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How sad.. You have to know Coach is an imbecile when it comes to facts.. he has yet to win a discussion on here to date. Not one... why in the world would any sane person think that during a live debate, the Qanon Gateway Pundit moron would suddenly develop super powers and be able to function live? Nah, you are just stirring the pot.

Opinions vary & if you're so confident you're always correct then a  simple live debate shouldn't
Be any kind of problem.  Put your money where you mouth is / Put up or Shut up.
You're doing the same cowardly deflection as Prime - your so self confident yet won't have a debate
With him, Pathetic.
Either debate with him or stop calling him on here.
He's got more balls & back bone than any of you lot that are running away from a live debate.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Showers W/ Dad
« Last post by illuminati on Today at 10:38:30 PM »
Kind of been addressed when Coach posted the fake meme quoting Ashley.

Wake up FFS

Have you been asleep or hibernating?
Ashley has stated that it did happen & Pedo Pete had inappropriate showers with her
FFS man do some detective work & then come back & apologies .
Twice................... .

Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump = Winning
« Last post by Agnostic007 on Today at 10:27:34 PM »
I win again…and it’s not a “hush money” trial. They haven’t even determined what laws he broke. It’s a show trial…oops, I’ve been saying since Jan 6 these were show trials…I win again

Imbecile... The level of your gullibility is on a Jim Jones Jonestown level. You would have drank the orange mix no questions asked.
Religious Debates & Threads / Re: Prayer and Religion in Public Life
« Last post by Agnostic007 on Today at 10:23:44 PM »
I would venture to say that the vast majority of Christians have not read the Bible "cover to cover," much less multiple times.

It is weird that reading the Bible caused you to walk away from Christianity, yet you spend a lot of time quoting or referencing the Bible.  It's almost as if you are trying to convert people to your atheist religion.  But that is a prevalent practice among proselytizing atheists.

We both know you automatically take offense to anything I post. Having said that, no, I spend no time converting people to my non belief. I am concerned with remaining silent which allows the far right to push their religious agenda in courts which affects me. I will speak up on those occasions. I believe everyone has the right to believe what they want religion wise, as long as it doesn't impact me. That hasn't been the case so remaining silent is misinterpreted by the religious as we agree... we don't

on a personal note. I would not actively try and talk someone out of their belief in a god or gods. I was there. I understand it. But if faced with the argument, or subject matter, I won't remain silent. 

Its actually not weird... there is a popular bumper sticker out there that says "Atheist-Someone who has actually read the bible"... it's popular for a reason.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Showers W/ Dad
« Last post by WrongAdvices on Today at 09:59:32 PM »
BOTH democrats and republicans have a very disgusting habit of responding “oh yeh - well what about what (insert the other guy) did”

BUT - at least SOME good conservatives have the integrity to point out the faults of their side. I did see that Bill Maher is exposing Stormy (Stephanie) for her BLATANT lies. The bitch has been a hustler for decades. She was a small time one back in the day, but I could tell that she had much bigger plans and thank god she moved on. It isn’t remotely a surprise that she would perjure herself, but she is dumb as hell doing it in such a blatant way. Her desperate need for attention has finally burned her ass!

He's still totally down with the left and all the depravity they're for though.  He walks two steps toward the light with another 100 to go and no intention of changing his actions or support and and people applaud. 
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Showers W/ Dad
« Last post by Agnostic007 on Today at 09:52:21 PM »

Take a course in what constitutes molestation. I believe you would be surprised. Most people wouldn't
Religious Debates & Threads / Re: Prayer and Religion in Public Life
« Last post by Dos Equis on Today at 09:52:11 PM »
For me, I grew up in the bible belt. Was subjected to the bible from the time I could walk. I bought into it. Read the most popular verses over and over for years. Around 30 I started reading the bible cover to cover. After a couple times reading it cover to cover and comparing it to secular historians and science, I dropped the belief. But I personally am more familiar with the bible than I would say 80% of American Christians. Haven't read it in years, but don't rain on my parade if I quote it at times... as I know it pretty well

I would venture to say that the vast majority of Christians have not read the Bible "cover to cover," much less multiple times.

It is weird that reading the Bible caused you to walk away from Christianity, yet you spend a lot of time quoting or referencing the Bible.  It's almost as if you are trying to convert people to your atheist religion.  But that is a prevalent practice among proselytizing atheists. 
I meant this for any thread but since you mentioned it….yes she did.

No.. she didn't.... you have yet to win ANY debate on Getbig.... you have the worst record., You are like the '76 Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Showers W/ Dad
« Last post by Coach is Back! on Today at 09:50:02 PM »
Kind of been addressed when Coach posted the fake meme quoting Ashley.


Gossip & Opinions / Re: Ashley Showers W/ Dad
« Last post by pamith on Today at 09:49:24 PM »
Beating her vagina after hearing parents having sex?  ???
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