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Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump = Winning
« Last post by LurkerNoMore on Today at 09:20:42 PM »
ssshhhh.... he still doesn't know...

Exactly….  He was home schooled obviously.
Are you aware you are Coming across as a Pedo Sympathiser with your
constant deflection.


I would say we are talking about what is right and wrong, not what is admissible in court when it comes to a President. Having said that, I've read excerpts from the actual pages of the diary, not the memes that pop up. What Ashely states in her diary, and I know this is going to set off the "Pedo Joe" crowd, does not rise to sexual assault or pedophilia as much as they would like it to. If it did, we both know it would be before the republican congress and there would be a hearing on it. Not a peep. It simply doesn't. As I have said before, it's not a good look for Joe, and I wish we had another candidate, but it doesn't rise to the level some Trumpsters claim it does. It's difficult to discuss this topic without an obvious "What about Trump" because Trump has said and done some creepy things with his daughter. Didn't rise to the level of criminal charges, can't recall anyone on the left going off half cocked about it.. creepy? Absolutely... pedophile? Not enough evidence to support it..
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump = Winning
« Last post by Agnostic007 on Today at 09:03:54 PM »
Says the retard who supports the orange liar who tried to steal an election.

It didn’t quite work out for you did it?

ssshhhh.... he still doesn't know...
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Trump = Winning
« Last post by LurkerNoMore on Today at 08:48:39 PM »
What do you care, commie. Like your boy Pedo Joe and his puppeteers, you hate this country

Says the retard who supports the orange liar who tried to steal an election.

It didn’t quite work out for you did it?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: 2023 US Taxpayers - 66 Billion to Illegals
« Last post by mryorkielover on Today at 08:45:35 PM »
The war in Ukraine is Trump’s fault too!


I blame Trump for Idiots like you being born. Probably his biggest fuck up. Be a good liberal and off yourself so you can fix what Trump fucked up and make the world a better place. It's the least you can do  :D
Gossip & Opinions / Re: MTG appreciation thread
« Last post by Skeletor on Today at 08:20:28 PM »
MTG turned 50 today, posted this

Would hit, she must be a crazy freak in bed.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: MTG appreciation thread
« Last post by WrongAdvices on Today at 08:18:33 PM »
MTG turned 50 today, posted this
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Happy Memorial Day!
« Last post by Moontrane on Today at 08:17:29 PM »
I lost three navy buds, all from vehicle collisions.

Dayum.  :'(
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Happy Memorial Day!
« Last post by WrongAdvices on Today at 08:15:43 PM »
What if you die for us bitches during the Armed Forces Nationals?  Hankins still MIA.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Creatine Deal
« Last post by loco on Today at 07:46:40 PM »
"German creatine" when it's actually Chinese creatine. Not that you have to worry about fakes anyway. Usually German creatine refers to Creapure, the most trusted brand. But Creapure is more expensive. My friend just said, and we are fellow EU members, to order through Polish ebay to get the cheapest creatine.

I don't know where that creatine comes from but Chinese sourced creatine is loaded with impurities. I would only use German creapure.  The majority of creatine is sourced from China.


"The type of creatine primarily used in research to establish its safety and efficacy has traditionally been a micronized creatine monohydrate (CM) made by AlzChem in Germany under the brand name Creapure®; this brand of CM has been reported to produce CM that is 99.9% pure [1, 26, 35, 36]. Thus, it is typically considered the gold standard. CM may also come from sources produced in China that have different starting materials such as sarcosinates and S-alkylisothiourea (as opposed to sodium sarcosinate, acetic acid, and cyanamide) and have been reported to produce more contaminants due to the methods used to manufacture it [1, 35, 53]."
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