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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: Gainsi on November 05, 2015, 05:16:21 PM

Title: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 05, 2015, 05:16:21 PM
Hey guys, I am considering on starting my blast again next Monday. My goal is to recomp, thus lose fat while adding muscle, whithout having the bloofy bloated look. I am 20, 6'1, 195-205lbs ~8-10% bodyfat now. No PCT/HCG is needed as I am blast & cruising. Thus TRT for life.
This is what I had on mind:
Week 1-12 Test e 600mg
Week 1-12 Deca 400mg
Week 1-12+ Eq 600mg
Week 1-12 Caber 1mg
Week 1-12 Asin 12.5mg ed
Week 1-12+ Ralox 60mg ed
Week 1-12+ GH 5-10iu ed

This is what I now have on mind due to second thoughts on high test:
Week 1-12 Test e 300mg
Week 1-12 Deca 400mg
OPTIONAL***Week 1-12 Tren e 350-400mg**
Week 1-12+ Eq 800mg
Week 1-12 Caber 1-2mg
Week 1-12 Asin 12.5mg eod
Week 1-12+ Ralox 60mg ed
Week 1-12+ GH 5-10iu ed

I don't mind anadrol 50mg/day as a kickstart in the first 4 weeks or Epistane 60mg/day in the last couple weeks.

The diet will be something like this:

upon waking - 2 grams of l carnitine tartrate and 5 grams of bcaas

20 minutes later

Meal 1 - 10 egg whites, 2/3 cups of oat meal, multi-vitamin/omega 3

1 hour later, cup of coffee with a small square of dark chocolate 99% lindt.

During the workout, a shake of 20 grams of power carbs (1 scoop) + 5 grams of bcaa's (5 to 10)

Post workout shake 1 scoop of whey isolate + 1 scoop of power carbs + 10 grams of bcaa's.

45 minute later, meal #2 - 6-8 oz of chicken breast, + 200 grams of white rice + a bowl of salad + 1 gram of vitamin C

meal #3 - 6-8 oz white fish or chicken, with a cup of steamed broccoli or asparagus

meal #4 - a protein shake of 40 grams of whey + 30g almonds or 1tbsp pb

meal #5 - 200 grams of white fish or chicken with 150 grams of white rice

before bed - 2 oz of cottage cheese + yogurt activia with a handful of almonds + 50mg zinc + 50 mcg magnesium + 2 caps of calcium and D3 tablets.

After that i might deicide to cruise on 300mg test and some gh again.

What do you guys think? I am trying to do this right
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Dr.J on November 05, 2015, 05:46:20 PM
Bro, that is not high test at all! A gram of test is about the staple.  I would not go below 500mg. Everything else looks ok on #1 cycle.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 06, 2015, 01:33:44 AM
sorry but your ideas look all over the place. ill have to rip you apart here.

-do you eat real food with your supplements?  ::)

-to start off with you saving some money:
basically anything you supp is completely useless, except maybe multi and fish oil.
-your bcaa timing is pointless.
-carnitine is useless.
-"power carbs" lol 20g carbs is not gonna do anything intra workout.
-pwo shake only needed if you cant eat within an hour.
-vitamin C post workout is stupid. dont take anti oxidants around workouts, there are numerous studies on that.
-zinc magnesium etc are useless. are you vit D deficient? if not, useless.
-calcium, might have a point. studies link it to increased fat loss. i would simply eat more dairy. also dont take calcium and magnesium supps together.

i would simply ditch EVERYTHING except multi and fish oil  ;)

also your AAS ideas are all over the place.

2nd cycle: too many compounds, too low dosages for the good ones.
EQ is shit, why dose it that high?

you dont need raloxifene nor caber with your dosages, however if you wanna use them 20mg ralox is enough, 0.25-0.5mg caber a week is enough.

regarding "recomping":
just use a gram of test and some tren if you want to "recomp". or simply bulk or cut. deca is fine too however if you dont like bloof then why use test/deca  :D
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: heenok on November 06, 2015, 02:45:10 AM
Way too much caber imo. Drop the serm up your aromasin as needed.

Also recomping is shit, either cut or bulk. Try to do both you will get minimal fat loss with minimal muscle gains.

I would suggest using test E and tren E for like 12 weeks.
Kickstart with your anadrol.
EQ is just not worth it if you can handle nandrolone/tren. Drop it.

So yeah test/tren/GH with 4 weeks of drol at the start. Should yeld some decent results.
Maybe add some T3 to speeds up your metabolism and offset the T3 suppression from tren.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 06, 2015, 10:02:17 AM
wtf is all this shit homo, fucking horrible diet and cycle and everything.

just get test tren and winny / mast - 150-250 prop - 50-150 ace 60-120 stanozolol 150-250 mast prop ed shoot delts glutes lats
3 square meals a day morning lunch dinner include eggs,chicken,beef,fish,offal,salad,rice,pasta,potato,carrot. no nuts and shit like protein powders or activia yogurt or any other bloody supplements.
30 min cardio warm up walking on slight incline treadmill before hitting the weights.

why bother taking GH and spending all your money on it if you don't know how to use anabolic steroids + as we can see not eat properly either.

take 25mg exemestane ED if you are sensitive to aromatase or don't. Skip the caber (personally), use Pramipexole if you really want to at 0.5mg ramping slowly up to 1mg in the morning.

