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Grape Ape:
I may have to give it a shot.

I might give it a shot but I wonder if it works?

When I have joint issues I take an anti inflammatory prescription drug called meloxicam. For me at least it works insanely well. Arthritis runs in my family and I have been abusing my body since I was a teenager with working out. I hurt my foot years ago and the doc gave me 7.5 MG of the stuff. While I was taking it for the foot I noticed my bad shoulders felt amazing. Also felt great going down stairs in the morning where I normally go down like Frankenstein until my joints are warmed up. With the drug I flew down the stairs like a teenager in the morning.

Recently I have been feeling pain on one hip joint all the way down to the knee. I was limping around. On another occasion a doc gave me 25mg of meloxicam that I had in the medicine cabinet. It worked like a miracle on my hip and leg. The pain was gone in two days. I actually trained legs yesterday.  On my third day of the stuff. It's Wednesday and I think I should be good to go for a long run this coming Friday. I guess I'm a super reactor to the drug.


--- Quote from: oldtimer1 on April 17, 2024, 04:21:11 PM ---I might give it a shot but I wonder if it works?

When I have joint issues I take an anti inflammatory prescription drug called meloxicam. For me at least it works insanely well. Arthritis runs in my family and I have been abusing my body since I was a teenager with working out. I hurt my foot years ago and the doc gave me 7.5 MG of the stuff. While I was taking it for the foot I noticed my bad shoulders felt amazing. Also felt great going down stairs in the morning where I normally go down like Frankenstein until my joints are warmed up. With the drug I flew down the stairs like a teenager in the morning.

Recently I have been feeling pain on one hip joint all the way down to the knee. I was limping around. On another occasion a doc gave me 25mg of meloxicam that I had in the medicine cabinet. It worked like a miracle on my hip and leg. The pain was gone in two days. I actually trained legs yesterday.  On my third day of the stuff. It's Wednesday and I think I should be good to go for a long run this coming Friday. I guess I'm a super reactor to the drug.

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I couldn't help you with the arthritis side of glu/chon but I know that my joints/tendons felt better after about a month on it. Consistency is key with it, you really need to keep on it to feel the effects. I feel like it helps with the recovery from workouts.

--- Quote from: CalvinH on April 17, 2024, 05:42:44 AM ---After a month and I can tell the difference. It does really help with leg and back tightness.

--- End quote ---
Sounds about right 4-6 weeks is typical for starting to feel better.


--- Quote from: Grape Ape on April 17, 2024, 06:37:51 AM ---I may have to give it a shot.

--- End quote ---

Try it but like chaos said it takes about 4-6 weeks before you notice it helping.

Getting back to cardio I ran 5.25 miles today in 90 degree heat with the sun bearing down. I felt great until mile  four and five. When I finished the workout I felt so exhausted and weak it made me a little scared. I ran in a park that has a one mile paved loop. In my car I had a cooler with ice and a water bottle. I kept rubbing ice on my head and body. I drank so much water driving back to my house and once in my house but still pissed dark. It might have been a dangerous thing I did at 65.  I could have killed myself, lol. Tomorrow I will do it again after lifting. If I kill myself in the heat this is my last post.  ;D


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