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6'2" 208lbs.
I try to get 3x12 but I might get 12,12,9 or 12,12,15 etc.

back squat 3x12
db pullovers 3x12
leg curls 3x12
standing calf raises 3x12
behind neck press 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
barbell curls 3x12
tricep pushdowns 3x12
plank  1 min

Trained legs today:

Leg press 2 x 12 four plates a side. Really bent my legs. No shallow leg presses.
Dumbbell squats 2 x 12 85lbs. Kept back upright. Sank butt really low.
Glute machine 2 x 12
Lying leg curl 2 x 12 110lbs

Standing calf 2 x 12 180lbs
Seated calf 2 x 15 90lbs

Neck machine 2 sets a side on a four way neck machine

Hanging straight leg raises 2 x 22
Knee ins 1 x 23
Machine crunches 2 x 20

Spent so many days in the sun in Palm Springs and San Diego on vacation I think it took a toll on me. Drinking booze every day didn't help. At least almost every day I got cardio in. Sitting here in a stupor. I'm so shot. I'm 59. Tomorrow is a running day.

2-3 hard work sets of an exercise is enough to really get you if go hard.

I'm going to drop down to 200lbs. to shrink my waist.

back squat 3x12
db pullovers 3x12
leg curls 3x12
seated calf raises 3x12
chest dips 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
barbell curls 3x12 superset tricep pushdowns 3x12
plank  1 min

42 minutes

back squat 2x12
db pullovers 2x20
leg curls 3x12
standing calf raises 3x12
incline press 3x12
lat pulldown 3x12
barbell curls wide grip 3x12 superset tricep pushdowns 3x15
plank  1 min

legs felt tired.


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