Author Topic: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent [GRAPHIC] - hide it from the parents  (Read 7186 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2023, 10:05:05 AM »
Looking swole there Matt.

4 kids? Nice.

I fucked a hundred but I have no wife nor kids.

but he really has a point that you will do nothing about it.

Thanks Rusty! I'm in shape again now, but would like to hop "on" again. Around the size I was there is around where I want to be.

Gear gives that "perpetually pumped" look that I can't get naturally.

Matt C. Jr's younger brother looks the most like me. I don't post my kids' photos online anymore because they are at an age where I feel like I should be asking permission.

But I can post thus one, since, I think.

Rusty - is it possible you do have a child you don't know about?  ;D

One of my ex miscarried, but I didn't intend on getting her pregnant.

So could there be a Rusty Jr. out there?  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2023, 10:17:14 AM »
I think it is saying that if the students start pretending to be boys when they are really girls, or vice versa, then the school will not notify the parents even if they are elementary students. Is that correct?

Matt I'm also curious about these women you've bedded. Do they have Kwon-level assets? Or they're more fitness types?

Good question. It was a range, up to and including super hot.

I don't really grasp the concept of men not being able to get sex. But something like 20% of men fuck 80% of women or something. The average North American man has only fucked eight women or something [???], which I don't even understand.

I have fucked 30, as I said. But that could have been 300.

I fucked five women last November, and it didn't sit well with me. You need the weeks between partners just to even be certain no STD's are present. I don't get how people have so much sex and don't care.

Having said that, I don't ever use condoms, hence why I have a lower number. I won't ever use condoms, so I have less sex sex than I could have because of that. IMO, condom sex is useless. So I need to have a bit more trust in the woman because of that, which is why my number is lower than it could be.

I don't care about most STD's, but I'd really rather not get herpes. That's one I absolutely don't want to get. Although I've never had an STD...again, because I only do women I have a high enough trust level with.

I'd rather have three women without a condom than 15 with condoms. Again, I just think condom sex sucks. Seems pointless to me.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2023, 10:36:37 AM »
Lol, Jesus, Matt, you dingbat, there's nothing for me to try and justify, and there's no need for me to examine any further links as I'm not putting forward any defense of the issue. I'm simply pointing out that you've flown off the handle because you've misread a text.

You cannot reasonably state that the letter reeks of a pedophile telling a child "Don't tell your parents!" when it wasn't even sent to kids. It was guidance sent to 'all staff' and it stated that THEY should not disclose a student's stated gender to parents without permission. This is to safeguard the child because, yes, parents might very well have a problem with it. Same as a parent might have a problem with a child coming out as gay.

I would have bought that if the wording was a recommendation. What the letter is doing is DEMANDING the staff NEVER infom the parents.

Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but in Ontario, our sex-ed guidelines were literally drafted by a CONVICTED pedophile. Picture below, with Ontario's premier at the time, and Justin Trudeau.

Obviously, tattoos and piercings are different and should clearly require parental consent, at least in the latter case (I'm sure tattooing a child is illegal regardless). Likewise, if some kid was seeking some sort of trans surgery - yes, that would be deeply concerning if doctors were stating that parents didn't need to be informed about it.

And where exactly do you think all this stuff is leading?  ::)

They had vaccine clinics set up in schools for the Covid vaccine so that children could get it without asking their parents.

^ The purpose of ALL OF THIS is to purposely target children, and withhold it from parents for ANY reason. Not just those where abuse is suspected. THAT would make sense.

All available global data [where they even COLLECT IT] shows that more people aged 12-19 died of the Covid vaccine than Covid itself. So WHY was it so important to vaccinate children when no evidence shows they were even significant vectors of Covid transmission in the first place? Furthermore - if vaccinating kids is SUCH a good idea, why wouldn't parents be informed of this great idea?  ::)

You make it sound like heaps of parents give a shit about a child just being trans. What parents are worried about is their kids being pressured into gender reassignment, and THAT is why the school is purposely not informing parents.

