Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1016776 times)


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2775 on: February 25, 2016, 06:10:14 PM »
in 2015 sheriff of los angles county and 30 of his crony were booted and I heard almost nothing !!!


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2776 on: February 26, 2016, 08:03:06 PM »
Pure insanity from McCARTY v. CITY of SOUTHFIELD, a case in which a woman sues after an officer rammed, without warning, her disabled vehicle hard enough to push into an intersection and then again, causing significant damage, before driving away and destroying evidence.

The Officer is arguing that while the behavior he exhibited was below the standard of care, it doesn't shock the conscience and he should enjoy qualified immunity:

For purposes of this appeal, Officer Birberick accepts McCarty’s version of the facts (i.e., evidence and inferences therefrom) but claims that those facts do not prove a clearly established constitutional violation. Thus we proceed from those facts, which are that Officer Birberick:

( 1 ) knew that McCarty’s car was disabled on a heavily trafficked city street, given that it was still parked where he had left it earlier but now with its emergency lights flashing;
( 2 ) knew that she had already been there for at least 20 minutes, indicating that assistance could already be on the way or even nearby;
( 3 ) knew that McCarty was likely unreceptive to his assistance, given that she had earlier accused him of lying and racism, refused to accept the ticket, and rolled her eyes at him upon his return;
( 4 ) chose not to call for assistance, either from a tow truck or another officer, perhaps one who had not just had an uncomfortable interaction with McCarty;
( 5 ) knew that three small children were passengers in the car, given that he had approached the car on foot at least three times—once before the ticket, again after writing the ticket, and again upon his return to the scene;
( 6 ) knew that he had not spoken with McCarty upon his return, to investigate the situation or warn McCarty of his intent to ram her car with his SUV;
( 7 ) knew that McCarty likely either had the brake engaged or the transmission in “park” when he rammed it, since it was stopped there, and that neither McCarty nor the children were expecting the violent rear end collision;
( 8 ) chose not to instruct McCarty to (a) put the car in neutral, (b) steer the car toward the gas station, (c) prepare herself for the contact, or (d) remove the children from the car before he rammed it;
( 9 ) knew that his police SUV was substantially larger than McCarty’s sedan and did not gently “push” the car with his SUV but instead struck and rammed McCarty’s sedan hard enough to jolt it forward and knock it into the street, and then berated her for the resulting circumstances and danger;
( 10 ) knew that his first ramming of the car damaged it and jarred the occupants;
( 11 ) rammed the car a second time, again without warning, instruction, or removal of the children—this time hard enough to knock the back of the car up off the ground and send it careening into the gas station toward the gas pumps, leaving McCarty dazed and knocking the children from their seats onto the floor and the girl in the front seat into the dashboard, cutting her head;
( 12 ) immediately left the scene without speaking with McCarty, checking on her or her car, or calling for medical or automotive assistance; and
( 13 ) later destroyed the dash cam recording from his police car.

Officer Birberick contends that while this conduct falls below the expected standard of care for a reasonable officer, it is not so outrageous as to “shock the conscience,” which is the applicable standard here.

Luckily the three-Judge panel wasn't willing to enjoy bullshit soup courtesy of Keith Birberick, who has already moved on to become a Public Safety Officer at a Community College; I hope that the college students at the campus treat him with the respect that he so richly deserves - which is none at all.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2777 on: February 27, 2016, 03:15:16 PM »
Exclusive — Self-Declared “Supercop” Not So Super After Diligent Citizen Fought Him Back and Won

Hamilton, OH — Kevin Gray volunteered to be a designated driver for a friend, only to end the evening in handcuffs and facing unwarranted felony charges. His only “offense” was to attract the attention of Butler County, Ohio Sheriff’s Deputy Jasen Hatfield, who had been characterized by Butler County Prosecutor Michael T. Gmoser as a “rogue,” a liar, a felon, and a huge civil liability for the department.

Following an expensive 14-month ordeal, Gray prevailed in court on February 9. Originally facing four offenses (two of them felonies), Gray was acquitted of all charges except for a misdemeanor — “failure to notify” an officer about a licensed handgun in the glove compartment of his vehicle – that was added by the prosecutor’s office several months after the December 13, 2014, traffic stop.

“The trial judge told me, `Look, I have to fine you something,’” Gray informed The Free Thought Project.
After issuing a $100 fine, District Judge William Wulff “ordered that my firearm be returned to me immediately,” Gray observes, describing the judge’s demeanor as apologetic.

While it’s very likely that Gray would win an appeal, his attorney said that “by the time the case got before an appellate judge, my record will have been expunged.” A better use of his time and resources might be to prepare a civil action against Butler County to address the pervasive corruption revealed during the criminal trial.
“This experience has been costly, time-consuming, and exhausting, but we may be able to help people who have been abused by the sheriff’s office and the county,” Gray declares.

  Meeting “Supercop”

“I don’t want to brag or anything … but I’m a f**king SuperCop,” gloated Deputy Hatfield in a January 19, 2013, Facebook chat. “It is pretty kick ass that I wear a bullet proof vest and gun with me to work …. Just sayin [sic].”

“SuperCop” was lurking outside Big Leagues bar in Hamilton, Ohio on December 13, 2014, eager to exploit any pretext for a traffic stop. In fact, the more questionable the stop, the more dubious the citation, and the more lucrative it would be for Hatfield.

