Author Topic: The best diet I ever went on....  (Read 24294 times)


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The best diet I ever went on....
« on: March 06, 2006, 09:23:41 AM »
borderline chronic renal failure!!!  Yessir, if you absolutely, positively gotta drop from 245 to 218 in three weeks try this!  Well this is an attempt to take the piss out of my current state.  I am 24 years old and have been using since age 21.  My cycle's have been Test 750mgs, Deca 300mgs, Dbol 25mgs a day, Tren 75 eod, Anavar 30mgs a day at the most and never all at once.  I've mixed three compounds into one cycle at most.  I have gone as much as 14 weeks into cycles and always had at least the same amount of time off as on.  Now here I am, facing impaired renal function and unable to keep the size I worked for since age 14.  I haven't weighed anything less than 225lbs since 2001.  I carried 268lbs-250lbs for two years.  I had recently embarked on a cycle of Test Prop 600mgs a week, deca phen 300 mgs a week for the first 6 weeks, and anavar at 30 mgs a day for the following 5 in an attempt to finally cut up.  Well I noticed side effects and they all matched up with kidney failure so I went to the doctor and here we are.  I can't even begin to describe what this is like for me.  Every day someone comes up to me and asks me why I'm losing weight.  Am I sick?  I am going insane with this.  I hate this shit.  What the f**k did I do that all these fucking pros aren't doing at more extreme levels?  I have no one to blame but myself. I can't help but feel betrayed by my own judgement.  Anyone got any thoughts on the possiblity of this happening to you and what you would do?


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 11:45:08 AM »
the quiet is deafening.  i didn't want to ever picture myself in this situation either.  well now it's reality and I'm under doctor's orders to not work out at all. don't keep pretending you don't notice the sides boys cuz it ain't all good.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 04:01:24 PM »
If you're telling the truth:

You're an unlucky one.  Its one of the reasons I don't go near gear either - because I believe I would be another. 

What are the ramifications?  Will your kidneys fail or are you just "at the point" where more will cause  it?


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 04:39:31 PM »
you likely have a genetic disposition for this to occur. Just one of the risks.

Robert E. Lee

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2006, 08:06:50 PM »
Damn dude, that really sux.  Like he said, you're just sensitive to it more so than others.  Best wishes for a full recovery.
The General

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2006, 08:26:11 PM »
yeah I hope you'll be alright! Shit man thanks for posting that.

wes mantooth

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2006, 09:04:24 PM »
what sides did you have that matched up to kidney failure? just curious...


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2006, 06:44:50 AM »
Damn. Sorry about your health problems. That's one reason I haven't done gear before now. I think I will do it the future but be overly careful.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2006, 07:08:12 AM »
Wow, thank for the "Honest" post. I have pondered whether to use gear or not ??? ???
We wish you a healthy recovery


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2006, 12:26:58 PM »
I appreciate your comments more than you guys will ever know.  My body is not breaking down creatinine any more and as most of you know it is a bi-product of creatine and in turn is a toxin.  I tested at about 1200 when the cut off is about 204 for the normal person.  I know it was because of my six day a week balls to the wall in combination with usage though.  I know that I probably did have a genetic predisposition to it because one of my grandfather's is on dialysis this very day.  I used and reaped the rewards for a while but never to the point of looking like a pro.  I was more the huge puffy type with bad calves.  Now I'm Joe Everbody with even worse calves.  Be careful ya'll.  Please.

Jr. Yates

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2006, 01:06:24 PM »
will do man. No worries everything will turn out fine. It's too bad that you wanted so bad to look a certain way...moderation is the key. take care and learn from your mistakes.

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2006, 01:31:07 PM »
I know that I probably did have a genetic predisposition to it because one of my grandfather's is on dialysis this very day. 

You just answered your own question.  Sometimes you just have to pay for mistakes, and I'm affraid you'll probably be paying for a long time.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2006, 03:30:41 PM »
what sides did you have that matched up to kidney failure? just curious...

the sides I noticed, I had noticed a few times before, but they weren't as acute.  i started getting serious dry throat even after drinking the usual gallon to gallon n a half I drink a day.  I started retaining massive amounts of water in my feet and ankles and I never retained there.  It was always in my face and hands.  Then there was the tell-tale flank pains that sealed the deal.  I also had just a sick, lethargic feeling that told me something just wasn't right.  There were days after I got out of the gym that I felt I was about to lose consciousness.  It was especially pronounced once I got out of the gym.  I tabbed that to overtraining.  Little did I know, the overtraining was taking it's toll and then some.  I've always had regular bloodwork since I started using and the worst I ever had happen was some high BP and liver enzymes slightly elevated while using Dbol. In fact all I ever thought about was liver protection. I never even thought my kidneys would ever become the problem. 

