Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
i wanna learn bout PT
friends :
im planning to join a personla trainers course in exercise and nutrition , so can any one of u suggest me which is the best?
i heard about ISSA/ACE/ACSM?
what do u say?
u dont know shit about working out or nutrition, and a degree is not going to change that
thats why i want to learn so i can help people the right way!
so that amatures dont get insluted by jerks like u who dont help just BARK!
id rather have less clueless fools like yourself strutting around the gym telling me to ease off the weight on those squats man!
thank u
seems u were born with a lot of knowledge?
but just in vain.
so do u jump yhis borard when ur frustrated.
and any way i would avoid an ass like u
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