LMAO @ you implying schools are worried about parents beating their kids for simply identifying as the opposite gender, hahaha. GTFO, Phantom. The CONCERN is that parents are worried - RIGHTFULLY SO - about their children being pressured into mutilating surgery and becoming sterile, not your make-believe epidemic of parents beating their kids for being trans.

Like where the fuck does that EVER happen?

But people ARE undergoing life changing surgery, and THAT is the issue. And that should ABSOLUTELY be discussed by the people in someone's life seeking to undertake it, including parents, and THAT is what the school is trying to prevent.

Are you this naive?

Kids are immature, unsure of their identities, and go through all sorts of stupid phases. Ideally, a kid should feel safe enough to discuss anything with their parents and have them as a first point of contact. However, in the real world, there's loads of shitty, abusive parents. That is the school's argument (not mine). You're basically advocating thought crime and stating that the school should ring the parents to inform them that the child has made the terrible error of identifying as a different gender. All the school is calling for is a recognition of privacy on the basis that such disclosures might put the child at risk. The point about whether or not children have the same privacy rights as adults is a valid one and merits discussion - I likely have reservations too, but you need to at least comprehend the content of the email before moving to that.

Let's not lay down Straw Matts or go off on tangents again with rainbow flag intubations and pronouns in the military. I think it's pretty obvious I find that stuff ridiculous.


There's no reason to keep something as prominent as IDENTITY from the parents.

And there is NO epidemic of parents beating their kids for being trans to justify it NEEDING to be kept secret.

There is definitely an emerging issues of people regretting these surgeries though. The mounting lawsuits will end all this in about five years anyway.

If students requested this being kept from their parents, that would be different. The school board is the one promoting the environment of secrecy, and that is the significant difference in my mind. It comes down to the wording of that letter.

I think your post is naive, Phantom. I think you believe what you are saying, but haven't been following how much children have been targeted for this stuff yet.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2023, 10:50:12 AM »
Yes, exactly. Matt interpreted it as them sending emails to children telling them to keep secrets from their parents, lol, and thus... the line has been crossed.

I don't know if you live in the USA [I assume so], but in Canada, you can go to jail for not using someone's correct pronouns.

I dont know if you are aware to the degree that this is being pushed. So on one hand, they are firing teachers for not using a child's pronouns, but then basically telling teachers to not use those pronouns during a parent/teacher interview?  ::)

The entire situation is fucked.

What would you call this?:

^ See? They are PUSHING this shit.

Where the fuck is $75,000 in funding for, oh I don't know, CANCER TREATMENT?

But anyway, they are asking them to keep it secret while pushing children into getting gender reassignment surgery. THAT is the issue.

Have you not been paying attention to this shit-show, Phantom?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2023, 10:57:46 AM »

You fucking idiot, no minor can just go off and hormones or gender reassignment surgery.  If the kid had no problems telling his parents he or she was gay then they would have told them.  They go to a guidance counselor because they are afraid they might get killed or sent to some electroshock camp.  These rules are also the ones that protect kids in the event they are being beaten at home or being molested or sexually abused.

That's not what the letter says you dumb fuck. If the letter said that only students who SPECIFICALLY REQUEST PRIVACY, that would be a different matter.

They are asking that it all be kept secret, even if NO CONCERN IS EXPRESSED BY THE STUDENT.

That's my issue with it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #55 on: June 02, 2023, 11:26:11 AM »

Why do parents need to know? did you tell your mom the first time you got titty fucked?

Parents also kill, beat, disown and turn their kids homeless if they disagree with them being gay so.. yeah keep it a secret

Specifically in Canada, this is the issue [one of them]:

[1] Teachers are required by law to use the correct pronouns for students. If they don't, they will face punitive actions, human rights commission charges, and potentially be jailed. This is required under Canadian law. Teachers are EXPLICITLY MADE TO COMPLY WITH THIS.

[2] Now, teachers are SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED to hide that gender identity from the parents.

So now, what is a teacher supposed to do in a parent/teacher interview? If they are talking to the parent of a biological male / transgender female, are they supposed to call the child a HE until they find out the parent is aware of the identity of the child?

