what do you suggest a good bulking set/rep would be? Also what about a cutting set/rep would be? Also whats your opinion on switching up your workouts, example barbell curls instead of dumbells?
Experiment, don't get stuck in the mind set that if it worked for one person it will work for you, and always remember there is no set plan no routine of sets and reps that is magic.
As for switching your workouts, absolutely, change is good and necessary. Changing the exercises performed, or just changing the order in which they are done are all usefull. Sometimes you might find it helpfull to instead of doing lets say 3 exercises for 4 sets each, to do 2 for six sets each. But it really doesn't matter how you change it up so as long as you do in order to keep your body from adapting. Start paying noticing the guys in your gym who are consistant in their training, but they never change their routines. Every gym I have been in has a few of these guys. Every workout for every muscle group is the same every time, and so is their progress. It becomes stagnate which is the last thing you want.