Author Topic: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College  (Read 9184 times)

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2018, 11:53:39 AM »
Go start another garage sale thread.

This is far beyond what your tiny brain will ever be able to comprehend.

I simply asked what a sargon is...I don't even what the fight is about.  enlighten us


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2018, 01:13:54 PM »

Anti-Sargonites???   I'm still trying to figure out what an Akkad is.

Anti-Sargonites / Anti-Akkadians = Same thing. Usually SJW.

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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2018, 02:00:57 PM »
the closest ive ever come to know a black person is watching vince goodrums videos
Says a lot for black people when their best black is gay, obese, poor, bald, and retarded.
No offense Vince


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2018, 03:21:11 PM »
I'm sorry but who the fuck is Sargon of Akkad???
The real Sargon (not the portly pseudointellectual YouTuber) was like a cross between Moses and Saddam Hussein. Myth has it that he was found floating down the Euphrates in a wicker basket, and grew up to become a genius statesman that would build the town of Akkad around the middle of the twenty-fourth century B.C., to house his followers, the Akkadians. He then travelled through what is now Iraq, Syria, Anatolia and Kurdistan in order to kick the shit out of everyone, secure their resources, and unite the region under his control.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2018, 03:32:18 PM »
nobody asked who the real sargon was but hey lets jump at the opportunity to try to sound intellectual

or you could google it


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2018, 03:46:03 PM »
the closest ive ever come to know a black person is watching vince goodrums videos



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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2018, 03:51:11 PM »
nobody asked who the real sargon was but hey lets jump at the opportunity to try to sound intellectual

or you could google it

1. Vince asked about it and stated that he was confused after reading further: 'I just went to wikipedia and found that its referring to the Akkadian Empire.   There are people fighting over some bullshit from 2300 B.C???   Now I'm really confused.   The Akkadian Empire was mostly in Asia and I don't see any Jackie Chan's on stage.    Has this mother fucker watched too many Conan movies or something??  I still don't get what the fuck this is all about???   I've heard of Antifa but what's an SJW???'

2. Nothing I wrote came from Wikipedia, or was phrased so as to sound intellectual.

3. You are really boring.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2018, 03:53:40 PM »
thread is about sargon youtuber and he asked about sargon youtube

youre the boring predictable one that takes any chance you get to try to sound intellectual go fuck yourself

youre impressing nobody with your endless bookworm bullshit


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2018, 04:02:43 PM »
or you could google it

if he comprehended google, he wouldn't b a tard. most tards never figure anything out.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2018, 04:04:34 PM »
thread is about sargon youtuber and he asked about sargon youtube

youre the boring predictable one that takes any chance you get to try to sound intellectual go fuck yourself

youre impressing nobody with your endless bookworm bullshit

I quoted what I was replying to.

I like reading, and I like discussing books.

You can criticise others for being predictable when you finally manage to quit with the daily strafing of complete bullshit designed to temporarily stop you from thinking about suicide. You're not fooling anyone. It would be embarrassing to ever address you again; please just go and die quietly.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2018, 04:04:46 PM »
There was a computer chess game named "Sargon" I vaguely remember playing.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2018, 04:06:58 PM »
I quoted what I was replying to.

I like reading, and I like discussing books.

You can criticise others for being predictable when you finally manage to quit with the daily strafing of complete bullshit designed to temporarily stop you from thinking about suicide. You're not fooling anyone. It would be embarrassing to ever address you again; please just go and die quietly.

take your shitty nickname "meta-physical" and that faggit wellfare state socialist john stuart mill-avatar and piss off, bookworm.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2018, 04:07:52 PM »
You can criticise others for being predictable when you finally manage to quit with the daily strafing of complete bullshit designed to temporarily stop you from thinking about suicide.



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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2018, 04:08:42 PM »
From wiki :

Sargon of Akkad (otherwise known as Carl Benjamin or Carl of Wikipedia) is a fat MRA alcoholic who loves to see women cry, probably why he is a notorious wife-beater. He loves to rant about how sand blacks rape white women and destroy civilization, but for some reason named his channel after a dead sand black king. Carl has become the main figurehead with over half a million subs in a 'New Wave' of parasitic YouTube Ranters who like to circlejerk each other off to videos that disagree with their ideological world view by splicing in their snarky 'rebuttals' bearing their severe autism over a microphone or camera, for their audience to groupthink themselves into self-delusion as 'intellectually superior'.

