Author Topic: Radical Islam  (Read 106776 times)


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #350 on: May 23, 2017, 11:16:05 AM »
Fucking Islam.

Disgusting animals.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #351 on: June 05, 2017, 11:22:53 AM »
ISIS claims London terror attacks that killed 7; police arrest 12 in raids
Published June 04, 2017
Fox News
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the latest London terror attack through its propaganda wing Amaq News Agency, the SITE intelligence group reported Sunday.

The terror network reportedly claimed a "detachment" of its fighters crashed a rented van into a crowd of people on London Bridge before going on a stabbing rampage Saturday night, killing seven people and wounding nearly 50 others. However, ISIS gave no evidence to back up its claim.

Earlier on Sunday, British Prime Minister Theresa May condemned the “evil ideology” behind the London attacks.

May addressed the attacks Sunday after a meeting of the government’s COBRA emergency committee. She called for a tougher stance against extremists and tougher controls on cyberspace to prevent its use by extremists.

She said the measures were needed because “terrorism breeds terrorism” and attackers copy each other.

Counterterrorism police carried out raids in east London and arrested 12 people in connection with the attacks. "Searches of a number of addresses in Barking are continuing," London Metro Police said as the raids were being conducted.

The homes raided included one belonging to one of the three terrorists who carried out the attacks, Sky News reported.

"He's lived here for about three years," neighbor Damien Pettit said. "He's one of our neighbors. I've said hello in passing more than 50, 60 occasions. He has two young kids. He was a very nice guy."

ISIS has claimed responsibility for a series of attacks in recent years -- but police have pushed back in some instances. The terror network announced it was behind the deadly attack on a casino and shopping complex in the Philippines last Friday -- but Manila police said the killer was a Filipino gambling addict heavily in debt, with no terror links.

Saturday’s horror began around 10 p.m. local time when a white van veered off the road and barreled into pedestrians on London Bridge. The van’s three occupants then jumped out with large knives and attacked people at bars and restaurants in nearby Borough Market, police said.

Elizabeth O’Neill said her son was stabbed in the stomach by a man who approached him and yelled “this is for Islam.”

Daniel O’Neill, 23, suffered a 7-inch knife wound, she said, according to Sky News. He was recovering.

"He had just stepped outside the bar for a second and a man ran up to him and said 'this is for my family, this is for Islam' and stuck a knife straight in him,” the mother said.

Gerard Vowles, 47, told local media that he saw the three attackers stabbing a woman at the south end of London Bridge. He said he threw chairs, glasses and bottles at the attackers in a bid to stop them.

"They went 'this is for Allah' and then they just started stabbing her multiple times,” he told Sky News.

The Guardian quoted Vowles as saying, “They kept coming to try to stab me. They were stabbing everyone. Evil, evil people.”

He added, according to the paper, "I want to know if this girl is still alive. I've been walking around for an hour and a half crying my eyes out. I don't know what to do."

Brad Myers, an American vacationing in London, told “Fox & Friends” Sunday that he had just taken some pictures and was about to walk along the Thames River when he heard a noise.

“Then I saw the van come on to the pavement and continue along the side of the road just right where I was a few moments before, just mowing down pedestrians,” he said.

“Everyone was in shock,” he said.

What he saw reminded him of the truck attack in Nice, France.

“It’s crazy to think I was right there,” Myers said.

Eight police officers killed the attackers after arriving on the scene within eight minutes.

The officers fired 50 shots, London's assistant police commissioner Mark Rowley said at a press briefing Sunday, calling the number unprecedented. One of the bullets struck an innocent bystander. The person was recovering in a hospital.

Rowley said that the officers had no choice.

"The situation these officers were confronted with was critical - a matter of life and death - three armed men, wearing what appeared to be suicide belts, had already attacked and killed members of the public and had to be stopped immediately," he said.

It turned out the suicide belts were fake.

Rowley said the van had been rented recently by one of the attackers.

May said 48 people were injured and many had life-threatening injuries. Thirty-six remained hospitalized Sunday.

A courageous cop was one of the wounded. He confronted the three knife-wielding terrorists armed only with a baton. He was stabbed in the face, head and a leg. He was in stable condition.

British Transport Police Chief Constable Paul Crowther said of the officer that "it became clear that he showed enormous courage in the face of danger."

Crowther added that "for an officer who only joined us less than two years ago, the bravery he showed was outstanding and makes me extremely proud."

Those killed included a Canadian and a French national.

May said the Thursday's national election would be held as scheduled because "violence can never be allowed to disrupt the democratic process." Major parties suspended national campaigning Sunday out of respect for the victims.