Owing to a provision in the Butler County collective bargaining agreement (see section 46.04), each court appearance arising from a citation is an opportunity to reap a financial bonus, including overtime hours. Recently divorced and facing stiff child support payments, Hatfield had abundant reasons to exploit the county’s ticket-writing racket.
Whatever the specific blend of motivations, Hatfield began to stalk Gray as he drove away from the bar with his friend, Christopher Ebbing, in the front passenger’s seat.
“The cop vehicle started following us after I made a legal U-turn a short distance from Big Leagues,” Gray recalled to The Free Thought Project. “After he activated his lights, I pulled over at the next well-lit, safe location,” which was the parking lot of a Zip Trip service station.

Rather than walking over to the driver’s side of the vehicle to ask for Gray’s license and registration, Deputy Hatfield went directly to the passenger side, “yanked open the door, and demanded identification from my passenger,” Gray continued. “I leaned over and told him that I had a conceal carry license and that there was an unloaded handgun in the glove compartment. He replied by telling me to shut up and to keep my hands on the [expletive] steering wheel.”

Standing firmly on his rights, Ebbing demanded to know what crime he was suspected of committing. Hatfield snarled that he hadn’t been wearing a seat belt, and then reached into the vehicle to drag Ebbing out.
“After throwing him to the ground, Hatfield gets on the radio and says that he has a suspect who’s resisting – and here comes the cavalry,” Gray related, weary resignation coloring his voice. Gray was already in handcuffs and en route to the jail before being informed that he had been charged with two felonies – operating a vehicle while intoxicated and “improper handling of a firearm.”
Gray was not intoxicated, and had not been given a sobriety test of any kind. Ebbing had not been publicly intoxicated, and had called Gray to act as his designated driver. Nonetheless, Ebbing was eventually forced to plead guilty to a charge of “resisting and obstructing” and spend twenty days in jail.

   The “Rap” Evolves

The initial pretext charge filed by “SuperCop” against Gray was that he had made an “improper turn.” That violation was quickly disposed of once it was established that he had executed a perfectly legal U-turn. Despite the absence of a breath test or field sobriety test, the prosecutor’s office demanded that Gray plead out to a misdemeanor OVI (Operating a Vehicle while Inxoticated) charge in exchange for dropping the felony charges. When he rejected that proposed deal, Gray was offered one in which he would plead guilty to misdemeanor “improper handling” of a firearm.
“Plead to what?” he recalled in exasperation. “I didn’t do anything wrong, and I’d be damned if I let them bend me over.”

Despite the clear and obvious fact that the charges against Gray were devoid of merit, assistant Butler County Attorney Brad Burress obtained an indictment in March 2015. In addition to the charges filed by Deputy Hatfield, Burress added a misdemeanor “failure to notify” charge. After being arrested without cause or explanation, Gray had supposedly violated the law by not informing Deputy Mike Brockman, the officer who arrested him, about the unloaded handgun in the glove compartment – despite the fact that he had informed Hatfield within seconds of the traffic stop.

  “SuperCop”: Liar, Rogue, Liability

The eagerness of the Butler County Prosecutor’s Office to pursue Hatfield’s charges against Gray is remarkable, given that the officer is an acknowledged liability to the county.
“Recently it was brought to my attention by two of my assistant prosecutors that Deputy Jason Hatfield was deficient in his understanding of the U.S Constitution concerning permissible searches and Ohio law concerning obstruction of justice,” wrote Butler County Prosecutor Gmoser in an angry letter to Sheriff Richard Jones last July 6. After one of “SuperCop’s” cases was no-billed because of his misconduct, Gmoser was made aware of a “fact pattern” visible in Hatfield’s cases; in other words, he is a habitual violator of the law.

“To my surprise, the deputy stated to me that no one raised any concerns about his conduct and he did receive a stern warning from me concerning the civil liability that could attach to you and him from impermissible searches and pretext arrests,” wrote the county prosecutor. “Regrettably, Deputy Hatfield has chosen the path of defiance. Not long after his case was no-billed I received information [indicating] … that his superiors, including you, see nothing wrong with his conduct….”

“As a result,” continued the Gmoser, “this matter has gone from the need for simple remedial education of a zealous deputy to consideration of criminal conduct by a rogue deputy. Offenses that may apply if the allegations are true are theft in office and a pattern of corrupt activity – a second degree felony.” (Emphasis added.)

An official reprimand by a superior documented at least one instance in which Hatfield stole contraband following a traffic stop.

During a September 7, 2013 traffic stop for a suspected OVI, Hatfield confiscated from driver Robert Van Skaik a plastic bag containing marijuana. Rather than reporting the contraband and turning it over to the property room to be inventoried and then destroyed, Hatfield kept and “discarded” it.

This resulted in an official letter of reprimand from Lieutenant John Sons for violating department regulations regarding “Rules of Conduct,” “Obedience to Rules,” and the handling of “Property and Evidence.”
“Continued conduct of this nature cannot and will not be tolerated” and could result in “more severe action against you up to and including termination,” concluded Lt. Sons.

  Witness Intimidation

Neither the reprimand nor the warning caused “Supercop” to reform his ways – and the absence of tangible discipline apparently encouraged Hatfield to give rein to his bullying impulses.
Last June 21st, an off-duty Hatfield and a handful of hangers-on saw Ebbing at Big Leagues bar.