If they call the child HE, and the parent is on board with the gender identity issue, that teacher CAN face punitive action for misgendering the child, including facing termination.

If they call the child SHE, they will be in violation of this privacy policy.

So how on earth are teachers supposed to navigate that?¿

Hence why this should either be dealt with on a case by case basis, or upon student request.

This is just one incident in a long line of stuff being pushed on kids without parental knowledge.

Florida is dealing with this now, and other states/countries will follow.

Sweden has banned gender reassignment surgery for minors, as of February.

World Athletics has banned biological males from competing in sports in March.

And on and on. The push-back is only just beginning. And hiding stuff like this from parents is one of the reasons why.

If the letter stated privacy as per student request, I wouldn't take issue with the letter. The letter is saying to keep it privacy under all circumstances.

Phantom says it's because some parents will pressure children. I'm sure that happens. But likewise, children can be pressured by teachers or fellow students. And that's why purposely hiding these things can end poorly.

Again, if the letter stated the privacy is as per student request, I'd be cool with with it. My issues is that the letter is encouraging an atmosphere of not talking about it. And I'm sure that's the point.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #56 on: June 02, 2023, 11:28:40 AM »
DUDE! WTF! Matt seriously I agree with your stance on this but never ever post this shit again. Or at least give a warning ⚠️ 

EDIT- I'm referring to those disgusting pictures. My god. I never have to see that again in my entire life.

Sorry about that, beakdoctor.

I edited the thread title once I posted those, but sometimes the board software does not keep up.

Those images are disturbing, and I agree with you - they should come with a warning.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent [GRAPHIC].
« Reply #57 on: June 02, 2023, 11:41:18 AM »

Matt hasn’t had a job in years and lives off of government handouts.

This makes him the biggest “Lefty” on GetBig.


My expenses are $43 a day, OAK.
That means I need $785,000 to live for the next 50 years.

Do you really think $800K is impossible to achieve? Lol.

You do know how low the cost of living is in Thunder Bay, right?

I have to live cheaply for my cash to last, including my rental income, but I do have enough to not ever work again.

Again - it will only cost me $800K to live the rest of my life.

I'm curious if I withdrew $10K in cash, and posted it - would you acknowledge that I have cash?

AGAIN - Thunder Bay is cheap as hell. It was ranked the lowest cost of living city in Canada or something, in 2014.

Isn't Matt a landlord with multiple properties?

Enough to live comfortably, yes.

My total expenses are $1,290 a month. That includes a $7 a day food budget, and I frequently go over that.

But I could theoretically live off $1,290 monthly and pay for my property tax, utility bills, car insurance, fuel, gym membership, internet, and life insurance for under $1,300 a month.

I'm not sure why it's so hard to believe I can afford that without working.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent [GRAPHIC].
« Reply #58 on: June 02, 2023, 11:44:11 AM »
The only line Matt crosses is the one to get into the local gay bar.

Not sure why you think I'm a bender?

Didn't you watch Boogie Nights? The truck scene?

"I'm not gay or nothing."
Then asks a guy to jack off in front of him.  ;D

But on a serious note - I have no idea where other Getbiggers live, but where I am, no one cares if you are gay.

I'm not a closeted person on anything. That's no way to live.

Phantom Spunker

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Matt, just admit you misread the text, lol. That’s all my comment is about. This is a classic Getbig roast thread; no one is defending the transgender madness. Just enjoy the banter.

You stated that your ‘red line’ had been crossed because of a misunderstanding. You’re now attempting to reroute the discussion through your neurodivergent tangentiality and logical fallacies. Your quotes in bold:

Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but in Ontario, our sex-ed guidelines were literally drafted by a CONVICTED pedophile. Picture below, with Ontario's premier at the time, and Justin Trudeau.

This is a red herring. Completely irrelevant, but something I too would be concerned about.

And where exactly do you think all this stuff is leading? They had vaccine clinics set up in schools for the Covid vaccine so that children could get it without asking their parents.