once a week body part training high reps to failure 2-3 sets. you will grow like you always wanted to. im out.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 06, 2015, 01:16:52 PM
Guys thanks for putting me back on track. I am a strong believer of GH15. I recently hired a coach, 2x national, this is the kind of diet and drug plan he put me on. The first drug plan.. Yea pretty sad. I came off 4 weeks ago from a sick blast. Cruising on silly test e 300mg a week 150/150 tuesday friday, with 10units growth ed to prime for my next blast. I was running 350mg prop, 1.4 tren, 1.4 eq, 150/120 var/epi ed, 15 units generics, and t3/ancilleries. I am very prone to prolactin and estro sides. I can tell because i have been blasting 700+ tren for over a year. Recently got my hands on pharma dostinex cabergoline, pitched my prami out the window, it's amazing but makes your brain messed up in a weird way. In the final weeks i upped tren to 3-5cc a day lol, reduced test slowly to 70 (got me depressed low test) and i had front loaded eq 3.5g in the first week. Eq tren gh together is the bomb, capped delts, vascularity up the butt crack, feeling like an unstoppable demi god in the gym mirin myself too hard lol. Eq and tren i love, epi my favorite oral by far. I haven't tried anadrol yet. Dbol i love how I feel libido and mood wise, look wise it's disgusting... High test always made me look bloofy and fat, probably from my shitty diet. I wish i had spent those bucs on gh instead of supplements, had a moment of weakness... And wasted money on supplements. The thing is i am extremely prone to acne and im 20, use to have a head full of thick hair, now it thinned so damn much you can start seeing my skull. I guess it's too late to go back in time now, tren is such. I never tried deca, primo, winnie, i have done mast it's amazig sub 10%. What you guys think i should run without getting that insane acne? I mean my doses were crazy, tren makes me break out, and hormone imbalances as well.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 06, 2015, 01:48:08 PM
The ralox is for my gyno, it's helping thank god. My digestio is better when my fats are lower. So keeping lean meats and white rice, for each meal (chicken/white fish), with egg whites oats upon waking should be perfect. Just need the appropriate carb protein ratio per meal and the daily caloric intake that would be needed including macros.
If i could, i would be running now something like this for aas cycle:
350 prop
1400 tren ace
1400 eq
60-100 epi or 50-150 anadrol sub 10%
10units growth
25 t3 ed
2mg caber/week

Cycling between test e instead of prop and deca instead of eq when aiming for size and thickness. Mast only when sub 10% when aiming to cutdown and look at my best.

However, my skin is destroyed from acne scars, and i get acne from literally anything... Due to my doses being far too high. I have ran npp/tren together, both made me look thick and squarey, awesome look. I wouldn't mind running long esters, in the long run more stable hormones. Something like this would be awesome:
Test e/deca/tren e or test e/eq/tren e or even have 2 anabolics test e/deca/tren e /eq. I love what eq tren together did to me. I have never tried tren e. Nor am experienced enough with deca nor npp. I would be willing to run that with gh of course. What would you guys suggest? I like looking lean, vascular, grainy of course which all comes from tren, high test or deca would ruin that, but if i dose them right i guess i could get away with that right?

Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 06, 2015, 04:15:14 PM
we got another fucking whitewidow over here lads. gh15 is a fuckhead and complete sleazeball liar. everything about him and whatever he said or claimed to be was a lie, he was nothing but a regular gym rat and a pathological liar ie. sociopath talking shit and making up his own fantasies.

your coach is a shithead (or a spastic), because no real "coach" would ever tell someone (your level) to take 10 iu of growth everyfuckinday (assuming it's 'legitimate' Pharma, otherwise then you can take 50 iu of shit (kig,jig,fig watever) and not see ONE THING [if so, it's placebo] but water retention in the end, with real pharma legit GH even OFF any training if you are single point and have a good base built with AAS 3 months later you will see the power of GH at even 8 iu e2d, creating new muscle tissue that you never knew could exist on your body.

the amount of GH is nowhere near the amount correspondent to the AAS you were gonna be taking. LOL at 600 test e 400 deca 600 eq. why the fuck are you taking 25mcg of t3? what for? your natural thyroid is now fucked for a good while, who knows how long you run that shit for. also no enhanced bodybuilder not even a fucking natty would use 300 test e split x2 a week for a cruise UNLESS they had the body of a 13 year old girl, then i can understand.

you live in AUS, go to the chemist buy Gamophen soap and rub it on everywhere in the shower and wash it off after 5 minutes. ALL your acne AND scars will be gone in 3 weeks, it is a game changer. dont believe me, whatever.

you are so fucked if are using shit like ralox clomid nolva for gyno, i swear to god just use winstrol letro test prop, lower your body fat do cardio and zero carbs if you have fatty tits. oh yeah and ice cold showers for a month will shrink your puffiness completely. prami is always better, you need to take it for 4 weeks at least to get over any sides you might have on it, 0.25 x3 ed.

