OK, so I regularly peruse the blogs and sites of several fitness and bodybuilding sites to see what's new and happening. A couple of these are is Conor's FitSights.com and Getbig's boards.
I just happened upon a blog of Conor's that talked about a recent release of Danitza's clothing line! I don't normally re-post others information, but since Danitza's not gonna toot her own horn and I didn't see Conor post it, I gotta say of all of the slick T's that I've seen, this is "Hands Down"
one of the best!
Danitza, this shirt is absolutely hilarious!
Here's Conor's ranting about it....
http://www.fitsights.com/blog/2005/12/dontcha-wish-your-gf-was-fit-like-me.htmlHere's the link to Danitza's store so everyone can buy one for their "fit chick" for Christmas...
http://danitzadenn.com/pages/23/index.htmJulie, I guess you know what you're getting in addition to that new