Slippery slope fallacy. And I don’t see anything about children getting the vaccine without parental consent in that link. It states:

'In the coming days, parents will receive a form offering the opportunity to safely and conveniently provide public health units the authority to vaccinate their child at a school-based vaccine clinic,” the release reads. […] Ontario Premier Doug Ford urged parents to take advantage of the school-based vaccination clinics once they are available. “When the kids bring home a permission slip, parents, when you have them, please sign them – please sign them and get them back,” he said.'

All available global data [where they even COLLECT IT] shows that more people aged 12-19 died of the Covid vaccine than Covid itself. So WHY was it so important to vaccinate children when no evidence shows they were even significant vectors of Covid transmission in the first place?

I’m genuinely baffled as to how we are now discussing this.

LMAO @ you implying schools are worried about parents beating their kids for simply identifying as the opposite gender, hahaha. GTFO, Phantom. The CONCERN is that parents are worried - RIGHTFULLY SO - about their children being pressured into mutilating surgery and becoming sterile, not your make-believe epidemic of parents beating their kids for being trans.

I can’t claim to possess the same clairvoyant abilities as you to know that parents are worried about schools pressuring their kids into mutilating their genitals, but the logic of the email was clearly based on a concern for a child’s privacy regarding what is clearly a highly charged issue. There’s absolutely nothing to suggest that this school is covertly working with doctors to inculcate a pernicious trans ideology into the minds of children and lead them to undergo surgery without parental consent. That wouldn’t even be legal and, no, this isn’t another slippery slope leading to it.

People ARE undergoing life changing surgery, and THAT is the issue. And that should ABSOLUTELY be discussed by the people in someone's life seeking to undertake it, including parents, and THAT is what the school is trying to prevent.

Of course that should be discussed with doctors and parents. Have you seen anything to suggest that’s not happening? You’re taking two separate issues and linking them without evidence.

I would suspect, and hope, that if children were displaying signs of psychological distress that schools would notify parents; however, let’s again reiterate that the email only stated the school isn’t going to notify parents if a child puts that they are something stupid like non-binary on a form or asks to be called whatever the hell pronouns are in fashion with them just now.

My friend has a young daughter who is at the age now where all this shit is trendy and she thinks it’s cool to be non-binary one week, and then the next week she’s lesbian or something. Next month she will probably be a heterosexual man. It’s nothing anyone worries about. In this case, it is innocent attention seeking. If she started expressing thoughts about surgeries and hormones then I’d be concerned.

There's no reason to keep something as prominent as IDENTITY from the parents

There is a reason, and they stated the reason in the email. They believe that the students have a right to privacy because many are “not open about their identity at home for safety and other reasons.”

And there is NO epidemic of parents beating their kids for being trans to justify it NEEDING to be kept secret.

I didn’t say there was - nor did the email. They said that students are concerned about the potential. Bear in mind the logic of their right to privacy can serve your argument too. A girl could be making some silly claim about being a male, the school notifies her loony, purple-haired mother, and the mother then tries to get her on testosterone. Fairly unlikely too but there’s clearly a need to strike a balance with this stuff.

I don't know if you live in the USA [I assume so], but in Canada, you can go to jail for not using someone's correct pronouns.

You know I’m half Canadian and originally from the UK. Irrelevant point about the pronouns here but I think it’s pretty obvious how I feel about them – I’m literally taking this piss out of them on my profile.

But anyway, they are asking them to keep it secret while pushing children into getting gender reassignment surgery. THAT is the issue.

No one is asking kids to keep anything secret – that was the very point of my post. Especially surgery.  It’s not even possible to do that.

Have you not been paying attention to this shit-show, Phantom?

Yeah, I saw the guy with the fake tits. I can’t be sure, but it reeks of crazy revenge trolling or trying to pursue a lawsuit he thinks he can win by using the school’s lack of logic against them. No idea.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #60 on: June 02, 2023, 12:21:42 PM »
I've fucked 30 women, and gotten four pregnant [one miscarried], and have four kids, and that's probably 10% of the number of women I could have fucked if I didn't prefer posting on Getbig. Bottom line is - women still throw it at me. As long as I stay in shape, they do. Having your own house [place to fuck] and car help.