“Mr Ebbing went to the bar and was approached by Deputy Hatfield and friends,” narrates an official report filed by Butler County Deputy Joe Fuller. “One of them asked Mr. Ebbing for ID. When Mr. Ebbing refused, Deputy Hatfield threatened to arrest him for DUS [Driving Under Suspension]. Deputy Hatfield also said something along the lines of arresting Mr. Ebbing next time he was on duty. One of the subjects with Deputy Hatfield poked his finger into Mr. Ebbing’s chest.”

Six months later, following another perfunctory reprimand, Hatfield was given another opportunity to bully Ebbing, but this time he displayed a touch of subtlety. Last December 13, Ebbing and Gray went to Major Leagues and saw Hatfield in the room in the company of several friends. Hatfield left the room, and one of his companions – subsequently identified as John Hatfield, “SuperCop’s” brother — approached Gray, “firmly poking me” in order to get his attention.

“It was blatantly obvious that he was `baiting’ Mr, Ebbing and myself into a physical altercation,” wrote Gray in a formal complaint to Butler County Sheriff Jones. “He stated to me, `You must be the pussy that was with him, you’re next.’” Gray told the pest “to never touch me again,” and an employee of the bar ordered him to leave.
“I will have Butler County deputies sit on this f**king place every single day once you take ownership” John Hatfield bellowed, continuing to threaten “the use of law enforcement to harass, charge, and arrest us as he left the building,” continued Gray’s complaint.

Since Hatfield’s brother displayed intimate knowledge of the charges against both Ebbing and Gray, this incident appeared to be “nothing short of witness intimidation,” Gray pointed out. As someone who has “multiple family members who are Law Enforcement Officers … I cannot fathom the decision to physically threaten, and threaten by means of their agency … an individual they have arrested.”
One possible explanation for this otherwise inexplicable incident, Gray suggested, would be that it was an attempt “to taint my trial” by provoking an altercation, thereby allowing Deputy Hatfield to claim “that I was involved in an assault with a member of his family. To be seen as culpable in assaulting a family member of my arresting officer, prior to trial, seems like a brilliant way to fight the reputation that Deputy Hatfield has,” concluded Gray.

Pervasive Corruption

Hatfield and his comrades knew they were riding a weak case against Gray, but owing to the financial benefits accruing to them from courtroom overtime, this probably didn’t bother them. The prosecutor’s office, which had described Hatfield as a liar, a legal ignoramus, and a potential felon, continued to run interference for the rogue deputy – and now may find itself dealing with a class-action suit as a result.
In at least two official letters in response to discovery requests by Gray’s defense attorney, Jeff Meadows, the attorney for the BCSO insisted that no video recordings of the December 2014 traffic stop existed. Assistant Butler County prosecutor David Kash offered similar categorical assurances.

“About half-way through the first day of the trial, we found out that there was a videotape,” Gray related to The Free Thought Project. “By this time three deputies had already testified that there was no video, because it was against BCSO policy to make dashcam or body camera recordings. But it turns out that Deputy Brockman kept all of the tapes in his basement, and at some point he handed over the tape from the traffic stop to Hatfield.”

On the morning of the trial’s second day, deputies Brockman and Hatfield reviewed the video, along with deputy prosecutor Kash and defense attorney Meadows.
“There was about four and a half minutes of video, then snow,” Gray recalled. “Brockman insisted that this was the entire record.”
A few hours later, when Brockman was on the stand, Meadows insisted on playing the entire tape.
“Shortly before the video cuts out, you can see the car shake, and it’s pretty clear that the officer killed the camera,” Gray continues. “After about a six-minute gap, the video resumes – which means that all of the evidence from the traffic stop was apparently erased.”

At this point, “Jeff [the defense attorney] pointedly asked Brockman, `Do you understand the penalty for perjury? Why did you lie to me upstairs?’”
“I wasn’t under oath then,” Brockman simpered, unwittingly acknowledging that lying appears to be his default behavior.

That response must have caused a collective shoulder-slump on the part of the numerous high-ranking deputies who were attending the trial. The deputies who testified – Jasen Hatfield, Mike Brockman, and Bill Brown – have, in the aggregate, dozens of years of service with the BCSO. Brockman has been with that department for 32 years – and the casual corruption he displayed in this case testifies eloquently about its corrupt practices and patterns of abuse.

“There was a lot of `brass’ who were sitting in the courtroom,” Gray states. “This was obviously more than an ordinary OVI case to them. And now they may have a huge mess on their hands, because of the revelations about routine concealment, misplacement, and destruction of evidence in OVI traffic stops and similar cases. Anybody who has taken a plea deal on a charge of that kind over the past dozen years or so now has grounds to challenge his conviction, and perhaps join in a civil rights suit against the county.”

If this happens, and Butler County taxpayers discover the costs associated with tolerating a corrupt sheriff’s office, Sheriff Jones won’t have the luxury of pretending that he wasn’t warned about the “civil liability” that “SuperCop” Hatfield represented. It’s quite likely that Jones will have reason to lament that he didn’t give Hatfield an opportunity follow the “Gypsy Cop” ratline to a job in a different jurisdiction.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2778 on: February 27, 2016, 05:14:59 PM »

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2779 on: February 27, 2016, 05:25:21 PM »

The A-A dude has spaghetti for arms, though.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2780 on: February 27, 2016, 05:36:37 PM »
The A-A dude has spaghetti for arms, though.