Speaking to Fox News from London, Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said the latest attacks mark the fourth or fifth time he's had to call his British counterpart in just four months on the job because of "terrible events like this."

It was the third terror attack to hit Britain in as many months.

In March, a British convert to Islam ran down people with a vehicle on Westminster Bridge, killing four, then stabbed a policeman to death outside Parliament.

On May 22, a British suicide bomber killed 22 people and injured dozens at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. After that attack, Britain's official threat level from terrorism was raised to "critical," meaning an attack may be imminent. Several days later it was lowered to "severe," meaning an attack is highly likely.

ISIS claimed responsibility for those two attacks.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #352 on: August 11, 2017, 12:13:55 PM »
Al Qaeda has drawn a bullseye on a new American target: Subway trains
By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Friday, August 11, 2017

FILE - In this June 21, 2017 file photo, a subway train approaches the platform at Brooklyn's Smith Street above-ground subway station, in New York. Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to tax the wealthiest 1 percent of New Yorkers to fund repairs and improvements to the beleaguered subway system. The proposal comes as the mayor and Gov. Andrew Cuomo continue to squabble over who is responsible for paying for repairs to the nation's largest system. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews, File)

Al Qaeda is about to take on a new target––America’s trains––in an upcoming edition  of its terror magazine, Inspire.
Issue No. 17 is headlined, “Train Derail Operations,” and will spell out ways to create rail disasters in a transportation system that lacks the stiff security procedures of airline travel.

It’s competing Sunni extremists group, the Islamic State, for more than a year has advocated using vehicles to mow down innocents. Its murderous followers have weaponized vehicles in Nice, Berlin and London, creating hundred of deaths and injuries.
Adding trains to the terrorist’s priority list would put at risk virtually every mode of transportation and placed added pressure on the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) put out a report on Friday saying al Qaeda has teased the Inspire articles with a trailer appearing on Telegram app channels operated by its fans.

“The trailer highlights that derailments are simple to design using easily available materials, that such a planned attack can be hard to detect, and that the outcome can substantially damage a country’s transportation sector and the Western economy in general,” MEMRI said.
The U.S. maintains over 100,000 miles of rail. But the trailer features scenes of just one system, the subway. Its shows cars flashing through urban tunnels. It quotes from U.S. Government Accountability Office reports on the vulnerability of rail lines to sabotage. It then shows what appear to be rudimentary devices that can be clamped onto a line to cause a derailment.

“Simple to design,” the promo says in English script, mentioning “America” several times. “Made from readily available materials. Hard to be detached. Cause great destruction to the Western economy and transportation sector.”

Al Qaeda in recent months has depicted itself as making a comeback from its headquarters in  Yemen. It has created new alliances in North Africa, is using social media to attract adherence and has not given up the idea of another mass-casualty attack such as its commandeered airliner strike on New York and the Pentagon in 2001.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #353 on: August 17, 2017, 05:17:25 PM »
Barcelona terror attack: At least 13 dead after van plows into crowd; 2 suspects arrested
By Travis Fedschun,  Nicole Darrah
Published August 17, 2017
Fox News
Police are on the hunt for the driver of the van that rammed through a crowded tourist area in Barcelona Thursday, killing 13 people and wounding more than 100 others in what investigators called an act of terror.

At least two people have been arrested as suspects in the attack, according to the regional president of Catalonia. One of the suspects is a Spanish national from Melilla, and the other is a Moroccan citizen who lived in Spain legally.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the terror attack on Thursday through its propaganda arm, according to SITE Intel Group.

"The perpetrators of the attack in #Barcelona are Islamic state soldiers and carried out the operation on command of [ISIS' leader] of targeting coalition countries," the ISIS release stated.

SITE Intel Group @siteintelgroup
BREAKING: 'Amaq News Agency reported #ISIS responsibility for #Barcelona attack #Spain
9:22 AM - Aug 17, 2017
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A senior police official said the van attack is connected to a gas explosion inside a house in the town of Alcanar Wednesday, in which one person was killed and seven were injured.

Authorities confirmed that police fatally shot the driver of a vehicle that drove through a police checkpoint and struck two officers, but a Catalan police official said the dead driver "doesn't have any connection with the terrorist attack we are investigating."

Police initially named Driss Oukabir, the Moroccan, as a suspect in the attack. However, local media are reporting a man with that name told police that his identification documents were stolen, possibly by his younger brother.

