Author Topic: +1 to the Jan 6 count  (Read 108417 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #250 on: September 28, 2022, 08:28:21 AM »
hahhaha now he is just wrecked.

Iowa man called '1-man wrecking ball' gets one of harshest sentences in Capitol riot.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson didn't hold back in her criticism of Kyle Young.

His actions at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, "were some of the darkest acts committed on one of our nation’s darkest days," she told him Tuesday.

The punishment she handed down was equally harsh for the 38-year-old heating and air conditioning technician from the Dallas County town of Redfield, Iowa, ordering Young to serve 86 months — more than seven years — in federal prison.

According to a database maintained by federal prosecutors, the sentence, which federal prosecutors recommended, was the fourth longest handed down to the more than 260 convicted Jan. 6 rioters.

Young pleaded guilty in May to assaulting, resisting or impeding a police officer. He is one of several defendants to be charged in the assault of D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone, who was dragged into the crowd, beaten and shocked with a stun gun while defending one of the entrances to the Capitol during the riot.

April 2021: US Capitol riot suspect Kyle Young assaulted multiple officers, threatening to kill one, prosecutors say

Young admitted in his guilty plea that he grabbed Fanone's arm during the melee, preventing him from reaching his radio or sidearm as he was assaulted. Jackson, a U.S. District Judge in Washington, D.C., where the sentencing was held, noted video evidence shows Young repeatedly assaulting or menacing officers on the Capitol's West Terrace.

Fanone had a heart attack after his assault and has since retired from the department. He took the stand to describe the consequences of his injuries.

"The assault on me by Mr. Young cost me my career," he said. "It cost me my faith in law enforcement and many of the institutions I dedicated two decades of my life to serving."

At the time Young grabbed his arm, Fanone said, he was stranded in the midst of a hostile crowd, being "ruthlessly beaten," and posed no threat to anyone. He asked Jackson to sentence Young to 10 years in prison.

Addressing Young directly, Fanone told him that "I hope you suffer" in prison. NBC news reported that a spectator in the courtroom interjected to call Fanone an expletive and was escorted out.

USA Today: 'This is how I'm going to die': At Jan. 6 hearing, officers tell of harrowing attacks
'I am not honored by what I did'

Young took the stand before Jackson read the sentence and responded to Fanone, asking the former officer for forgiveness.

"I know how much you have to hurt over what happened to you, and I am so, so sorry," Young said. "If I could take it back, I would."

Before sentencing, the judge received letters from numerous friends and relatives of Young attesting to his character and dedication to family.

Young said he deeply regrets that his four children have to go to school surrounded by people who know what their father did, and that he hasn't been there for them in the nearly 18 months he has been jailed pending trial.

"I am not honored by what I did," he said, adding, "I feel very ashamed."

Young's attorney, Samuel Moore, argued for a sentence of no more than two years in prison. Moore sought to downplay Young's culpability in the attack and said after leaving the Capitol, "he was able to immediately realize, 'What have I done? I’ve done wrong.'"

Moore said Young is "not a lifelong political follower" and wants nothing more than to return to his family and never engage in any sort of politics again.

"No further incarceration is needed to deter this defendant," he said.
Young a 'one-man wrecking ball,' judge says

Jackson spoke at length about why Young's actions merited a tough sentence.

"The defense would like me to conclude that the defendant was a peaceful protestor who simply got caught up in the violence of the moment, and had a few minutes of incidental contact before withdrawing in disgust," Jackson said. "That’s not what happened. That’s not anything like what happened."

What they saw: Police officers describe the Jan. 6 Capitol attack like 'a medieval battle'

Before assaulting Fanone, Young can be seen on video giving an electric stun gun to another rioter, the same weapon later used against the officer.

"If the facts of the case stopped right there, with giving the taser to Danny Rodriguez, we would be talking about a substantial sentence," Jackson said. "You knew you were giving a weapon to someone who had no idea how to use it. You had to show him how to turn it on."

From there, Young, accompanied by his 16-year-old son, joined the brutal, hand-to-hand combat in the tunnel leading from the terrace into the building. Video shows Young pointing a strobe light at officers, hurling a heavy speaker toward them, and striking at them with a pole in what Jackson described as "15 to 20 minutes of active, enthusiastic participation in the violence inside."

When the mob dragged out Fanone, Jackson noted, Young was some distance away and had to force his way through the crowd to reach him.

Jackson specifically rejected Moore's claim that Young "briefly made contact" with Fanone.

"He immobilized the officer at the very moment he desperately needed the use of both arms," Jackson said.