The ultimate case study has shown that the dumbest, most obese Americunts will believe anything you tell them, provided it comes from someone with an English accent (because dem limeys are smart people, y'all, Ah'll tell yer huhwut!), Sargon of Akkad records his TL;DW videos with a tinfoil hat on and does "research" by looking shit up on Google and Wikipedia (he gets paid to do it, by the way) and then coming to the conclusion that everything is part of a government, feminist conspiracy. Occasionally he invites feminists hoebags to his "show" and has his ass handed to him by them, because having an actual debate with a real life person is considerably harder than finding a YouTube video you disagree with, pausing said YouTube video and then talking down to it, as if you expect it to answer back; either that, or he engages in circlejerks with his e-celeb friends that can sometimes last up to six hours.

When he isn't making videos about how the social justice warriors are out to get him, he makes a weekly video where he reads internet articles and then yells at them. Seriously, about 90% of his videos are just him reading some boring news article or watching a video and basically going, "Pffft, well, THAT'S stupid.". Sargon likes to cultivate an aura of being a learned renaissance man, expert in numerous topics from science to politics to history, but he is, in actual fact, a high school dropout who never attended college and has no formal qualifications. Most of his videos are riddled with inaccuracies, particularly his videos about history - a topic he seems to have learned about mainly through playing Medieval Total War and Warhammer. Since he has literally nothing better to do, Sargon has made YouTube his full time career. As he has made several hundred YouTube videos about shit no one cares about, he is guaranteed to start showing up in your YouTube recommendations if you watch even a single one of his videos, no matter how many times you tell YouTube that you're not interested in his bullshit. Seriously, he will never go away. It's like a fucking plague of smug, fedora tier self-proclaimed rational "logic".


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2018, 04:28:35 PM »
Lots of phaggotry all up in here.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2018, 10:32:07 PM »
nobody asked who the real sargon was but hey lets jump at the opportunity to try to sound intellectual

or you could google it

That's what I checked first in Wikipedia and found that.   I simply didn't know if this was some comedian or something.  Now that I've listened to his words, he sounds like a feminized version of Gavin McGiness


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2018, 10:35:28 PM »
They aren't really liberals, but more radical Marxists and anarchists.
I didn't know Sargon was doing a talk at King's College. I live quite close so would probably have gone as he sometimes can produce good material.

The real force behind the liberal movement.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2018, 12:27:04 AM »
Liberals have done a complete 180 degree turn.  They used to be the ones complaining about free speech, censorship, bullying and fascism.

Now they have become everything they claimed to be against.  May fuck be upon them.

At the least AfD is smashing them in Germany , in Australia masked Antifa demonstrators get arrested & prosecuted ($ 750)  ;D


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2018, 09:12:58 AM »
Dear Goodrum

Ye should embrace the Sargonitis, lest ye will be touched by the SJW.



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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2018, 06:44:51 PM »
Haha ratherbe having a 10-8 round over meta-physical itt

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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2018, 09:27:56 PM »

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2018, 11:53:01 PM »
Have you noticed how these antifa men that shield their faces everytime have women with them that can come to their rescue if someone gets tired and attacks them. They behave really aggressive and think they are badasses but at the same moment someone just takes a step at their direction there is a lesbo infront of them. So funny


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2018, 05:24:11 AM »
Lots of phaggotry all up in here.

Indeed. The only people care who about all of the ANTIFA, Alt-Right, SJW, et al., business are the keyboard warriors and the few dozen people who show up to "battle" while protected by the police. Occasionally the MSM will pay them some attention if it furthers whatever narrative it's pushing that day. If you want to read about real ideological street fighting check out Russia before the revolution or Germany in the 1920s - early 1930s. Everything going on now is just cosplay.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #48 on: March 08, 2018, 05:30:13 AM »
Indeed. The only people care who about all of the ANTIFA, Alt-Right, SJW, et al., business are the keyboard warriors and the few dozen people who show up to "battle" while protected by the police. Occasionally the MSM will pay them some attention if it furthers whatever narrative it's pushing that day. If you want to read about real ideological street fighting check out Russia before the revolution or Germany in the 1920s - early 1930s. Everything going on now is just cosplay.
Unfortunately, this is just gearing up for the real thing. Just like in Russia or Germany.


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Re: Antifa SJWS ATTACK Sargon of Akkad(Carl) at London College
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2018, 06:04:52 AM »
Unfortunately, this is just gearing up for the real thing. Just like in Russia or Germany.


It's naive to think these things won't escalate. The main parties across the western world are drifting further away from each other and are increasingly embracing the extreme ends of the political spectrum.