La Vanguardia ✔ @LaVanguardia
ACTUALIZACIÓN. Un hombre se presenta ante los Mossos como Driss Oukabir y denuncia el robo de su documentación
9:48 AM - Aug 17, 2017
Photo published for La policía identifica a Driss Oukabir como presunto autor del atropello de la Rambla
La policía identifica a Driss Oukabir como presunto autor del atropello de la Rambla
Se trata de un magrebí residente en Ripoll
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Oukabir rented the van that was used in the attack, according to El Pais.

A government official has confirmed to Fox News that intelligence agencies are now combing through their holdings, including terror watch lists, to determine if Oukabir was known to the FBI, DHS and other agencies. Officials are also working to determine if the suspect was blocked from entering the U.S., or if this was a radicalized individual that was not on government radar.


The white van jumped onto a promenade and sped through a pedestrian zone on Las Ramblas of Barcelona, the famous main pedestrian walk way that crosses the city. The van swerved from side to side as it plowed into tourists and residents.

"It was clearly a terror attack, intended to kill as many people as possible," senior police official Josep Lluis Trapero said at a news conference.

State-owned broadcaster RTVE reported that investigators think two vans were used -- one for the attack and a second as a getaway vehicle.

Police killed a gunman in a shootout a few miles from Barcelona soon after the crash, El Mundo newspaper reported. However, police said later the gunman was not linked to the terror attack.

Local media originally reported two men involved in the attack had been holed up in a bar, but that was dispelled by Catalan police.

Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau announced a minute of silence will be held Friday in the city's main square "to show that we are not scared." The moment of silence will be followed by three days of mourning.

"We are a strong city in its diversity and values. Barcelona is a city of peace, of dialogue, of democracy, valient, open to the world. The cowards that have tried to plant terror will not get away with it," Colau said.

"London, Brussels, Paris and some other European cities have had the same experience. It's been Barcelona's turn today," said Carles Puigdemont, the head of the regional government.


A grisly video of the incident appeared to show at least five people lying motionless on the ground, with legs twisted and heads bloodied.

"It was real chaos, people started running, screaming. There was a loud bang," eyewitness Ethan Spibey told Sky News.

Footage from reporters on the ground shows armed officers combing a market.

Albert Tort, a 47-year-old nurse who lives near Las Ramblas, told El Pais that what he saw at the scene was an "authentic disaster."

"Police would not let me go through but I identified myself as a nurse and I went in," he said. "What I saw was an authentic disaster. I counted at least 6 dead, I tried to revive a young [man] but it was impossible."

"I heard a lot of people screaming and then I saw the van going down the boulevard," another witness, Miguel Angel Rizo, said, "You can see all the bodies lying through Las Ramblas. It was brutal. A very tough image to see."

Barcelona resident Keith Fleming told the Associated Press he was watching television in his building on a side street just off Las Ramblas when he heard a noise and went out to the balcony to investigate.

Fleming said he saw "women and children just running and they looked terrified," he then heard a bang, possibly from someone rolling down a store shutter, as more people raced by.

The American living in the Spanish city said police arrived, and pushed everyone a full block down the street. He says the officers still are there with guns drawn and riot police stationed at the end of the block.

President Trump condemned the attack, saying in a tweet, "The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain, and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!"

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain, and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!
8:00 AM - Aug 17, 2017
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Speaking from Panama, Vice President Pence called the day "tragic." He acknowledged that ISIS took credit for the attack, but said "whoever is responsible should know, together with our allies, we will punish those responsible" and rid "Islamic terror" from the world.


Emergency services in Catalonia say they have asked the Metro and train services in the area to close. Police cordoned off the broad street and shut down its stores, and asked people to stay away from the area so as not to get in the way of the emergency services.

Facebook has activated its Safety Check feature that lets users notify friends and family that they are safe following the Barcelona attack.

Barcelona's tourism association has offered rooms in area hotels to tourists who have been displaced by ther attack.

The U.S consulate in Barcelona said on Twitter it was "aware of a reported incident at Las Ramblas in Barcelona. Please avoid the area and monitor local police @mossos for updates."

"Americans in Spain: If you are safe, be sure to notify friends and loved ones. If you use social media, be sure to update your status," the consulate tweeted.

USConsulateBarcelona ✔ @USConsulateBCN
If you are a #USCitizen in #Barcelona and you are safe, please let family & friends know, including by updating your status on social media.
7:04 AM - Aug 17, 2017
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The National Counterterrorism Center, the government hub for threat analysis, confirmed to Fox News the center is monitoring the events in Barcelona and note the use of a vehicle as a weapon.


