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currently. just started 1m test deca mast per week

Sounds good, I like deca for training and fullness.
I say yay, not good for the scalp though.
My hair thins a bit on mast but grows back again after
currently. just started 1m test deca mast per week
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Urs and Tim @ Powerhouse Gym New York !!
« Last post by Van_Bilderass on Today at 12:10:14 PM »
You have to be seen by Weinberger if you expect to go places. You also have to go guest pose at that Manion show. Ramy was stupid enough to skip it.
van if i may

masteron? yay nr nay for anti e qualities?

I say yay, not good for the scalp though.
I'm not aware that it affects IGF quite as much as Nolvadex, but it should go down if you tank estrogen too much.

Aromasin is usually said to be the go to AI for more gently lowering estrogen. But I can't speak from experience since I never used them much. Lots of people nowadays think Victor Black is right that when running moderate test don't worry about estrogen, it anabolic in itself and good for the CV system. And if estrogen does become a problem try to use a secondary anabolic like Primo and see if it brings it down. Only then use AIs.

Regarding IGF-1, lots of people now track their IGF and curiously tren lowers blood IGF. Some speculate that tren increases actual IGF in muscle, as studies show, and the blood levels indicate it's all going to muscle. Speculation, regardless tren is like the best steroid.

I find an AI helps getting hard and ripped. Tren is a sexy beast.
van if i may

masteron? yay nr nay for anti e qualities?
My arms destroy yours today.   And unlike you - no drugs whatsoever other than melatonin.   :D

Not natty brah, that's an Olympia cycle by bhank's standards. But 500 mg test/week and Anadrol are just fine.
Haven't done single leg presses in so many years I forgot about them but I've never experienced issues with the ribs. Interestingly enough, a quick search shows a several people had ribs pop during leg press. Did you go too low or too fast or at a weird angle?

The 30 rep seated calf raises are a bitch, as are all high rep sets for calves.

I went too low- I am always aparnoiud about half-reppig so tend to overdo it a bit. Lesson learnt. Also 380kg was going for 15 so really fatigued. stupid shoud have got a spot. that said had a great session. I love calf training in a weird sadistic way. its going to hurt
You dont have a bicep don't be mad at me about it

My arms destroy yours today.   And unlike you - no drugs whatsoever other than melatonin.   :D
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