Even after the movement of the crowd forced Young away from Fanone, video shows him assaulting another officer who also was pulled into the fray and had been temporarily blinded by bear spray.

"To you on Jan. 6, an officer down was an opportunity, a target," she told Young.

"In sum, you were a one-man wrecking ball that day."
Judge criticizes Trump, Republicans

In presentencing filings, Moore argued that Young is unlikely to reoffend in part because the Jan. 6 attack represents "a unique set of circumstances … that are not likely to be replicated."

But Jackson said that she does not share that optimism. Even nearly two years after the 2020 election, many continue to contest its results, and the inflamed rhetoric that sparked the riot has not faded, she said.

She emphasized that Young is "not a political prisoner," and said he is being punished for his violent actions rather than his support of former president Donald Trump.

But she also directly addressed the political dispute underlying the riot, criticizing Trump and other leading Republicans for their efforts to sow doubt and overturn the results of the 2020 election.

"It is not patriotism, it is not standing up for America to stand up for one man who knows full well that he lost instead of the Constitution he was trying to subvert," said Jackson, a 2011 appointee of then-President Barack Obama.

She added that the "lie" the election was stolen continues to spread online and in mainstream media outlets.

"And worse, it’s become heresy for members of the former president’s party to say otherwise," she said.

Young is one of eight Iowans to be charged so far with taking part in the riot and is the second to be sentenced.

Tuesday's hearing came less than a week after Doug Jensen of Des Moines was found guilty at trial of seven charges for his own highly visible part in the attack on the Capitol.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #251 on: September 28, 2022, 10:19:30 AM »
Government Acknowledges Jan. 6 Activities of Five Confidential FBI Sources

By Zachary Stieber and Joseph M. Hanneman
The U.S. government has acknowledged for the first time that five FBI confidential informants were involved with the Oath Keepers, but prosecutors failed to disclose that none of the sources provided evidence of guilt, a defense lawyer said on Sept. 26.
Bureau officials have repeatedly declined in congressional hearings to say whether there were agents or confidential human sources (CHSes) in the crowd when the U.S. Capitol was breached on Jan. 6, 2021. But in pre-trial communications in the Oath Keepers seditious conspiracy case, prosecutors disclosed there were five sources informing on the Oath Keepers, David Fischer, representing defendant Thomas Caldwell, said in the new filing.
“What the Government knew—but only recently disclosed to the Defendants—was that none of the CHSes provided evidence of guilt on the part of the Oath Keepers as an organization, or the individual Defendants in this case,” Fischer said.
He said the fact was confirmed by the government telling defense lawyers that only one of the informants will take the stand during the Sept. 27 trial of former Oath Keepers leader Elmer Stewart Rhodes III and four others, including Caldwell.
Top FBI officials have famously declined to answer questions on how many, if any, informants were at the Capitol around the time of the breach. “I can’t answer that,” Jill Sanborn, the FBI assistant director for national security, told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) during one hearing.
But prosecutors in a recent motion disclosed that multiple sources have been involved in the investigation into the Oath Keepers, a group comprised of former and current members of the military, law enforcement, and first responders.
“At trial, the government or defense may call to testify certain CHSes who were either involved in the investigation that led to prosecution of the defendants, or who became CHSes subsequent to the initiation of the instant investigation,” prosecutors said in the motion, which asked U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee overseeing the case, to impose a protective order.
Prosecutors want defense lawyers barred from asking any questions seeking personal identifying information from any informant witnesses, including their date of birth; any questions about the witnesses’ participation in investigations outside of the probe in question; and any questions about training in the FBI CHS program.
“The protections requested herein, while minimally restrictive, would ensure the integrity of any ongoing investigations and would reduce the security threat posed to any testifying CHSes,” prosecutors said in the filing, which has not yet drawn a ruling from Mehta.

Rhodes Plan’
Prosecutors contend that Rhodes and his co-defendants engaged in a seditious conspiracy to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6 and prevent the counting of Electoral College votes from the 2020 presidential election.
The federal indictment charges the Oath Keepers with stockpiling firearms in a Virginia hotel for use by quick-reaction forces to attack the Capitol. Rhodes has said the weapons were legal and for use only if President Donald Trump invoked the Insurrection Act and raised a militia to guard against Antifa.
None of the informants, however, reported the existence of a “Rhodes Plan” and all of the sources have denied knowing any information about it when questioned by FBI handlers after Jan. 6, 2021, Fischer said, citing disclosures by the government to defense lawyers.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #252 on: September 28, 2022, 11:20:33 AM »

Ranks right up there with the claims the rioters were Antifa and BLM. 