The Department of Homeland Security said Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke has been briefed on the situation. "DHS has reached out to Spanish authorities, and the Department is standing by to support our allies as they respond to and recover from this horrendous attack. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and those affected," the agency said in a statement.

On Twitter, the Department said those who need information on U.S. citizens in Spain, to call 888-407-4747 if in the U.S. or Canada.

Travel - State Dept ✔ @TravelGov
#Barcelona: those needing welfare/whereabout info on US cits in #Spain call 888-407-4747 if in US/Canada or 202-501-4444 in other countries.
11:07 AM - Aug 17, 2017
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Spain has been the target of numerous terror attacks in the last few years, drawing the attention of the U.S. State Department.

The attack was the country's deadlist since 2004, when Al Qaeda-inspired bombers killed 192 people in coorindated attacks on Madrid's commuter trains.

Since July 2016, vehicles have been used to ram into crowds in terror attacks across Europe, killing well over 100 people in Nice, Berlin, London, and Stockholm.

Las Ramblas is a packed tourist area in central Barcelona whose central feature is a broad promenade leading to the water. The stretch is lined with numerous shops, restaurants, a sprawling market and Gaudí architecture.

People walk down a wide, pedestrianized path in the center of the street, but cars can travel on either side of the area.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #354 on: August 21, 2017, 11:16:43 AM »
Las Ramblas van terrorist is shot dead while wearing fake bomb vest 'and screaming Allahu Akbar' at police near Barcelona
By Chris Pleasance and Sara Malm In London and Andrew Young In Subirats, Spain, For Mailonline and Nick Fagge In Ripoll, Spain, For Mailonline
PUBLISHED: 21 August 2017

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #355 on: October 31, 2017, 02:50:56 PM »
NYC 'terror' attack leaves 8 dead, several injured
Fox News

Eyewitness records video of suspect running through traffic, brandishing what appear to be handguns.

At least eight people are dead after a driver barreled into a bike path and crashed a rental pickup truck into a crowd in Lower Manhattan Tuesday afternoon, shouting "Allahu Akbar," law enforcement sources tell Fox News and The Associated Press.

Another 11 people were injuried, officials said. The 29-year-old driver was shot by police after he jumped out of his Home Depot rental truck carrying what turned out to be two fake handguns.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, speaking at a press conference Tuesday evening, called the incident "an act of terror." Governor Andrew Cuomo said that at this point in the investigation, there is no evidence to suggest that there was a wider plot.

FBI officials confirmed to Fox News that they have agents responding to the situation "with NYPD." A bomb squad is also on scene examining a vehicle.

Member of joint terrorism task force tells Rick Leventhal that the suspect exited vehicle with a paintball gun and a BB gun.Video
Source: Lower Manhattan suspect yelled 'allah akhbar'

Following the incident in New York, President Trump tweeted "looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely. NOT IN THE U.S.A.!"

 Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
In NYC, looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person. Law enforcement is following this closely. NOT IN THE U.S.A.!
11:30 AM - Oct 31, 2017
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Twitter Ads info and privacy

One witness who passed the scene while on the West Side Highway said he saw several peple bleeding on the ground and a truck hit several people. Another witness told The Associated Press the truck had collided with a small bus and another vehicle.

A school photographer nearby said he peeked around the corner, where he saw a thin man in a blue track suit running and holding a gun. He claimed he saw a heavier man chasing after him.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #356 on: December 12, 2017, 12:03:45 PM »
NYC Bombing Suspect, Akayed Ullah, Faces Federal Terrorism Charges
Dec 12, 2017 // 1:25pm
As seen on Outnumbered

Federal authorities have filed terrorism charges against a suspect for detonating a pipe bomb near New York City’s Port Authority Bus Terminal on Monday.

Akayed Ullah, a 27-year-old Bangladeshi national, pledged loyalty to ISIS before carrying out the attack, which left several people with minor injuries, according to authorities.

Ullah is charged with providing material support to a terror group, using a weapon of mass destruction, bombing a public place, destruction of property by means of fire or explosive and use of a destructive device during a crime of violence.

Rick Leventhal reported on "Outnumbered" today that the 10-page criminal complaint reveals that Ullah built the pipe bomb at his Brooklyn apartment, gathering at least some of the materials from job sites where he worked as an electrician.

The bomb was filled with explosive material and metal screws, and it used Christmas lights and a battery for detonation, Leventhal reported, adding Ullah attached it to his body with zip ties.

The complaint also says Ullah's radicalization began at least three years ago, and he began researching how to build improvised explosive devices about one year ago, Leventhal said.

