Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk

GetBig 2023 Positive BenchPress Club Leader Challenge Goal Board with Prizes

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I was thinking we need a better more positive leaderboard more of a Bench Press club of supportive lifters. I have included verified lifts and challenge lifts to members based on their reported training.

Soul Crusher is the only one who has a verified bench at 225 but is being given a 330 challenge due to the multiple reps and self reported estimates. Anyone who makes a challenge will stay on the board.

We are not going to be sticklers on form anyone who unracks the weight touches their chest and reracks the weight without spotter assistance will be given credit. I tried to make tiers of challenges if Wes or JPJ make their challenge they will stay on the board regardless. Any getbigger not on the board can perform a bench press on video and get on the board.

The contest ends at midnight 12/31/23 there will be custom GETBIG T-shirt Bench Press Club prizes for all verified lifters who have made their challenge at that time paid for by me

There will also be a special prize for most improved. I will not respond to any negativity in this thread. There will be no physique updates posted by me either I encourage others to remain positive. This thread is about members who lift and challenging them to set goals and improve.

I tried to make challenge lifts achievable without being insulting to anyone I hope everyone makes their challenge and then some. If anyone feels a challenge is unrealistic to them a more realistic challenge can and will be posted we want everyone to be able to participate

Anyone who successfully verifies their lift will get a GetBig Bench Press Club T shirt at year end

GETBIG 2023 Bench Press Leader Challenge Board
1. BigRo 396 Verified (Special Challenge Goal 415)
2. Matt 350 Verified
2. Tatoo 350 Goal
3. RobcGuns 330 Goal
3. GymRat 330 Goal
3. Soul Crusher 330 Goal
4. Bhank 320 Verified (Special Challenge Goal 330)
5. Wazhazbin 315 Goal
5. Residue 315 Goal
5. IronGrip400 315 Goal
6. ChristopherA 295 Goal
7. Darren Avey 275Goal
7. NJFlex 275 Goal
7. Krankenstein 275 Goal
7. Pasmith 275 Goal
7. Chaos 275lbs Goal
8. Kwon 250 Goal
8. Josh 250 Goal
8. Cephius 250 Goal
8. 38 Returns 250 Goal
9. Raymondo 225 Goal
9. PhantomSpunker 225 Goal
9. Marvin Martian 225 Goal
9. Dave D 225 Goal
9. JoSwift 225 Goal
9. Hulkatron 225 Goal
10. Illuminati 225 Goal
10. Walter 225 Goal
10. Webster 225 Goal
11.GrapeApe 205 Goal
12. IronNat 195 Goal
12. Shizzo 195 Goal
12. Never1ashow 195 Goal
13. Oldtimer1 185 Goal
13. Wes 185 Goal
14. JPJ 135 Goal
14. Scott 135 Goal
15. Could be You

Fuck off


--- Quote from: Raymondo on October 06, 2023, 04:29:28 AM ---Fuck off

--- End quote ---


You can take me off the board. I prob can’t do 350. I don’t really bench anymore. I will be following to see peoples lifts. if I do bench I prob wouldn’t go over 225.

38 returns:

--- Quote from: Raymondo on October 06, 2023, 04:29:28 AM ---Fuck off

--- End quote ---



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