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #253 on: September 28, 2022, 04:57:04 PM »

Ranks right up there with the claims the rioters were Antifa and BLM.
Yes, every person there exercising their right to protest has been arrested by this illegitimate administrations witchhunt and proven to be influenced by Trump. ::)
You're far too easily manipulated, TOM.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #254 on: September 28, 2022, 07:00:12 PM »
Not really, still some Jan 6ers to go.   ;D

Won't be Anitfa or BLM like tards are claiming were there though.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #255 on: September 29, 2022, 05:48:25 PM »
Not really, still some Jan 6ers to go.   ;D

Won't be Anitfa or BLM like tards are claiming were there though.
I guess we should be celebrating that the antifa/blm criminals were allowed to run free unimpeded and unpunished. :-\


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #256 on: September 30, 2022, 08:46:56 AM »
I guess we should be celebrating that the antifa/blm criminals were allowed to run free unimpeded and unpunished. :-\

Perhaps you can create a thread for that then.  Because this thread is about something different. 


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #257 on: September 30, 2022, 05:29:58 PM »
Perhaps you can create a thread for that then.  Because this thread is about something different.
This is yet another thread about your TDS, Tom. :-*


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #258 on: September 30, 2022, 06:16:25 PM »
This is yet another thread about your TDS, Tom. :-*

No this is a thread about Jan 6th rioters.  Try a bit harder to keep up.   But please feel free to indulge in your TDfS here if it helps you.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #259 on: September 30, 2022, 06:32:39 PM »
This is an interesting series of posts and responses and yet not unusual for Getbig. Here’s my summary:

Lurker posts the details of a trial for Kyle Young who pleaded guilty in May to assaulting, resisting, or impeding a police officer. Judge Jackson sentenced Young to approximately 7 years in prison.

In response, Coach typically goes off on some tangent about an entirely different subject.  ::)
Chaos jumps in, reminding us that the folks storming the Capital that day had every right to protest, ignoring that actions of many of these rioters went way beyond protesting into out and out criminal violence.
Chaos then brings Antifa and BLM into the conversation, which is just another way of changing the subject.
Finally, and typically Chaos inserts TDS accusations against Lurker (Tom). When all else fails, pull the TDS card.

Who is being manipulated here? Hint, it isn't Tom. It is all of you who have your head stuck in Trump's sandbox... which is classic Trumpism.

In the not too distant future I have the feeling that there is going to be a lot of butthurt Getbig folks. 


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #260 on: September 30, 2022, 10:12:16 PM »
This is an interesting series of posts and responses and yet not unusual for Getbig. Here’s my summary:

Lurker posts the details of a trial for Kyle Young who pleaded guilty in May to assaulting, resisting, or impeding a police officer. Judge Jackson sentenced Young to approximately 7 years in prison.

In response, Coach typically goes off on some tangent about an entirely different subject.  ::)
Chaos jumps in, reminding us that the folks storming the Capital that day had every right to protest, ignoring that actions of many of these rioters went way beyond protesting into out and out criminal violence.
Chaos then brings Antifa and BLM into the conversation, which is just another way of changing the subject.
Finally, and typically Chaos inserts TDS accusations against Lurker (Tom). When all else fails, pull the TDS card.

Who is being manipulated here? Hint, it isn't Tom. It is all of you who have your head stuck in Trump's sandbox... which is classic Trumpism.

In the not too distant future I have the feeling that there is going to be a lot of butthurt Getbig folks.

That is going to leave a mark!

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #261 on: September 30, 2022, 10:19:37 PM »
So you think because a plea of guilty is entered means he’s (they) are actually guilty and not pleading guilty to get a reduced sentence in a 100% biased court and jury in a district that voted 95% democrat under judges mostly appointed by Obama…..K.

Oh, did I mention by a 100% partisan fake committee?

If you believe this, then yes, you’re 100% communist and a traitor. Responding to Lurker who is 100% communist and Prime is borderline at best


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #262 on: October 01, 2022, 06:33:09 AM »
This is an interesting series of posts and responses and yet not unusual for Getbig. Here’s my summary:

Lurker posts the details of a trial for Kyle Young who pleaded guilty in May to assaulting, resisting, or impeding a police officer. Judge Jackson sentenced Young to approximately 7 years in prison.

In response, Coach typically goes off on some tangent about an entirely different subject.  ::)
Chaos jumps in, reminding us that the folks storming the Capital that day had every right to protest, ignoring that actions of many of these rioters went way beyond protesting into out and out criminal violence.
Chaos then brings Antifa and BLM into the conversation, which is just another way of changing the subject.
Finally, and typically Chaos inserts TDS accusations against Lurker (Tom). When all else fails, pull the TDS card.