He noted that the complaint reveals Ullah posted a message on his Facebook page Monday morning shortly before the attack: "Trump you failed to protect your nation."

According to authorities, Ullah acted alone and was not on the radar of the FBI or the NYPD.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #357 on: December 12, 2017, 12:12:40 PM »

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #358 on: December 12, 2017, 12:56:18 PM »
NYC Bombing Suspect, Akayed Ullah, Faces Federal Terrorism Charges
Dec 12, 2017 // 1:25pm
As seen on Outnumbered

Federal authorities have filed terrorism charges against a suspect for detonating a pipe bomb near New York City’s Port Authority Bus Terminal on Monday.

Akayed Ullah, a 27-year-old Bangladeshi national, pledged loyalty to ISIS before carrying out the attack, which left several people with minor injuries, according to authorities.

Ullah is charged with providing material support to a terror group, using a weapon of mass destruction, bombing a public place, destruction of property by means of fire or explosive and use of a destructive device during a crime of violence.

Rick Leventhal reported on "Outnumbered" today that the 10-page criminal complaint reveals that Ullah built the pipe bomb at his Brooklyn apartment, gathering at least some of the materials from job sites where he worked as an electrician.

The bomb was filled with explosive material and metal screws, and it used Christmas lights and a battery for detonation, Leventhal reported, adding Ullah attached it to his body with zip ties.

The complaint also says Ullah's radicalization began at least three years ago, and he began researching how to build improvised explosive devices about one year ago, Leventhal said.

He noted that the complaint reveals Ullah posted a message on his Facebook page Monday morning shortly before the attack: "Trump you failed to protect your nation."

According to authorities, Ullah acted alone and was not on the radar of the FBI or the NYPD.

probably upset Trump ate a slice of bacon years ago. 


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #359 on: December 12, 2017, 04:05:46 PM »
For the forum if it hasn't been posted before:

Watch out for your cousin!

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #360 on: May 14, 2018, 10:25:12 AM »
MH370 captain was attempting suicide, aviation experts say
By Ryan Gaydos   | Fox News

The captain of doomed Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 selected a route that would effectively render the plane invisible on radar in order to commit suicide, experts said Sunday.

The suspicion that MH370 Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was attempting suicide was agreed upon, aviation experts said in a panel discussion on 9 News Australia.

"He was killing himself; unfortunately, he was killing everybody else on board, and he did it deliberately," Larry Vance, a former senior investigator with the Transportation Safety Board of Canada, said.

Shah somehow managed to cut all communication systems and then dip in and out of Malaysian and Thai airspace and eventually went over his own hometown, Penang, Boeing 777 pilot and instructor Simon Hardy said.

“It did the job because we know, as a fact, that the military did not come and intercept the aircraft,” Hardy said, adding that he believed someone was in control of the plane until the end.

The experts argued that Shah flew the plane another 115 miles than originally thought, with Vance pointing to the piece of evidence that was recovered on a French island off Africa. Officials had previously said that the theory of the plane nosediving into the water was the likely ending scenario for the airliner.

Officials believe an aircraft wing that washed up on the French island of La Reunion is that of MH370  (Reuters)

"The front of it would be pressed in and hollow. The water would invade inside and it would just explode from the inside. So this piece would not even exist,” he said.

Most of the wreckage from the airliner has never been found and bodies have never been recovered.

The flight disappeared March 8, 2014 while en route from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing with 239 people on board. No transmissions were received from the aircraft after its first 38 minutes in the air. Officials believe the plane crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.

In a similar incident, EgyptAir Flight 804 crashed off the coast of Massachusetts in October 1999 on its way to John F. Kennedy Airport in New York from Cairo. Audio captured by the co-pilot heard pilot Gameel Al-Batouti say 11 times in Arabic, “I rely on God.”

Two years later, the National Transportation Safety Board determined that Al-Batouti had been suicidal and purposely crashed the plane while the first pilot was out of the cockpit. Egyptian Civil Aviation Agency adamantly denied the NTSB’s findings, saying that their report was “flawed and biased,” according to Politico.

The doomed Germanwings Flight 9525, which crashed into the French Alps was also determined to be a suicide-by-pilot. Officials determined co-pilot Andreas Lubitz, who had previously been treated for suicidal tendencies, descended the airliner into the mountains on purpose.

The plane was heading to Dusseldorf Airport in Germany from Spain.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #361 on: April 23, 2019, 01:46:15 PM »
Why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Tweeted About ‘Easter Worshippers’
Tue, Apr 23, 2019 

Sometimes, a few sentences tell you more about a person — and, more importantly, an ideology — than a learned thesis. That is the case with tweets from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama two days ago in response to the mass murder of more than 300 Christians and others in Sri Lanka.