I want to know what Mike Morris is doing for himself.  I see what Tom Prince looks like now and I see myself.  All I need is that 24/7 wristband that covers my entry point for dialysis.  I'm only glad I never bagged on these guys, because without your kidneys, you can't hold muscle.  For the years I trained natural my top weight was 205.  When I turned to gear the results were amazing.  In four weeks of taking 400mgs Test E and Norandren 200mgs from Brovel of all companies I had gained 30 lbs!  How could I not finish the six weeks and then promise myself a better cycle the next time.  As I said before I gained massive amounts of weight very quickly and of course every cycle end yielded its usual bout of weight n strength loss along with depression, but I never went below 225.  Tom Prince, if you're reading this, how the fuck do you deal with the weight loss.  How do you deal with being half the man you used to be?  I feel like that's my fucking theme song. 

On a different tip, what do I tell my daughters?  I'm still coming to terms with the fact that I will be having a lot of problems in the future.  I will probably end up on dialysis and maybe even worse.  What do I tell them did this to their daddy?  I even got one on the way and I want that one to have me too.  My parents know exactly what did this to me as I have always been honest with them about everything.  Ultimately it was my choice, but I'm wondering  where I go from here.

Jr. Yates

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2006, 05:21:21 PM »
your looking at it the wrong way I think! be as optimistic as you can! reality is your experiencing a shitty time in your life....but also your not....another daughter on the way...something incredable to stay alive for....who gives a flying fuck your half the weight...NOT MAN you used to be! Once your healthy you can train know enough about it to see gains quickly and to train naturally. It does suck to lose weight but everyone think once your an old man you'll be 250lbs! my boss was incredable looking! 245lbs, huge,ripped owned his perfect condition to compete and do well...his friends are alot of IFBB pros now and now hes maybe about 215lbs. has an awesome job and nice Dodge Viper but not huge and full like he used to be. being that weight is taxing on the body and those you sound like i was awhile ago....would pass up a trip to europe cuz i wouldn't be able to eat or train..fuck that nonsense! Live your can have both.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2006, 07:24:05 PM »
man,this sort of story really makes me wonder if i am doing the right thing ???
hope you get better,and things turn out alright.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2006, 07:27:29 PM »
also,did the doctors say any of the damage was caused by excessive protein consumption?


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2006, 10:12:27 PM »
also,did the doctors say any of the damage was caused by excessive protein consumption?

EVERYTHING contributed.  Excessive training that included every specialized method of training that I've ever read in magazines or in books was a big factor according to the doc.  A normal person who has functioning kidneys and also works out would have a slightly higher creatinine level, say around 300 or little higher.  I'm talking about 1200.  I must've run the engine in the red for too long, too often.  She swears water intake had something to do with it, but I drink too much to think that to be true.  I took in anywhere between 225-350 grams off protein a day and she also thought that might have contributed, but I think that is pretty moderate.  Of course, I thought the cycles were moderate also, but I guess I was wrong about that too.   :-\


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2006, 09:17:00 AM »
Your insight and thoughts are very much "Appreciated" Be strong and try to keep a positive
spirit. Seek counseling and continue to express your thoughts. Don't let them bottle up.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2006, 10:03:35 AM »
Sorry to hear about your health issues.  But it doesn't have to mean the end of your life, or your training for that matter.  A good friend of mine experienced kidney failure in his late 20's(genetic related, not drugs or anything like that).  He was depressed for quite awhile and one day he finally snapped out of it and decided he was going to live the rest of his life to the fullest.  He took the time to educate himself and to this day still lives a very active life.  He can't go as hard or heavy as he used to and he is often tired but he doesn't let that stop him from doing the things he wants to do. 

Granted, everyones situation is different but if you take care of yourself chances are you will live to see your kids grow up and have kids of their own.  When they are old enough you can be honest with them about your past.  Whatever you do, don't give up.  The worst thing you can do now is beat yourself up over it.  Move forward and enjoy life while you can. kind of sappy there.

Just one question though...have you ever used/abused any other drugs that may have also contributed to this?