Who is being manipulated here? Hint, it isn't Tom. It is all of you who have your head stuck in Trump's sandbox... which is classic Trumpism.

In the not too distant future I have the feeling that there is going to be a lot of butthurt Getbig folks.

Hahahhahaa.....   hey, they had to defend, deflect, deny, distract....  somehow.  They can't do it with facts or refuting anything.  But the Trumpy Defense System (TDfS) compels them to do something no matter how stupid or self owning it may be.

It's funny because when you see them post "TDS" you know they don't anything else to say or post.  It's like a silent dog whistle for idiots.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #263 on: October 01, 2022, 06:35:15 AM »
So you think because a plea of guilty is entered means he’s (they) are actually guilty and not pleading guilty to get a reduced sentence in a 100% biased court and jury in a district that voted 95% democrat under judges mostly appointed by Obama…..K.

Oh, did I mention by a 100% partisan fake committee?

If you believe this, then yes, you’re 100% communist and a traitor. Responding to Lurker who is 100% communist and Prime is borderline at best

To the 100% retard :

If they were not there acting like criminals and committing crimes, they wouldn't find themselves in this position and you wouldn't find yourself in the position of making excuses for the idiots. 

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #264 on: October 01, 2022, 08:21:28 AM »
To the 100% retard :

If they were not there acting like criminals and committing crimes, they wouldn't find themselves in this position and you wouldn't find yourself in the position of making excuses for the idiots.

PedoCuck Angry  ::)


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #265 on: October 01, 2022, 09:20:24 AM »
This is an interesting series of posts and responses and yet not unusual for Getbig. Here’s my summary:

Lurker posts the details of a trial for Kyle Young who pleaded guilty in May to assaulting, resisting, or impeding a police officer. Judge Jackson sentenced Young to approximately 7 years in prison.

In response, Coach typically goes off on some tangent about an entirely different subject.  ::)
Chaos jumps in, reminding us that the folks storming the Capital that day had every right to protest, ignoring that actions of many of these rioters went way beyond protesting into out and out criminal violence.
Chaos then brings Antifa and BLM into the conversation, which is just another way of changing the subject.
Finally, and typically Chaos inserts TDS accusations against Lurker (Tom). When all else fails, pull the TDS card.

Who is being manipulated here? Hint, it isn't Tom. It is all of you who have your head stuck in Trump's sandbox... which is classic Trumpism.

In the not too distant future I have the feeling that there is going to be a lot of butthurt Getbig folks.
Your entire waste of typing here completely neglects the leftist involvement and manipulation through the media. You completely ignore the lies and blatant hypocrisy by your leftist media and puppet masters by allowing, encouraging and promoting the destruction caused by antifa/blm while blasting 24/7 the minute and inconsequential events of Jan 6th as some sort of nuclear attack on democracy. Pull your head out of your old sloppy ass and wake up, what kind of country are you really wanting to leave for your grandchildren?

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #266 on: October 01, 2022, 12:04:42 PM »
To the 100% retard :

If they were not there acting like criminals and committing crimes, they wouldn't find themselves in this position and you wouldn't find yourself in the position of making excuses for the idiots.

To the complete coward of Getbig....

You don't arrest and hold people on misdemeanor charges with no hearing or trial for a year plus especially when it ONLY the political opposition. They're going out and arresting and subpoenaing people that weren't even there. Next to Strawman you two are pretty even when it comes to being politically inept not to mention the dumbest mother f**kers on this site

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #267 on: October 01, 2022, 12:09:12 PM »
Hahahhahaa.....   hey, they had to defend, deflect, deny, distract....  somehow.  They can't do it with facts or refuting anything.  But the Trumpy Defense System (TDfS) compels them to do something no matter how stupid or self owning it may be.

It's funny because when you see them post "TDS" you know they don't anything else to say or post.  It's like a silent dog whistle for idiots.