Their tweets are worth serious analysis because they reveal a great deal about the left. Of course, they reveal a great deal about Clinton and Obama, too, but that doesn’t interest me.

And that, too, is important. Many Americans — especially conservatives and “independents” — are more interested in individual politicians than in political ideologies.

Many conservatives have long been fixated on Clinton — so much so that probably any other Democrat would have defeated Donald Trump, as conservative anger specifically toward her propelled many people to the polls. Similarly, Republican Never-Trumpers are fixated on Trump rather than policy. They care more about Trump’s personal flaws than about the mortal dangers the left poses to America and the West or about the uniquely successful conservative policies Trump promulgates.

And independents all claim to vote “for the person, not the party.”

Only leftists understand that one must vote left no matter who the Democrat is, no matter who the Republican opponent is. Leftists are completely interchangeable: There is no ideological difference among the 20 or so Democrats running for president. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is not one degree to the right of Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.

That is why it is important to understand Clinton and Obama’s tweets: to understand the left, not to understand her or him.

Here are the tweets:

Obama: “The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.”

Three hours later, Clinton tweeted: “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.”

As they both spelled “worshipers” the same idiosyncratic way and used the term “Easter worshippers,” it is likely they either had the same writers or Clinton copied Obama.

Here’s what’s critical: Neither used the word “Christians.” And in order to avoid doing so, they went so far as to make up a new term — “Easter worshippers” — heretofore unknown to any Christian.

When Jews were murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Clinton mentioned the synagogue in a tweet. But in her post-Sri Lanka tweet, despite the bombing of three churches filled with Christians, Clinton made no mention of church or churches. In a tweet after the massacre of Muslims in New Zealand, she wrote that her heart broke for “the global Muslim community.” But in her latest tweet, not a word about Christians or the global Christian community.

Obama similarly wrote in his tweet about New Zealand that he was grieving with “the Muslim community” over the “horrible massacre in the Mosques.” But in his tweet about Sri Lanka, there is no mention of Christians or churches.

The reason neither of them mentioned Christians or churches is that the left has essentially forbidden mention of all the anti-Christian murders perpetrated by Muslims in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and of all the Muslim desecration of churches in Europe, Africa and anywhere else. This is part of the same phenomenon — that I and others have documented — of British police and politicians covering up six years of rape of 1,400 of English girls by Muslim “grooming gangs” in Rotherham and elsewhere in England.

Essentially, the left’s rule is that nothing bad — no matter how true — may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing good — no matter how true — may be said of Christians or Christianity.

Clinton’s post-New Zealand tweet also included these words: “We must continue to fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia and racism in all its forms. White supremacist terrorists must be condemned by leaders everywhere. Their murderous hatred must be stopped.”

She made sure to condemn “Islamophobia,” but she wrote not a word about the far more destructive and widespread hatred of Christians in the Muslim world, seen in Muslims’ virtual elimination of the Christian communities in the Middle East, the regular murder and kidnappings of Coptic Christians in Egypt and the murder of Christians in Nigeria. She calls on “leaders everywhere” to condemn “white supremacist terrorists,” one of the smallest hate groups on Earth, but never calls on leaders everywhere to condemn Islamist terrorists, the largest hate group on Earth.

These two tweets tell you a lot about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But far more importantly, they tell you a lot about the left.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #362 on: May 16, 2019, 11:18:43 PM »
Why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Tweeted About ‘Easter Worshippers’
Tue, Apr 23, 2019 

Sometimes, a few sentences tell you more about a person — and, more importantly, an ideology — than a learned thesis. That is the case with tweets from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama two days ago in response to the mass murder of more than 300 Christians and others in Sri Lanka.

Their tweets are worth serious analysis because they reveal a great deal about the left. Of course, they reveal a great deal about Clinton and Obama, too, but that doesn’t interest me.

And that, too, is important. Many Americans — especially conservatives and “independents” — are more interested in individual politicians than in political ideologies.

Many conservatives have long been fixated on Clinton — so much so that probably any other Democrat would have defeated Donald Trump, as conservative anger specifically toward her propelled many people to the polls. Similarly, Republican Never-Trumpers are fixated on Trump rather than policy. They care more about Trump’s personal flaws than about the mortal dangers the left poses to America and the West or about the uniquely successful conservative policies Trump promulgates.

And independents all claim to vote “for the person, not the party.”

