Guess he’s pissed he got overlooked? Fuck him he’s a piece of shit.
He is very pissed. He thought he would be the promised one.
He'll get his chance to ruin the country like he did California in 2028 if Trump wins in November.
DeSantis vs Newsom possibly?
I think he missed his chance. If he would have gotten the libtard nomination instead of Kamala I think he would have won. Not enough time to bring up his fuck ups in California. In 4 years it will be much harder to hide his record.
At this point in the game, nobody should be misspelling Newsom anymore.Enough.Think of the children.
Disagree. I think that is the plan, spend the next 4 years trying to hide his record and make some small, face value compromises to get blown up and overplayed in the media. They have 4 years to give him a make over in the public eye.
Yeah, but the republicans have those 4 years as well. His looks helped him with women but they are fading.
True, I saw a video where bitches were all saying they thought he was attractive. Shouldn't be surprising that dems can't vote on policy but rather looks.