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4 day, stripped down program for older/beat up Strength Trainer
Not bodybuilding, just trying (still) to get stronger on 4 main lifts at "Masters" age. (While reducing injury risk).
When you can do 6 reps on your last set of the 4x5 for B, S, DL, OHP, add 5 lbs.
Need to cut my volume and up sleep/recovery. (Maybe ill go back to doing more after sleep study (CPAP).
Just run-down/beat up/torn up these days. Starting this on MON.
Focus on fixing lower back and shoulder issues while doing this. (No 1RM's).
Let us know how it works for you.
--- Quote from: IroNat on September 19, 2020, 08:21:11 AM ---Let us know how it works for you.
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Will do brother. Im thinking the reduced volume will be good for me.
Looks pretty decent to me. My only issue is if you are aiming to maximize your strength on the big lifts, do them first. From my experience, the best strength gains are when you focus on the heavy lifting as the first exercise. Just make sure you warm up well.
I know if i did reverse hypers before deadlifts, my back would gas out quickly. Try doing some slow and steady good mornings with just the bar before deadlifts and squats. Knees bent and just slow and controlled, focus on stretching and squeezing, don't tax the muscles. This makes a big difference in the stability of my trunk and warms up my hamstrings.
Also, there is no reason to try 1RM unless you are interested in competing in power lifting. I never go below 3-4 reps.
Either way, let us know how it goes.
--- Quote from: ThisisOverload on September 21, 2020, 11:44:18 AM ---Looks pretty decent to me. My only issue is if you are aiming to maximize your strength on the big lifts, do them first. From my experience, the best strength gains are when you focus on the heavy lifting as the first exercise. Just make sure you warm up well.
I know if i did reverse hypers before deadlifts, my back would gas out quickly. Try doing some slow and steady good mornings with just the bar before deadlifts and squats. Knees bent and just slow and controlled, focus on stretching and squeezing, don't tax the muscles. This makes a big difference in the stability of my trunk and warms up my hamstrings.
Also, there is no reason to try 1RM unless you are interested in competing in power lifting. I never go below 3-4 reps.
Either way, let us know how it goes.
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Great advices...
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