I wonder how many years in jail that little stunt cost him?  ???  :-\

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2781 on: February 27, 2016, 05:47:40 PM »
I wonder how many years in jail that little stunt cost him?  ???  :-\

It's probably Home, Sweet Home for him anyway.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2782 on: February 27, 2016, 05:54:17 PM »
Before Video Surfaced of a Cop Smashing Man’s Face In, Everyone Believed He “Kindly Assisted” Him

Bethel, AK – A former Bethel cop who claimed that he “kindly tried to assist” Alaska Native Wassillie Gregory into his cruiser is now facing criminal charges. Andrew Reid, 29, is charged with fourth-degree assault and official misconduct after a video surfaced which shows his treatment of Gregory was anything but kind.

“The incident itself provoked outrage from some Bethel residents. Bethel’s tribe, Orutsaramiut Native Council, said publicly that it was concerned for community members who felt threatened by police.”
In the video obtained from a store surveillance camera, Reid can be seen repeatedly picking up and slamming an inebriated Gregory to the concrete before arresting him. Gregory clearly has poor motor control and is pushed away from the cruiser before being tossed around like a sack of potatoes. He sustained a fractured rib and shoulder which needed surgery.

A visitor from Arizona witnessed the brutality on July 12, 2014 and reported it to police. Gregory pleaded guilty to harassment two days later without a lawyer present. However, the complaint from the witness prompted Bethel Police Chief Andre Achee to investigate the incident, whereupon he obtained the video footage.

It wasn’t until Gregory’s new lawyer, Sean Brown, got the video in May 2015 that Gregory’s conviction was dropped, and the City of Bethel paid $175,000 to settle a civil suit.
After this, the city sent the investigation to the FBI, which referred it to Alaska’s Office of Special Prosecutions. The charging document states that Reid’s use of force “was excessive and unnecessary.”

Reid, who was fired from the department last year, told a police sergeant that he had never thrown or slammed Gregory to the ground. He does not live in Alaska anymore, but may have to appear in court after the criminal case begins on March 15.

Even though the conviction against Gregory was not dismissed until after his lawyer obtained the video, the fact is that the police chief can be commended for opening the investigation after the witness complained about the brutality. Brown, Gregory’s attorney, said, “People should be pleased that police officers are being held to the same standard as everyone else.”


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2783 on: February 27, 2016, 05:57:32 PM »
It's probably Home, Sweet Home for him anyway.

haha yeah  :D

Las Vegas

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2784 on: February 27, 2016, 06:00:59 PM »
“People should be pleased that police officers are being held to the same standard as everyone else.”

I hadn't noticed, but anyway.

They should be held to a higher standard, for the exact same reason a person killing an officer is given different treatment.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2785 on: February 27, 2016, 06:01:57 PM »
Pittsburgh Cop Wrongly Cleared of Assault Now Facing New Felony Charges

The Pittsburgh cop wrongly acquitted by a kangaroo court, packed with officers and a friendly judge is facing new, more serious charges in the wake of a gruesome miscarriage of justice earlier this month.

Charges against Pittsburgh Sgt. Stephen Matakovich were refiled today, along with the felony charge of perjury for ejecting a man from Heinz Field in a video that has since gone viral and can be seen below.

The officer’s face was probably as red as that stadium’s namesake catsup when he found out that he’d have to go on trial again.

Matakovich is also facing two counts of official oppression, simple assault, unsworn falsification to authorities in addition to that felony perjury charge resulting from the officer writing an official report which is disproven by the video of the incident.

Early this month Sgt. Matakovich had assault charges dismissed without the judge seeing the video evidence in the case as PINAC News reported earlier this month.

Meanwhile, Sgt. Stephen Matakovich remains on paid suspension, according to the Pittsburgh Police Department.

Mayor Bill Peduto stated that he intends to end the practice of paying suspended officers overtime pay for non-essential positions, which brings into question the practice of paying officers who are accused of crimes at all.

But, in a sign of growing intolerance for dirty cops even in heavily pro-cop cities like Pittsburgh, Matakovich was also served with notice that he is facing termination in response to this incident.

Public outrage forced Allegheny County District Attorney to refile charges in the case, which only happened because of the video depicting victim Gabriel Despres being shoved, and then punched multiple times

After the brutal assault, Matakovich added insult to injury when he filed criminal charges against Despres for trespassing, public drunkenness and underage drinking at the WPIAL high school football championships.

Despres was outside of Heinz Field, the famed field where the Pittsburgh Steelers play, was ordered to leave the public area by security guards.

The guards were standing and chatting with Despres, when Sgt. Matakovich, who was also working security, off-duty and in plain clothes, approached the men.

Matalovich is seen in the video pointing away with is right hand then shoving Despres who had his hands by his side.

Once on the ground Matakovich can be seen punching Despres repeatedly, who was at a severe disadvantage and unable to defend himself from the powerful blows delivered by Sgt. Matakovich.

