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Title: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 10, 2010, 12:41:18 PM

White House Insider: Hillary, 2012, and Michelle Obama’s Racism..
Published by Ulsterman on December 3, 2010 in US Politics
Tags: democrats, news, Obama, Politics, republicans

Our third installment to the latest D.C. Insider interview discusses whether or not Hillary will actually run in 2012, who Insider fears most from the prospective list of Republican candidates for president in 2012, and a shocking story of Michelle Obama’s seeming racism.

Continued from part II:

…I will share that story, huh?  I don’t know what has gotten into you – why you are so much more aggressive here.  Don’t know if I should laugh at you or be pissed at you.  At least you’re keeping me interested.  Got that going for you anyways.

How about we talk Hillary.  You still think she is gonna make a run in 2012?  She’s repeatedly said that is not a consideration for her.  Of course that is what she is saying. That’s what any politician says.  Nobody is supposed to look like they want to run for president until they are actually runnin’ for president.  Yes, the Clintons are very much sizing up a run.  The situation is always changing under their feet – the polls, the midterms, all of that makes things difficult to figure, to-to, to try and determine how one could go about it.  I’ll say this for certain – absolutely certain here…yes, the Clintons want in.  They want the White House back.  The other thing I know is that the Obama people have known this for some time.  They offered her the VP spot – Clinton let them hang out there a bit then turned them down.  Since then the White House has shifted into a more attack mode.  They are gonna take her on.  Gonna cut her off at the knees if they can.  Not sure how, but that is the tone coming from the Obama people now.  We gotta eliminate the Hillary threat.  That’s part of why Rahm left, why he left the White House.

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« Calls to Sack The Duke of YorkThe Ulsterman Report: Obama’s Own Debt Commission States Obamacare Savings a Myth »Emanuel?  He left because of Hillary?  No, not because of Hillary…because of what the White House was engaged in.  The word I got back was Rahm wanted no part of it.  Loyalty maybe?  Well, this was just another example of Rahm going opposite the current there at the White House.  Him and Michelle were not getting along, and Jarret was pushing him gone.  He coulda fought back – he’s as tough as they come.  In the end he just said, basically said – I’m outta here.  Course, lots of them have been saying that at the White House for months now, right?

So how could the Obama White House eliminate the threat of Hillary Clinton running in 2012?  Don’t know.  They are up to something, but whatever that is, they have managed to keep a lid on it, and that’s tough to do.  That tells me its gonna come down quick.  To catch a Clinton unprepared is no easy thing.  And frankly, I’m not so sure that -expletive- White House is up to the task. They might just find themselves on the receiving end of a classic Clinton ass kickin’.  God willing!  Whatever the White House is up to, it’s gonna come soon against Hillary.  We are at the end of November here, right?  I’d say by early spring, we’ll know what it is – we’ll see something hurt Hillary’s ability to run in 2012.  And then we should see, what I know about the Clintons…we should see Hillary give as good as she got. 

And what about the Republican side?  If Obama gets the nomination -

(interrupts) No guarantee on that – he’s gonna have a fight. Somebody in the party is gonna challenge him.

Right – right, but assuming Obama gets the Democratic Party nomination, who would he fear most from the Republican side?  Will they pull another McCain the Campaign tactic?  Are they going to try and pick the Republican’s nominee for them?  Is that a rhetorical question there?  Of course they are gonna do that!  That’s what I just said!  They are already trying to line it up.

So who does the Obama people fear most?  Obama.

What?  That’s the most honest answer at this point – they fear Obama the most.  Can the guy keep it together long enough to run in 2012?  It’s not looking so good right now, is it?  The guy is losing it.  I’m certain of it.  The guy is barely holding onto his, – to everything around him right now.

Let’s keep it on the Republican side of things though.  Who does Obama fear most as a candidate?  I would wager it would be the candidate they are not even aware of yet.  Some under the radar individual who will rise up quick and powerful, and make it hard to prepare ahead of time.  Like Obama did in 2007.  The Republicans were not prepared for Obama. Everything was gunnin’ to take down the Hillary campaign.

Sarah Palin?  Could Palin defeat Obama?  Anything is possible. Anything – the way things are going with the economy, if the economy doesn’t improve – you could take on Obama.  Even if you weren’t born here, right?  That’s not a requirement for the job anymore. (laughs)

So Palin - realistically, could she win?  Look, if I was runnin’ the show at the RNC – mercy, I would not want a Palin campaign.  If I was Obama, I would welcome it.  You’d have a little better than fair chance of winning re-election without much of a sweat.  Palin would re-ignite the minority vote – the people who stayed home during the midterms.  The young vote, the young voters, they would be out in full for Obama again.  If Palin wins the nomination, and if – big IF, Obama gets the nomination, Obama is re-elected.

Romney?  Now that is one that is harder to peg.  First, could Romney even get the nomination?  Will the extremists in your party allow it?  Can they get by the Mormon thing?  Normally I would tell you no -expletive- way.  Is the South gonna vote for a Mormon?  Hell no. Hell no!  BUT, we might be seeing a shift here based on total mistrust of Obama.  Those same voters, if they are given a plate of Romney or a plate of Obama are gonna go with Romney.  And then Romney – he don’t scare the people, some of the people, so much as Palin does.  He might pull of the Independents. If he can do that, Obama’s in trouble. 

Who would you rather see as the next president – Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?  Hillary Clinton.

That’s not a choice.  There’s always a choice, and that would be mine.

Mitt Romney or Barack Obama?  Those are the choices.  Who would you choose.  As a lifelong Democrat, who would you choose between those two?  I may not vote.  For the first time in…a hellevu long time, I might just not vote.  Or maybe I write in Hillary Clinton.  No – I write in Bill Clinton.  (laughs)

Pick one or the other.  Romney – or Obama?  …Romney.

Really?  You’ve grown that dissatisfied with Obama?  You’d pick a Republican over Obama?  Romney wouldn’t…I disagree with a lot of his positions, actually – maybe not as much as you might think, but Romney – he won’t destroy the country.  Obama…I’m not so sure.  Can we handle another four years of Obama?  After what we seen with the first two?  The -expletive- mess of these first two?  I don’t think so.  I won’t be a part of that. Not this time.

Now to that story – Michelle Obama.  I want you to share that story – say it just like you did before.  Can you tell me why you think it’s important to any of this?  I don’t think people – I don’t think too many people would be surprised by it.  Surprised by who Michelle Obama really is…

I don’t agree with that.  I think it gives some important insight into how this White House thinks.  You said before the First Lady’s influence is significant in the administration, right?  Sure – something like that.  Sure…

If you had a story like this about a top adviser to the president, it would be important.  If this is how they think – how they see the world, it would influence the advice being given to the president, right?  I see the point, I just…it’s a stretch, ok?  A big -expletive- stretch, and I don’t…that story was not to be a part of this.

I understand – but it’s important. It goes to the character of these people.  To this White House.  You realize it puts me in the room right?  Puts me right there in the -expletive- room!

I appreciate that, I understand your concern.  Oh do you? Yeah, that concern is just rolling off of you! (pause) Tell you what.  How about you tell me about the police department thing?  Make it part of this.  How about we put you “in the room” too, huh?  You willing to do that?  You wanna go there – I’ll go here.  Sound fair?

The police – the news story?  In the room?  Yeah – in the room.  You wanna put me there, you can join me.  Seems the fair thing to do, huh?  Let me ask you about it, you answer it, and put it in this article. (pause) Not so comfortable doin’ that now are you?

Fine.  Ask the question.  I’ll answer it.  What?

Ask the question. I answer.  It goes in this article.  You tell the Michelle Obama story.  Done.


Really – ask the question.  You might want to think that over a bit…

(Interrupts) You made the deal.  I took it.  Don’t break the deal.  Ask the question.  Let’s go.  Wow…ok. Ok.  So, did – did that cop, did he really pull the gun on you?  …You really gonna put this in the piece? 

Finish the question.  I’ll answer – then it’s your turn.  So…did the he pull that gun on you?  The cop – did that really happen? 

He was the chief of police.  No, not quite like that.  He said he wanted to – he threatened to.

And you took the whole department down, didn’t you?  The whole thing – you replaced them all.  And he went – the cop, the chief, he went to jail over that?

Yes – not jail.  The department was gutted.  Every last one of them but two.  And the chief, no jail.  He was found guilty.  Fines, restitution…very serious.  He was stripped of everything.  14 years of corruption. One year of justice.  It was a long time coming.

You really gonna leave this in here?  You gonna…this is going to stay?  You really wanna do that?  Just to print the First Lady story?

That’s the deal – now it’s your turn.  How’d you put it? …Time to put yourself in the room. Right there with me, now.  Just like you told it before… Ok, if that’s what you want.  I don’t think it’s has much to do with anything, but if that’s how you want it. 

It’s August, I’m on the ground in Virginia.  Michelle Obama has done a campaign stop there.  It’s after the speech.  Good crowd – good turnout.  I’m working my ass off. We need Virginia, right?  It’s crucial to get Virginia.  The internals are looking good – but we got a couple months left of hard-hard work.  It’s after – what you might call the meet and greet.  Lots of money in the room.  Big players.  The First Lady – she’s not yet, but call her, I’ll just go ahead and call her that ok?  The First Lady is in the reception room with another younger woman, tall, she’s Black.  Seen her from time to time before.  The guy – the First Lady is also talking with a Black man, about her age. Don’t know him. Now normally in these events, these kinds of things, you want the campaign going out and shaking hands, posing for photos, all of that sh-t that nobody really wants to do but it’s politics.  Gotta be done.  On this day, the First Lady IS the campaign.  She’s the show.  A sh-tload of money was raised that day.  I still can’t believe the amount of money that poured into that campaign…

So I’m coming into the room, I got some longtime party supporters with me. These people go waaay back. They wanna meet the First Lady.  Mrs. Obama.  Now this guy has been with us for years.  He has raised all kinds of money – was great for us during the Clinton campaigns.  Solid guy.  Real salt of the earth, you know?  Good people.  Real good people.  He was pushing 80 at the time – since passed away.  Anyway, I am bringing them into the room to meet the First Lady.  I figure someone who bought four tickets to a $20k a plate fundraiser deserves a little handshake and thank you from the campaign, right? So it’s the old man, his wife, a daugther-in-law, and a grandson, and I’m bringing them into the room to meet Mrs. Obama.  Now I gotta tell you, these are good people, but they don’t fit in with the political cocktail crowds, right?  That’s just not who they are – and they don’t pretend to be.  So they look a bit out of place in this environment.  The old man was…on the heavy side, has a bad hip from shrapnel during his military days.  The other three, God bless ‘em, don’t look all that much better.  They have as much money as anyone in the room most likely - you would just never know lookin’ at ‘em.

So I get up to the First Lady.  She ignores me.  I clear my throat a bit.  No response.  Finally I say “Mrs. Obama?”  And she finally turns toward me, but kinda looks right through me.  I’m not really there. Then she lifts up her eyes – her eyebrows like she does, and says – makes a kinda “hmmm” sound.  I’m nervous.  I’ve played cards with a president and this lady is making me nervous.  So I introduce her to the old man and his family.  Now the old guy, he’s sweating like a fat Elvis, right?  I mean it’s pretty bad.  But he’s all smiles – they all are.  They are all very excited to be meeting the First Lady.  The old man, he holds out his hand to shake Mrs. Obama’s hand.  His hand is just sitting out there – he’s holding it out there.  The First Lady gives this tight smile, not a real smile, but like she just caught a whiff of something that smells real bad – that’s how she looked.  And she takes her hands, both her hands, and puts them behind her.  Almost jerked them back.  It was -expletive- horrible. ‘Bout the rudest -expletive- thing I seen.  The First Lady, she gives a real brief, real quiet, “Nice to meet you – thank you. Thank you for the support. Thank you.”  And that’s it. She turns back around - and I hear the guy, the Black guy she was speaking with, snort.  He gives out this snort, like he just saw something real funny.  I look down and the old man…he still got his hand sticking out, and he’s looking a bit confused.  Like he’s not really comprehending what has just happened.  His wife though, she’s all out pissed.  I can see it building in her, and I’m thinking “Oh sh-t”, I gotta get these people out of here or I’m gonna have a situation and it’s gonna come back to bite me – hard.  I’m smiling and gently walking them back out of the room, and I can feel Mrs. Obama and her friends, or whoever those people were, I can feel them watching us walking out.  I get ‘em out to the hall and tell ‘em I’ll be right back. I’m going back in the room to explain to the First Lady who these people are – how much influence they really have in certain parts of Virginia.  So I’m heading back in, right?  Michelle Obama is still standing in her spot, with those other three people, but I can tell they are laughing at something.  She’s got her hand up to her mouth like she’s trying not to laugh too loud.  I get close enough to be able to hear what they are saying – what Mrs. Obama is saying…