350 test prop completely fucking useless when running all that other shit. not even as a base dose. minimum 700mg weekly or dont even run it. don't blame your gyno on test, blame it on all the other shit your taking and your lifestyle choices. just do 150mg tren ace ed, and 3g eq at once a week with 80-100mg dbol ed to kickstart or replace the test. you better be looking like an amateur because these are JUST amateur doses.

drol mast zero carb no sodium extremely high potassium when single digit if you want to see your first plumpy muscle baby striations. btw that is the most fucked up diet i have ever seen nearly, a la 14 year old OCD beginner bodybuilder.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: pestosterone on November 06, 2015, 05:00:44 PM
I fucking hate test prop such Bullshit u need alot of test always and enan is better at 250mgsml cc of that eod is way better than prop eod and to save room in the syringe. It takes a whole vial of prop a week
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 06, 2015, 06:34:17 PM
i definitely agree with you, but it sucks to wait for it to peak unlike prop which hits you fast in 4-5 days
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 06, 2015, 06:45:50 PM
These are the compounds that i have on mind:
Testosterone Enanthate
Trenbolone Enanthate
Equipoise Boldenone

Generic GH


Which compounds would you have me pick? What dosages and why? I wouldn't mind running all 4. I recently came off T3 since no more tren in the blood.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 06, 2015, 07:31:15 PM
run all 4 at 10g a week
48iu generic hgh
100iu humalog intra workout with intra aminos and carb shake
dont forget your post-workout anabolic window 10 scoops whey protein isolate

clomid nolva for pct
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 07, 2015, 12:25:43 AM
Heenok, eq is really a game changer. Mostly with tren gives you a totally different more enhanced look. At least for me though... I don't know, because I also have some deca on me which i bought. Really AMAZING labs my current vials of test deca tren eq mast drol etc, a new one i just got. I totally agree with you man, completely on your side. Test e Tren e GH. Yessir. But what still keeps me pondering is whether adding Eq or/and Deca is worth it. Worth the gains, the sides, etc. If deca goes in, tren goes down i guess. No deca more tren. All i am worried about is acne. Or I wouldn't care and load up that syringe twice a day with tren.
If i want more size i am leaning towards the test tren deca since deca is better for size than eq. The thing is eq needs to be ran for a longgggg time and i dont want to wait to throw it in, if not just not worth it.  And it gives a really nice look. So it comes down to size, vs long term l gains with added benefit to the look it gives.
Test e 600
Tren e 400
Deca 400

Test e 600
Tren e 400
Eq 600-900

(This third cycle is the ultimate limp dick cycle unless i bring test higher becomes too much)
Test e 300
Tren e 400
Deca 400
Eq 600-900

One of those three options is what i want to do, maybe with a anadrol front load since I have loads. I even have epistane. Caber asin on hand with ralox.
Which would you guys pick and how would you adjust dosages?
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 07, 2015, 12:54:54 AM
post pics of you on 5cc tren ace a day pls.

inb4 youre doing the whitewidow
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: pestosterone on November 07, 2015, 06:03:27 AM
I would b in jail or dead on 5 cc tren ace a day lol
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: pestosterone on November 07, 2015, 06:06:21 AM
i definitely agree with you, but it sucks to wait for it to peak unlike prop which hits you fast in 4-5 days
If u stay on, then the changes happen almost immediately when u raise dosage it's a little quicker any way not quicker than prop though
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 07, 2015, 07:15:54 AM
If u stay on, then the changes happen almost immediately when u raise dosage it's a little quicker any way not quicker than prop though
fully agree
easiest way would be to run 1g test year round as base
then blast on fast acting gear (npp, tren ace, orals, slin etc)
immediate effects
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: pestosterone on November 07, 2015, 08:37:30 AM
I've been thinking about going up to a gram until January I'm on 500 enanthate only now mayb I can add few lbs havnt ran just test in a while also some dbols I'm at 230 lbs would like to b around 240 and stay in 32 inch jeans which is what im after right now
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: local hero on November 07, 2015, 11:40:15 AM
fully agree
easiest way would be to run 1g test year round as base
then blast on fast acting gear (npp, tren ace, orals, slin etc)
immediate effects

Common sense, I hate the low test brigade
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 07, 2015, 12:44:22 PM
Check out my insta - _gainsi_ you will see some pics there, I'm softer now, no tren in me just 300 test..
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 07, 2015, 01:19:36 PM
that gyno has developed way too far, youll need surgery FOR SURE for that
i wouldnt even bother with ralox letro or whatever...

also youve ran over 2-3g of tren a week?
you dont really have any more mass than our beloved whitewidow  :D
your conditioning is better though

im not exactly a low doser either but when i see posts like 3-5cc tren a day from guys with 16 inch arms..
someone with average genetics could do that with 500mg of test and average bodybuilding diet/routine tbh
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 07, 2015, 01:23:25 PM
I knew it! :-X
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: ritch on November 07, 2015, 02:03:19 PM
Check out my insta - _gainsi_ you will see some pics there, I'm softer now, no tren in me just 300 test..

Fail, massive fail, you look natty for fuck sakes.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: ritch on November 07, 2015, 02:41:20 PM
Love the pic wearing the fanny pack over the shirt and those ultra gay looking jogging pants. You are exactly the type of homo/loser refered to all the time in conversations about people who suck.