It’s unfair that taxpayers must now pay for a second trial, but at least it is a positive sign to see police being charged for lying in their official duties, when the evidence is clear and their report blames the victim of police brutality for their wounds.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2786 on: February 28, 2016, 01:30:58 AM »
i was playing the beach today - saw this one cop macking to this female cop while she did her makeup and stuck her ass out for him.  She was pretty hot, lots of makeup.    he was singing along with the band all night too.   Seemed like 2 cool cops, I have to be honest.  I have to give shit to the lying cops that frame/beat people... but as I drank my wine glass in the sand (i'm in the band, hey, we go anywhere), the cop nodded at me and smiled and smirked at the big booty female partner we were both glancing at... and he kept on mackin' to her... it was a cool moment.  Great to see cops kicking ass and being nice to people.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2787 on: February 29, 2016, 10:38:30 AM »
WATCH: Detroit Police Shot Man’s Chained Dog in Video, Pay $100,000 Settlement

Detroit police shot and killed a man’s dog chained up legally at his home for ‘no reason‘, now the deteriorating city’s taxpayers will pay the price.

The Detroit City Council approved an agreement to settle with Darryl Lindsay, who brought a suit after police shot his dog Babycakes, a French Mastiff while chained in his home’s yard, on a cold January day in 2015 as you can see in the video below.

Detroit agreed in legal proceedings last November to settle the suit, this week’s vote was the final formality where the city agreed to the payment in a city council meeting.

Lindsay’s civil rights Attorney Christopher Olson said in a local television interview, “We don’t live in a world where police are permitted to just show up to your house, trying to do some police business, and willy-nilly kill our pets.”

Olsen is no stranger to these lawsuits, and was featured in another puppycide caught on camera in a Huffington Post story in 2014.

In fact, shooting and killing a family pet violates the Constitution’s 4th Amendment, because in a quirk of law, pets are legally considered property.

Killing a family pet is considered an illegal seizure of property.

But most people can’t afford lawyers to enforce that right.

Babycakes was chained up on a ten foot leash and in accordance with state law.

Two officers jumped the fence beyond Babycakes’ reach and were able to secure the backdoor.

Detroit Officer Darrell Dawson, according to dashcam video, was several feet away from the dog.

The cop radioed to dispatch that he was going “take down the dog”.

Officer Dawson then drew his service weapon, and shoot the dog, claiming he was in fear of Babycakes, who was chained safely out of his reach.

Cops were at Lindsay’s house seeking a suspect unrelated to the victim for questioning.

Darryl Lindsay was only questioned and never criminally charged in any case whatsoever.

Later, officers could not describe the person of interest related to the questioning of Lindsay, nor could officers explain why so many officers were there in order to question someone.

It not known of Officer Dawson was disciplined after shooting Babycakes, other than reports that a Lieutenant later counseled Dawson in properly entering private property.

But we know that without discipline for the officer, and behind his shield of qualified immunity and taxpayer indemnification, little will change at the Detroit Police Department for this dog killing cop.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2788 on: February 29, 2016, 02:24:51 PM »
i was playing the beach today - saw this one cop macking to this female cop while she did her makeup and stuck her ass out for him.  She was pretty hot, lots of makeup.    he was singing along with the band all night too.   Seemed like 2 cool cops, I have to be honest.  I have to give shit to the lying cops that frame/beat people... but as I drank my wine glass in the sand (i'm in the band, hey, we go anywhere), the cop nodded at me and smiled and smirked at the big booty female partner we were both glancing at... and he kept on mackin' to her... it was a cool moment.  Great to see cops kicking ass and being nice to people.

Good to Hear that.
Good to know some of them Behave & have a lighter side.

As Much as I Slag off & Dislike The Scumbag cops & the system
That protects them.

There are clearly a good number of honest decent cops.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2789 on: March 01, 2016, 12:05:23 AM »
Police Sergeant Found Guilty of Ordering Fellow Cops To Beat Up Handcuffed Children

Dekalb County, GA – Police Sgt. Anthony Robinson was recently found guilty of ordering other officers under his authority to assault underage suspects while they were in handcuffs. Robinson reportedly told officers Blake Norwood and Arthur Parker to beat up four different suspects, on different occasions. Three of the four suspects were reportedly minors at the time of the beatings.

One victim named Travarrius Williams told Channel 2 reporters that he was badly beaten well after his arrest while he was restrained.
“They were punching, kicking, stomping. They broke my teeth on the back of the windshield,” Williams said.

“That’s why black, young men really run from the police. We ain’t running because we did something, we’re running because we’re scared they’re gonna beat us, shoot us. When people get high authority, they feel like they’ve got power over anybody, so the Police Department’s really like another game,” Williams said.
“This is the kind of conduct by police officers that, if it goes unchecked, people get killed,” Brian Spears, Williams’ attorney added.

Surprisingly, another cop witnessed the assault and filed a report.
Williams was allegedly selected for the beating because he accused one of the officers in the department of wrongfully arresting his brother on another occasion. According to court documents, Robinson told Williams that “We don’t let people disrespect us like that in our house,” before ordering the beating.

After the investigation began, Officer Norwood turned on Robinson and told investigators about other occasions where Robinson had ordered him to beat up underage suspects. In that case, Robinson had ordered Norwood and another officer to beat up three young men, aged 15-16, also while they were handcuffed.

“(Williams) never did anything to us. We beat him because we were told to beat him by Sgt. Robinson because he was being disrespectful,” Norwood told investigators.
Norwood and Parker took a plea deal in exchange for their testimony in Robinson’s trial, and both men were given probation, according to wsbtv.

