Getbig Misc Discussion Boards > Religious Debates & Threads
I thank God for... (insert here)
--- Quote from: ThisisOverload on November 16, 2020, 03:41:28 PM --- ;D
I just have the ability to switch off things that i don't want in my life. Politics is very high up on the list.
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don't downplay it, that is huge. kudos to you.
--- Quote from: Agnostic007 on November 12, 2020, 09:30:58 PM ---altruistic sensibilities. I personally don't have to benefit from something to be happy about it. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Didn't really affect me personally. Im happy it happened.
Mentally, I won't be hearing about him every single day on what stupid childish thing he said, did or tweeted. That's going to be nice.
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Now you get to listen to Bidens daily lies.
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