Dear lord...
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 07, 2015, 02:56:08 PM
Pictures were taken over 4 weeks ago, gyno is still reducing thank lord, looks so much better it is starting to look normal. And yea i agree on the abuse. I am very impulsive. Arms were 16.5 due to no carbing with very low fats high protein. Something like 400-500 pro 50 carbs 25-30 fats. Now they are around 17.5 on cruise. Anyways, now the hating is done lol, what do you guys suggest as blast?
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 07, 2015, 03:09:46 PM
"winstrol letro test prop, lower your body fat do cardio and zero carbs if you have fatty tits. oh yeah and ice cold showers for a month will shrink your puffiness completely. prami is always better, you need to take it for 4 weeks at least to get over any sides you might have on it, 0.25 x3 ed."

i outlined it for you well enough. drop all that other shit and bodybuilding for now, get your gyno fixed. you cannot get rid of gyno and bodybuild at the same time. doesn't make sence
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 08, 2015, 12:36:21 AM
500mg test and a good diet / routine.

stop injecting your body with random shit you dont have a clue of (you used every peptide and AAS under the sun and youre only 20?)

im also one who LOVES to try new shit to BUILD AN OPINION myself (this includes various peptides, slin, dnp, exotic aas, tons of different supps, diets, routines etc)
and i admit that ive done experimental shit that couldve killed myself or couldve done serious harm a couple times but i always got away with it because i had done a ton of research beforehand.
you might not be as lucky. so dont be a retard.

i also knew right from the start that i STILL had to work hard because even the holy grail of bodybuilding WONT DO SHIT if youre a lazy fuck and dont know how to eat and train.

but i hope you have realized after your massive abuse that there is no magic pill and there is no substitute for hard work.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Mranabolic on November 08, 2015, 04:09:02 AM
500mg test and a good diet / routine.

stop injecting your body with random shit you dont have a clue of (you used every peptide and AAS under the sun and youre only 20?)

im also one who LOVES to try new shit to BUILD AN OPINION myself (this includes various peptides, slin, dnp, exotic aas, tons of different supps, diets, routines etc)
and i admit that ive done experimental shit that couldve killed myself or couldve done serious harm a couple times but i always got away with it because i had done a ton of research beforehand.
you might not be as lucky. so dont be a retard.

i also knew right from the start that i STILL had to work hard because even the holy grail of bodybuilding WONT DO SHIT if youre a lazy fuck and dont know how to eat and train.

but i hope you have realized after your massive abuse that there is no magic pill and there is no substitute for hard work.

Always like your posts , always have good advice and explain it nicely

+1 man and respect

I will need your help too , is time i take it serious and stop fuck around, gone hit u in pm if u dont mind pick your brain a bit on diet/training/gear

Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jenetics on November 08, 2015, 05:35:32 AM
Talk about over implicating things.

100mg tren ace ed
100mg mast prop ed or 100mg npp ed (I prefer mast)
50mg test prop ed

HGH unnecessary for you, it will probably just add a little water weight since I suspect you'll be using generics.

If you don't have serious body recomp from that, even without any drastic dieting, then you're training is way off.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 08, 2015, 05:49:31 AM

Always like your posts , always have good advice and explain it nicely

+1 man and respect

I will need your help too , is time i take it serious and stop fuck around, gone hit u in pm if u dont mind pick your brain a bit on diet/training/gear
sure, go ahead ;)
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 08, 2015, 01:36:48 PM
Bro you are totally right, i have done dnp too. I am happy to have done what i did, because i discovered the sad truth myself, and actually got to experience it. However, i know tren/eq/test are good, but simply not at crazy dosages just dosages where acne is manageable for me. That's all i care about. I am in a huge fight with acne every day and it's driving me nuts, even on a cruise dammit. So once my hormones are stable, rather stay on long esters because long term that means more stable hormones and less acne. As long as dosages are sane. I am just pondering whether to use deca or eq or both. Or whether to forget about tren. I am really looking for that hard dry look which only comes from tren mast. Mast isnt an option for me nor winnie. Deca test are both compounds that won't give that look unless dosages are well chosen i could somewhat have both a conditioned thick physique.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 08, 2015, 01:51:50 PM
well you can certainly be dry and shredded on deca etc too, however tren is simply THE BEST and the only aas that i notice it makes you look much different too...
its also pretty much the only AAS that lets you keep all the lines and striations when youre bulking and eating high carbs imo. keeps you both full (with high test) AND dry...
test/tren, its the bread and butter stack. the bodybuilders staple AAS, everything else is just additions

about the acne, do you use AIs? excess estrogen always gives me 2-3 big painful zits on the back and some on the delts (however im not prone to acne at all, my skin is pretty good for what i run lol)

ever tried accutane ?
a buddy of mine had EXTREME acne from AAS. he broke out badly when he first touched (even low dose lol) anavar. (was probably winny anyway).
he got big cystic acne all over his back and delts, really big painful ones...
he couldnt even bench for a couple months because his back hurt so bad from cystic acne...
he ran accutane (i think 20 and then 40mg a day or so) for 3-4 months and that cleared up everything. it got really bad for the first 2-3 weeks because the accutane basically makes your pores excrete everything but then they dry up or so. he had some sides but said it was way worth it.
he now only gets the occasional zit here and there but no cystic ones.

unfortunately his delts and back are scarred all over though from the cystic acne, big chunks of scars... thats only because the cystic acne had already developed for a couple months before he touched the accutane though.
 hes still very bothered to undress which obviously sucks as a bodybuilder.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jenetics on November 08, 2015, 02:08:58 PM
Accutane as Jizmo said, or mega doses of pantothenic acid (vitamin b5), are the ONLY things that really work for bad acne. Although tanning works for some. Accutane and b5 can both get rid of it permanently. Bear with any of the three options for a few weeks because it MAY get worse before it gets better.