Robinson was convicted on two counts of felony violation of oath of office, three misdemeanor counts of simple assault, and one misdemeanor count of simple battery and is facing up to 14 years in prison.

Deacon Jeschin

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2790 on: March 01, 2016, 03:29:39 PM »
i was playing the beach today - saw this one cop macking to this female cop while she did her makeup and stuck her ass out for him.  She was pretty hot, lots of makeup.    he was singing along with the band all night too.   Seemed like 2 cool cops, I have to be honest.  I have to give shit to the lying cops that frame/beat people... but as I drank my wine glass in the sand (i'm in the band, hey, we go anywhere), the cop nodded at me and smiled and smirked at the big booty female partner we were both glancing at... and he kept on mackin' to her... it was a cool moment.  Great to see cops kicking ass and being nice to people.

After f#%cking the public, the two pigs will now f#%k each other...Fitting, since nobody else will.  The alleged female pig has most likely swallowed half the department's jizz anyhow.....

Anyhow, hope your gig went well......😀


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2791 on: March 01, 2016, 11:55:31 PM »
This sounds like some people in the politics board..

‘What’s up ‘obamabam?’ — Racist Cop Arrested in Stabbing of a 17-yo Boy for Speaking Arabic

Huntington Beach, CA — A 17-year-old boy was attacked on Sunday by three suspects as he walked home in Huntington Beach. One of the assailants was 28-year-old Arthur Roman, an Oak Forest police officer in Illinois.

Karam Jarrah, the victim, and his brother-in-law believe they were targetted because they were speaking Arabic.
“Was it like a racial issue? Is it because we were speaking Arabic or it can be like just the way we look,” said Karam.

Karam explained that Arthur Roman, his brother Martin Roman, and his brother’s wife Jessica Roman, all from Lake Forrest, approached the pair and began intimidating them with racist idiocy. The gang was apparently waiting in their car in the parking lot of a 24-hour Fitness Sunday afternoon — seemingly looking for a fight.

“He was like, ‘What’s up ‘obamabam?’ I don’t even know what that means,” Karam recalled. “So, I said, ‘What?’ and he said, ‘What’s up ‘obamabam?’ He said it like he was mad.”
“I came back very, very nicely, because we have faced this type of situation before,” said Karam’s brother-in-law Asem Dghem.

Despite being nice, the family of bigots attacked, and Martin Roman allegedly stabbed the young boy twice before fleeing in their car.
“When I stood up, it was just like a fountain squirting blood, like blood everywhere,” said Karam.
Karam was transported to a local hospital and treated for his injuries which were, thankfully, non-life-threatening.

A short time later, the vehicle with the attackers was pulled over, and all three of them were arrested. The suspects, including the cop, now face charges of felony assault with a deadly weapon as well as battery.
Karam and his brother-in-law Asem are flabbergasted that an officer of the law was involved in this apparently racist assault.

“They have to actually protect us, not stab us,” Asem said. “He’s a police officer, actually, he’s supposed to be role model.”

Sadly, Asem and his brother-in-law Karam learned the hard way that not all police officers are there to protect and serve. Many police officers, in fact, as was the case in this incident, do quite the opposite.
The Free Thought Project reached out to the Lake Forest police department for a statement. However, we have yet to hear back. Investigators in Huntington Beach haven’t stated whether or not this was a racially motivated attack.



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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2792 on: March 02, 2016, 08:55:45 AM »
Cops Arrest Drunk Driver with his Penis Out — But then They Find Out Who He Is and Let Him Go

Blaine, MN — Blaine Police officers, responding to reports of an alarm at the Lexington Avenue Fleet Farm in November, discovered something startling — a man passed out behind the wheel of a car with its engine running. But that wasn’t all.

Two officers spent a few minutes pounding the roof of the car and banging the windows in an attempt to rouse the driver. According to reports, they observed “open containers of silver Coors Light cans in the passenger seat.”

Dash cam footage obtained by local KARE 11 shows the Blaine officers beating the car while repeatedly yelling for its occupant to “Wake up!” When they finally manage to capture the driver’s attention, he appears incapable of understanding or following basic commands.

“Can you open it?” Officer Brad Nordby asks — nine times, according to the footage — “Ok, open the door.”
Then he realizes something more is amiss.

“Oh, great,” he says to his partner. “His penis is out of his pants.”

After first revving the engine, the driver eventually exits the vehicle; but he remains incoherent and unable to understand what the officers are saying.
They then proceed to administer basic sobriety tests — which the man stumbles through but simply cannot complete. Eventually, one of them tells the clearly impaired driver, “Why don’t you just go sit on my bumper, ok? You’re going to fall [over] on me.”

Video shows the driver with his arms extended, as one of the cops asks “Can you take off your hat for a second?” But he has to repeat the question a number of times. Finally, the driver, later identified as William Monberg, explains, “I don’t understand what you want me to do.”

Dash video records Monberg blowing into a breathalyzer, and according to police reports, he registered .202 — more than two and a half times above the legal limit.
“William, right now I’m going to place you under arrest for DWI,” says the officer. “Ok, so put your hands behind your back for me.” He is then placed in the back of the patrol car.
It would seem to be an open-and-shut case. Not quite.

Upon examining the contents of Monberg’s wallet, one officer says, “Oh, crap.”
Looking at one another, without saying a word, both officers pull their body mics out of their pockets — and shut them off. Then they step away from the camera.
The mic and camera in the patrol car is still recording as the pair allow the inebriated Monberg out of the back of the vehicle.

