Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk
How do you console a loser of a bodybuilding contest?
This is one of those times when the less said the better.
No one is a loser who gets a plastic participation trophy.
Humble Narcissist:
If you are a competitor who just defeated the other guy do what Chuck Norris used to do after having defeated an opponent. He would shake his hand and say " thanks for the match and you had some points there the judge/referee didn't even see and if they did you would have won. Good luck on your future and I look forward to competing against you again."
They called it killing them with kindness. There were actually competitors who said they hesitated throwing punches during their matches with Norris because they liked him so much.
Jason Jew-Nova came in 3rd Bro, its all "politik" bro. 3rd out of 3 bro, its sick, its piss.
Maybe tell them to direct their energy into a career and to give up the drugs. Keep training hard but don't make it their sole desire in life. Tell them to put their priorities in order as Vince Lombardi put it. Your first priority is God, the second is your family and lastly is the Green Bay Packers. If you have your priorities in order you will win. Meaning put your effort into God, your family and your career. Last is posing oiled up in a thong in front of admiring men while you pose to music juiced to the gills.
Don't get me wrong. I have been lifting and training for over 45 years. In my 60's I look good I vainly type but no one would ever confuse me with a competing bodybuilder. The sport of bodybuilding is based on drug use. Take away the drugs and the sport would cease to exit. No one is flying to Las Vegas to see a true drugless bodybuilding championship. If bodybuilding competitions are your passion then train hard before or after work. Compete in natural contests knowing many are using testosterone injections that they use in doses no doctor would prescribe for hormone replacement. Push it to the max but don't throw your life away pretending it's more important than what it is. Priorities.
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