Only leftists understand that one must vote left no matter who the Democrat is, no matter who the Republican opponent is. Leftists are completely interchangeable: There is no ideological difference among the 20 or so Democrats running for president. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is not one degree to the right of Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.

That is why it is important to understand Clinton and Obama’s tweets: to understand the left, not to understand her or him.

Here are the tweets:

Obama: “The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.”

Three hours later, Clinton tweeted: “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.”

As they both spelled “worshipers” the same idiosyncratic way and used the term “Easter worshippers,” it is likely they either had the same writers or Clinton copied Obama.

Here’s what’s critical: Neither used the word “Christians.” And in order to avoid doing so, they went so far as to make up a new term — “Easter worshippers” — heretofore unknown to any Christian.

When Jews were murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Clinton mentioned the synagogue in a tweet. But in her post-Sri Lanka tweet, despite the bombing of three churches filled with Christians, Clinton made no mention of church or churches. In a tweet after the massacre of Muslims in New Zealand, she wrote that her heart broke for “the global Muslim community.” But in her latest tweet, not a word about Christians or the global Christian community.

Obama similarly wrote in his tweet about New Zealand that he was grieving with “the Muslim community” over the “horrible massacre in the Mosques.” But in his tweet about Sri Lanka, there is no mention of Christians or churches.

The reason neither of them mentioned Christians or churches is that the left has essentially forbidden mention of all the anti-Christian murders perpetrated by Muslims in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and of all the Muslim desecration of churches in Europe, Africa and anywhere else. This is part of the same phenomenon — that I and others have documented — of British police and politicians covering up six years of rape of 1,400 of English girls by Muslim “grooming gangs” in Rotherham and elsewhere in England.

Essentially, the left’s rule is that nothing bad — no matter how true — may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing good — no matter how true — may be said of Christians or Christianity.

Clinton’s post-New Zealand tweet also included these words: “We must continue to fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia and racism in all its forms. White supremacist terrorists must be condemned by leaders everywhere. Their murderous hatred must be stopped.”

She made sure to condemn “Islamophobia,” but she wrote not a word about the far more destructive and widespread hatred of Christians in the Muslim world, seen in Muslims’ virtual elimination of the Christian communities in the Middle East, the regular murder and kidnappings of Coptic Christians in Egypt and the murder of Christians in Nigeria. She calls on “leaders everywhere” to condemn “white supremacist terrorists,” one of the smallest hate groups on Earth, but never calls on leaders everywhere to condemn Islamist terrorists, the largest hate group on Earth.

These two tweets tell you a lot about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But far more importantly, they tell you a lot about the left.

Jesus Christ.  Grasp much?

Dos Equis

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #363 on: May 17, 2019, 09:04:29 AM »
Jesus Christ.  Grasp much?

Why do you think they both called the murder victims "Easter worshipers" instead of Christians? 

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #364 on: May 17, 2019, 10:28:24 AM »
Why do you think they both called the murder victims "Easter worshipers" instead of Christians? 

Because Ofagget is a mooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooslim himself and Hillcunt is just a filthy pagan. 


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #365 on: May 17, 2019, 12:23:37 PM »


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #366 on: May 17, 2019, 12:46:09 PM »
Why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Tweeted About ‘Easter Worshippers’
Tue, Apr 23, 2019 

Sometimes, a few sentences tell you more about a person — and, more importantly, an ideology — than a learned thesis. That is the case with tweets from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama two days ago in response to the mass murder of more than 300 Christians and others in Sri Lanka.

Their tweets are worth serious analysis because they reveal a great deal about the left. Of course, they reveal a great deal about Clinton and Obama, too, but that doesn’t interest me.

And that, too, is important. Many Americans — especially conservatives and “independents” — are more interested in individual politicians than in political ideologies.

Many conservatives have long been fixated on Clinton — so much so that probably any other Democrat would have defeated Donald Trump, as conservative anger specifically toward her propelled many people to the polls. Similarly, Republican Never-Trumpers are fixated on Trump rather than policy. They care more about Trump’s personal flaws than about the mortal dangers the left poses to America and the West or about the uniquely successful conservative policies Trump promulgates.

And independents all claim to vote “for the person, not the party.”

Only leftists understand that one must vote left no matter who the Democrat is, no matter who the Republican opponent is. Leftists are completely interchangeable: There is no ideological difference among the 20 or so Democrats running for president. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is not one degree to the right of Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.

That is why it is important to understand Clinton and Obama’s tweets: to understand the left, not to understand her or him.

Here are the tweets:

Obama: “The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.”

