Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Pictures of Members & More
29 years old..
Nether Animal:
Figured I'd share a couple of pics so ya'll have more to go on than my goofy online persona. For the basics: I am 6'3'', so quite tall and very lanky. I am a lifetime natural but have no interest in competing. I've been in/out of the gym for 12 years or so, and am just coming back from nearly 4 years out of the gym and a myriad of minor health problems. So for me, lifting is more of a stress reliever / hobby / something relatively constructive to obsess over. I won't go out of my way to post training logs but I work out 4-5 days a week, typical 3-day split. I was a textbook "skinnyfat" when I started, with wide hips for my height.
back has good potential,whats your weight?pretty lean considering your lay off and getting back into it,delts and arms are getting there too.keep updated pics me ;D,,good structure goes with the height just need to and i learned lots of traps heavy/reps,,2x week if needed..
Nether Animal:
I'm a hair or two above 200-205 right now. Arms are a serious weak point but delts came back quickly even without me hitting them very hard, so there's an obvious trade-off. Achim Albrecht syndrome :P
Thanks for the response. I'll post any further pics and updates in this thread, similar to how you do it
--- Quote from: Nether Animal on April 23, 2016, 09:55:50 AM ---I'm a hair or two above 200-205 right now. Arms are a serious weak point but delts came back quickly even without me hitting them very hard, so there's an obvious trade-off. Achim Albrecht syndrome :P
Thanks for the response. I'll post any further pics and updates in this thread, similar to how you do it
--- End quote ---
i've learned with arms hi reps/partials on curls bottom to mid or midpart to top throw it all in,back work hits bi's too but not the same stimulation pump wise unless of course your a genetic freak and chinups pump your arms up lol,,,i do an extra arm pump day every other week if i can,,my bi's are shortish but peak ok,,i'm lucky my tris always went pretty low and rode up to rear delt ,i'm still like u looking for more/better/small improvements through diet/supp's/hard work..
Nether Animal:
My tris aren't terrible but biceps are sort of lost in "no mans land", not short enough to get a good peak, and not long enough to really fill out the arm. Also they are very narrow, if you are looking at my arm from the front its really obvious. I do lots of concentration curls with elbow leveraged against my leg. I don't go all of the way down though. I do this with 40s, 45s...Make sure I can do at least 10 reps. Always go to failure for those. I do lots of hammer curls too
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