Author Topic: Do you take Mass Murder pills?  (Read 6241 times)

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2013, 05:48:08 AM »
That is suicide.  You do realise suicide and mass murder are different!

Are you being purposefully obtuse?

side effects such as violent behavior, mania or aggression


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2013, 06:03:36 AM »
I don't believe in anti-depressants, I don't think they are good for you but their is no such thing as a pill that can make a person commit mass murder, and if that is indeed their intention, they have failed to produce this result in hundreds of millions of people.  LOL, using Infowars to validate an argument!  You do know Infowars is a Government sponsored propaganda program to misinform the general public and weed out the crazies, it has hidden subliminal messages that make you slowly go crazy and commit homicidal acts.  They use RETIRED Christian Evangelical CRACKPOT Professors like Russell Blaylock to add credibility  to the show.  Retired professor Russell Blaylock is a well known CRACKPOT who regularly endorses views inconsistent with the scientific consensus, he is even anti-vaccine.  Anti vaccine crackpots are considered dangerous to the health and well being of any first world population and some countries go as far as to sue them and WIN, because these people are not only LOONY, they are DANGEROUS.  You won't find any credible medical doctor agreeing with his EXTREME CRACKPOT views.

 LOL again for using Infowars to validate an argument!  ;D

When you define credible as someone who doesn't agree with those views...then yeah, you're not going to find any credible doctors who agree with those views.


Radical Plato

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2013, 06:39:56 AM »
When you define credible as someone who doesn't agree with those views...then yeah, you're not going to find any credible doctors who agree with those views.

No, I define someone as credible who doesn't become hysterical over some of the most innovative advancements in medicine that the human race has ever made.  Vaccines are a big reason why 1st world countries are so advanced, healthy and live to a long ripe old age.  Anybody with a moderate amount of intellect can evaluate the data regarding vaccines and determine that it is a beneficial advancement in human civilisation, one that many cultures through the ages would have literally died for.  You can pretty much rate the CRACKPOTTEDNESS of a conspiracy NUT by the things they believe in, if they are at the VACCINES are BAD stage, you know they have swallowed too much of their own BULLSHIT!


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2013, 06:58:09 AM »
You do know Infowars is a Government sponsored propaganda program to misinform the general public and weed out the crazies, it has hidden subliminal messages that make you slowly go crazy and commit homicidal acts.

With this comment, the thread transcends the mundane and now exists solely in a third realm of improper mental function (its very subject, ironically enough): a crazy thread created by a crazy citing a crazy website, rebutted in full by another crazy who comments that the first crazy's crazy website is crazy, in turn asserting something crazy and using a different crazy website as evidence for his crazy assertion.

When the whole lot of you leave your basements, say I, the world will in its magnificence reveal itself to you in a way not perceptible via the internets.

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2013, 07:04:27 AM »
Are you crazy?

With this comment, the thread transcends the mundane and now exists solely in a third realm of improper mental function: a crazy thread created by a crazy citing a crazy website, rebutted in full by another crazy who comments that the first crazy's crazy website is crazy, in turn asserting something crazy and using a different crazy website as evidence for his crazy claim.

When the whole lot of you leave your basements, say I, the world in its magnificence will reveal itself to you in a way not perceptible via the internets.


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2013, 07:17:40 AM »
Are you crazy?

Son, you're out of your league like Jordan was with baseball.



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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2013, 07:26:26 AM »


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #32 on: January 19, 2013, 07:33:32 AM »
I never said it was their intention.  But it is a known affect. 

no it's not you asshat, ssri's reduce aggression. Anti-psychotics are not anti-depressants like that stupid neurosurgeon suggested, unless he is talking adjunctly.

the worsen suicide because akthisia is a real side effect and/or people are often so depressed they cannot muster the will to suicide, anti-depressants energize this aggravated state allowing them to plan and act on it.

nothing is exact, to not believe in anti-depressants is to be a moron.

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #33 on: January 19, 2013, 07:35:08 AM »
nothing is exact, to not believe in anti-depressants is to be a moron.

To blindly assume is also to be a moron.  Asshat.

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #34 on: January 19, 2013, 07:39:50 AM »
Antidepressant aggression concern

Antidepressant drugs, such as Seroxat, could make people aggressive, or even homicidal, a leading specialist has warned.

He is now warning that even healthy people have become unaccountably aggressive in studies into the drugs.