Just a word of warning on accutane - the ONLY time my liver enzymes have ever been elevated was when I was on accutane as a teenager. It's basically a super high dose of vitamin A, which is quite toxic.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 08, 2015, 05:11:59 PM
Isotretinoin, basically vitamin a derivative but safer less toxic version. I am extremely well educated and aware if this drug. Have ran it, it destroyed my life, caused hypertrophic scars and crater scars, big bad ones. Can't touch it anymore. Not me. But i do want to run tren with high test with eq or deca. I am thinking of the following i use northern pharma for gear ( was on ventus before that, now i have bentex and northern):
600 test e
400 tren e
5-10units norvotrop
400 deca
600 eq

My ai is definitely bunk aromasin
I have pharma caber
I am getting my innovagen aromasin tuesday i think, should definitely not be bunk

What do you think?
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 08, 2015, 05:32:04 PM
you are a fucking mess, dude.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 08, 2015, 05:46:45 PM
I wanna grow while keeping definition man, it's not easy without the right drugs. Can't look like i do on tren with test only you know? I won't be blasting grams of tren and eq anymore though, just mild cycles keeping me thick and healthy enough
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 08, 2015, 06:16:05 PM
uh yes you can, tren doesn't make you grainy and hard looking unless you already did before that, then it will accentuate all your features if you have got them

do you think that if you stop running trenbolone your gonna lose all your gains brah'? are you a fucking retarded kid? brb wants to look good, disregards gyno and blasts tren and chinese imitation peptide 'growth hormone'.

by the way your not going to lose your "tren look" if you even stop it for a few weeks. do you think that drugs are the holy grail of cosmetic enhancement? no you fucking idiot. no gynecomastia, low BF, your diet, water / potassium / diuretic / carbohydrate manipulation, high LBM THEN plus drugs it is.

1st. if you want to grow with definition you will never do that with ANY TEST DBOL EQ DECA GH INSULIN CARBS etc. you will always hold water and blur your lines completely until you come off for a month.

you obviously won't be healthy you narcissistic fuckwit running grams of hormones with fake chinese GH thyroid drugs cabergoline ai's + accutane. do you know that accutane does permanent damage in your teens and 20's to your body if you take it while you are still fully growing up until around 24 years old. you can say goodbye to all your long bone growth now, ie. your clavicle and height.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 08, 2015, 09:22:37 PM
Ok so i decided not to play with tren now. I want to take a break from it. A solid break, i ran it long enough. I decided on the following:
Week 1-12: Testosterone Enathate @600mg per week
Week 1-12: Deca-Durabolin @400mg per week
Week 1-12: Equipoise Boldenone @600mg per week

All my AAS compounds are from a Lab called Northern Pharmaceuticals, also known by Teragon and Metabolic. Same vials, same manufacturer/producer, just different names. My Testosterone Enanthate, Deca-Durabolin and Equipoise are all 250mg/ml and they come in 10mL vials.

For my ancilleries I will be using the following:
Week 1-12: Aromasin @12.5mg per day
Week 1-12: Cabergoline @0.5mg twice per week
Week 1-12: Raloxifene @60mg split into morning and night

Aromasin will be from the company Innovagen. Comes in dosages of 12.5mg a pill, 60 pills in the container.
Cabergoline is Pharmaceutical grade, Dostinex. Comes in 1mg pills, splittable, 20 pills in a container.
Raloxifene is from Rui-Products. Liquid UGL, 60mg/mL, 60mL per bottle.

For my Growth Hormone, I am currently using Boostropin, some bad generic that gives me acne at 10 units per day. I will swap for Norvotrop. My coach says it is good, he uses it, but I source it elsewhere though. It has good reviews on it. I can also get Arcotop but I don't know much about it. I want Pharmaceutical Grade, I can afford it, but I don't know where to get it from.
From my Growth Hormone dosage, I will do the following (I have already been on for 2 months):
Week 1-12: Norvotrop @5iu before bed

I want to keep running GH as long as possible, for 6 months at least.

As for my Steroid cycle, my injection schedule will be Monday and Thursday. I will be injecting 3.2cc everytime in total.
My coach told me to do the following:
Monday 200mg Test E and Deca with 300mg EQ
Wednesday 200mg Test E
Friday 200mg Test E and Deca with 300mg EQ

Which would you guys think is better. I feel like twice a week if perfect. Less headache. He says more stable hormones but it's a bit weird, I like it more this way. I still want to know what is optimal.

I am being really precautionary from now on with my cycles. I have never cared as much as now. So I am trying to really do this right this time.

Are my dosages decent for AAS? I don't want to go too high and risk acne, that's all that worries me. I want to be able to enjoy a cycle knowing that I am not abusing, being and doing things as healthy as possible, and have minimal acne.
Is my Aromasin dosage enough to prevent my gynocomastia from worsening and to prevent acne?
Should I use less Cabergoline?
How much GH do you guys think would be optimal for me, and is Norvotrop good enough?

Please, I really need good answers on this one, I will keep you guys updated with my cycle, progress, side effects, etc. I have been definitely growing better on Test E and GH only than I was on grams of Tren and EQ and tons of orals. This is my first ever cruise lol, I did 4 weeks in total. I hope, I really hope I get good results.