Matt - you've got time my young friend.  I've fucked about ~100* women, gotten five pregnant [2 miscarried] and I have 6 kids

You h0mo ;D

*Well I was a bouncer for 6/7 years, and no, je ne regrette rien



  • Getbig V
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@Matt - it's time you send Taffin a video of your rope shooting prowess.


  • Getbig V
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Thanks Rusty! I'm in shape again now, but would like to hop "on" again. Around the size I was there is around where I want to be.

Gear gives that "perpetually pumped" look that I can't get naturally.

Matt C. Jr's younger brother looks the most like me. I don't post my kids' photos online anymore because they are at an age where I feel like I should be asking permission.

But I can post thus one, since, I think.

Rusty - is it possible you do have a child you don't know about?  ;D

One of my ex miscarried, but I didn't intend on getting her pregnant.

So could there be a Rusty Jr. out there?  ;D

Why the English money on the table ?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent.
« Reply #63 on: June 02, 2023, 09:20:15 PM »
Matt - you've got time my young friend.  I've fucked about ~100* women, gotten five pregnant [2 miscarried] and I have 6 kids

You h0mo ;D

*Well I was a bouncer for 6/7 years, and no, je ne regrette rien

I plan to get more pregnant.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Why the English money on the table ?

LOL...I bought it from a friend a month or so ago.


  • Getbig V
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Matt, just admit you misread the text, lol. That’s all my comment is about. This is a classic Getbig roast thread; no one is defending the transgender madness. Just enjoy the banter.

Fuck you.
Fucking phaggot!

You stated that your ‘red line’ had been crossed because of a misunderstanding. You’re now attempting to reroute the discussion through your neurodivergent tangentiality and logical fallacies. Your quotes in bold:

Specifically, my line was crossed when my friend's 12-year-old niece disrobed after her swimming practice, and a convicted male sex offender who was in the female changeroom looked up just as she did so.

He isn't trans. But he's protected under Canadian law. And that's insane. So yeah...that was my line.

This is a red herring. Completely irrelevant, but something I too would be concerned about.

I don't think so...I mean, it's unrelated to this specific topic, yeah, but sort of shows how captured our institutions are by Woke ideology.

Slippery slope fallacy. And I don’t see anything about children getting the vaccine without parental consent in that link. It states:

'In the coming days, parents will receive a form offering the opportunity to safely and conveniently provide public health units the authority to vaccinate their child at a school-based vaccine clinic,” the release reads. […] Ontario Premier Doug Ford urged parents to take advantage of the school-based vaccination clinics once they are available. “When the kids bring home a permission slip, parents, when you have them, please sign them – please sign them and get them back,” he said.'

I didn't catch that part, so I'm glad you shared it.

But in practice, permission slips were not collected.

Also, this:


As for the slippery slope...Phantom, would HAVE NEVER thought men would be competing and beating women in women's sports, if you were asked that in 2005.

Bro, dude.

You know I'm right about your former self.

Yet here we are.

I’m genuinely baffled as to how we are now discussing this.

Because the Canadian government continues to push stuff on children that isn't shared with parents.

But you're a Democrat. Remember your "Don't Say Gay Bill"?

The word gay wasn't mentioned ANYWHERE in the law, LOL.

It was "The Parental Rights in Education Act", and simply said that parents MUST be informed of all sex-education material discussed with children, especially protecting age-inappropriate material being exposed to young children.

I can’t claim to possess the same clairvoyant abilities as you to know that parents are worried about schools pressuring their kids into mutilating their genitals, but the logic of the email was clearly based on a concern for a child’s privacy regarding what is clearly a highly charged issue. There’s absolutely nothing to suggest that this school is covertly working with doctors to inculcate a pernicious trans ideology into the minds of children and lead them to undergo surgery without parental consent. That wouldn’t even be legal and, no, this isn’t another slippery slope leading to it.

