Getbig Bodybuilding Boards > Training Q&A
Culter and high volume
hey guys
I was wondering what do you guys think about jay cutler's traing style?? six exerise x 2-3 sets
would this be overtraining?? to most people using that kind of volume? 18-20 sets per bodypart going four days per week.
he is on roids
it works for me :)
Although i use a sort of fusion. I do 4 sets for some exercises like squat and bench. I personally like the way these longer workouts make me feel. I DO, however, believe that when volume is too high, you "Save yourself" for later sets. I do easy exercises later in the workout, and try to go to failure on more or less everything.
I think jay's training method is better when incorperated into your training, not followed to a T.
beng on juice can make ur body handle more training i.e. training twice a day for intance, no normal natural athlete can train that much and not overtrain.
nah, just once a day. four days a week. reading how volume traing is the best way to gain mass. i do not reall like going an exerise for four sets. so seeing how jay does five or six exerises and ends up doing the same amount of sets.
I have another question, do you guys like gloves or straps for most workouts ??
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