I am keeping my fats low, carbohydrates moderate and protein high. So around 2700-3200 calories a day, and I will adjust depending on how I look. I will post before and afte pictures.
My gear now is definitely the best I have put my hands on, so I feel good with that. I just need to switch GH brands.

Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 08, 2015, 09:39:24 PM
so far you have ignored each and every one of my and other member's valuable posts, particularly Jizmos which was very sound advice. i seriously hope you continue to fuck yourself up beyond belief you ignorant kunt.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Mranabolic on November 09, 2015, 05:43:38 AM
Why u run all this drug ? Post a pic pls

Listen to jizmo and inseyder lol

U overanalyze and overcomplicate everything ..

Here i l help u , this is me :

( (

4 meal a day
No supps
No protein pwoder
200 g protein ed
6 days a week weights
No cardio
200 test-800 deca-50 drol
88kg - 1,75 meter


now jizmo lay out plan for me .. I listen .. And u soon see the reward

U get great advice and ignore all and keep spaming retard cycles with peps and chinese shit .. It seems like you are high and just rumbling alone

Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Mranabolic on November 09, 2015, 05:44:58 AM
P.s yeah deca make u fat  and bloofy ... LOL YOUR SHOT DIET AND 1000"" XHINESE PEPS MAKE U BLOOFY AND FAT
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 09, 2015, 09:23:40 AM
Man you look awesome, are you on gh?
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 09, 2015, 09:27:35 AM
You guys are right, test alone is all i need. Just eager to try deca for size. But i guesd i will listen to jizmo. 500 test and diet. Ill drop deca eq, my genetics wont take me far though
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Mranabolic on November 09, 2015, 10:44:40 AM
Man you look awesome, are you on gh?

No man i have never take gh , i not have money for pharma and i not want use chinese  , i train 10 year taking gear the 3

Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Mranabolic on November 09, 2015, 10:49:20 AM
You guys are right, test alone is all i need. Just eager to try deca for size. But i guesd i will listen to jizmo. 500 test and diet. Ill drop deca eq, my genetics wont take me far though

Go on 500 mg test like jizmo say and find diet and training that work for u!! When u have diet and training in place u start add aas ...

U have good help here from jizmo and inseyder .. Take advantage of it

Fuck grams of tren and eq and chinese gh and peps .... First learn diet+ training and dial test dose so u have estro in control

Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 09, 2015, 03:47:39 PM
The only diet that works on me is low fat, moderate carbs high protein diet. I manipulate carbs, lower to get drier, higher to get bigger. Moderation in between 250 carbs is ideal for me. Fats make me stronger but i bloat when i start exceeding 40g a day, my digestion goes bad and i lose energy. My training is dialed in, i realized training high intensity and volume is what works best for me in combination of high reps and some heavy lower rep lifts.
For chinese gh, it is the only thing by far which gives me hope to achieve a physique. Also depending on it to help inprove my acne scarring condition. However, it's working, yet lots of water retention and acne(which in the end become counterproductive) at 10units a day. I don't know why the acne though. I will try looking for pharma grade gh, won't spend on generics. I don't like peps, they are really bad, but gh i think it's something i need to push me to higher levels and grow better and leaner. What do you think?

As for test, do i need to have pharma grade? And what do you mean by dial in my test dose? And one last thing, how much Aromasin would you guys suggest me along 500-600 test only per week?
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: ritch on November 09, 2015, 03:53:19 PM
since you're lean, you won't need much aromasin. 600ish mg test per week won't need much more than 12.5mg ed or eod.
How do you know you're in good range without blood tests? Ya feel horny, joints are not aching and to tingling in nips. Broscience? Yes, but so fuckin' what? It works...

40 grams of fat is not possible to get so little in a day. You will have more hidden fats from the protein you eat per day for sure, but dosen't matter, you have your base calculations to go from...

Ya don't need GH in my opinion. The cost is absurd and could by a fuck tonne of gear with the cost required for pharma gh. Not sure why every gym rat thinks they need gh nowadays but no way do you need it...
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 09, 2015, 04:04:52 PM
Oh ok thanks Ritch, I was not using an ai on 300 a week, even though i think I should have. I feel estro prone and libido wasn't as high as it should have been. Also felt like using more test would benefit my mood, recovery, gains, fat loss, joints, definitely my libido, etc. Tren was just too unhealthy for me and a bad decision from the start. I should have started with test, worked my way up to a solid dose enough for me to grow properly just like you guys are telling me, and slowly have added in low dose deca for added benefits. From there could have adjusted my dosages.
You guys don't seem to like EQ, is there any reason in particular?
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: ritch on November 09, 2015, 04:28:19 PM
equipoise takes forever to work, needs rather high doses, just not my drug of choice. Can cause anxiety and for sure I gotta stay clear. I would not go under 600mg, more like 900-1200mg to see anything.

