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Libs now blaming KOCH BROTHERS for Katrina
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--- Quote from: Dos Equis on August 28, 2015, 12:51:58 PM ---You have to delete the "s" after http to imbed youtube links. 

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Normally I do.

Forgot to this time.
Is it me or does everyone else wish they could punch Kayne West right in the mouth every time he shows his face?
im no fan of Bush but its hilarious how much 'blame' he got for the Katrina mess...the people who got stranded there have no one but themselves to blame.

I remember AT LEAST two full weeks in advance every media outlet was emphasizing the need to leave New Orleans, that it was gonna be destroyed. WEEKS IN ADVANCE. and you know what? all the sensible, people with half a brain got out, any way they could. the ones who stayed were complete idiots, as evidenced by the mass chaos, violence and looting that ensued. they then started a non-stop whining campaign "WE DIDNT KNOW!!! WHY DIDNT _______ DO ENOUGH TO SAVE US??? YALL RACISSSS!!!"

its like, you morons, you were told weeks in advance the city was gonna be destroyed yet you chose to stay. how is that Bush's fault? how was that anyone's fault but their own?
Straw Man:

--- Quote from: LurkerNoMore on August 28, 2015, 01:08:00 PM ---Is it me or does everyone else wish they could punch Kayne West right in the mouth every time he shows his face?

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I think that's someone everyone here can agree on

--- Quote from: Straw Man on August 28, 2015, 02:48:16 PM ---I think that's someone everyone here can agree on

--- End quote ---

May be the only thing.

But yeah, everyone wants to slap the taste from his mouth.
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