Author Topic: Applying Strength  (Read 2412 times)


  • Getbig II
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Applying Strength
« on: October 30, 2005, 06:55:06 PM »
I always use strict form and body position when i lift (in regards to my lower back) squats, SLDL's, Bent over row things like that, I keep my back straight and hips under me but now i feel like that is making me susceptible to injury when trying to apply my strength because it is becoming disperportionate. I fight MMA and when training the rest of my body feels stronger than the very lowest part of my back (where my spine meets my hips or at my belt line) I feel it a lot when trying to finish an awkward shot, bridge and roll, or pushing my hips in when in the clinch. I feel the strength in my legs and upper back but it feels like there is a week link between the two and i get scarred to commit my full strength for fear of injuring myself. I was thinking about doing some goodmornings with a curve in my back and straightening it out as i come up. I know this is terrible form but i don't know what else to do. you can't count on your form to be perfect in a fight cause the resistance you meet is always changing and moving.

What do you guys think??

Two years ago help from guys on this board took me from 145 to 185 in about 7 months with advice on my diet and workout routine so i really respect and appreciate your input.



  • Getbig III
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Re: Applying Strength
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2005, 04:38:28 AM »
First of all,
drop the thoughts. Fear is bad advisor, and if you think that you gonna hurt yourself, you eventually will. Strengthtraining isn't just physical science, the biggest part plays in your head.

Second, start doing some serious HIIT training. Especially running and swimming, it balances out your body, and it can also benefit your mma-training.
The biggest mistake BB make, is that they don't use their body as a whole instrument, they always focus on or two bodyparts a day. Including a hiit makes sures that you will use every fibre in your body.