When he’s placed back in patrol car, he is no longer in handcuffs.
“I just need to figure out a way to get him home,” one of the cops can be heard saying.

As it turns out, William Monberg is an investigator for the Columbia Heights Police Department. And Norby and his partner, Officer Brandon Fettig, are performing what is known as “professional courtesy” — the unspoken rule among police that they will not arrest one of their own.

KARE 11 reported, Monberg “was not taken into custody. No mugshots were taken. His car was not towed. Instead, the Blaine officers helped him arrange a ride home.” In fact, “no official police reports were filed at the time.”

Talk about Blue Privilege.

Monberg almost got away scot-free — with the help of fellow officers. Until Blaine Police Chief Chris Olson had an investigator find out what had happened that night.
Monberg ended up officially charged with DWI in December, though he has pled not guilty. His court date is scheduled for March 2.

As for Norby and Rettig, Olson told KARE 11, “In this case, inexperienced officers made a mistake. It’s not acceptable” — though neither has faced disciplinary action.
Officer Monberg issued a statement to KARE 11 in which he said he is “profoundly ashamed, embarrassed, and disappointed” in himself over the incident.

This was not a case of officers excusing another from a parking ticket — though that wouldn’t be acceptable, either. Monberg was seriously incapacitated on the night of November 7, 2015, and could have gravely injured or killed someone had he attempted to drive in that state. The lack of discipline for the officers involved in this attempted cover-up leaves little doubt similar “professional courtesy” will happen again.


Deacon Jeschin

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2793 on: March 02, 2016, 10:33:40 AM »
Pigs< Dogshit on the ground left by a medium sized mixed breed.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2794 on: March 02, 2016, 11:19:04 AM »
Exclusive: Mom Arrested for Saving Her Dog From Being Murdered by a Cop Found NOT GUILTY

Parkersburg, WV — Last year, the Free Thought Project broke the story and the video of a courageous mother, Tiffanie Hupp who stepped in front an officer who was about to shoot her dog.
Randall Hupp, Tiffanie’s father-in-law explained to the Free Thought Project what happened that day,

The trooper approached with gun in hand, grabbed her by the arm and slammed her to the ground. After the troopers realized that they had been filmed, they entered the home illegally without warrant or probable cause and confiscated all digital devices including my 4-year-old grandson’s tablet. We only recently received the devices back and released the video.

The incident began after a neighborhood argument escalated to the point of a man calling the police to prevent further turmoil. The homeowner, Cliff, called the police after his neighbor allegedly threatened him.
Cliff’s dog, which was on a chain, merely barked as the officer walked up to the home. His tail was still wagging, and he seemed to calm down immediately. However, the fact that this dog was on a chain, not growling, nor posing any threat whatsoever, was of no consequence to the state trooper who quickly pulled out his service pistol, took aim, and almost killed the dog.

For stopping the trooper from killing her dog and getting slammed to the ground in front of her 4-year-old son, Tiffanie was charged with misdemeanor obstruction.

Of course, Tiffanie Hupp pleaded not guilty, as the video clearly showed that she was the victim. However, the city railroaded Tiffanie by forcing her to use their public appointed defender, with obvious conflicts of interest.

She was given a public defender who was married to a state trooper. She was told she had no legal grounds for a lawsuit because she lacked serious bodily harm and she was well on her way to being declared guilty for a crime she clearly did not commit.

However, thanks to a selfless attorney who saw Hupp’s story, Tiffanie was able to fight back. Charleston Attorney, David Schles took her case pro bono.
“I was shown the video of the incident last August and I found it unjustifiable for Tiffanie to be charged with any crime for her reasonable, non-forcible,  actions to defend Buddy the dog. When I was told the lawyer appointed to represent Tiffanie was married to a state trooper and did not inform Tiffanie of this  relationship, I decided I would represent Tiffanie pro bono if she wanted my services,” Schles tells The Free Thought Project.

In spite of the video evidence proving she committed no crime, prosecutors still went after Mrs. Hupp. But on Monday, a jury returned the verdict of not guilty.

“For reasons I do not know, the Wood County Prosecuting Attorney refused to dismiss the charge and so  we went to trial on February 29, 2016.  After viewing the video and hearing the testimony and assessing the relative credibility of  of Trooper Cook and Tiffanie, a  Wood County jury unanimously found Tiffanie Not Guilty  after a short period of deliberation,” Said Schles.

Hupp told the Free Thought Project that she had a hard time not bursting out in court when Trooper Cook, who assaulted her, took the stand.
“When the trooper was on the stand, it was hard to keep my mouth shut…lie after lie after lie. He told them I had a crossbow in my hand, that I stepped up to him, not in between (him and the dog), that I raised my hands at him first,” explained Tiffanie.

But the video proved these were all lies, illustrating the importance of filming police encounters. Had Tiffanie’s husband decided not to pull out his camera that fateful day, an innocent woman would have been found guilty of a crime she did not commit.

“My personal belief is that Trooper Cook was wholly in the wrong and Tiffanie was the aggrieved party. While it is disappointing that the trooper acted as he did on the day of the incident, unfortunately, it is not surprising that a law enforcement officer failed to act competently and properly. It is surprising, and to me disturbing, that following the incident no one in the WVSP or the Wood County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office reviewed the evidence in a reasonable manner and took the proper action to have this case dismissed. Instead, taxpayer money was wasted and Tiffanie was forced to wait over nine months with a criminal charge hanging over her head for doing nothing more than standing between a chained and defenseless dog and a man pointing a gun and threatening to shoot for no justifiable reason.
“Thankfully, if slowly, and inefficiently, the system can work and the jury made the correct decision and exonerated Tiffanie,” said Schles.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2795 on: March 03, 2016, 01:29:38 PM »
Cops Arrest Drunk Driver with his Penis Out — But then They Find Out Who He Is and Let Him Go

Blaine, MN — Blaine Police officers, responding to reports of an alarm at the Lexington Avenue Fleet Farm in November, discovered something startling — a man passed out behind the wheel of a car with its engine running. But that wasn’t all.

Two officers spent a few minutes pounding the roof of the car and banging the windows in an attempt to rouse the driver. According to reports, they observed “open containers of silver Coors Light cans in the passenger seat.”

Dash cam footage obtained by local KARE 11 shows the Blaine officers beating the car while repeatedly yelling for its occupant to “Wake up!” When they finally manage to capture the driver’s attention, he appears incapable of understanding or following basic commands.

“Can you open it?” Officer Brad Nordby asks — nine times, according to the footage — “Ok, open the door.”
Then he realizes something more is amiss.

“Oh, great,” he says to his partner. “His penis is out of his pants.”

After first revving the engine, the driver eventually exits the vehicle; but he remains incoherent and unable to understand what the officers are saying.
They then proceed to administer basic sobriety tests — which the man stumbles through but simply cannot complete. Eventually, one of them tells the clearly impaired driver, “Why don’t you just go sit on my bumper, ok? You’re going to fall [over] on me.”

Video shows the driver with his arms extended, as one of the cops asks “Can you take off your hat for a second?” But he has to repeat the question a number of times. Finally, the driver, later identified as William Monberg, explains, “I don’t understand what you want me to do.”

Dash video records Monberg blowing into a breathalyzer, and according to police reports, he registered .202 — more than two and a half times above the legal limit.
“William, right now I’m going to place you under arrest for DWI,” says the officer. “Ok, so put your hands behind your back for me.” He is then placed in the back of the patrol car.
It would seem to be an open-and-shut case. Not quite.

Upon examining the contents of Monberg’s wallet, one officer says, “Oh, crap.”
Looking at one another, without saying a word, both officers pull their body mics out of their pockets — and shut them off. Then they step away from the camera.
The mic and camera in the patrol car is still recording as the pair allow the inebriated Monberg out of the back of the vehicle.

When he’s placed back in patrol car, he is no longer in handcuffs.
“I just need to figure out a way to get him home,” one of the cops can be heard saying.

As it turns out, William Monberg is an investigator for the Columbia Heights Police Department. And Norby and his partner, Officer Brandon Fettig, are performing what is known as “professional courtesy” — the unspoken rule among police that they will not arrest one of their own.

KARE 11 reported, Monberg “was not taken into custody. No mugshots were taken. His car was not towed. Instead, the Blaine officers helped him arrange a ride home.” In fact, “no official police reports were filed at the time.”

Talk about Blue Privilege.

Monberg almost got away scot-free — with the help of fellow officers. Until Blaine Police Chief Chris Olson had an investigator find out what had happened that night.
Monberg ended up officially charged with DWI in December, though he has pled not guilty. His court date is scheduled for March 2.

As for Norby and Rettig, Olson told KARE 11, “In this case, inexperienced officers made a mistake. It’s not acceptable” — though neither has faced disciplinary action.
Officer Monberg issued a statement to KARE 11 in which he said he is “profoundly ashamed, embarrassed, and disappointed” in himself over the incident.

This was not a case of officers excusing another from a parking ticket — though that wouldn’t be acceptable, either. Monberg was seriously incapacitated on the night of November 7, 2015, and could have gravely injured or killed someone had he attempted to drive in that state. The lack of discipline for the officers involved in this attempted cover-up leaves little doubt similar “professional courtesy” will happen again.


Our police Chief was at a IACP meeting recently where he was addressing his peers. He said that the problem isn't with the police officers, the problem is with those in the room with him. He said accepting mediocrity and failing to hold the officers accountable is the problem. I tend to agree with him.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2796 on: March 03, 2016, 03:26:07 PM »
Our police Chief was at a IACP meeting recently where he was addressing his peers. He said that the problem isn't with the police officers, the problem is with those in the room with him. He said accepting mediocrity and failing to hold the officers accountable is the problem. I tend to agree with him.

Hi your back - was starting to think you left this thread.
Why am I not Surprised you would agree with him.

The problem as most none cops would see is
Corrupt cops out there & corrupt cops
Who defend & cover for them of higher rank.
The whole system is corrupt from the top down,
Mind that is likely the case with many/ most other
Big organisation.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2797 on: March 03, 2016, 03:27:48 PM »


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2798 on: March 03, 2016, 03:40:18 PM »
Independent public body to oversee & investigate
With power to suspend, sack, demote, & prosecute.
All done in the open.

Oh let's wait for the million & 1 reasons why the public
In general cannot understand police issues.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #2799 on: March 03, 2016, 04:21:11 PM »
Every government program grow because it thinks itself good

like cancer

to cancer it is simply trying to live and grow