The wording about how schools must NEVER share the identity of the child is insane to me. Why the FUCK would that not be something parents should be aware of? Your myth of parents beating kidd for being trans is bullshit. The idea is just to hide this ideology from parents, so schools can brainwash kids.

Parents will obviously be CONCERNED, hence why they should be made aware. These scumbag leftists don't want ANYONE preventing them from brainwashing kids.

Of course that should be discussed with doctors and parents. Have you seen anything to suggest that’s not happening? You’re taking two separate issues and linking them without evidence.

Jordan Peterson does good videos on this. It's an environment of pressuring kids and not talking about it that's being created.

Even Bill Maher has addressed this.

I would suspect, and hope, that if children were displaying signs of psychological distress that schools would notify parents; however, let’s again reiterate that the email only stated the school isn’t going to notify parents if a child puts that they are something stupid like non-binary on a form or asks to be called whatever the hell pronouns are in fashion with them just now.

My friend has a young daughter who is at the age now where all this shit is trendy and she thinks it’s cool to be non-binary one week, and then the next week she’s lesbian or something. Next month she will probably be a heterosexual man. It’s nothing anyone worries about. In this case, it is innocent attention seeking. If she started expressing thoughts about surgeries and hormones then I’d be concerned.
Transitioned persons have a coin flip suicide rate. That's a lot to be concerned about, IMO.

There is a reason, and they stated the reason in the email. They believe that the students have a right to privacy because many are “not open about their identity at home for safety and other reasons.”
Yeah, but they could do that case by case.

The universal tone here is ominous, IMO. As if it's a BAD thing to tell most parents.

I'd want to know if any of my four kids were thinking of this. Especially my two kids who are under 10.

I'm planning to have 2-4 more kids.

I didn’t say there was - nor did the email. They said that students are concerned about the potential. Bear in mind the logic of their right to privacy can serve your argument too. A girl could be making some silly claim about being a male, the school notifies her loony, purple-haired mother, and the mother then tries to get her on testosterone. Fairly unlikely too but there’s clearly a need to strike a balance with this stuff.

That's a good one.
I hadn't thought of that.

I think you just have a penchant for Democrat ideas. I mean, women are being beaten by men in sports, and basically having their spaces invaded. That's enough for me to be done with this.

You know I’m half Canadian and originally from the UK. Irrelevant point about the pronouns here but I think it’s pretty obvious how I feel about them – I’m literally taking this piss out of them on my profile.

Canada and the UK are in a race to the bottom together!

No one is asking kids to keep anything secret – that was the very point of my post. Especially surgery.  It’s not even possible to do that.

I'd give that another five years.

You remember Canada's "Medical Assistance In Dying" shit-show, don't you? [MAID]

Yeah, I saw the guy with the fake tits. I can’t be sure, but it reeks of crazy revenge trolling or trying to pursue a lawsuit he thinks he can win by using the school’s lack of logic against them. No idea.


He's most likely faking that.
Kayla Lemieux is it's name.

So how do we stop fraud like that, Phantom?


Phantom Spunker

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I'm busy so I'll try to be brief, but the thread amuses me.

Specifically, my line was crossed when my friend's 12-year-old niece disrobed after her swimming practice, and a convicted male sex offender who was in the female changeroom looked up just as she did so. He isn't trans. But he's protected under Canadian law. And that's insane. So yeah...that was my line.

Might have just been unfortunate timing, lol. I've no idea what specific law you mean he's protected under. Are these just mixed-sex changing rooms? Either way, if your friend caught him perving on the girl, he should have decked him and reported it.

I don't think so...I mean, it's unrelated to this specific topic, yeah, but sort of shows how captured our institutions are by Woke ideology.
We both agree it's unrelated. That's good.

But in practice, permission slips were not collected.

Do you have evidence to support that? If so, present it. This is what I mean about being careful with wording. You can't just make stuff up.

Also, this:

^ WHY DOES THIS DOCTOR STILL HAVE HIS LICENSE, PHANTOM? As for the slippery slope...Phantom, would HAVE NEVER thought men would be competing and beating women in women's sports, if you were asked that in 2005.