But I doubt test is healthy for joints as you claimed to use it for that, but just the staple drug to use in any circumstance and go from there as you said...
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 09, 2015, 04:51:00 PM
600mg Test E split on Monday Thursday, along 12.5mg Aromasin daily. You are right, either I cut or bulk. I won't see much doing either or. I do look natty, which is sad considering the abuse. I will start aiming for lean growth, which I haven't done in a long time, was depending on Tren to do magic to my bodyfat while neglecting my diet.
For my diet I will aim for 40-50g of protein and 40-50g carbs per meal, while limiting my fats. I will stick to egg whites, chicken, white fish, white rice, oats, etc. Which should be the basics. It was previously mentioned by Jizmo that 25g of carbs isn't enough for intraworkout, I will bump it up to 40-50g. He said no shake postwo, better take a meal in, I will listen to that as well. I will ditch the supplements, and keep my multivitamins and omega3s. I've heard zinc helps with acne, i will look more into that whether to keep it or not waste my time with it.
That being said, if I ever want to add Deca, can I? Or just stick for good to Test E only? If I add Deca, I was really thinking a small dosage of 400mg per week split with my Test E. Minimal Cabergoline 0.25-0.5mg per week, would also be good for sex lol. Eq I will drop it, I agree on the anxiety, even though I saw good results on it, I had to abuse it. Added good size to my delts, nice vascularity, but in the end I agree with you and i see where you guys are getting at. I will drop EQ. Just feels bad to spend money on these steroids and not get to use them.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: ritch on November 09, 2015, 05:02:56 PM
deca needs a good 600mg to work. Don't use 400mg/week to find out 10 weeks later, you find it's not working...

I think you can up your carbs to grow, especially being on gear.

I don't see what the big deal is against protein powder if you ever want to use it. Kinda "vogue" to shit on it the last few years it seems, but whatever....

And for sure 25gr is not much intra workout. I like a good 60 grams of gatorade with 10-20gr bcaa.

Not sure you can grow being low fat, moderate carbs though. Bump up the fats. I'd get in a meal with whole eggs.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 09, 2015, 05:49:53 PM
600/600 Test E/Deca sounds like a good stack. I always have been told that the best gains are made when Testosterone is 1.5x to 2x the 19-nortestosterones dosage. It's somewhat healthier and more effective. When the Testosterone dosage starts falling below that, it's more for people looking to start getting drier or more conditioned. So if I run 600mg of Deca, to optimize I would supposedly need around 1.5x that dosage, so anywhere around 800-1g of Test. That would be excessive for me at my current small size. But I personally don't see the need of going higher than a 19-nor dosage as long as the wellbeing from Test is still present. Again i am just speculating things.

Thing is you guys are bigger than me, so I fear overdoing the carbs, mainly intraworkout. I will try to gradually increase them and find my sweet spot and work my way up and down from there. BCAAS and Powercarbs intraworkout is what i use. Why do you use gatorade, isn't it pure sugar and spikes your insulin levels too much?

You're right, was trying to figure out whether neglecting fats too much would hinder on size. I will add in whole eggs with my egg whites. I also mix 99% dark chocolate lindt with my black coffee and it has fats in it. Could add in almonds/avocados with 1 or 2 of my meals as well.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 09, 2015, 08:28:02 PM
600/600 Test E/Deca sounds like a good stack. I always have been told that the best gains are made when Testosterone is 1.5x to 2x the 19-nortestosterones dosage. It's somewhat healthier and more effective. When the Testosterone dosage starts falling below that, it's more for people looking to start getting drier or more conditioned. So if I run 600mg of Deca, to optimize I would supposedly need around 1.5x that dosage, so anywhere around 800-1g of Test. That would be excessive for me at my current small size. But I personally don't see the need of going higher than a 19-nor dosage as long as the wellbeing from Test is still present. Again i am just speculating things.

Thing is you guys are bigger than me, so I fear overdoing the carbs, mainly intraworkout. I will try to gradually increase them and find my sweet spot and work my way up and down from there. BCAAS and Powercarbs intraworkout is what i use. Why do you use gatorade, isn't it pure sugar and spikes your insulin levels too much?

You're right, was trying to figure out whether neglecting fats too much would hinder on size. I will add in whole eggs with my egg whites. I also mix 99% dark chocolate lindt with my black coffee and it has fats in it. Could add in almonds/avocados with 1 or 2 of my meals as well.

i am speechless
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: lilhawk1 on November 09, 2015, 08:48:33 PM
600/600 Test E/Deca sounds like a good stack. I always have been told that the best gains are made when Testosterone is 1.5x to 2x the 19-nortestosterones dosage. It's somewhat healthier and more effective. When the Testosterone dosage starts falling below that, it's more for people looking to start getting drier or more conditioned. So if I run 600mg of Deca, to optimize I would supposedly need around 1.5x that dosage, so anywhere around 800-1g of Test. That would be excessive for me at my current small size. But I personally don't see the need of going higher than a 19-nor dosage as long as the wellbeing from Test is still present. Again i am just speculating things.

Thing is you guys are bigger than me, so I fear overdoing the carbs, mainly intraworkout. I will try to gradually increase them and find my sweet spot and work my way up and down from there. BCAAS and Powercarbs intraworkout is what i use. Why do you use gatorade, isn't it pure sugar and spikes your insulin levels too much?

You're right, was trying to figure out whether neglecting fats too much would hinder on size. I will add in whole eggs with my egg whites. I also mix 99% dark chocolate lindt with my black coffee and it has fats in it. Could add in almonds/avocados with 1 or 2 of my meals as well.