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2006, 03:13:13 PM »
Sorry to hear about your health issues.  But it doesn't have to mean the end of your life, or your training for that matter.  A good friend of mine experienced kidney failure in his late 20's(genetic related, not drugs or anything like that).  He was depressed for quite awhile and one day he finally snapped out of it and decided he was going to live the rest of his life to the fullest.  He took the time to educate himself and to this day still lives a very active life.  He can't go as hard or heavy as he used to and he is often tired but he doesn't let that stop him from doing the things he wants to do. 

Granted, everyones situation is different but if you take care of yourself chances are you will live to see your kids grow up and have kids of their own.  When they are old enough you can be honest with them about your past.  Whatever you do, don't give up.  The worst thing you can do now is beat yourself up over it.  Move forward and enjoy life while you can. kind of sappy there.

Just one question though...have you ever used/abused any other drugs that may have also contributed to this?

Yes, I have used recreational drugs, but that was kind of limited to my teen years due to my committment to the Navy.  I did abuse cocaine for a short time, but I took it overboard twice and never used again.  That was in early 2000.  I have used other drugs, but nothing as hard as coke.  I do smoke pot, but only at the end of the day.  Do you guys know if that could be detrimental to my health?  I smoke high grade hydroponic and that's it.  I haven't drank since 2003.  Now before that was a completely different story.  I drank like a sailor before 2003, but never overboard while on cycle. 

On another tip, I feel ok today.  I feel like I really could tear it up in the gym today.  I get another blood test in a couple of days and another consult.  I've been referred to a specialist, but I don't want to go until I get my insurance as I've just started with a new company. (Personal training seems to be out) That's in June.  So it's all pretty much out of pocket.  It's not just the size-loss issue that's digging in my side.  It's the bills, the inability to do what I love, and the look on my girl's face when I told her.  It's so much more than just that, but honestly, the size-loss does kill me. 

Guys, I never expected so much support from ya'll and I thank you.  Whole-heartedly.  If any of you know contact info for Tom Prince, Flex Wheeler, Don Long or Mike Morris, I'd like it.  I want to find out what they do for their conditions and what the specifics of thier respective conditions are.  Thanx again, brothers.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2006, 07:01:15 PM »
Damn man,truly sorry to hear about your health problems.

Easy for me to say,but try to stay positve as you possibly can.......I beleive that negativity might even add to your physical problems,not to mention your mental state .

The mind and body are strongly linked,as we all know from our participation in this pastime/lifestyle.

I have no clue how I would deal with this,or if I even could,but I wish you all the best.

Take care,and good luck to you!


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2006, 07:31:25 PM »
I don't think the pot would do it.  If that was the case most of my friends would have died before their 20th birthday!

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2006, 08:03:02 PM »
I think this thread should be posted where it will get more views.


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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2006, 08:16:04 PM »
man sorry to hear about your troubles,just try to hold your head high  :) take it one day at a time.bills and weightlifting can wait concentrate on yourself getting better.just a side note but i'm a type one diabetic and i've never juiced but i do take in about 275-300 grams of protien a day at 230 lb is that safe? I drink about 1 gallon or more of water per day.

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Re: The best diet I ever went on....
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2006, 08:33:54 PM »
I think this thread should be posted where it will get more views.
Agreed^ this should be posted on the gear forum, you will get many more responses and a lot more guidance. Here in this section most replies will be limited to things like "sorry to hear that" and not much else.

I'd like to know a few things:

1. Can you break your cycles down a little more specific? Give an example of some of your cycles including duration of the cycles, PCT, and fluctuations and changes you may have made on these cycles. Do not limit this to only AAS, but if different drugs such as t-3, DNP, Clen or what not were used mention these as well.

2. Was the gear you bought pharmaceutical grade or was it made in a UG lab? Just make sure you do not post your source on an open forum, if you'd like you can PM me and I'll try to give you some insight on your source.

3. What did your diet look like, both food and water intake, and be specific. A lot of guys neglect to realize how important diet is when on cycle. A solid diet is important whether you use AAS or not but it should take even more precedent if you are an AAS can play many factors in this game.

4. I would also like to know your basic "living" patterns, i.e. sleeping schedule, recreational lifestyle, training protocol, stress related activities, if any that may have at times caused you to go off course.

Post your situation in the gear section, but do so in more detail based on the criteria I just laid out. There are a lot of good guys there who might be able to at least help you more accurately pinpoint your problem. One guy in particular "freakfestMD" should be able to help you a great deal.

*Note: I hope you are being completely honest about this whole thing. I'm not calling you a liar by any means, but a lot of guys get on here and post horror stories about gear simply in an effort to deter others. So be honest, tell and answer everything to the best of your ability and the whole process will just go over smoother.