Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A

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this is how i looked when i was younger. worked out hard but ate and drank everything and drugs of any kind

Funk you looked solid built in the picture. I take it even then you did old school full body type workouts?


--- Quote from: mik1111 on November 10, 2012, 07:46:54 AM ---i came here expecting other content :-[

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ha ha.... no one else thought about making such a hilarious comment

I am glad to have found this thread, since I definitely qualify to post here. But right now I have to go pee....again. That's a joke. Actually it is time for me to have breakfast. The idea of the tread is great.


--- Quote from: Donny on November 10, 2012, 05:08:45 AM ---Funk you looked solid built in the picture. I take it even then you did old school full body type workouts?

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yup only then it was much heavier and not as regimented just used the jc grimek 1000 exercise principle of instinctive training.


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