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my hopyoothseis is ahat you are looser with same stupdi dumb and same guy all the time but different name! star culb yet to clean tiolets and get shit on hands looser?

What went wrong ??? My hypothesis is that he was strong armed by his dominant wife to do this
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hilariously Hardcore Gym
« Last post by robcguns on Today at 07:38:25 AM »
Very cool looking gym but yeah why write over the stacks to make them heavier? Calf machine was 400 and they make it 800, 190 dumbbells that are 140-150s.
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Being big and jacked is very over rated
« Last post by kreator on Today at 07:31:03 AM »
Being physically fit is its own reward you feel good when you exercise. I don't lift for other people's perceptions.

Of course you do. There is no way any of us would lift let alone take drugs if living alone in the woods far from civilization. 
Just need to deal with the situation and pray for the strength to endure
Do you have children? If not, why not just leave?
we live in my home so i cannot just leave and i am not prepared to deal with the hell that will unleash when i kick her to the curb. I tried a few times in the past and it was total madness
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.
The only real benefit of having a wife is you no longer need to do grocery shopping, cooking, dishes, and laundry. Everything else is mostly downsides. Even sex is a chore because you are bored with the same person.
Another smoking gun that never was.
Politics and Political Issues Board / Re: Arizona huh?
« Last post by LurkerNoMore on Today at 07:17:47 AM »
You know what to do, coward

Continue to wait for you to provide proof of your claim?

Or just accept the fact that you are avoiding your own statement as usual because it is completely retarded?  Like you.

Another example (as if we needed anymore) of why no one is going to debate an idiot.  You can't even back your own posts up.
Fomo for younger women. I try to fight these thoughts because it's not right

Do you have children? If not, why not just leave?
Gossip & Opinions / Re: Hilariously Hardcore Gym
« Last post by LurkerNoMore on Today at 07:15:09 AM »
It's actually pretty good.  That squat machine at 3:50 is golden compared to some of the crap out nowdays.  (If you are lucky your gym even has one)

Love how they wrote over the numbers to make the weight heavier.  LOL
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