Bro, dude. You know I'm right about your former self. Yet here we are.

No idea, lol. I can't be expected to look at every individual example of something that has aggrieved you and provide an explanation for it. And keep in mind for when I do provide explanations, these are distinct from justifications. I don't deny that there's plenty of corrupt doctors, politicians, teachers and so on out there. I'm just not laboring under the assumption that they're all part of some unified conspiracy.

Because the Canadian government continues to push stuff on children that isn't shared with parents.

But you're a Democrat. Remember your "Don't Say Gay Bill"?

The word gay wasn't mentioned ANYWHERE in the law, LOL.

It was "The Parental Rights in Education Act", and simply said that parents MUST be informed of all sex-education material discussed with children, especially protecting age-inappropriate material being exposed to young children.

Haha, no I don't remember my 'Don't Say Gay' Bill. I also don't remember saying I'm tied to any political party. I don't live in Canada and would need to read the piece of legislation you're referring to in order to understand what you're talking about.

The wording about how schools must NEVER share the identity of the child is insane to me. Why the FUCK would that not be something parents should be aware of? Your myth of parents beating kidd for being trans is bullshit. The idea is just to hide this ideology from parents, so schools can brainwash kids.

Parents will obviously be CONCERNED, hence why they should be made aware. These scumbag leftists don't want ANYONE preventing them from brainwashing kids.

I think I've unpacked the content of that email enough already to make clear that my point was that you read it wrong and didn't have a basis for comparing it to something a pedophile would write, lol.

Jordan Peterson does good videos on this. It's an environment of pressuring kids and not talking about it that's being created. Even Bill Maher has addressed this.

I can't say I'm particularly interested in what either of them has to say. Jordan has some interesting videos on the subject of psychology. Beyond that, I don't pay much attention.

Transitioned persons have a coin flip suicide rate. That's a lot to be concerned about, IMO.

I already stated that I agree. My point was that there wasn't anything in that email linking it to surgeries.

The universal tone here is ominous, IMO. As if it's a BAD thing to tell most parents. I'd want to know if any of my four kids were thinking of this. Especially my two kids who are under 10.

Do you have any reason to suspect that your kids wouldn't talk to you about this stuff? Most parents would be the first people to spot how their children are acting.

I'm planning to have 2-4 more kids.

Why? Aren't you contradicting yourself again? You frequently state that you want to die, that non-existence is better than existence, and that you didn't consent to being born. Surely this antinatalist philosophy should lead you down the road to having a vasectomy?

That's a good one.
I hadn't thought of that.

Well, hopefully it now makes sense why one might want a general rule in place to safeguard a small percentage of vulnerable children.

I think you just have a penchant for Democrat ideas. I mean, women are being beaten by men in sports, and basically having their spaces invaded. That's enough for me to be done with this.

'A penchant for Democrat ideas', lol. Very good. If I were single, I might put it on my Tinder bio. I certainly have a penchant for democratic values and individual freedom, but I’m not concerned if my views on one topic happen to align with a particular political party. I’ll evaluate each issue individually. You’re writing as though I’ve been canvassing for the Liberal Party of Canada.

On the basis of your concern over men invading women's spaces, I can claim that I think you have a penchant for trans-exclusionary radical feminist ideology. In fact, I'm going to print 'FEMINIST' on another pink T-shirt for you and you can wear it to your next Strongman event.

You remember Canada's "Medical Assistance In Dying" shit-show, don't you? [MAID]

What specific aspect of it are you referring to and how does it link to the email you first posted about?

He's most likely faking that.
Kayla Lemieux is it's name.
So how do we stop fraud like that, Phantom?

Examine the system in place that’s allowing him to do it and start asking logical, well-formed questions based on what’s actually occurred. Basically, the opposite of what you did earlier.


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Re: Canadian D.I.E Groomer Superintendent [GRAPHIC] - hide it from the parents
« Reply #67 on: September 08, 2023, 07:04:16 PM »
Good news!

Canada is starting to circle back to sanity: