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Training Logs and Info / Re: Oldtimer1
« Last post by oldtimer1 on Today at 07:03:15 AM »
5-22-2024: Cardio day.  Ran 5.14 miles not including a quarter mile warm up.  After I did 6 sets of 110 meter strides.  Fast but not quite a true sprint. My Garmin watch says I burnt 712 calories on the 5 mile run.  Throw in the semi sprints and warm up, maybe 850 calories for exercising today.  Going to try to watch what I eat today.

I got a lot of yard work now in prep for the pool opening. Piles of pollen are all over the place I have to vacuum up. Wearing an N95 mask so it might limit the amount of that garbage I breathe. 

Tomorrow is back to my Yates inspired routine and it's chest day. I've been thinking. I have to stop the mentality of trying to get stronger all the time.  Chasing muscular endurance might be the goal now as I age. If we could get forever stronger we would start benching at 100lbs and after 40 decades we would be benching 1200lbs.  We know it doesn't work that way. At what point to we chase other goals? 

I've said it a million times but I don't do it regarding switching up my methodology. Maybe because in my mind it would be to accept defeat but fuck if we are lucky we will all get old. We all know the fat 70 year old that still deadlifts 600lbs.  More power to him in his concentration on the lift but maybe he should be pursuing cardiac health. It's like the bench and curl guys. Okay you have a good bench but you couldn't deadlift that weight.  Not trying to paint a negative picture but saying I want to be well rounded. A hybrid athlete is the best description. I would never call myself a bodybuilder.

Is it better for an older guy to warm up then do one set to failure till your blue in the face? Is it better to do four sets of an exercise ending three of those sets well before failure and on the fourth go for broke?  I see another popular method lately and is use by fantastic bodybuilder friend of mine who is a around 70.  I don't want to mention his name but you might know him.  He does all his reps to failure. His first set he takes a weight where he will fail at around 30 reps. With very little rest he picks up the weight to go again. This time he fails at say 19 reps. Another short rest for his final set he fails at say ten.  Three quick failure sets. It must be brutal.  I think Steve Holman named this Torx training. Just saying my current training of Yates style hitting that one set to failure after a warm up set is very hard on the mind and body. Burn out can come quick and unexpected. What's good about it is that the work outs are short. It also suits my personality of wanting to give it all that I have and then I'm done with the exercise. If you know you have one opportunity to hit that exercise you can go for broke grinding out those reps. 
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Robcguns
« Last post by hench on Today at 06:55:23 AM »
Robs got a real life,  simple.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Do you include sissy squats in your routine?
« Last post by Tapeworm on Today at 06:52:07 AM »
Doesn't seem it keeps strain off the knee at all. But my legs are shit so wtf do I know.
David is the one that passed away, but I can never tell who is david and who is peter?...

Same here ...  I had the chance to meet David (in a Gym in Rhode Island) months before his passing was friendly .

Y Board - The Player's Club / Re: The Y board lifting thread
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 06:48:57 AM »

1 leg calf raises - 3 sets 25-35 reps each leg
1 leg tib raises - 2 sets 50 reps each leg
Behind neck press standing - 12,12,12
Barbell row - 12,12,12
Flat bench press - 12,12,9
Upright rows - 12,12,12
Bb curls - 2x20-25 palms up grip and 2x20-25 hammer grip
Old time hack squat - 3x12 without weight
Farmers walk - 3 trips of 100 ft with 45lb plates

IroNat's garage gym...
Training Logs and Info / Re: IroNat
« Last post by IroNat on Today at 06:47:36 AM »

1 leg calf raises - 3 sets 25-35 reps each leg
1 leg tib raises - 2 sets 50 reps each leg
Behind neck press standing - 12,12,12
Barbell row - 12,12,12
Flat bench press - 12,12,9
Upright rows - 12,12,12
Bb curls - 2x20-25 palms up grip and 2x20-25 hammer grip
Old time hack squat - 3x12 without weight
Farmers walk - 3 trips of 100 ft with 45lb plates

Gossip & Opinions / Re: Random Bodybuilding Pics
« Last post by NarcissisticDeity on Today at 06:47:25 AM »
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Caption time : Palumbo picture
« Last post by Pet shop boys on Today at 06:40:20 AM »
I puked in my mouth a little bit looking at that foot. That is one nasty looking foot.

And that's just his foot... Imagine his dear wife having to see him naked up close...

Or maybe not ?

Training Logs and Info / Re: Oldtimer1
« Last post by oldtimer1 on Today at 06:39:45 AM »
Impressive, OT.

Thanks, going to push it while feeling good.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Do you include sissy squats in your routine?
« Last post by robcguns on Today at 06:33:50 AM »
I think sissy squats feel amazing, I don’t do them often but once in a while and the burn is crazy.

But apparently I’m a bitch so what the fuck do I know.
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