I'm fucking ready to bring this debate LIVE anytime you're ready. It's easy to talk shit when you hide behind multiple accounts, so lets put your marxist ass on blast! Fucking coward

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #268 on: October 01, 2022, 12:13:57 PM »
Defeated ISIS in 30 days? 
New healthcare plan? 
Infrastructure deal done and completed? 
Hillary in jail? 
Repeal Obamacare? 
Keystone XL built? 
Create health saving account for Americans? 
Bring back manufacturing?
Stop cuts to Medicaid? 
Grow the economy by 4% every year? 
Guaranteed 6 week paid leave for everyone? 
Expand right to carry to all states? 
Get rid of Common Core? 
Stop ATT and Time Warner merger? 
Force China out of WTO?   
Impose death penalty for cop killers? 
Increase Army size? 
Build a safe zone for Syrian refugees?   
Eliminate the federal debt? 
Enact term limits? 
Balance the budget? 
BUILD A WALL?  hahahahahahaahah
AND MAKE MEXICO PAY FOR IT?  hahahahahahahaah

Lets go...anytime. You have a big mouth.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #269 on: October 01, 2022, 02:37:19 PM »
So you think because a plea of guilty is entered means he’s (they) are actually guilty and not pleading guilty to get a reduced sentence in a 100% biased court and jury in a district that voted 95% democrat under judges mostly appointed by Obama…..K.

Oh, did I mention by a 100% partisan fake committee?

If you believe this, then yes, you’re 100% communist and a traitor. Responding to Lurker who is 100% communist and Prime is borderline at best

Have you spoken to Kyle and has he told you the reasons for his pleading guilty or are you making this up? Until I hear or read otherwise, I will continue to believe he pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Does a 7 year sentence seem like a reduced one? What do you think his sentence would have been had he not confessed his quilt?

Not sure why you bothered to mention that you think the it is a 100% partisan fake committee. What does that have to do with Kyle Young's trail? The January 6th committee did not try him or sentence him.

I have to laugh at you calling people you disagree Communists.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #270 on: October 01, 2022, 03:41:43 PM »
Have you spoken to Kyle and has he told you the reasons for his pleading guilty or are you making this up? Until I hear or read otherwise, I will continue to believe he pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Does a 7 year sentence seem like a reduced one? What do you think his sentence would have been had he not confessed his quilt?

Not sure why you bothered to mention that you think the it is a 100% partisan fake committee. What does that have to do with Kyle Young's trail? The January 6th committee did not try him or sentence him.

I have to laugh at you calling people you disagree Communists.

I don’t call people who disagree “communists” unless it’s absolutely warranted. Lurkers own words were “He’s doing a great job” Biden’s policies are at the VERY LEAST socialist and I would say more Marxist than anything. Both you and Lurker defend 100% unconstitutional acts then defend them or don’t condemn them. This in, in fact a Soviet-type partisan “hearing” designed to do nothing but go after anyone who opposes them whether they were there or not.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #271 on: October 01, 2022, 04:01:24 PM »
To the complete coward of Getbig....

You don't arrest and hold people on misdemeanor charges with no hearing or trial for a year plus especially when it ONLY the political opposition. They're going out and arresting and subpoenaing people that weren't even there. Next to Strawman you two are pretty even when it comes to being politically inept not to mention the dumbest mother f**kers on this site

Qoach Todd obviously doesn't know that attacks on the Capital are not "misdemeanor" charges.  While some have been reduced, the others have been charged with felonies.  Facts say so.  Facts = something you have no experience in.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #272 on: October 01, 2022, 04:03:08 PM »
I'm fucking ready to bring this debate LIVE anytime you're ready. It's easy to talk shit when you hide behind multiple accounts, so lets put your marxist ass on blast! Fucking coward

What multiple accounts do I have?  When you have nothing left to fall back on you trot out this.  And yet, every time I ask what they are, you never answer.

Tell us more.  Please.  We've been waiting to hear this for years now.   ::)


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #273 on: October 01, 2022, 04:04:44 PM »
Lets go...anytime. You have a big mouth.

Those are facts.  Something your debate skills lack completely.  Debating you would be like debating MTG or MyPillow or Hershel Walker.  There is not enough brain matter to articulate any type of debate and you will simply spout lies, mistruths, or deflect/deny/whine.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #274 on: October 01, 2022, 04:06:57 PM »
Have you spoken to Kyle and has he told you the reasons for his pleading guilty or are you making this up? Until I hear or read otherwise, I will continue to believe he pleaded guilty because he is guilty. Does a 7 year sentence seem like a reduced one? What do you think his sentence would have been had he not confessed his quilt?

Not sure why you bothered to mention that you think the it is a 100% partisan fake committee. What does that have to do with Kyle Young's trail? The January 6th committee did not try him or sentence him.

I have to laugh at you calling people you disagree Communists.

Because he had NOTHING else to say.  He had to say something but couldn't so he went off on an unrelated and nonfactual tangent just like he always does. 

Qoach has shown over and over he doesn't understand the simply definition of communist and socialist labels that he throws around.   ::)