And what did you hear? Go ahead – tell what you heard…

Yeah-yeah…ok, gotcha.  But I wanna clarify one thing here – I wouldn’t call it racism.  What I heard her say, not so much racism.  I’d call it…hell, I don’t know…classism.  Is that a word?  Not so much racism but classism.

That’s fine – just tell what you heard…

Well I’m just a few feet away. I can hear them still laughing, trying not to laugh, anyways.  Now I’m to the First Lady’s…I’m farther on her left side. Well she looks over her right shoulder, back the way we had left the room- me and the old man and his family, she’s lookin’ back that way with her hand over her mouth.  She can’t quite see me…and she says, what…she says, “Oh my God, I don’t think redneck is contagious but I wasn’t about to find out!”  And then they start up laughing again.  Now I’m standing there in a bit of shock.  Not sure what to do, if anything.  Now I’m pissed, right?  But do I confront the wife of the candidate?  That’s not…that’s a scary prospect to be considerin’.

So what did you do?  Nothin’.  I walk out.  I just -expletive- walk out.

It bothered you.  It still bothers you…  Hell yes it bothers me!  That man, God rest his soul – that man was a war veteran.  That man was an important area businessman who had been very-very good to the party for many years.  His business employs…hell – a hundred, two hundred, three hundred people?  People have sent kids through college for years on his dime, right?  Like I said, he’s – he was, good people.  He didn’t – his family didn’t, they didn’t deserve that kind of treatment.  Nobody does.  And this is the woman who has the ear of the President of the United States?  This is the woman who is telling the country, what…to eat its -expletive- vegetables while she probably mocks the ones who are growing those vegetables, who are delivering those vegetable, who are selling those vegetables? …She’s a classless high class bi-ch.  That’s who this country’s First Lady really is.  And the administration, the Obama White House, the Democratic Party, MY party, it’s now controlled by people just like her.

But you stayed on – even after you saw that, you stayed on with the campaign?

Yeah…I did. 

God help me, I did…




REFERENCE:  White House Insider:  Pelosi, Scandal, Soros…and Racism

Read more:
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: Emmortal on December 10, 2010, 02:50:55 PM
What a c u n t.
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 10, 2010, 02:57:58 PM
She treats everyone like dog shit.
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: George Whorewell on December 10, 2010, 06:33:00 PM
Also her knuckles drag on the floor when she walks-- which is good because when Barry is jacking off to porn in the Lincoln bedroom ( and who wouldn't married to swamp thing) he can gage how far away she is from the bedroom door so he can flick back on C-Span and start huffing and puffing about those white devil republicans.
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: The Showstoppa on December 10, 2010, 06:36:56 PM
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 19, 2013, 12:49:42 PM

Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: temple_of_dis on December 20, 2013, 02:28:25 AM
She treats everyone like dog shit.

Shes some dumb ugly chick who married the rigth stooge and worst prez of all time hands down.
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on December 20, 2013, 08:02:44 AM
She has ugly face, looks like the Predator.
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: LurkerNoMore on December 20, 2013, 08:05:14 AM
Whose box would you rather eat first?

Barney Franks

No opting out. 
Title: Re: WH Insider: "Michelle Obama is a classless Bit#$""
Post by: Soul Crusher on December 20, 2013, 08:07:40 AM
Whose box would you rather eat first?

Barney Franks

No opting out. 

for real?  That's like playing Russian roulette w a bullet in every chamber