Read up on intraworkout nutrition, and the logic behind it.  Also, don't bother with the intraworkout shake if you're not using insulin with it. 
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 09, 2015, 08:51:06 PM
lol @ intraworkout shit.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: ritch on November 09, 2015, 08:51:35 PM
Read up on intraworkout nutrition, and the logic behind it.  Also, don't bother with the intraworkout shake if you're not using insulin with it. 

Not so fast.... If you have not eaten in 2hours or so, energy can get low during the training and gotta finish strong. Intra carbs help me big time, could not do without it.

Yes... We have a shit tonne of carbs stocked in our bodies, but that is "on paper" shit, not totally real life situations... I train longer than an hour, so I'd be dead with out it.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: inseyeder on November 09, 2015, 08:57:44 PM
no you would not pussy. there are people out there that train so hard and for such a long period of time at once that would make you beg for mercy. people are out there that torture their bodies with such intensive and long physical exertion that it turns their reality into a dream like psychotic state. so shut the fuck up with your intra carb and insulin bullshit homo, you are not and never will be even be close to a bodybuilder. leave that to the big boys to think about
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: lilhawk1 on November 09, 2015, 10:02:22 PM
Why the anger and name calling?  Just curious, as nobody here has attacked you I don't believe.  The guy I workout with uses slin and intraworkout shake, he's only 5'10 and 280 now with abs, but that doesn't count as a bodybuilder with you I guess, correct?  Let's see your plan to build a physique that is worthy of being a bodybuilder.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 11, 2015, 11:45:21 AM
Why would you say 400 won't work though? Why do you think I need 600 to work? Can't i start at 400 and see the results i want, and if anything i up my dosage if everything seems to be good but i am stalling? I rather start low than start abusing. I have never used deca, so idk how well it might work at 400 Vs 600.
I have used npp though and eq.
And i read that eq is similar to deca results in terms of lbm but it's more androgenic. I know all there is to know about eq, have read alot about it, but when i go back on the basic understanding of it, deca seems to be more tolerable than eq. Eq can cause me some anxiety, sometimes it doesn't when i use ancilleries like caber or prami with my tren. So indirectly helps improve my mood. I like eq with tren they work hand in hand.
I wonder what deca would do with eq. Eq helps bring out my core, my delts, and vascularity.
I don't see why people don't like it, they expect too much from it, but i feel it's more of a stack enhancer, helps bring out lagging body parts, and to show the best out of your strong body parts. Adds more emphasis to them.
Eq being more androgenic than deca, I don't see why it can't be a good mass builder as well. I feel one could yeild more and better results using both a small dosage of deca, and a small dosage of eq. 400 deca is a very well tolerated dosage from what I read, and 600 is most one needs to get the most out of its mass building properties. Same with eq, 600 is a very well tolerated dosage. Of course, higher dosages can yeild better results but will also come with side effects. With a solid base of test, I don't see how this could be a bad stack.
Again, i am just speculating and it's nice to read other people's opinion. I am not one to speak, as i have abused and abused over and over again. But i am trying to fix bad habits and see where i am going wrong.

If i ever use tren, i will start at 350 per week and keep it there if i like the results. I don't see the point of risking annoying acne with 700+ if i can yeild good results with 350. And see how my body changes to that dosage with good diet and training. I am an impulsive person and tend to get unpatient and ruin everything good that i do. That's why i always started straight off the bat with 700-1050 tren a week and endes up landing at 2.1+ with grams of orals a week.

Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: AbrahamG on November 12, 2015, 01:54:49 AM
Less is more.  You don't need 600 of anything to see good results. 
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 12, 2015, 08:01:49 AM
That's it, you're right. And my coach fixed up my diet and did a touch up to my cycle. Monday Wednesday Friday i will be doing 200/150/150 test e/deca/eq with 0.25mg caber twice per week. He told me not to touch asin since it will do me more bad than good and that estrogen is good for me. Thing is i don't know if i should take his word for it since everyone is different to how estro prone they are. Told me if anything use nolvadex to prevent gyno. I am already running ralox though to treat existing gyno and ralox from what i read doesn't affect igf levels in the body like nolva. What do you guys think? And if i take an ai it is mostly to reduce and prevent acne. It has already reduced drastically since i took tren out and reduced my dosages.

Every 12-20 weeks I'll come off everything except 500-600 test like Jizmo said and gh. Already feeling better mentally and physically everyday with higher test. My goal this year will be to get my hands on some pharma test e/deca/gh with vet grade eq. Should help reduce acne, increase quality of skin an life, and definitely keep me on the healthier side.
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Jizmo on November 12, 2015, 11:36:33 AM
you have tits already and your "coach" says estrogen is good for you  ???  :-\
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 15, 2015, 01:38:25 AM
Yea that's why now I'm like wtf should i do now lmao, i mean ralox should prevent it from getting worse, but it's not going to get any better when estro is on the higher end. I can definitely say that i feel 1000x healthier and happier when my estro isn't nuked. Skin also looks healthier. But it comes down to being drier with less water retention in the gyno area Vs feeling healthier and making better gains as estro is needed for such purposes
Title: Re: Test e / deca / eq / gh cycle for recomp thoughts ???
Post by: Gainsi on November 15, 2015, 01:40:13 AM
I need to get gyno surgery done either way. Can't live with this layer of fat behind my nipples. Makes them fat and puffy and pointy. Ugly as fk lol. They look like rockets