Full story:


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2013, 07:40:56 AM »
To blindly assume is also to be a moron.  Asshat.

there is literally mountains of data on the effectiveness of anti-depressants. there are reams of genetic studies on polymorphisms in things like COMT for example. ADHD also has imaging studies, OCD has issues with the orbitofrontal cortex. Brain produces behaviour, sick brain sick behaviour. NT's communicate through synapses altering them will alter behaviour.

I believe nothing blindly, but am a doctor who doesn't buy into this bullshit. Provide the data, because I could flood this thread with perhaps a million citations on mental health and psychotropics.


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2013, 07:43:48 AM »
Antidepressant aggression concern

Full story:

yes increased serotonin can cause agitation, the downside is being ill. Increased dopamine can induce mania, increased norepinephrine hyperactivity etc.

how do you figure treating psychiatric concerns that are organic with drugs won't have side effects?

one of the side effects of insulin is coma. One of the side effects of chemo is hair loss, depression, mood swings etc.

you are not involved in medicine and should not be. I promise that the more depressed people you have off drugs the more death you will see.

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2013, 07:49:17 AM »
yes increased serotonin can cause agitation, the downside is being ill. Increased dopamine can induce mania, increased norepinephrine hyperactivity etc.

how do you figure treating psychiatric concerns that are organic with drugs won't have side effects?

one of the side effects of insulin is coma. One of the side effects of chemo is hair loss, depression, mood swings etc.

you are not involved in medicine and should not be. I promise that the more depressed people you have off drugs the more death you will see.

You seem to assume I am anti anti depressant.  I am not.   I am merely pointing out issues, potentially devastating issues.

The leading specialist in the article I linked says:
"I'm not saying these drugs should be banned, but people should be warned about these risks when they are put on these pills. "
which is my take also.


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2013, 07:52:15 AM »

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2013, 07:56:53 AM »
Child warning on antidepressants
The majority of the most commonly prescribed type of antidepressants should not be given to people under 18, says the Department of Health.

 The advice follows a review by medical experts set up to look at the safety of SSRIs after concerns that they made some patients suicidal.

It found the risks of certain SSRIs outweighed the benefits of treatment.

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #40 on: January 19, 2013, 08:00:24 AM »
Children 'should not take Seroxat'

Its studies on more than 1,000 children also suggested those on Seroxat were at least twice as likely to have suicidal thoughts or self-harm compared to children with similar mental health problems who are not taking the drug.

Radical Plato

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2013, 08:26:06 AM »
 You do know Infowars is a Government sponsored propaganda program to misinform the general public and weed out the crazies, it has hidden subliminal messages that make you slowly go crazy and commit homicidal acts.

With this comment, the thread transcends the mundane and now exists solely in a third realm of improper mental function (its very subject, ironically enough): a crazy thread created by a crazy citing a crazy website, rebutted in full by another crazy who comments that the first crazy's crazy website is crazy, in turn asserting something crazy and using a different crazy website as evidence for his crazy assertion.

When the whole lot of you leave your basements, say I, the world will in its magnificence reveal itself to you in a way not perceptible via the internets.
Oh, I threw that in there to show that anybody can make wild claims about anything although it wouldn't be so hard to make a case for InfoWars being a Government Propaganda channel.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2013, 08:48:38 AM »
What these pills can do to some people is make them feel numb and lose the ability to have EMPATHY...When you can't have real empathy, you are categorized as a sociopath. So what these pills can do is make people who are already unstable into sociopaths...It's a potential recipe for disaster. Most people taking this stuff would be much better not taking it at all. I'm not saying it doesn't have it's place. But it's opened up a really big can of worms...But then again, we all are just one big experiment anyway.


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #43 on: January 19, 2013, 08:55:20 AM »
I used to take them, felt euphoric all the time with massive amounts of energy.

It felt like you were always having one of those days where everything just clicks together and you feel at your optimum.

nothing phased me at all haha


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2013, 09:13:40 AM »
You seem to assume I am anti anti depressant.  I am not.   I am merely pointing out issues, potentially devastating issues.

The leading specialist in the article I linked says: which is my take also.

that goes for all medications really. I don't assume you are on anything, just that the original videos demonize something incredibly helpful.


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2013, 09:15:42 AM »
Children 'should not take Seroxat'

paroxetine is a shitty drug. sertraline or es citalopram are much better options.


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Re: Do you take Mass Murder pills?
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2013, 09:20:23 AM »
After having taken them for years(lowest doses and half of the lowest doses) I can't say they're good.
Twitching of facial muscles is one of the creeping side effects and is pretty disturbing. Aggression increased, apathy, empathy vanished and everything felt like it was packed in cotton... maybe an Adonis effect?
Overall -  avoid at all cost... same goes for any new age therapy.