Author Topic: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!  (Read 5884 times)

Palpatine Q

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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2013, 09:32:13 AM »
Where did I say they could?

The point is that it's legal, causes death, and causes the deaths of people who don't smoke (second hand).

If we are all for banning things that take life (like guns)...why is cigarettes a "ridiculous" analogy? And why stop there? Sugar is also very bad.

because those are self inflicted deaths, and preventable. and in the last 15 years things have changed drastically on both fronts. warning labels, nutrition labels, calories being displayed on menus, designated smoking areas are the norm in any public place you go to, or there is no smoking at all. measures have been taken, but it is a free society and people will do things that are bad for their health.

 But last time i checked eating candy doesn't kill a school full of children dead in a massacre. As a matter of fact i know in my kid's school they removed the vending machines that sold crap years ago.

you can argue till your blue in the face, it's apples and oranges. and who said anything about banning all firearms ? So far, the only action taken was NY drawing up a bill that limits magazine capacity, which is symbolic at best.  I don't see anyone trying to ban gun ownership wholesale.."assault rifles" is the buzzword and the idiot politicians are all trying to further their careers with them. 

What will happen is the gun industry will find loopholes (that the politicians are well aware of but do nothing about) . Selling aftermarket stocks and pistol grips that people put on themselves is the obvious one.

and it will be business as usual, but the idiot masses are satisfied because something was "done" about it

Radical Plato

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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2013, 09:35:23 AM »
A submissive bottom twink that lets "they" run his life. Still stomping his feet and holding his breath in his third world cesspool - while we buy more guns and ammo and drive gas guzzling SUVs while telling the rest of the world FU!

And who gives a shit what racist liberal Danny Glover thinks? If the U.S. and our way of government is so bad, I will personally pay for Glover's boat ticket back to Africa.
Oh, that's right your some extremist radical riding horseback from town to town kicking arse and taking names.  No one tells you what to do, your a REAL MAN, an OUTLAW, rejecting societies conventions and LAWS because no one is going to tell the Chopper Rider how to live.  Well, good on you dickhead, I'm sorry your father was a piece of shit and your mother a crackwhore, but I can more than easily live a happy fulfilling life within the boundaries set out by society and never owning a gun (regardless of the legality). 


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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2013, 09:35:40 AM »
Slavery would have fizzled out anyway in the Confederate States.

It was not sustainable in the long-term, mainly because the focus on their economy was on agriculture as opposed to the North which was industrial.

The Civil War was just an excuse to stop the Confederate States from breaking away from the Union.


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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2013, 09:41:21 AM »
Oh, that's right your some extremist radical riding horseback from town to town kicking arse and taking names.  No one tells you what to do, your a REAL MAN, an OUTLAW, rejecting societies conventions and LAWS because no one is going to tell the Chopper Rider how to live.  Well, good on you dickhead, I'm sorry your father was a piece of shit and your mother a crackwhore, but I can more than easily live a happy fulfilling life within the boundaries set out by society and never owning a gun (regardless of the legality). 

Ahhhh, stomping your feet and holding your breath, how cute. Maybe mommy didn't hold you enough when you were a little e-kul?

Here, I will type this slowly so that you can keep up.

What you do, or believe, has absolutely NO bearing on what I do, or believe. I will buy all the fucking guns, ammo, gas guzzling SUVs, food, booze, and wasteful shit I's the American way. And some liberal homosexual autistic retard in Australia won't stop me.

But I'm still willing to have you stop by and try.

Radical Plato

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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2013, 09:44:04 AM »
Ahhhh, stomping your feet and holding your breath, how cute. Maybe mommy didn't hold you enough when you were a little e-kul?

Here, I will type this slowly so that you can keep up.

What you do, or believe, has absolutely NO bearing on what I do, or believe. I will buy all the fucking guns, ammo, gas guzzling SUVs, food, booze, and wasteful shit I's the American way. And some liberal homosexual autistic retard in Australia won't stop me.

But I'm still willing to have you stop by and try.
Well, I did stop by your Mum's house, was that you who knocked?, I was busy pounding the shit out of your Mum, and she was making such a racket, we thought we heard someone knock, but by the time I finally got your Mum to stop her loud moaning, the door knocking had stopped.  Oh well, maybe next time.


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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2013, 09:52:13 AM »
Well, I did stop by your Mum's house, was that you who knocked?, I was busy pounding the shit out of your Mum, and she was making such a racket, we thought we heard someone knock, but by the time I finally got your Mum to stop her loud moaning, the door knocking had stopped.  Oh well, maybe next time.

Wow, that's original. Spend much time thinking that up? Are "Mum" jokes still in style, or considered funny, in Australia? Oh my, I'm SO owned, what ever will I do?


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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #56 on: January 21, 2013, 11:21:16 AM »
Armed Africans sold unarmed Africans into slavery and continue to do so. 

Roger Bacon

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Re: 2nd Amendment was created to protect slavery!
« Reply #57 on: January 21, 2013, 11:29:47 AM »
Them blacks gettin' uppity again

lol  ;D

It is black history month!