes, he managed to become a billionaire in finance and his site is kinda popular with money folks.

Will he win the jewish vote?  Absolutely.

They did have that lunch meeting that many found very odd...

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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2008, 08:42:23 AM »
May 22, 10:21 AM EDT

Officials say Obama starts search for running mate
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Likely Democratic nominee Barack Obama has begun a top-secret search for a running mate, fresh signs that the general election campaign is well under way and the primary race against Hillary Rodham Clinton is basically over.

Obama has asked former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson to begin vetting potential vice presidential picks, Democ(AP) - ratic officials said Thursday. Johnson did the same job for Democratic nominees John Kerry in 2004 and Walter Mondale in 1984.

The Democratic officials spoke on a condition of anonymity about a process that the campaign wants to keep quiet.

Vice presidential searches are usually closely held secrets, but Obama campaign officials say the effort is being handled by a particularly tight circle of advisers.

The campaign did not want to discuss the effort because they are still engaged in a fading primary campaign against Hillary Rodham Clinton, with three primaries left in Puerto Rico, South Dakota and Montana. The voting ends June 3. Obama has repeatedly declined to discuss possible running mates while the primary is ongoing.

"We're not commenting about this process," said Obama spokesman Bill Burton.

But they are taking behind-the-scenes steps to move toward the general election campaign, with just 61 delegates needed to clinch the nomination according to the latest Associated Press count. Obama has 1,965 delegates to Clinton's 1,780, with 2,026 required to secure the party's nod under Democratic National Committee rules.

The Obama campaign is rapidly adding to its campaign staff, both at the headquarters and in general election swing states. Obama has been traveling to some of those battlegrounds - Missouri, Michigan, Iowa and Florida in the last nine days - while the campaign is registering voters across the country for the November vote. And top Obama organizer Paul Tewes is in discussions to take over the Democratic National Committee.

It's all part of an effort to lay the groundwork for an aggressive kickoff to a general election campaign. Republican John McCain has a head start and has been building his effort for several months since the GOP primary race wrapped up in early March.

McCain is hosting at least three Republicans mentioned as potential vice presidential running mates at his Sedona, Ariz., home this weekend - Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. A top aide said it's a social event with more than two dozen guests not meant for veep vetting.

Obama's campaign refused to talk about who was being considered, but possible options are Clinton; governors such as Arizona's Janet Napolitano, Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas and Tim Kaine of Virginia; foreign policy experts like former Georgia Sen. Sam Nunn, Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd or Delaware Sen. Joe Biden; or other senators such as Missouri's Claire McCaskill and Virginia's Jim Webb.

He could look outside the party to people such as war critic and Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel or independent New York mayor Mike Bloomberg. Or he could look to one of his early prominent supporters such as former Sen. Tom Daschle of South Dakota or try to bring on a Clinton supporter like Indiana's Evan Bayh.

Johnson's role running the veep process was first reported on


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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2008, 09:30:46 AM »

thats who he should choose !

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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2008, 09:34:28 AM »
Vebb vill vee va veep.


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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2008, 09:41:23 AM »

Jim Webb.  I think Obama will pick him*.  TONS of military credibility, his own kid is serving, and he's been against Iraq war from the start.

*Excluding hilary bullying her way onto ticket


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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2008, 09:52:59 AM »
oooh now i get it

i have liked biden from the start.

as the chairman of the senate foreign relations/affairs (whatever you call it! lol) committe for such a goddamn long time, i feel he is the most knowledgeable person on the middleeast situation and wiould be one of the very few people in politics who could actually turn that shit hole war and ocuntry into something decent...  well, iwhat i mean to say is that he understands the country and its people and the politics of the area and he would be very good at designing a pull out plan and a future military plans for the region to make it be very smooth

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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2008, 09:54:31 AM »
Biden is a gaffe machine though.  FOX news would love him too much.  He's qualified and capable, but isn't diplomatic... just too honest!


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Re: Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2008, 09:58:33 AM »
fox new is fox news... lol.. they are going to trash the democrats regardless...