Three hours later, Clinton tweeted: “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.”

As they both spelled “worshipers” the same idiosyncratic way and used the term “Easter worshippers,” it is likely they either had the same writers or Clinton copied Obama.

Here’s what’s critical: Neither used the word “Christians.” And in order to avoid doing so, they went so far as to make up a new term — “Easter worshippers” — heretofore unknown to any Christian.

When Jews were murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Clinton mentioned the synagogue in a tweet. But in her post-Sri Lanka tweet, despite the bombing of three churches filled with Christians, Clinton made no mention of church or churches. In a tweet after the massacre of Muslims in New Zealand, she wrote that her heart broke for “the global Muslim community.” But in her latest tweet, not a word about Christians or the global Christian community.

Obama similarly wrote in his tweet about New Zealand that he was grieving with “the Muslim community” over the “horrible massacre in the Mosques.” But in his tweet about Sri Lanka, there is no mention of Christians or churches.

The reason neither of them mentioned Christians or churches is that the left has essentially forbidden mention of all the anti-Christian murders perpetrated by Muslims in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and of all the Muslim desecration of churches in Europe, Africa and anywhere else. This is part of the same phenomenon — that I and others have documented — of British police and politicians covering up six years of rape of 1,400 of English girls by Muslim “grooming gangs” in Rotherham and elsewhere in England.

Essentially, the left’s rule is that nothing bad — no matter how true — may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing good — no matter how true — may be said of Christians or Christianity.

Clinton’s post-New Zealand tweet also included these words: “We must continue to fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia and racism in all its forms. White supremacist terrorists must be condemned by leaders everywhere. Their murderous hatred must be stopped.”

She made sure to condemn “Islamophobia,” but she wrote not a word about the far more destructive and widespread hatred of Christians in the Muslim world, seen in Muslims’ virtual elimination of the Christian communities in the Middle East, the regular murder and kidnappings of Coptic Christians in Egypt and the murder of Christians in Nigeria. She calls on “leaders everywhere” to condemn “white supremacist terrorists,” one of the smallest hate groups on Earth, but never calls on leaders everywhere to condemn Islamist terrorists, the largest hate group on Earth.

These two tweets tell you a lot about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But far more importantly, they tell you a lot about the left.

Very valid points
They both go out of their way to specifically mention Muslims & Go on to say how anti Muslim
Hate must stop.
Yet neither can Mention Christians or say these on going Hate massacres by Muslims
Must stop or Be Stopped.
Those tweets didn’t just happen / worded that way by accident.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #367 on: June 06, 2019, 06:05:33 PM »
ISIS plotted to send westerners to US through Mexico border: report
By Hollie McKay | Fox News

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #368 on: January 19, 2022, 08:22:27 PM »
Synagogue Hostage Taker Was Kicked Out Of Mosque Days Earlier For Erratic Behavior, Had Been On UK Watchlist
Texas Synagogue Holds Healing Service After Recent Hostage Situation At Synagogue
January 19, 2022

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #369 on: March 15, 2024, 04:22:42 PM »
Suicidal pilot buried missing Malaysia Airlines plane in sea trench as part of mass murder plot: Boeing expert
By Matthew Sedacca
Published March 9, 2024


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #370 on: March 15, 2024, 06:32:26 PM »
Suicidal pilot buried missing Malaysia Airlines plane in sea trench as part of mass murder plot: Boeing expert
By Matthew Sedacca
Published March 9, 2024

Fascinating theory.  Kind of reminds me of EgyptAir Flight 990 from 1999.  The Egyptian government didn't like our theory that the pilot committed suicide in a grand act of terrorism, and two years later we were dealing with 9/11.  All got buried under the rug.  ???

Dos Equis

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #371 on: March 22, 2024, 03:47:28 PM »
Fascinating theory.  Kind of reminds me of EgyptAir Flight 990 from 1999.  The Egyptian government didn't like our theory that the pilot committed suicide in a grand act of terrorism, and two years later we were dealing with 9/11.  All got buried under the rug.  ???

Stories get amplified or buried based on political narratives.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #372 on: March 22, 2024, 03:48:21 PM »
Islamic State group claims responsibility for deadly Moscow attack
By Associated Press
March 22, 2024


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #373 on: March 22, 2024, 04:53:09 PM »
Islamic State group claims responsibility for deadly Moscow attack
By Associated Press
March 22, 2024

Thought these fools were done. Time to get after it and extinguish these guys once and for all.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #374 on: April 08, 2024, 01:15:16 PM »
These fools are shouting "Death to America" in Michigan.